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Billy Graham Indianapolis Crusade Grant Request

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2024-024

Content Description

Spirial brown notebook with a grant request from the Crusade Committee of the 1959 Billy Graham Indianapolis Crusade to the Lilly Endowment. The proposal was prepared by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association staff and his copy was the property if Manning Porttillo, one of the sponsors of the crusade. Included is the proposal letter, documents showing the local personnel, organization, and budget of the crucade and reports of previous Billy Graham Crusades in San Francisco and Australia.


Gift from the Oglethorpe University Archives, via student assistant Heidi Ullman. Manning Pattillo was president of Oglethorpe and this notebook was in his papers.

Restrictions Apply



  • 1959


1 folder