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Showing Collections: 551 - 600 of 696

Collection 725 - Oral History Interviews with Emmanuel Kwizera

Identifier: CN 725
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews of Kwizera in 2021 by Bob Shuster of the Archives staff. Among the topics Kwizera discussed was his family's background in ministry in Rwanda, the Jesus film, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, his own conversion and the development of his faith, his work with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the state of Christianity in Rwanda; his work as director of African Enterprise's Rwandan branch and his work as AE's missions director for all of Africa;...
Dates: 2021

Collection 726 - Gospel Films / Gospel Communications Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 726

This collection consists of interviews with J. R. Whitby and Robby Richardson, executives of Gospel Films/Gospel Communications about the history of the company, the development of the Christian film industry and the Christian use of the Internet.

Dates: October 21-22, 2021

Collection 727 Papers of the Vereide Family

Identifier: CN 727
Scope and Contents Papers of the Vereide family relating to the work of International Christian Leadership (ICL, later known as the Fellowship Foundation), mainly the efforts of Abraham Vereide and his daughter Alicia Davison. The collection reflects the activities ICL and its associated group International Council for Christian Leadership (ICCL) in fostering prayer groups, leadership seminars, and informal contacts involving government officials, business people, and civic leaders to promote spiritual unity...
Dates: 1945-2014, undated; Majority of material found in 1953-1985

Collection 741 - Papers of Daniel W. Nelson

Identifier: CN 741
Brief Description

Materials collected by Nelson for his doctoral thesis about evangelist B. Fay Mills. This includes his correspondence with possible sources of information, such as Mills’ daughter; copies and transcripts of articles and obituaries by and about Mills as well as some of his sermons.

Scope and Contents
Dates: 1889-1916, 1961-1964, 1979

Committee to Assist Ministry Education Overseas Records.

Identifier: CN 091
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, reports, monographs, financial records, mailing lists, questionnaires, and photographs related to the origin and activity of CAMEO, a joint committee of the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association and the Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (EFMA, formerly Evangelical Foreign Missions Association). The documents reflect CAMEO’s development from a group that was primarily concerned with mission agency education programs to one assisting in the...
Dates: Created: 1956-1990; Other: Majority of material found within 1964-1975

Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission Records

Identifier: CN 021
Scope and Contents Materials relating to the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission which was held on the Wheaton College campus in 1966 and was jointly sponsored by the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association. Audio tapes document various sessions of the Congress, including biblical expositions, study papers (on subjects like syncretism, church growth, cooperation, the Catholic Church and social issues), reports on missions on the world's...
Dates: Created: 1964-1967

Consuella York Papers

Identifier: CN 397
Scope and Contents Clippings, photographs, cards, sermons, handbooks, oral history interviews and other records mainly relating to Consuella York's ministry as a chaplain at the Cook County Jail, but also describing her childhood growing up on the south side of Chicago, her conversion, religious education, and work as a pastor.The materials in this collection consist of miscellaneous items from Rev. York's life, mostly relating to her prison ministry. They include newspaper and magazine clippings,...
Dates: Created: 1953-1994

Crawford W. Loritts, Jr., Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 419
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Crawford Wheeler Loritts, Jr., in which he discusses his childhood; family; conversion; education at Philadelphia College of Bible; perception of racial conditions as he experienced them; evangelistic ministry; church planting projects with of Black Evangelistic Enterprise in Canton, Mississippi, and with Tony Evans in Dallas Other topics discussed include: American Missionary Fellowship; Tony Evans; Here's Life Black America;...
Dates: Created: 1989-1990

David H. Adeney Papers.

Identifier: CN 393
Brief Description Adeney’s correspondence, writings (articles, books), lecture and presentation manuscripts, subject files (especially files on various China-related topics) he compiled from many sources, notebooks and loose notes, a photo album, photographs and slides, and two oral history interviews. Together these span his career as a missionary in China and Southeast Asia, staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States, leader with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students,...
Dates: Created: 1911-1994

David M. Howard, Sr., Papers

Identifier: CN 484
Scope and Contents Four oral history interviews, paper records, and photographs documenting David Howard's life and work with Latin American Mission, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and World Evangelical Fellowship. Topics covered in the interviews include Howard's childhood, Christian faith, education at Wheaton College, work as a missionary and administrator with Latin America Mission; missions director for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, director of the 1980 Consultation on World Evangelization; and...
Dates: Created: 1968-1993

Dexter B. Gordon Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 437
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Dexter B. Gordon in which he describes growing up in Jamaica, his family, social conditions on the island, the role of Sunday school, in his life and the community, his conversion, spiritual mentor Amy Lord, his participation in sports, his and his parents involvement in politics, love for oratory and preaching, Jamaican worship, work in Youth for Christ, evangelism among young people, his work as an air-traffic controller, the role and influence of the church and...
Dates: Created: 1990

Donald and Mary McGavran Papers

Identifier: CN 178
Brief Description

Correspondence, lectures, sermons, book manuscripts, surveys, audio tapes, video tapes, microfilm of letters, notes, and other records dealing with the life of the McGavrans, especially their work as missionaries in India with the Disciples of Christ, and Donald's activities as an author and educator, including his role as founding dean of Fuller Seminary's School of World Mission. Much of the collection deals with his role in originating, developing, and applying church growth theory.

