Box 8
Contains 47 Results:
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Records
The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Records organized according to: affiliates, commissions, conventions, corporate records, executive/general director, historical, media (audio, video, photographs), membership files, public affairs, public relations working files, and publications. The bulk of the collection is concentrated in corporate records, media, and public affairs.
National Conference for United Action Among Evangelicals, St. Louis, 1942
Group photographs of participants in the National Conference for United Action Among Evangelicals, St. Louis, Missouri, April 7-9, 1942. Individuals identified: E. S. Williams, Laura Williams, Ora Perkin, Noel Perkin, Thomas Zimmerman, J. Roswell Flower, J. O. Buswell(?), among many unidentified. 2 b/w.
15th Annual NAE Convention, Buffalo, 1957
One image of NAE officials from the 15th Annual NAE Convention, held in Buffalo, New York. Identified: Thomas Zimmerman. 1 b/w photograph.
16th Annual NAE Convention, Chicago, 1958
Scenes from the 16th Annual NAE Convention, held in Chicago, Illinois. Images include group portraits of Executive Committee and photographs of the convention banquet, crowd scenes, and speakers. Individuals pictured: Harold Ockenga, Clyde Taylor, Billy Graham, Robert Van Kampen, Herbert Mekeel, Paul Petticord, George L. Ford, J. Elwin Wright, Mahlon Macy, among others unidentified. 15 b/w.
17th Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, 1959
Scenes from the 17th Annual NAE Convention, held in Los Angeles, California. Images include delegation from Open Bible Stand Churches of America, various speakers, Convention banquet, Korean delegation at luncheon, and National Sunday School Association presentation. Individuals pictured: Robert Schaper, Walter L. Penner, George L. Ford, Hebert Mekeel, Harold W. Ericksen, John Noble, William Zondervan. 18 b/w.
Fall Board and Commissions Meeting, 1959
Fall Board and Commissions Meeting, October 1959. 3 b/w photographs.
18th Annual NAE Convention, Chicago, 1960
19th Annual NAE Convention, Grand Rapids, 1961
Scenes from the 19th Annual NAE Convention, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Images include NAE officers signing statement of faith, speakers, crowd scenes, banquet, Laymen of the Year award, Women's Fellowship, and choir. Individuals pictured: Billy Graham, George L. Ford, Bob Pierce, Clyde Taylor, Robert Cook, Herbert S. Mekeel, Thomas Zimmerman, Harold Ockenga, Jim Vaus, Floyd Robertson, Brig. Gen. Robert Taylor, among unidentified others. 19 b/w images.
20th Annual NAE Convention, Denver, 1962
Scenes from the 20th Annual NAE Convention, held in Denver, Colorado. Images include speakers, Convention staff, crowds, and NAE officials. Individuals pictured: George L. Ford, Rufus Jones, Robert A. Cook, Thomas Zimmerman, Bob Pierce, Billy Graham, Clyde Taylor, and Howard Jones, Bob Harrison, among many unidentified others. 39 b/w images.
21st Annual NAE Convention, Buffalo, 1963
22nd Annual NAE Convention, Chicago, 1964
23rd Annual NAE Convention, Minneapolis, 1965
24th Annual NAE Convention, Denver, 1966
25th Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, 1967
26th Annual NAE Convention, Philadelphia, 1968
27th Annual NAE Convention, Cincinnati, 1969
25th Anniversary Dinner for Clyde Taylor, 1969
28th Annual NAE Convention, Kansas City, 1970
29th Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, 1971
30th Annual NAE Convention, St. Louis, 1972
31st Annual NAE Convention, Portland, 1973
32nd Annual NAE Convention, Boston, 1974
Midwest Mini-Growth Seminars, 1974
Scenes from Church Growth Seminars sponsored by the NAE across the Mid-West in February 1974, including Fort Wayne, Grand Rapids, Columbus, and South Bend, among others unidentified. Individuals identified: Peter Unruh, Richard F. Schubert, Clarence Hilliard. 22 b/w photographs.
33rd Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, 1975
34th Annual NAE Convention, Washington D.C., 1976
Fall Board and Commissions Meeting, 1976
Scenes from the fall board meetings of the NAE, including meetings for State Commissions and World Evangelical Fellowship, as well as an address from Frances Schaeffer. September 1976 at Arlington Park Hilton. Board members identified: Clarence Hilliard and Art Gay, many more unidentified. Photographs taken by Billy Melvin.
35th Annual NAE Convention, Chicago, 1977
One image of Everett Graffam speaking to group at the 35th Annual NAE Convention, held in Chicago, February 1977. 1 b/w photograph.
National Convocation on Church Growth and Preaching, 1977
Scenes from the National Convocation on Church Growth and Preaching (1977), with presentations from Stephen Olford, C. Peter Wagner, John Wimber, Jack Sims, and Charles Crow, among others. 24 b/w photographs
36th Annual NAE Convention, Minneapolis, 1978
Scenes from the 36th Annual NAE Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 21-22, 1978. Images include various speakers, musical presentations, Women's Fellowship, workshops, and luncheons. Individuals pictured: Festo Kivengere, Gladys Hunt, Oswald C. J. Hoffman, Everett Graffam, Paul Toms, Billy Melvin, among many unidentified. 49 b/w photographs.
