Box 23
Contains 53 Results:
ICA Meeting, 2008-2009
correspondence, power point, and trip report
Sante Fe, 2006-2007
Reviews of Arnold's Works
AAA [American Anthropological Association] Paper, 2002 November 20-24
Milwaukee Paper (Midwest Mesoamericanists Meeting), 2010 March 20
Reviews of Ceramic Theory, 1985-1988
reviews by Graves, Niles, Smith, Krause, Czwarno, Conrad, Seiverling, Myers, DeBoer, Hodges, Rice, and Trocki + 3 unsigned reviews
Maps of Peru and South America, 1962-1970
11 maps total, including one of Lake Titicaca and vicinity; fragment of map of Hispanic America (American Geographical Society)
Faculty Development Grants, 1974-1990
Maya Blue, 2008 February-March
press cuttings (missing)
Coroner Consulting--Report of Archaeological Excavation: "Death of John Doe", 1979 September 23
includes 16 oversize black and white photographs
Field Museum Talk, 2005-2006
New York City Biologos, 2009
Bradford Conference, Prehistoric Ceramics: Recent Research (University of Bradford, UK), 2004
folder labeled "Bradford Conference"
Neff Award, 2002-2003
British Museum Paper, 2002 September 17
conference report by Charles C. Kolb (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Kramer's Pottery in Rajasthan (American Antiquity) , 1998 Missing
Arnold, Dean. Review of Arthur's Living with Pottery: Ethnoarchaeology among the Gamo of Southwest Ethiopia (Journal of Field Archaeology), 2007-2008
correspondence, drafts, and published version (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Barnett and Hoops' The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies, 1997-2000
includes draft, proofs, and correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Philip Arnold's Domestic Ceramic Production and Spatial Organization: A Mexican Case Study in Ethnoarchaeology (Latin American Antiquity), 1993
folder labeled "Flip Arnold's Book Review"; includes correspondence (missing)
Citation Index Data, 2009 September 11, 16
Arnold, Dean. Review of Orton, Tyers and Vince's Pottery in Archaeology (American Antiquity), 1994-1995
correspondence, drafts, proofs (missing)
Maya Blue Articles, 1995-2002
articles by Ortega et al., Jose-Yacaman et al., Morris, Stokstad, Polette et al., and Haude (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Van der Leeuw and Pritchard's The Many Dimensions of Pottery: Ceramics in Archaeology and Anthropology (American Antiquity), 1988
includes correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Philip Arnold's Domestic Ceramic Production and Spatial Organization: A Mexican Case Study in Ethnoarchaeology (Mesoamerica), 1994
folder labeled "MesoAmerica/ Review of Arnold"; review is in Spanish; includes correspondence, text of original English review, and final (Spanish) version (missing)
Correspondence: Maya Blue A-G, 2008 February-April
Correspondence: Maya Blue H-Z, 2008 February-2009 February
CSR Article Correspondence (Mail), 1997-2006
Ceramics Book Correspondence, 1977-2010
Cambodia Trip, 2005-2006
HNGR Advisor
Arnold, Dean. "Ceramic Variability, Environment and Culture History Among the Pokom in the Valley of Guatemala", 1978
book chapter; includes galley proofs and related correspondence; folder labeled "Duckworth Guatemala Article"
Arnold, Dean. Review of Palka's Unconquered Lacandon Maya: Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change (Latin American Antiquity) , 2005; 2007 June
draft manuscript, galley proofs and related correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Ceramics and Human Behavior: Scientific Models of Interpretation" (Annual Meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science), 1995-1998
folder labeled "AAAS Ceramics Session"; includes information and correspondence related to the symposium
Arnold, Dean. "Mold-Made Potters' Marks from the Department of Apurimac, Peru" (Ethnos) , 1971-1972; 1989
includes correspondence and hand-drawn illustrations of potters' marks (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Full-Time Specialists who are Part-time Potters: Intermittent and Multi-crafting Specialists" (Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association), 2010 March -November
folder labeled "AAA Meeting"; includes information and correspondence related to the symposium
Arnold, Dean. "Why Are There So Few Christian Anthropologists? Reflections on the Tensions between Christianity and Anthropology" (Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith), 2005 April-2006 December
folder labeled "CSR [Christian Scholar's Review] Article"; over 10 draft manuscripts and galley proofs + published version
Arnold, Dean. "Social Interaction and Ceramic Design: Community-wide Correlations in Quinua, Peru", 1980-1984
folder labeled "Rice Design Paper"; book chapter and related correspondence (Missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process after 25 Years" (Classics Review), 2010-2011
draft manuscript, galley proofs, and related correspondence
Ralph and Arnold. "Socioeconomic Status, Kinship, and Innovation: The Adoption of the Tornete in Ticul, Yucatan", 1988
galley proofs of book chapter (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Maya Blue and Palygorskite: A Second Possible Pre-Columbian Source" (Ancient Mesoamerica), 2004-2005
correspondence, page proofs, and final version of article
Dean, Neff, and Bohor. "Maya Blue: Where Did Its Palygorskite Constituent Originate?" (American Anthropological Association--Ceramic Ecology XXII: Current Research on Ceramics), 2008
folder labeled "AAA Paper"; includes correspondence, participation report, symposium abstract, power point presentation, and general information
Ralph and Arnold. "Socioeconomic Status, Kinship, and Innovation: The Adoption of the Tornete in Ticul, Yucatan", 1988
folder labeled "Dee Ralph Paper"; proofs and correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "On the Holism of Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology: Past is Present" (American Anthropological Association--Ceramic Ecology XXI: Current Research on Ceramics), 2007
folder labeled "AAA Paper"; includes correspondence, activities report, discussant comments, power point presentation, and general information
Arnold, Dean. "A Model for the Identification of Non-Local Ceramic Distribution: A View from the Present", 1980-1981
book chapter; includes related correspondence; folder labeled "England Paper" (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Tecnologia Ceramica Andina: Una Perspectiva Etnoarqueologica", 1993-1994
folder labeled "Shimada Comment"; includes correspondence between Arnold and Izumi Shimada (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Ecological Variables and Ceramic Production: Towards a General Model", 1970-1977
folder labeled "Calgary Ecology Paper"; included correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Ceramic Ecology of the Ayacucho Basin, Peru: Implications for Prehistory" (Current Anthropology), 1971-1975
folder labeled "Current Anthropology article on Quinua Ceramic Ecology"; includes correspondence, publication agreement, and published responses (with Arnold's reply) (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Ceramic Stability and Change in Yucatan, Mexico and Highland Peru", 1968
folder labeled "AAA Paper"
Neff, Bishop and Arnold. "A Reexamination of the Compositional Affiliations of Formative Period Whiteware from Highland Guatemala" (Ancient Mesoamerica), 1988-1991
folder labeled "Whiteware Paper"; correspondence, internal (to the journal Ancient Mesoamerica) reviews (missing)
Neff, Bishop and Arnold. "Reconstructing Ceramic Production from Ceramic Compositional Data: An Example from Guatemala" (Journal of Field Archaeology), 1988
folder labeled "Neff, Bishop, and Arnold Paper"; includes correspondence, reviewer comments, and illustrations (maps and graphs) (missing)