Dates: Created: 1906-2000

E.J. Pace Collection

Identifier: CN 702
Brief Description

Copies of hundreds of E.J. Pace's cartoons, which applied a Protestant Fundamentalist theology to living the Christian life, the nature of God, and moral issues in the first half of the twentieth century in the United States. The collection consists mainly of lantern slides meant to be used in conjunction with prepared sermons, but there are also tracts and cartoons.

Dates: Created: 1917-1961

Ernest Cherrington Series.

Identifier: CN 066
Scope and Contents Office files, executive committee files, and personal files kept by Ernes Cherrington, a leading prohibition advocate of the early twentieth century. Important in the Anti-saloon League of America, and in several anti-liquor publishing interests.The Ernest Hurst Cherrington papers are Series XIII of a twenty-one-series microfilming project done between 1975 and 1977 with the cooperation of three repositories holding significant papers relating to temperance and prohibition: the...
Dates: Created: 1900-1950

Esther Salzman Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 052
Brief Description Oral history interview with Esther I. Salzman (1906-1996), a Wheaton College alumna and missionary to China in the 1940s and to the Philippines from 1950 to 1972. Topics discussed include her education at Wheaton College, medical work in China and the Philippines, and Communism in China. The time period covered by the interview is 1906 to 1978. Esther Salzman was interviewed by Wheaton College student Fred Baker on October 28, 1978 at her home in Kankakee, IL....
Dates: Created: 1978

Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies Records

Identifier: CN-165
Brief Description Executive Directors' (Clyde Taylor, Wade Coggins, Paul McKaughan) files of the EFMA. The association of denominational and nondenominational foreign missions boards began as a commission of the National Association of Evangelicals to serve common interests of members in government relations (domestic and foreign); use of communication channels; cooperative purchasing/travel; and relations between each other. The collection is subdivided into thirteen parts: 1. Correspondence and General...
Dates: Created: 1937-1996

Evangelism Posters Collection

Identifier: CN 706
Content Description The collection consists of Christian posters used for evangelistic work in China the 1930s and '40s. The posters present graphically simple messages about salvation and the Christian life. All, except for one, are all or in part in Chinese. Some also have Arabic texts and there is one poster in Thai. The bulk of the posters were printed by the Religious Tract Society of Hankow, but there were many by other publishers as well. The posters were collected by Albert Grant, a Canadian missionary...
Dates: 1933-1942

Fanny Crosby Papers

Identifier: CN 035
Scope and Contents Collection contains thousands of manuscripts of lyrics and music dictated by Fanny Crosby, poetess and hymnwriter. Most of the manuscripts are numbered and dated. This collection is also available on microfilm. The manuscripts in this collection are all of poems composed by Crosby after 1861. Most of these poems are dated and the majority are numbered in sequence. A description of these manuscripts can be found in the foreword of Fanny Crosby Still Speaks. For most of the poems the...
Dates: Created: 1862-1915

Fellowship Foundation Records

Identifier: CN 459
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, reference files, clippings, newsletters and other material related to the work of the Foundation (also known as International Christian leadership) which involved developing small group prayer fellowships, especially among government, business and academic leaders. There is a great deal of information on the United States and other countries. Also documented is the group's involvement in various community development, patriotic, and personal...
Dates: Created: 1937-1988, undated

George Beverly Shea Papers

Identifier: CN 541
Scope and Contents Correspondence, sheet music, business records, phonograph records, programs, songbooks, and other materials from Shea’s career as a soloist, radio personality, and composer. Most of the material is from the last decades of his life, especially his work with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), but the entire range of his life from the 1930s on is covered. Though representing only a fraction of Shea’s papers, it includes a rich collection of source material that Shea used in his...
Dates: 1931-2010

Gospel Recordings, Inc., Records

Identifier: CN 036
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, and other documents relating to the organization's work of providing Christian workers around the world with phonograph records or audio tapes of brief evangelistic programs of music, Scripture and sermons in thousands of different languages and dialects, presented by indigenous speakers of each tongue. Most of the correspondence is between the staff of Gospel Recordings and Christian workers in different countries, such as missionary to Africa Paul White, requesting...
Dates: Created: 1939-1978

Helen Renich Papers.

