Billy Graham Center Library mission agencies vertical files.
Unprocessed Material — Box: 4
Identifier: 2014-020
Content Description
Ken Gill vertical files, containing brochures and other information on various mission and evangelism ministries. N.d. (See attached inventory of subject headings.) Language: English.
Acquisition Type
Transferred to the Archives by the Billy Graham Center Administration (Ken Gill) at Wheaton College.
Restrictions Apply
- Undated
4 record cartons
4.0 Linear Feet
- Afro-American Missionary Crusade.
- American Association for Jewish Evangelism.
- American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
- American Board of Missions to the Jews.
- American Missionary Fellowship.
- Andes Evangelical Mission.
- Baptist Missionary Society.
- Belgian Gospel Mission.
- Berean Mission.
- Billy Graham Center.
- Bolivian Indian Mission (N.Z.)
- Brethren in Christ Church.
- Carver Foreign Mission.
- Cedine Bible Mission.
- Central American Mission.
- Child Evangelism Fellowship.
- Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission, Inc.
- Christian Reformed Church.
- Church Missionary Society.
- Church of England.
- Compassion International.
- Disciples of Christ.
- Dohnavur Fellowship.
- Evangelical Alliance Mission.
- Evangelical Free Church of America.
- Evangelical Literature Overseas.
- Fellowship of Faith for Muslims.
- Gospel Recordings, Inc.
- International Christian Broadcasters.
- Japan Evangelical Mission.
- Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
- Mennonite Brethren Church.
- Mennonite Central Committee.
- Methodist Missionary Society.
- Moravian Church.
- Navajo Gospel Mission.
- New Tribes Mission.
- Orinoco River Mission.
- Reformed Church in America.
- Rehoboth Mountain Mission.
- Short Terms Abroad (Organization)
- Slavic Gospel Association.
- Underground Evangelism.
- World Evangelical Fellowship.
- World Gospel Crusade.
- World Presbyterian Missions.
- World Team.
- World Vision International.
- Billy Graham Center. Library. (Organization)
- Berean Mission. (Organization)
- Mexican Indian Mission. (Organization)
- Afghan Border Crusade. (Organization)
- Evangelical Missions Information Service. (Organization)
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Organization)
- International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) (Organization)
- Latin America Mission. (Organization)
- Literatura Evangelica para America Latina. (Organization)
- North Arkansas Gospel Mission. (Organization)
- Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions. (Organization)
- Wycliffe Bible Translators. (Organization)
- Youth with a Mission, Inc. (Organization)