H. Wilbert Norton Papers
Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023-0009
Content Description
Papers of Hugo Wilbert Norton, including course content, syllabi, and student papers from his teaching career at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina; correspondence, notes, manuscripts, conference and consultation materials relating to Norton's work as a missiologist and administrator with evangelical missions agencies and theological education around the world, etc. The material is particularly rich in the history and development of evangelical missions movements in the global south.
Acquisition Type
Donated by Hugo Wilbert (Will) Norton, Jr. in May 2023.
Language of Description
Script of Description
Roman script
Restrictions Apply
- Bordeaux, Michael.
- ECWA Theological Seminary.
- Evangelical Churches of West Africa.
- Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-)
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018.
- Intercristo (Organization)
- McQuilkin, J. Robertson, 1927-
- Missions -- Africa.
- Missions -- Kenya.
- Moffett, Samuel Austin, 1864-1939.
- Myra, Harold Lawrence, 1939-
- Payne, Leanne.
- Slavic Gospel Association.
- South Sea Evangelical Mission.
- Theological seminaries.
- Van Kampen, Robert.
- World Evangelical Alliance.
- Norton, Hugo Wilbert. (Person)
- Fraternidad TeoloĢgica Latinoamericana. (Organization)