Identifier: CN 124
Brief Description Two oral history interviews with Helen Gignilliat Torrey Renich in which she describes her grandfather, Reuben Archer Torrey, Sr., and her experiences growing up in China as a child of missionaries. Other topics discussed include her experiences at Wheaton College and culture shock. The collection also includes photographs of her family life in China and Chinese nationals, ca. 1920-30s.Helen Renich was interviewed by Robert Shuster on May 15, 1980 in Michigan and on May 17, 1982...
Dates: Created: 1920-1982

Herbert J. Taylor Papers

Identifier: CN 020
Brief Description Correspondence, photographs, reports, publications, posters, minutes of meetings, and other documentation of Herbert J. Taylor's long involvement in the leadership of such organizations as Child Evangelism, Youth for Christ, Christian Service Brigade, Pioneer Girls, Young Life, National Association of Evangelicals, Fuller Seminary, Christian Workers Foundation, and Inter-Varsity as well as his role in the planning and development of Billy Graham's Chicago crusades and of Key '73. Other...
Dates: Created: Ca. 1916-1979

Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA) Records

Identifier: CN 352
Brief Description Correspondence, form letters, financial and statistical reports, minutes, memos and promotional material related to IFMA administration and its service to its member missions. The files on IFMA members and numerous other Christian agencies predominate. Numerous mission-related subjects are documented, among them those related to the theoretical, theological, or practical aspects of the missionary enterprise, such as missionary aviation, the education of future missionaries, theological...
Dates: Created: 1934-1983, undated

International Christian Broadcasters Records

Identifier: CN 086
Brief Description The collection contains correspondence, audiotapes, photographs, financial reports, slides, blueprints, and memos related to the activities of International Christian Broadcasting's (originally the World Conference on Mission Radio) work to promote interest in Christian broadcasting and to support and encourage Protestant Christian radio and television broadcasters, largely engaged in evangelism. Materials include data on the International Communications Congress in Tokyo (1970), Muslim...
Dates: Created: 1937-1978; Other: Majority of material found within 1954-1978

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Records

Identifier: CN 300
Brief Description Administrative records of IVCF spanning the time period from its founding in 1940 until 1991; includes materials created prior to the establishment of IVCF. Includes records of the presidents (Woods, Hummel, Troutman, McLeish, Alexander, McLeish), Paul Little, Campus chapters, Regional divisions and directors, Missions department, Urbana Missions Conventions, Nurses Christian Fellowship, Development department, Jim Nyquist, Strategic Planning, Finance, and manuscript material for the 1991...
Dates: 1928-2017

J. Christy Wilson, Jr., Papers

Identifier: CN 518
Dates: 1915-1998

John A. Huffman, Sr., Papers

Identifier: CN 389
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, correspondence, films, negatives, photographs, and radio programs which document the life and ministry of John A. Huffman, Sr. The materials cover his presidency of the Winona Lake School of Theology dealing mainly with the work of the students and faculty. There are some materials on the relationship of the School with Fuller Theological Seminary, films about Islam, the WLST tour of Israel and over two dozen radio programs of Great Moments with the Master and...
Dates: Created: 1934-1988

John C. Pollack Papers

Identifier: CN 006
Scope and Contents This collection contains drafts of John Pollock’s 1966 and 2004/2005 biographies of Billy Graham. The 1966 version was originally published as Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography. This book was reprinted in revised and expanded edition in 1969,  with the title Crusades: Twenty Years with Billy Graham.  It brought the story of Graham’s life up to 1969. Im 1979, Pollock published another biography of Graham entitled ...
Dates: Created: 1973-2005

John R. W. Stott Papers

Identifier: CN 590
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, reports, notes, magazine and newspaper clippings, brochures and other materials relating to John R. W. Stott’s involvement in the 1974 Lausanne Congress and the Lausanne movement that developed out of it. The collection is particularly strong in material relating to the membership of Stott on the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and its executive committee; his contribution to drafting several of the major statements of the movement; his chairmanship of the...
Dates: Created: 1974-2000

John Wesley Ephemera

Identifier: CN 031
Scope and Contents Collection contains one handwritten letter by Wesley composed during a London visit in October 1782. There are also a couple of newspaper clippings including a description of Wesley's life at Aldersgate and the text of another letter from the evangelist. A scrapbook of clippings (available to researchers on microfilm) from the centennial commemoration of Wesley's death contains articles, poetry, sermons, and illustrations by and about him. The clippings were out of newspapers from all over...
Dates: Created: 1782; 1889-1902; 1938

Joseph C. Jeter Papers.

