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Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.


Found in 53 Collections and/or Records:

Acc. 2025-004 Papers of John (Jack) Robinson

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2025-004
Dates: 1975-2007

Arthur F. Glasser Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 421
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Arthur Frederick Glasser (1914-2009) in which he discusses his family background; conversion to Christianity at a Keswick conference; his education at Moody Bible Institute and Faith Seminary in Wilmington, DE; service as a chaplain during World War II; marriage, work with Dawson Trotman and the Navigators; service as a missionary in China with China Inland Mission; the Communist revolution in China; the 1951 Bournemouth conference to determine CIM's future; and...
Dates: Created: 1989-1998

Billy Graham Center (BGC) Director records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2017-001
Dates: 1996-2014

Bishop John Reid Lausanne Theology and Education Group (LCWE) records.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2010-002
Dates: 1976-1985

C. Peter Wagner papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1989-087
Dates: 1982-1988

C. Peter Wagner papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1990-033
Dates: 1986-1988

C. Peter Wagner papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1990-043
Dates: 1982-1985

C. Peter Wagner papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1990-050
Dates: 1977

C. René Padilla Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 361
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with René Padilla, in which he discusses his childhood, family, evangelism in Colombia and Ecuador, persecution by Catholics in Colombia, his education at Wheaton College, work among university students with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Latin America, evangelical theological education and liberation theology, the 1974 Lausanne Congress and covenant, the ministry of his church in Buenos Aires among drug addicts and slum dwellers, and the...
Dates: Created: 1987

Cape Town Congress video files.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2010-077
Dates: 2010

Charles P. Wagner Papers

Identifier: CN 358
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, minutes, reports, promotional materials, news releases, clippings, article and address manuscripts, photographs and negatives. The materials document Wagner's activities as a member of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and its Executive Committee; as chairperson of its Strategy Working Group; as co-editor of the annual books, UNREACHED PEOPLES '79, '80, and '81; as a missionary educator and theologian in South America; and his appointment to Fuller...
Dates: Created: 1965-1987

International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Records

Identifier: CN 640
Brief Description Predominantly correspondence and reports of the international Evangelical organization, most extensively between 1971 and 1998. IFES aims to provide staff leadership and coordinate with national staff of member movements to: witness, train and disciple students on university campuses, where student-led evangelism will have an impact on those institutions, churches, and society. The records document in detail the activities and influence of the global IFES student movement at both country and...
Dates: 1934-2000

Confraternidad Evangelica Latinoamericana (CONELA) records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2004-021
Dates: 1980-1988

David Detert World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF)/World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) files.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 2
Identifier: 2007-005
Dates: 1986-2003

David H. Adeney Papers.

Identifier: CN 393
Brief Description Adeney’s correspondence, writings (articles, books), lecture and presentation manuscripts, subject files (especially files on various China-related topics) he compiled from many sources, notebooks and loose notes, a photo album, photographs and slides, and two oral history interviews. Together these span his career as a missionary in China and Southeast Asia, staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States, leader with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students,...
Dates: Created: 1911-1994

David Howard papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2015-010
Dates: 1982-2000

David Howard papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 4
Identifier: 2021-001
Dates: 1946-2019

David M. Howard, Sr., Papers

Identifier: CN 484
Scope and Contents Four oral history interviews, paper records, and photographs documenting David Howard's life and work with Latin American Mission, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and World Evangelical Fellowship. Topics covered in the interviews include Howard's childhood, Christian faith, education at Wheaton College, work as a missionary and administrator with Latin America Mission; missions director for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, director of the 1980 Consultation on World Evangelization; and...
Dates: Created: 1968-1993

Edward Dayton papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1986-038
Dates: 1969-1984

Emmanuel Kwizera Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 725
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews of Kwizera in 2021 by Bob Shuster of the Archives staff. Among the topics Kwizera discussed was his family's background in ministry in Rwanda, the Jesus film, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, his own conversion and the development of his faith, his work with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the state of Christianity in Rwanda; his work as director of African Enterprise's Rwandan branch and his work as AE's missions director for all of Africa;...
Dates: 2021

Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies Records

Identifier: CN 165
Brief Description Executive Directors' (Clyde Taylor, Wade Coggins, Paul McKaughan) files of the EFMA. The association of denominational and nondenominational foreign missions boards began as a commission of the National Association of Evangelicals to serve common interests of members in government relations (domestic and foreign); use of communication channels; cooperative purchasing/travel; and relations between each other. The collection is subdivided into thirteen parts: 1. Correspondence and General...
Dates: Created: 1937-1996

