Box 16
Contains 33 Results:
Statements on Plan Colombia, March 2, 2001
107th-109th Congresses
House International Relations Committee (HIRC) Hearing - Plan Colombia 1, 2001-2006
Accordian file - divided into three files
House International Relations Committee (HIRC) Hearing - Plan Colombia 2, 2004-2006
Accordian file - divided into three files
House International Relations Committee (HIRC) Hearing - Plan Colombia 3, 2001-2005
Accordian file - divided into three files
Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) AIR --> P-3's, 2004-2006
107th-109th Congresses
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)-Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) hearing, 2003-2006
107th-109th Congresses
Mackinaw Commissioning, 2001-2006
107th-109th Congresses
Counter Narcotics Documents (The Embassy of Afghanistan), 2004-2005
107th-109th Congresses
Afghanistan - Counter-narcotics, 2003-2006
107th-109th Congresses
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Science, State, Justice, Commerce (SSJC) Appropiations, 2005-2006
107th-109th Congresses
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Transportation, Treasury, Housing, and Urban Development (TTHUD) Appropiations, June 9, 2006
107th-109th Congresses
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Foreign Operations Appropiations, 2006
107th-109th Congresses
The Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year (FY) 2005
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 Conference Resolution, 2000-2004
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 Solomon Alternative ("The Balanced Budget"), 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 Other Alternatives, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Expedited Rescissions, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Possible Amendments A-Z, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
103rd: Fiscal Responsibility Act, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
103: House Resolution (H.R.) 2929, Cox Budget Process Reform, 1993-1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Family Tax Credit, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) - Rhetoric, 1993-1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Truth in Voting - 103rd, 1993-1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Lock-Box - Crapo-Brewster - 103rd, 1993-1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
House Resolution (H.R.) 10 Financial Service, 1995-1998
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Interstate Banking, 1994
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
New $100 Bill, 1993-1996
Budget & finance, including official 2005 U.S. Federal Budget book
Homeland Security - Counternarcotics Activities, 2005
107th-109th Congresses
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) - 2005/6 National Drug Control Strategy (NDCS) (Strategy), 2004-2005
107th-109th Congresses
Airbridge Denial Program (Peru/Colombia), 2003-2005
107th-109th Congresses
Colombia - Demobilized, 2004-2005
107th-109th Congresses
Afghanistan: Counternarcotics Implementation Action Plan, December 6, 2004
107th-109th Congresses
Opium in Afghanistan (United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime), September 12, 2005
107th-109th Congresses