Box List
Brief Description
Collection contains letters, articles, audio recordings, photographs, and other material collected by Kenneth Fleming relating to the death of five American missionaries in Ecuador in 1956, including his brother Peter Fleming, in Ecuador with the Plymouth Brethren mission agency Christian Missions In Many Lands. In particular, the papers document the story of Peter’s involvement in the so-called “Operation Auca” and his death, along with missionaries Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Nate Saint and Roger Youderian at Palm Beach on the Curaray River at the hands of members of the Waorani tribe on January 8, 1956. Also documented are subsequent developments, including the creation of a Christian community among the Waorani and the commemorations the deaths of the five men on various occasions.
- Created: 1946-2011
Conditions Governing Access
Folders 1-6 and 2-8 are closed during the lifetime of Olive Liefeld.
From the Collection: 3 document cases (2 regular document cases, 1 flat document case)
From the Collection: 1.0 Linear Feet
From the Collection: 3 other formats (Audio Tapes, CDs, Photographs)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
- From the Collection: Fleming, Kenneth C., 1927- (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository