Registrar Records.
Content Description
Four record center boxes and one roll-up of Wheaton College campus plan. Commencement plans, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2011. Edman seating. Events card. Programs for Commencement and Baccalaureate. Interdisciplinary Studies. Daystar Theses. Advising Center 2019. Daystar correspondence. Yearly College Calendar. Comprehensive Exam test packets. Gen Ed checklists. 2014 New Faculty materials. Oregon extension. Educational Policies Committee. Executive minutes 2006-2007. Graduate School financial information. Graduate student survey. Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. Office goals. Honors Convocation. HNGR. Photography Service. General Education Summit. Three-ring binder Commencement information for 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Language: English.
Acquisition Type
Transferred by Diane Krusemark from the Registrar's Office.
Restrictions Apply
- 1991 2018
5 record cartons
5 Linear Feet