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Jenny Owen Mudge missionary scrapbook.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2008-065

Content Description

Scrapbook of Mrs. Jenny Owen Mudge given to Mrs. Grow in 1965 when she was 90. Mrs. Owen was the daughter of Louisa Owen, AIM missionary. The book shows missionaries she was interested in, including AIM workers in Africa (George Rhoad and John Stauffacher among others), China, the Philippines, Venezuela (Theodore S. Pond), Moody Bible Institute, Mission to the Navajo, Market Street Mission, Morristown, NJ. Ca. 1903-1906. Language: English.

Acquisition Type



Donated to the Archives by Peggy Grow.

Restrictions Apply



  • 1903-1906


1 folder

.1 Linear Feet