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Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program.


Found in 39 Collections and/or Records:

Billy Graham Center (BGC) Scholarship records.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2007-053
Dates: 2006-2007

Catherine Saavedra Velasco Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 388
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Catherine Saavedra Velasco in which she discusses her life and ministry in the Philippines, including her childhood, education, and work as a Bible school teacher. Other topics covered include theological education and evangelism in the Philippines; work with "Here's Life Philippines," sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ; the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church; Filipino culture; Muslim and Catholic communities in the Philippines; Ebenezer Bible College;...
Dates: Created: 1988

CN 718 - Oral History Interviews with Thomas A. Clark IV

Identifier: CN 718
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews in which Clark talks about his childhood as a preacher’s kid, racial tensions at the University of Illinois, pastoring African American churches in the Chicago area, outreach to the community, church activities during the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic, mission trips to the Dominican Republic and South Africa. The time period covered in the interviews is 1970s through 2020.

Dates: 2020-10-09 - 2021-04-09

Collection 623 Oral History Interviews with Christopher B. Ladish

Identifier: CN 623
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Christopher Ladish in which he discusses his childhood, conversion to Christian faith, marriage, joining Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics, his translation and literacy work in the Koromfe language among the Koromba people of Burkina Faso, the characteristics of the Wycliffe organization and staff, and methods of Bible translation. The time period covered by the interviews is 1961 to 2006.Christopher Ladish was interviewed by...
Dates: 2006

Collection 626 Oral History Interview with Stephen Christopher

Identifier: CN 626
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Stephen Christopher, a Tamil mission leader. Topics covered in the interview include his childhood, education and conversion; the work of Dohnavur Fellowship; ministry of his father (P. T. Christopher) and the founding of the Tamil Gospel Village Mission, his own vision for the ministry; the Christian church in northern and southern India; and a comparison of Indian and American Christianity. The time period covered by the interview is 1980 to 2006....
Dates: 2007

Collection 635 Oral History Interviews with Theodore W. Mole

Identifier: CN 635
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Mole, a missionary and church planter with CB International and Interact Ministries in the Ukraine and Siberia. Topics covered in the interview include the development of his faith in college, involvement with InterVarsity; work as an engineer with DuPont; study at Denver Theological Seminary; churching planting among Russian immigrants in Denver; teaching missions at Donetsk Christian University in Ukraine; Svet Evanglia, a Ukrainian mission agency; working in...
Dates: 2007-2008

Collection 641 Oral History Interviews with David Kirwa Tarus

Identifier: CN 641
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with David Kirwa Tarus, a Kenyan pastor and theologian. Tarus describes the ministry of his parents; growing up in Kenya; his conversion; spiritual development; Scott Theological College; the Africa Inland Church in Kenya; Scott’s satellite campus in Eldoret; the general condition of Christianity in Kenya; his impressions of the United States and Wheaton Graduate School; the 2008 election of Barack Obama. The interview covers the time period 1979-2008....
Dates: 2008

Collection 667 Oral History Interviews with Johanna Defoy

Identifier: CN 667
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Johanna Defoy (1981- ), French missionary and church planter working in France from 2009 to 2011. Topics discussed include Defoy’s early life in France, parents, spiritual interest, conversion and growing faith, evangelism experiences, church involvement, professional experience, influence of a woman missionary, Christian university group and outreach, Groupes Bibliques Universitaires or GBU Christian university group (International Fellowship of Evangelical...
Dates: 2011

Collection 668 Oral History Interviews with Esdras O. Krebsky

Identifier: CN 668
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Esdras Krebsky in which he describes his upbringing, ministry education in Brazil and the United States, Evangelicalism in Brazil, the nature of camp ministry, his experiences as a camp director, Christian Camping International, reflections on the church in Brazil, dealing with allegations of child abuse in camp ministry.Esdras Krebsky was interviewed by Bob Shuster on January 6 and 13, 2012 in the offices of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center...
Dates: 2012

Collection 669 - Oral History Interviews with Samuel Boateng

Identifier: CN 669
Scope and Contents Three oral history interviews with Samuel Boateng in which he describes his family and growing up in an impoverished part of Accra, Ghana; journey to faith as a Christian; personal witness and devotional practices; starting a youth group in his Pentecostal church; education in Ghana, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States; leadership in Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students at the University of Cape Coast; church planting ministry, influential mentors including Gottfried and...
Dates: 2013

Collection 682 Oral History Interviews with Kioko Mwangangi

Identifier: CN 682
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Kioko Mwangani in which he describes about his work as an evangelist and pastor of the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya. Topics include his family background; early education, involvement with the ministry of DIGUNA and the movement’s leaders Vic Paul and David Rempel; higher education at Scott Theological College and Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST), his pastorates in Rural area; influence on his faith of marriage and fatherhood; the...
Dates: 2014

