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Beverly Yates Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 501

Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Beverly (Pannell) Yates in which she discusses her childhood in Michigan, family history, her brother (evangelist William Pannell), her conversion and spiritual growth, impact of B.M. Nottage on her life, work as a nurse, her ministry among women, Ruth Bentley, Melvin Banks, the black church in Chicago, the development of the Chicagoland Christian Women's Conference, and the Westside Holistic Center. The time period covered by the interviews is 1931-1994.

Beverly Yates was interviewed by Paul Ericksen on May 16, 1994 at the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College.


  • Created: 1994


Conditions Governing Access

Portions of tapes T2 and T3 are closed to researchers until 2075.

Biographical Information

Full Name: Beverly Pannell Yates

Birth Date: 1931 in Sturgis, Michigan Family:

Parents: William and Olive Gertrude (Davison) Pannell Siblings: One brother, William; six half brothers and sisters by her mother's second marriage

Marital Status: Married Leroy L. Yates Sr. in December 1951

Children: Three girls and two boys

Conversion: At about the age of sixteen


ca. 1949 Graduated high school in Sturgis, Michigan

ca. 1950-1953 University of Illinois Hospital, Cook County School of Nursing

?-1984 Attended Moody Bible Institute (evening school)


1956- Coordinator of Women's Ministries in Westlawn Gospel Chapel of Chicago, a congregation she and her husband helped start

1961 Helped to found the Chicagoland Christian Women's Conference, for which she was a board member from the beginning and of which she served as president 1968-1970, 1979-1982,1986-1990. Program includes seminars, Bible studies, workshops and retreats for some 2000 women.

1968- University of Illinois Hospital, Critical Care Nursing

1975 to 1978 University of Illinois Hospital, Assistant Head Nurse, CTU

1979 to 1989 Food Service Director, Circle Y Ranch Bangor, Michigan. She and her husband helped start the camp, which was intended to provide an outdoor Christian experience for black inner city youth

1980- Board member of Westside Holistic Family Services (also served as vice President 1985-1987 and chairman, Personnel Committee 1990-?

Other significant information: Frequent speaker and teacher at Christian conferences and workshops in the Chicago area. Author of magazine articles and Heart Health for Black Women: A Natural Approach to Healing and Preventing Heart Disease (2000); contributed to Women's Ministry Handbook, ed. Carol Porter (1992)


3 Audio Tapes

178 Minutes

Language of Materials


Accruals and Additions

The materials in this collection were given to the Billy Graham Center Archives by Beverly Yates in May 1994.

Accession: 94-45

September 5, 2000

Robert Shuster

Revised: December 1, 2000

Robert Shuster

Collection 501 Oral History Interviews with Beverly Yates
Bob Shuster
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Roman Script

Repository Details

Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository

501 College Avenue
Wheaton IL 60187 US