37th Annual NAE Convention, Orlando, 1979
Scenes from the 37th Annual NAE Convention, Orlando, Florida, March 5-8, 1979. Dr. Adrian Rogers (SBC) and Dr. Bruce Dunn (Grace Presbyterian) speaking. 3 b/w photographs.
38th Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, 1980
Scenes from the 38th Annual NAE Convention, Los Angeles, California, March 4-6, 1980. Images include NAE officials, Stephen Olford speaking. 2 b/w photographs.
Washington Insight Briefing, Office of Public Affairs, 1980
Various speakers and attendees of a Washington Insight Briefing from the NAE Office of Public Affairs, 1980. Identified: Robert Dugan. 12 b/w photographs.
39th Annual NAE Convention, Washington D.C., 1981
40th Annual NAE Convention, Arlington Heights, 1982
Scenes from the 40th Annual NAE Convention, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 1982. Images include various speakers, delegates praying, crowd shots. Individuals pictured: Billy Melvin, Thomas and Elizabeth Zimmerman, David McKenna, Pat Robertson, among unidentified others. 2 b/w proof sheets.
41st Annual NAE Convention, Orlando, 1983
42nd Annual NAE Convention, Columbus, 1984
One photograph of President Ronald Reagan giving address at 42nd Annual NAE Convention, Columbus, Ohio, March 1984. 1 b/w photograph.
50th Annual NAE Convention, Chicago, 1992
Group portraits of NAE officials and members on occcasion of 50th Anniversary of NAE. Photographs of President George W. Bush giving speech; Robert Dugan at microphone; Bill Gaither recieving Layman of the Year award. 7 b/w images, 1 color.
Washington Insight Briefing, Office of Public Affairs, 1992
Scenes from the biennial Washington Insight Briefing at Quality Hotel Capital Hill, hosted by the Public Affairs Office of the National Association of Evangelicals, April 28-May 1, 1992. Individuals identified: Robert Dugan, Billy Melvin, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Tim Crater, Brian O'Connell, Richard Cizik, Rep. Dick Armey (R-Texas), Rep. Stephen Solarz (D-NY), among others unidentifed. 10 color photographs.
52nd Annual NAE Convention, Dallas, 1994
Scenes from the 52nd Annual NAE Convention, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, 1994. Images include various speakers, World Relief Commission 50th Anniversary, awards, NAE officials and board members, exhibit booths, musical presentations, Hyatt Hotel. Individuals pictured: Don Argue, Robert Dugan, Don Brown (?), Bill Melvin, Paul Toms, Lloyd??. 25 b/w photographs.
53rd Annual NAE Convention, Louisville, 1995
Scenes from the 53rd Annual NAE Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, March 1995. Images include various speakers, awards, World Relief banquet, crowd shots, delegates praying, NAE officials, workshops, luncheons, musical presentations, and recognition of Don Argue as new NAE Executive Director. Individuals identified: Don Argue, Robert Dugan, Aaron Hamlin, Billy Melvin, Art Gay, John H. White, among many others unidentified. 8 b/w proof sheets.
NAE/NBEA Convocation on Reconciliation, 1995
Proof sheets from NAE/NBEA (National Black Evangelical Association) Convocation on Racial Reconciliation, Janurary 6-7, 1995, Chicago, Illinois. Identified: Ruth Bentley, Galen Cary, Ruben Conner, Jack Estep, Art Gay, Aaron Hamlin, Don Hammons, Willie Hill, Jr., Annie Hilliard, Clyde M. Hughes, Manuel Ortiz, George McKinney. Negatives available in Negative File: NAE/NBEA Convovation on Reconciliation.
54th Annual NAE Convention, Minneapolis, 1996
55th Annual NAE Convention, Orlando, 1997
Scenes from the 55th Annual NAE Convention, Orlando, Florida, March 3-6, 1997. Images include various speakers, crowd shots, workshops, banquets, exhibit hall, awards. Individuals pictured: Don Argue, Pat Argue, Leonard Hofman, Robert Dugan, Ann Graham Lotz, Louis Rawls, Hudson Armerding, George K. Brushaber, Aaron Hamlin, Peggy Musgrove, among many unidentified others. 82 color photographs.
56th Annual NAE Convention, 1998
Scenes from the 56th Annual NAE Convention, 1998. Four photographs of NAE officials and award recipients (Clarence Hilliard, unknown) presented at the Convention, remaining images are speaker potraits. Individuals pictured: Don Argue, Aaron Hamlin, Clarence Hilliard, Hudson Amerding, Dr. Paul L. Walker, Larry Dalton, Scott Preissler, Os Guinness, Brian Kluth, Ruth Bell Graham, R. Lamar Vest, Luthor Whitelock, Daniel Erickson, Haddon Robinson. 7 b/w images, 10 color.