Acc. 2025-004 Papers of John (Jack) Robinson
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2025-004
Content Description
Papers of Jack Robinson (ass, director of the BGC 1975-1976) consiting of programs, papers, agendas, and notes from conferences he attended, manily realting to modern missions and the Evangelical movement world wide. See inventory
Donagted by John Robinson
Restrictions Apply
- 1975-2007
1 record carton
- American Society of Missiology.
- Billy Graham Center.
- Christianity and culture.
- Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission (1966 : Wheaton, Ill.
- Consultation on World Evangelization.
- Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-)
- Evangelistic work -- Study and teaching.
- Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America.
- International Congress on World Evangelization (2nd : 1989 : Manila, Philippines)
- Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.
- Liberation theology.
- MAP International (Organization)
- Missions -- Study and teaching.
- Missions, Medical.
- Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly (1976 : Nairobi, Kenya)
- Wheaton '83: An International Evangelical Conference on the Nature and Mission of the Church.
- World Congress on Evangelism (1966 : Berlin, Germany)
- World Council of Churches.
- World Evangelical Fellowship.
- Robinson, Jack. (Person)
- International Congress on World Evangelization. (Organization)