Collection 690: Oral History Interviews with Elias Kiptoo Ng’etich

Identifier: CN 690
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Elias Ng’etich, in which he describes his family background, the African Inland Church (AIC) he grew up in, his spiritual development and conversion, worship and Christian life in the church in which he grew up, youth evangelism activities, his first days at Scott Theological College, pastor of the AIC church in Chebaiyowo, Kenya; Moi University; typical day as a pastor, creation of the Scott satellite campus in Eldoret and teaching there; relations between...
Dates: 2012

Collection 697 Oral History Interviews with Angkarin Pimpaeng

Identifier: CN 697
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Angkarin Pimpaeng in which she discusses her childhood in Thailand, life in rural areas and the city, attendance at Chiang Mai University, conversion while a university student, work with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in that country, attendance at YWAM’s University of the Nations in Hawaii, leading YWAM teams to Bangladesh, returning to Thailand and working with Study Abroad there, the development of her faith over the years, attending a TLC (Assemblies of God)...
Dates: 2016-2017

Collection 711 Oral History Interview with Tsegaab Tadesse Tantu

Identifier: CN 711
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Tsegaab Tadesse Tantu in which he discusses his family background in Ethiopia; his father’s ministry as an evangelist and church planter; his own education at Jimma and Addis Ababa University; activities as a government health worker; the scourges of trachoma, malaria and HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia; his work with World Vision in children’s health; campaign against violence to children and women; his impressions of Christianity in the United States and of the Wheaton...
Dates: 2019

Collection 714 Papers of Julius Hagan

Identifier: CN 714
Scope and Contents Photograph and oral history interview with Julius Hagan, an evangelist and church planter from Ghana. Topics discussed in interviews include early family life in Accra, Ghana, Christian culture of Ghana, school life, struggle with alcohol, conversion and freedom from addiction, further education, spiritual disciplines and experiences, evangelism through the Christlike Disciplemakers Movement and Bible College, work evangelizing fellow students at the University of Ghana and Ghent University,...
Dates: 24 January 2020

Collection 725 - Oral History Interviews with Emmanuel Kwizera

Identifier: CN 725
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews of Kwizera in 2021 by Bob Shuster of the Archives staff. Among the topics Kwizera discussed was his family's background in ministry in Rwanda, the Jesus film, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, his own conversion and the development of his faith, his work with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the state of Christianity in Rwanda; his work as director of African Enterprise's Rwandan branch and his work as AE's missions director for all of Africa;...
Dates: 2021

Eunjin Kim oral history interview.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-001
Dates: 2023

Eunjin Kim oral history interview.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-002
Dates: 2023

Grant Nauman papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 1993-057
Dates: 1992

Gregory M. Davis Papers

Identifier: CN 591
Brief Description Prayer letters and oral history interview related to the ministry of Gregory and Lori Davis, missionaries and church planters with LIFE ministries (now Asian Access) in Japan.Series: Audio TapesTwo oral history interviews with Gregory Davis in which discusses his family background; spiritual development; children names in Japan; the 1972 Billy Graham Cleveland crusade; his conversion and transformation of his life; choosing LIFE ministries;...
Dates: Created: 1987-2008

Gregory S. Thellman Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 583
Scope and Contents Oral history with Gregory Thellman (1970- ), missionary in the Bosnian region of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1997-2008) as a member of a church team. Topics covered include Thellman’s spiritual development and conversion, interest in missions, participation in his Northside Community Church’s outreach among Muslim Bosnian refugees in Atlanta, Northside’s mission teams to Mostar in Bosnia, Bosnian Christian leaders and Evangelical congregation in the city, work among children and youth, relations...
Dates: 2003

Habil Raphael Omungu Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 605
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Omungu, a Kenyan of the Luo tribe. Topics covered include his family background, his parents’ faith, his own conversion at a Billy Graham meeting and the development of his spiritual life through the years, his education at Pan Africa Christian College, his experiences as an ordained Anglican priest in several churches, including All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi; Anglicanism in Kenya; the larger Christianity community in Kenya, particularly the impact of...
Dates: 2004-2005

Inge Rydland Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 440
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Inge Herman Rydland in which he describes his family's Lutheran evangelistic work in Norway; his own call to become a missionary; his and his wife's departure to Ethiopia as workers of the Swedish Evangelical Mission in 1977; his work in Ethiopia as a teacher and as a community development work. Other topics discussed include:  the work of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Meaken Yesus; church state relations; effect of the Ethiopian political situation on the...
Dates: Created: 1991

Javier Gonzalo Velasquez Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 469
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Javier Gonzalo Velasquez, in which he describes his family background; childhood in Peru; conversion to Christianity; the work of the Christian and Missionary Alliance church in Lima; his education at Rio Grande Bible Institute and Columbia Bible College; his work as a South America Mission (SAM) missionary in Bolivia and Peru; the BGEA's 1990 Mission World campaign in Paraguay. Other topics discussed include: the history and development of the CMA in Peru;...
Dates: Created: 1992

