Box 24
Contains 48 Results:
Maya Blue Press Releases Copies, 2008-2009
History of Network of Christian Anthropology, 1976-1989
External Examiner, 2004-2006
correspondence, reports of examiners
Notes on Anthropology (Summer Institute of Linguistics), 1985 December
folder labeled "Vita"
Thessaloniki Paper, 2002 September
power point presentations and schedule
"Fifty Years After the Tragedy in Ecuador: Reflections on Missions in the 21st Century" (Wheaton College Alumni/Faculty Symposium), 2004 August-October
folder labeled "Homecoming Panel"; Steve Saint, Dean Arnold, Scott Moreau, Kathryn Long, Jim Pluddemann, Bob Dye
Meso-American Paper, 1999 March 5-6
Grad IV Conference, 1998-1999
Arnold, Dean. "Science in Context: Interpretation and Practice in Archaeological Science" (Theoretical Archaeology Group), 2000 December 18-20
folder labeled "2000 TAG Meeting"; power point presentations, report of attendance and participation
Sheffield Conference: "Analytical Approaches to Prehistoric Ceramics: Technologies and Exchange in the Aegean", 2002-2003
correspondence; programme, participant lists, speaker biographies, abstracts
Arnold, Dean. Review of Rattray's Teotihuacan: Ceramics, Chronology and Cultural Trends (Latin American Antiquity), 2002-2003
folder labeled "Pyburn Review"; correspondence, draft, and final version (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Review of Deal's Pottery Ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands (Latin Amercian Antiquity), 1998
draft, correspondence (missing)
National Geographic Society (NGS) Reports, 2008-2009
Field Museum Lecture: "Changing Technology and Production Organization in a Community of Potters in Mexico, 1965-1997", 2003 November 5
power point presentation
Arnold, Dean. Review of Mills and Crown's Ceramic Production in the American Southwest (American Antiquity), 1995-1996
includes correspondence (missing)
National Geographic Proposal, 1997; 2004-2008
correspondence; grant proposal
NGS Grant
Field Museum Donation, 2005 July
deeds of gift; hard copies of digital photographs of donated artifacts
Correspondence, 1999 October-December
Correspondence, 2000 January-March
Correspondence, 2000 April-June
Correspondence, 2000 July-September
Correspondence, 2000 October-December
Correspondence, 2001 January-March
Correspondence, 2001 April-June
Correspondence, 2001 July-September
Correspondence, 2001 October-December
Correspondence, 2002 January-March
Correspondence, 2002 July-September
Correspondence, 2002 October-December
Arnold, Dean. Review of Benco's The Early Medieval Pottery Industry at al-Basra, Morocco (American Anthropologist), 1988-1989
correspondence, draft, final version (missing)
Moshier, Arnold, Funck, Lewis, Smith, Walton, and Wharton. "Theories of Origins: A Multi and Interdisciplinary Course for Undergraduates at Wheaton College" (Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith), 2007 August; December
folder labeled "Theories of Origin Article"; includes correspondence, draft manuscript, published version of article, and entire issue in which it appeared
Arnold, Dean. "Who was Adam?" (Pascal Center Notebook), 1992 March-May
original + copy (missing)
"Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology at Ticul, Yucatan, Mexico", 2000 February 23
folder labeled "SAS Newsletter Report" (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "The Anna O. Shepard Bibliography: Addenda III" (American Antiquity), 1976-1977
includes correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Anthropology and the Future of the Summer Institute of Linguistics: What Her Critics Can Teach Her", 1986-1987
folder labeled "Dallas Wycliffe Paper"; includes memo (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Field Work in Mexico" (La Tinaja: A Newsletter of Archaeological Ceramics), 1998 March
folder labeled "La Tinaja Report"; original + 2 copies (missing)
Arnold, Dean. Reflections on Tournier's The Adventure of Living, 1997; 2001
folder labeled "Jeff Davis Volume"; book chapter; includes correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Some Principles for Paste Analysis and Interpretation: a Preliminary Formulation" (Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society); "Algunos principios para el analisis e interpretacion de la pasta: aproximacion inicial", 1971-1975
Spanish and English versions as published; correspondence (missing)
Arnold, Dean. "Relationship of the Christian Doctrines to Questions of Origin" (Faith and Learning Paper), 1975 July; December
typescript + one page of comments by Arthur F. Holmes
Arnold, Dean. "The Threshold Model for Ceramic Resources: A Refinement" (Studia Vasorum), 2002
folder labeled "Romanian Refinement Paper"; 2 drafts of article, front matter, and correspondence
Arnold, Dean and Bruce Bohor. "Attapulgite and Maya Blue: An Ancient Mine Comes to Light" (Archaeology), 1975 January
folder labeled "Sacalum"; original + photocopy
Arnold, Dean. "Patterns of learning, residence and descent among potters in Ticul, Yucatan, Mexico" (book chapter), undated
folder labeled "WAC Congress Paper"; book chapter
Arnold, Dean. "How Do Scientific Views on Human Origins Relate to the Bible?" (book chapter), 2004-2005
folder labeled "Dot Chappell's Article"; 5 photocopies + correspondence
Arnold, Dean. "An Ancient Attapulgite Mine in Yucatan" (Katunob: a Newsletter-Bulletin of Mesoamerican Anthropology), 1974 June
from Vol. VIII, No. 4; 2 copies
Arnold, Dean. "Ethnomineralogy of Ticul, Yucatan Potters: Etics and Emics" (American Antiquity), 1969-1972
2 photocopies of article in final form (published 1971), drafts/edits, and correspondence
Yo' K'at Clay Mine Paper, 1976-1978
1 copy of finished article + correspondence
Arnold, Neff and Glascock: "Testing Assumptions of Neutron Activation Analysis: Communities, Workshops and Paste Preparation in Yucatan, Mexico" (Archaeometry), 1997-2000
photocopy of article (published 2000) + related correspondence