Evangelism conference notebooks; 1988, 1993

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-019

Harold Lindsell Papers

Identifier: CN 192
Scope and Contents Collection contains correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, manuscripts, and other materials documenting the career and life of Harold Lindsell as a theologian, author, speaker and editor, dating primarily from his becoming Associate Editor of Christianity Today magazine in 1964. Collection contents contain considerable information on Christianity Today, Wheaton College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Westmont College, the Simon Greenleaf School of Law, and Lindsell's research on the...
Dates: 1938-1994

John Dettoni Lausanne Committee (LCWE) files.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 2
Identifier: 2014-047
Dates: 1974

John R. W. Stott Papers

Identifier: CN 590
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, reports, notes, magazine and newspaper clippings, brochures and other materials relating to John R. W. Stott’s involvement in the 1974 Lausanne Congress and the Lausanne movement that developed out of it. The collection is particularly strong in material relating to the membership of Stott on the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and its executive committee; his contribution to drafting several of the major statements of the movement; his chairmanship of the...
Dates: Created: 1974-2000

Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE) 2004 Forum planning papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2015-040
Dates: 2004

Lausanne II Congress (LCWE) records.

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 1991-014
Dates: 1987-1989

Lausanne (LCWE) Cape Town Congress documentary.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2021-008
Dates: 2010

Lausanne Movement materials.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2019-006
Dates: 2009-2010

Lausanne Movement Records

Identifier: CN 046
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, memos, reports, manuscripts of speeches, press releases, newsletters, staff manuals, audio and video tapes of sponsored events, photographs of events and personnel, and other administrative materials of the Lausanne Movement, originally called the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. The Committee grew out of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization. Its basic doctrinal statement was the Lausanne Covenant and it had the mission Ato encourage...
Dates: Created: 1949, 1969-2014

Leighton Ford Ministries (LFM) records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2013-005
Dates: 1974-2005

Leighton Ford papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 1998-054
Dates: 1952-1997

Leighton Ford papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2021-033
Dates: 1975-2021

Leighton Sandys Ford oral history interviews

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-012
Dates: 2023

Leiton E. Chinn oral history interviews

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-011
Dates: 2023

Lon Allison's Lausanne Committee (LCWE) files.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2014-006
Dates: 2004-2005

Matthew Parker Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 413
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Matthew Parker in which he describes his childhood, family, education, conversion, study at Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music and work/study at Wheaton College, ministry with Campus Crusade in its sports ministry and with Overseas Crusades sports evangelism ministry (Venture for Victory w/ Bud Schaeffer), the 1984 and 1986 National Summits on Black Church Development, the Atlanta '88 Congress on Evangelizing Black America, the Afro-American community, white...
Dates: Created: 1989

OC International Records

Identifier: CN 222
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, handbooks, directories, photographs, etc., relating to the mission's work of evangelism, church planting and development of national leadership in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America since its origin in 1950 and official founding in 1951. Documents describe the founding and expansion of the mission, administrations of Dick Hillis (first president from 1951-1976, but also including files dating back to 1933 on his years as a missionary in...
Dates: Created: 1933-1998

Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly Records

Identifier: CN 172
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, news releases, minutes of meetings, and other materials which describe the origins, planning, purpose, and results of the Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly (PACLA) meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya in December 1976, a gathering for evangelical African church leaders and missionaries in Nairobi, which grew out of of an informal meeting of African leaders at the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization held at Lausanne, Switzerland. The bulk of this...
Dates: Created: 1975-1978

Paul E. Little Papers

Identifier: CN 426
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, minutes, course notes, lecture notes, manuscripts, articles, photographs, and audio tapes relating to Little's college education at Wheaton College Graduate School, and his work as an evangelist, teacher, writer, and Evangelical leader.Included are Little's seminary lecture notes, and files on his contribution as assistant director of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization in Switzerland. A substantial portion of the collection consists...
Dates: Created: 1946-1987; Created: Majority of material found in 1954-1975

Ralph Covell papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2004-019
Dates: 1979-1982

Robert Coleman

Identifier: CN 563
Brief Description Correspondence, manuscripts, oral history interviews, class lecture notes, meeting files and other materials relating to Coleman's ministry as an evangelist, scholar and church leader. Besides Coleman's own life and ministry, the collection contains voluminous material on the theology of evangelism and Christian discipleship, American 20th century Evangelicalism; the growth of Christianity in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly in regard to the...
Dates: 1936-2019

Robert Coleman oral history interview.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2019-013
Dates: 2019