Jeffrey R. Wetherill Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 494
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Jeffrey  R. Wetherill in which he discusses his childhood, parents, interest in sports, conversion, involvement with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, work as a Youth for Christ club director, youth pastor at an Evangelical Mennonite Church, joining Greater Europe Mission (GEM), youth work in Dublin, Ireland, relations between Irish Catholics and evangelical Protestants, and GEM methods of ministry in Ireland. The time period covered by the interviews is 1966 to...
Dates: Created: 1993

Joan M. Wise Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 568
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews in which Wise talks about her Catholic childhood; the influence of the Jesus People movement; David Rose; her conversion experience; joining Youth With A Missions (YWAM); work with Vietnamese refugee youth in Hong Kong; the Revival Christian Church of Hong Kong; becoming an independent missionary; creating Sunday schools in north and south Vietnam; Church and state in Vietnam; condition of the church in Vietnam; speaking in tongues; miracles in Vietnam; ancestor...
Dates: 2000

Joanne Davie oral history interview.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2020-003
Dates: 2020

Joel Martínez Hernandez Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 522
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Joel Martínez Hernandez in which he discusses his early childhood in Jaruco, Cuba; conversion to Christianity; being son of missionaries; bi-culturalism; Toccoa Falls boarding school and college; effect of service in the United States Navy on spiritual development; reasons for not being TEAM missionary; missionary work in Barcelona and then Madrid, Spain with Christian & Missionary Alliance; traditional church models versus cell-group based models; education...
Dates: Created: 1995

John B. Lutembeka Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 585
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with John B. Lutembeka in which he discusses his family and childhood in Tanzania, education in Uganda during the Idi Amin regime, conversion to the Christian faith while attending teacher's college; the development of his personal faith, the founding and growth of Big November Crusade Ministries; the rapid numerical growth of Christianity in Tanzania; the Tanzanian church's characteristics, strengths and weaknesses; his education at the Wheaton College Graduate...
Dates: Created: 2003

Louis E. Knowlton Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 247
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Louis E. Knowlton in which he discusses his career in evangelistic work and radio technology in Brazil for the Brazilian Evangelistic Association, Inc. Topics discussed include Knowlton's early life, education, service as an Army chaplain's assistant, decision to go into technological ministry, work at WMBI and in Brazil, efforts as a street evangelist and beginnings of music studio, Brazilian churches, church-state relations, ethnic groups and cults, the use of...
Dates: Created: 1982

Mary M. Cagney Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 531
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Mary Majella Cagney in which she describes her childhood, family, spiritual development, conversion and Christian life, Irish Catholicism, education, interaction between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Irish Evangelicalism, charismatics, Evangelical agencies working in the country, women's role in church, Leanne Payne's Pastoral Care Ministries conferences, Wheaton College Graduate School, strengths and weaknesses of the Evangelical church in Ireland,...
Dates: Created: 1996

Milton Acosta Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 429
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Milton Alfonso Acosta in which he describes his family background, youth, conversion to Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church in Colombia, charismatic movement in the Catholic Church, the state of the Evangelical church in Colombia; involvement in the student movement in Colombia, ministry as a staff worker with Unidad Christiana Universitaria (UCU), and UCU's relationship with local congregations. In a second interview, Acosta continues his description of work...
Dates: Created: 1990

Nancy Duarte-Gomez Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 521
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Nancy Duarte-Gomez, a Chilean staffworker with Grupo Biblico Universitario de Chile (GBU, InterVarsity sister movement). Duarte describes her childhood and youth, education, religious background, conversion and spiritual development, the church in Chile, training with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), ministry among students, GBU and its connection to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the country's political climate and its impact on the church,...
Dates: Created: 1995

Oral History Interview with Orgil Zorigt

 Unprocessed Material — Container: 1
Identifier: 2023-041
Dates: 2023-11-21

Raymond Okebaram (Osuchukwu) Adonai Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 655
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Adonai. Topics discussed include family background and childhood in Nigeria, his conversion and the development of his Christian faith, graduate education in Poland; ministry among university students through the Christian Student Association of Poland (ChSA) and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES); African students in Poland; Pentecostalism in Poland; founding of the Victory in Jesus Church in Lodz, Poland; impressions of the Wheaton...
Dates: 2010

Rodrigo Chavarria Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 423
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Rodrigo Chavarria (1956-2015) in which he discusses his childhood in Costa Rica, his conversion to Christianity; spiritual development; his theological education in Costa Rica and the United States; relations between Protestants and Catholics in Costa Rica; relations between the church and the state; Pentecostalism in Costa Rica; liberation theology; and evangelical institutions in Costa Rica. Other topics include a discussion of Escuela des Estudios Pastorales...
Dates: Created: 1989

