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Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947.


Found in 17 Collections and/or Records:

Allan C. Emery Jr. scrapbooks.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2012-030
Dates: 1934-1964

American Hymn Writers and Composers Collection

Identifier: CN 138
Scope and Contents Microfilmed contents of a scrapbook containing miscellaneous correspondence, photos, and memorabilia by and about hymn writers and composers. Included are Cliff Barrows, Merrill Dunlop, Lowell Mason, Homer Rodeheaver, Ira Sankey, George Stebbins, and others.Series 1: PhotographsPhotographs include these subjects: George Stebbins, Charles Alexander, Rodney "Gipsy" Smith, William Runyan, Don Hustad, Cliff Barrows, Tedd Smith, George...
Dates: Created: 1878-1975

Billy and Helen Sunday Ephemera

Identifier: CN 029
Scope and Contents Newspaper clippings, bulletins, counselor training materials, promotional pieces, correspondence, audio tapes, photographs, postcards, scrapbooks, films and other materials gathered by the Archives from varied sources, all of which relate to the Billy and/or Helen Sunday lives and evangelistic ministry. These records had no existence as a unit until they were put together by the Archives staff. Hence they are called "ephemera" as opposed to a collection of Billy and Helen Sunday materials...
Dates: Created: 1907-1989

Billy Sunday Campaign Music and the Old Time Religion Collection

Identifier: CN 041
Scope and Contents This collection contains one audio recording, mostly of American Gospel music. Side 1 includes songs sung by Billy Sunday co-workers, Virginia Healey Asher and Homer Rodeheaver with the choir from the 1917 Billy Sunday revival campaign in New York City. Side 2 includes Dr. Russell Conwell telling his famous "Acres of Diamonds" story and a song by evangelist Gypsy Smith, among others.Side 1 - BILLY SUNDAY CAMPAIGN MUSIC1. Sail On -- New York Tabernacle Chorus...
Dates: Created: Undated

Carl Armerding Papers

Identifier: CN 180
Scope and Contents Diaries, correspondence, scrapbook, travel documents, oral history interview, sermons and other materials documenting Carl Armerding's career and ministry, especially his work as a Bible teacher, preacher, and leader of Central American Mission.Interview topics covered include Armerding's family background, education, recollections of Billy Sunday, Gipsy Smith, Henry Ironside and Will Houghton, missions and evangelism in Honduras and the Bahamas, speaking engagements, teaching...
Dates: Created: 1903-1987

Evangelistic music phonograph records, songbooks, and engraving.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 1994-067
Dates: Undated

Everett Mitchell Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 140
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Everett Mitchell (1898-1990) who as a teenager sang invitation songs at Billy Sunday evangelistic campaigns. Other topics discussed include: Mitchell's background, music and radio career, musical training, Billy and Helen Sunday, evangelistic work in Chicago, Gipsy Smith, Homer Rodeheaver, other evangelists, career as a war correspondent during the Korean War, religious use of radio, evangelistic rallies and crusade music. The time period covered by the intervew...
Dates: Created: 1989-1980

Geraldine J. Phillips Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 502
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Geraldine Julia (Hinote) Phillips (19132-2000) in which she describes her family background, conversion to Christianity after listening to Gypsy Smith on the radio; education at BIOLA and Columbia Bible College, work at the Rehoboth Mission in Kentucky from 1934-1939, joining Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), travel to Africa in 1943, and the beginning of her work among the Dinka people in southern Sudan. Other topics discussed include: Phillips work with the Rehoboth...
Dates: Created: 1994

Gipsy Smith campaign scrapbook.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2014-040
Dates: 1927-1930

Gipsy Smith Collection

Identifier: CN 109
Scope and Contents Newspaper clippings, audio tapes and phonograph records of Smith singing hymns, and photographs. Newspaper clippings are about meetings held by Smith in Denver, Colorado (1909) and with Billy Sunday in Boston, Massachusetts (1935); included are extended excerpts from both men's sermons.This collection consists of newspaper clipping of Smith's 1909 evangelistic meetings in Denver (folder 1-16), scrapbook pages (folders 1-1 through 1-13) containing newspaper reports about Smith's...
Dates: Created: 1909-1935

Gipsy Smith photograph.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2009-052
Dates: Undated

Hymnbook compiled by Gipsy Smith.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2007-044
Dates: 1927

Ira E. Hartman Papers

Identifier: CN 137
Scope and Contents Sermons and sermon outlines, diaries, poetry, financial ledgers, and other items related to Ira Everett Hartman's evangelistic ministry. Primarily sermons and sermon outlines--over 250 in all--delivered by Hartman in evangelistic services in Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. The sermons also contain reflections of contemporary issues and mores. Diaries covering 1939-47 report national and international news; financial ledgers reflect the Great Depression.Sermons and outlines cover a...
Dates: Created: 1901-1958