Samuel Escobar Papers

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-023
Dates: ca. 1958-2023

Scott Moreau Papers

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023-0021
Dates: 1991-2015

Slavic Gospel Association Records

Identifier: CN 237
Description: Correspondence, minutes, prayer letters, audio tapes, films, and other materials documenting the work of the Slavic Gospel Association among Slavic peoples, primarily Russians. Records deal with the early career of Peter Deyneka Sr.; work of individual missionaries; long range planning for the mission; media ministry (radio, film, both before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union video, literature); and evangelism in Europe, North America and South America. Collection contains...
Dates: Created: 1922-2002

Thomas F. Zimmerman Papers

Identifier: CN 584
Scope and Contents Audio tapes, phonograph records, photographs, correspondence, minutes, reports, clippings, speeches, and other materials related toThomas F. Zimmerman's leadership in a number of conservative American Protestant organizations and evangelistic efforts. The bulk of the collection relates to his involvement in the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization both internationally and in the United States, but there is also information on his work with the 1985 American Festival of Evangelism...
Dates: Created: 1955-1990

Wade T. Coggins Papers

Identifier: CN 414
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews, papers and speech manuscripts relating to the ministry of Wade T. Coggins, Christian worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the Evangelical Foreign Mission Association.

Dates: Created: 1964-1990

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Mission Commissions records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 13
Identifier: 2009-050
Dates: 1979-2009

Additional filters:

Unprocessed Material 32
Collection 21
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 16
Evangelistic work -- United States. 12
Missions -- Congresses. 11
Christian leadership. 10
Evangelicalism -- United States. 10
∨ more
Missions -- Study and teaching. 9
Conversion -- Christianity. 8
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 8
Church and social problems. 7
Ecumenical movement. 7
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 7
Religious institutions. 7
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 7
College students in missionary work. 6
Evangelicalism. 6
Missions -- South America. 6
Missions -- Theory. 6
Missions to Muslims. 6
Theology -- Congresses. 6
Christian life. 5
Evangelicalism -- Latin America. 5
Evangelistic work -- Study and teaching. 5
Fund raising. 5
Fundamentalism. 5
Liberation theology. 5
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 5
Missions -- Colombia. 5
Missions -- Finance. 5
African Americans -- Missions. 4
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 4
Christian literature -- Publishing. 4
Christianity and culture. 4
Church work with students -- United States. 4
Communism -- China. 4
Communism. 4
Discipling (Christianity) 4
Evangelicalism -- North America. 4
Evangelicalism -- Relations -- Catholic Church. 4
Evangelistic work -- Africa. 4
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 4
Missionaries -- Training of. 4
Missions -- Africa. 4
Missions -- Asia. 4
Missions -- Biblical teaching. 4
Missions -- China. 4
Organizational change. 4
Pentecostalism. 4
Persecution -- Colombia. 4
Prayer. 4
Seminary extension. 4
Asia-South Pacific Congress on Evangelism (1968 : Singapore) 3
Bible -- Study and teaching. 3
Catholic Church -- Colombia. 3
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 3
Children of missionaries. 3
Christian education. 3
Church and state -- Colombia. 3
Church development, New. 3
Church growth. 3
Colombia -- Religion. 3
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 3
Ecumenical movement -- Congresses. 3
Evangelicalism -- Africa. 3
Evangelicalism -- Asia. 3
Evangelicalism -- Catholic Church. 3
Evangelicalism -- Congresses. 3
Evangelicalism -- Europe. 3
Evangelicalism -- South America. 3
Evangelistic work -- Asia. 3
Evangelistic work -- Biblical teaching. 3
Evangelistic work -- Colombia. 3
Evangelistic work -- Congresses -- Africa. 3
Evangelistic work -- Rwanda. 3
Evangelistic work -- South America. 3
Evangelistic work. 3
Families. 3
Hispanic Americans -- Religious life. 3
Indigenous church administration. 3
Interdenominational cooperation. 3
International Congress on World Evangelization. Lausanne covenant. 3
Journalism, Religious. 3
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 3
Missionaries, Resignation of. 3
Missionaries, Withdrawal of. 3
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 3
Missions -- Educational work. 3
Missions -- Europe. 3
Missions -- North America. 3
Missions -- Romania. 3
Missions to Jews. 3
Organizational change -- United States. 3
Part-time missionaries. 3
Sermons, American. 3
Theology -- Study and teaching -- United States. 3
Women in missionary work. 3
Abortion -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 2
Apartheid -- South Africa. 2
Athletes -- Religious life. 2
Bible -- Inspiration. 2
Bible colleges -- United States. 2
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