Shura Facanha Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 571
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Shura Facanha in which she discusses her family; family ministry and involvement at church; the Assemblies of God church in Ecuador; foreign missionaries in Ecuador; Operation Mobilization ships; translation work; growing in Christian life on board the OM Doulos; evangelistic work in Philippines, Papau New Guinea, Australia; attack in the Philippines; working in the former Yugoslavia; beginning home office in Ecuador; deliberating between career and missions;...
Dates: Created: 2000-2001

Stanley Okoro Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 296
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Stanley Okoro in which he discusses his childhood in Nigeria, education participation as a soldier in the 1967-1970 Nigerian civil war, conversion to Christianity, theological training, youth ministry in Nigeria and Liberia, Christian cults in Nigeria, and the strengths and weaknesses of the Nigerian churches. The time period covered by the interviews is from 1951 to 1985.Stanley Okoro was interviewed by Robert Shuster on February 25, 1985 at the Billy...
Dates: Created: 1985

Stella Kasirye Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 493
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Stella Kasirye in which she describes her childhood in Uganda; her conversion to Christian faith while at school; her involvement in programs to reach street children; her efforts to develop programs of AIDS education and care among college students and the country at large, and observations on the church in Uganda and missionary efforts there. The time period covered by the interviews is 1965 to 1993.Stella Kasirye was interviewed by Robert Shuster...
Dates: Created: 1993

Additional filters:

Collection 33
Unprocessed Material 6
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 16
Conversion -- Christianity. 12
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 12
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 8
Christian life. 8
∨ more
Women -- Religious life. 7
Faith movement (Hagin) 6
Holy Spirit. 5
Jesus (Motion Picture) 5
Women missionaries. 5
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 4
Christian leadership. 4
Evangelicalism -- Kenya. 4
Evangelistic work -- Kenya. 4
Families. 4
Liberation theology. 4
Pentecostalism -- Kenya. 4
Preaching. 4
Public worship -- Christianity. 4
Theological seminaries -- Kenya. 4
Visions -- Religious aspects -- Christianity 4
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Graduate school. 4
AIDS (Disease) -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 3
Baptism. 3
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 3
Children -- Conversion to Christianity. 3
Church camps. 3
Clergy -- Appointment, call, election. 3
Clergy -- Training of -- Kenya. 3
Discipling (Christianity) 3
Evangelistic invitations. 3
Indigenous church administration -- Kenya. 3
Lord's Supper. 3
Missionaries -- Training of. 3
Missionaries -- Kenya. 3
Muslims -- Kenya. 3
Prayer. 3
Short-term missions. 3
Women in church work. 3
Youth -- Religious life. 3
Anglicans. 2
Apologetics. 2
Bible -- Study and teaching. 2
Catholic Church -- Ireland. 2
Catholic Church -- Kenya. 2
Children of missionaries. 2
Christian education -- Ethiopia. 2
Christianity and culture -- Kenya. 2
Christianity and culture -- United States. 2
Christianity and culture. 2
Church and state -- Kenya. 2
Church and state -- Uganda. 2
Church development, New -- Ghana. 2
Church work with students -- Ghana. 2
Church work with the poor -- Ethiopia. 2
Clergy -- Job stress. 2
College students -- Religious life. 2
Counseling. 2
Culture shock. 2
Evangelicalism -- Ireland. 2
Evangelicalism -- Relations -- Catholic Church. 2
Evangelicalism -- United States. 2
Evangelistic sermons. 2
Evangelistic work -- Africa. 2
Evangelistic work -- Brazil. 2
Evangelistic work -- Ethiopia. 2
Evangelistic work -- Ghana. 2
Evangelistic work -- United States. 2
Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 2
Indigenous church administration -- Ethiopia. 2
Intercultural communication -- Cambodia 2
Interdenominational cooperation. 2
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 2
Kenya -- Religion. 2
Language in missionary work. 2
Lutherans. 2
Medical care -- Ethiopia. 2
Missionaries -- Korea. 2
Missions -- Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2
Missions -- Cambodia. 2
Missions -- Finance. 2
Missions -- Ireland. 2
Missions, Korean. 2
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Ethiopia. 2
Pentecostalism -- Nigeria. 2
Persecution -- Ethiopia. 2
Racism -- United States. 2
Religious and ecclesiastical institutions -- Kenya. 2
Religious institutions. 2
Revivals -- Africa, East. 2
Syncretism (Religion). 2
Theological seminaries -- Brazil. 2
Witness bearing (Christianity). 2
Youth -- United States -- Religious life. 2
AIDS (Disease) 1
AIDS (Disease) -- Africa. 1
AIDS (Disease) -- Ethiopia. 1
AIDS (Disease) -- Ghana. 1
Accra (Ghana) 1
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 1
∧ less