Moody Church Records

Identifier: CN 330
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, church bulletins, minutes of meetings, and other records documenting the activities of the influential independent Chicago church started in 1864 by Dwight L. Moody; chiefly from ca. 1910 through 1946. Topics documented include worship services, Sunday school, the weekly activities in the congregation, the governance of the body, and various urban evangelistic outreaches of the church. Besides the history of the church, the collection also documents such...
Dates: Created: 1864-1987

The Old Fashioned Faith Records

Identifier: CN 043
Scope and Contents This collection consists of one audio tape which contains mostly American Gospel music. Singers include Homer Rodeheaver and Rodney "Gipsy" Smith, as well as the Princeton Theological Seminary Chorus, among others. Also includes story told by Dr. Russell Conwell.*****Side 11. The Old Fashioned Faith--Homer Rodeheaver, Accompanied by Ackley2. Face To Face--Percy Hemus3....
Dates: Created: 1905-1924

William B. Riley Collection

Identifier: CN 095
Scope and Contents

Films, including a home movie, microfilm of scrapbooks, notebooks, clippings, and sermons of William Bell Riley, noted Fundamentalist, Baptist minister, theologian,and founder and president of of Northwestern Bible School in Minnesota.

Dates: Created: 1903-1945

William Biederwolf Papers

Identifier: CN 195
Scope and Contents Sermons, speeches, scrapbooks, articles, correspondence, and other materials which document William Biederwolf's education and evangelistic activities. [NOTE: In the Scope and Content description, the notation "folder 2-5" means box 2, folder 5.]The collection consists mostly of scrapbooks, magazine articles, and manuscripts of Biederwolf's sermons and speeches. There are also a few letters and some miscellaneous items. They were...
Dates: Created: 1884-1922

Additional filters:

Collection 12
Unprocessed Material 5
Evangelistic sermons. 7
Evangelistic work -- United States. 7
Conversion -- Christianity. 6
Evangelistic work -- Songs and music. 6
Sermons, American. 6
∨ more
Evangelistic invitations. 5
Gospel musicians -- United States. 5
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 4
Church and social problems -- United States. 4
Conversion -- Sermons. 4
Fundamentalism. 4
Gospel music. 4
Music -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 4
Salvation -- Christianity -- Sermons. 4
Belief and doubt -- Sermons. 3
Bible -- Sermons. 3
Catholic Church -- United States. 3
Church and state -- United States. 3
Cities and towns -- United States. 3
Conversion -- Christianity -- Hymns. 3
Evangelistic work. 3
Faith -- Hymns. 3
Forgiveness -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 3
Hymns, English -- United States. 3
Preaching. 3
Prohibition -- United States. 3
Religious institutions. 3
Repentance -- Sermons. 3
Salvation -- Christianity -- Hymns. 3
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935 -- Sermons. Selections. 3
Temperance -- Sermons. 3
World War, 1939-1945. 3
Christian life -- Sermons. 2
Christian life. 2
Church architecture -- United States. 2
City missions -- United States. 2
College students -- United States -- Religious life. 2
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States. 2
Evangelistic work -- Illinois -- Chicago. 2
Evangelistic work -- Massachusetts -- Boston. 2
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 2
Faith -- Sermons. 2
Forgiveness -- Hymns. 2
Hymns, English 2
Hymns. 2
Mass media in religion -- United States. 2
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 2
Music -- United States. 2
Prohibitionists -- United States. 2
Repentance -- Hymns. 2
Revival hymns. 2
Theological seminaries -- United States. 2
Women -- Religious life. 2
Women missionaries. 2
African Americans -- Religious life. 1
African Americans -- Segregation. 1
Anti-communist movements -- United States. 1
Atheism. 1
Baptists -- United States. 1
Bible -- Congresses. 1
Bible -- Evidences, authority, etc. 1
Bible -- Inspiration. 1
Bible -- Prophecies. 1
Bible and evolution. 1
Bible colleges -- United States. 1
Biederwolf, William E. (William Edward), 1867-1939 -- Sermons. Selections. 1
Billy Graham Greater Boston Crusade (1964 : Massachusetts) 1
Boston (Mass.) 1
Catholic Church -- Central America. 1
Century of Progress International Exposition (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Chicago (Ill.) -- Religion. 1
Children -- United States -- Religious life. 1
Christian Science. 1
Christian education -- United States. 1
Christian education, Outdoor -- United States. 1
Christian leadership. 1
Christian life -- Hymns. 1
Christian literature -- Publishing -- United States. 1
Christian stewardship. 1
Christianity and culture -- Sermons. 1
Christmas sermons. 1
Church -- Sermons. 1
Church and social problems -- Central America. 1
Church and social problems -- Sermons. 1
Church and social problems. 1
Church buildings -- Illinois -- Chicago. 1
Church discipline. 1
Church fund raising. 1
Church growth -- Central America. 1
Church management. 1
Church work with Hispanic Americans. 1
Church work with children -- Illinois -- Chicago. 1
Church work with students -- United States. 1
Church work with the working class -- United States. 1
Church work with women -- Sudan. 1
Church work with youth -- Illinois -- Chicago. 1
Church work with youth -- United States. 1
City missions -- Illinois -- Chicago. 1
College students -- United States. 1
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