Identifier: CN 532
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Joseph C. Jeter, who discusses his family and growing up, social and racial conditions in Philadelphia, education and employment, conversion and church involvement, first pastorate, limited missionary positions available to African Americans in White agencies, experience in Uganda and burden for missions, return to Uganda to survey mission stations staffed by African American missionaries, dire condition, and resulting burden to serve missionaries. Topics...
Dates: Created: 1983-1996

Judith Adams Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 372
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Judith Rachelle Whitthingham Adams about her childhood, her work with Genesis One Christian School, The Mendenhall Ministries, and the educational and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interview is circa 1960-1987.

Judith Adams was interviewed by Paul A. Ericksen on June 25 and 26, 1987, at the offices of Mendenhall Ministries in Mendenhall, MS.

Dates: Created: 1987

Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation Records

Identifier: CN 212
Brief Description Audio tapes, DVDs, films, photographs, slides, videotapes, miscellaneous correspondence, calendars, clippings, articles, news releases and Kathryn Kuhlman memorabilia, chiefly from the 1950s to 1976. Audio tapes are of Kuhlman's radio broadcasts, consisting of sermons, testimonies, musical selections and an oral history interview with Kuhlman; films record Kuhlman's early television programs; videotapes are predominatly her I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES television program, along with talk show...
Dates: Created: ca. 1910-2006; Other: Majority of material found in 1950s-1984

L. Nelson Bell Papers

Identifier: CN 318
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, reports, and other documents related to the life and ministry of L. Nelson Bell, first as a medical missionary in China, then as doctor, editor, and lay leader in the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Among the topics covered by the material in the collection are missions in China in the twentieth century between the two world wars; the work of Bell's son-in-law, Billy Graham; the founding and development of Christianity Today and The...
Dates: 1923-1973

Latin America Mission Records

Identifier: CN 236
Brief Description Records of the mission, including correspondence, minutes, reports, memos, financial reports, policy statements, planning documents, promotional material, photographs, etc. Documents describe the origins of LAM (particularly the contribution of the Strachan family); evangelistic, church planting, educational, medical, and literature activities (primarily in Colombia and Costa Rica, but also many other Latin American countries and the United States); the restructuring of the mission in the...
Dates: Created: 1903-1994

Lemuel Tucker Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 366
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lemuel Simpson Tucker (1952-1989)in which he describes his childhood and family, spiritual growth, education, leadership of Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM), John Perkins, VOCM's ministry in Jackson, Mississippi, evangelism in the African American community, Mendenhall Ministries, and racial conditions in Mississippi. Other topics discussed include the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's 1975 Deep South Crusade in Jackson; racism in America; the African...
Dates: Created: 1987

Lue Shelby Oral History Interivew.

Identifier: CN 369
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lue Shelby in which she describes her family background; Voice of Calvary Ministries; the health clinic started by VOC; health problems among the the low-income population in Jackson, MS; Bible study for patients and staff at the clinic; programs for educating the community in personal health care; racial conditions in Mississippi; and the VOC Fellowship Church. The time period covered by the interview is 1953-1987.Lue Shelby was interviewed by Paul...
Dates: Created: 1987 

Luis Palau Papers.

Identifier: CN 722
Brief Description Papers of Luis Palau, international Christian evangelist, including crusade-related materials, correspondence, the Luis Palau Association strategic planning documents and reports, and personal diaries. While the paper documents in the collection are subdivided into several subseries, almost all of them relate to Palau's crusades or other events as a Latin American evangelist, most after he established his own evangelistic ministry and association separate from Overseas Crusades in 1978; far...
Dates: 1947-2017

Matthew Parker Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 413
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Matthew Parker in which he describes his childhood, family, education, conversion, study at Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music and work/study at Wheaton College, ministry with Campus Crusade in its sports ministry and with Overseas Crusades sports evangelism ministry (Venture for Victory w/ Bud Schaeffer), the 1984 and 1986 National Summits on Black Church Development, the Atlanta '88 Congress on Evangelizing Black America, the Afro-American community, white...
Dates: Created: 1989

Melvin R. Anderson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 370
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Melvin R. Anderson in which he discusses his work with Voice of Calvary Ministries in Jackson, MS, particularly as director of Peoples Development Incorporated and its housing ministry to rennovate and make homes available to the economically disadvantaged in Jackson. Other topics discussed include Anderson's family background, education, racial integration of the public school system; boycott of white businesses,  the influence of John and Vera Mae Perkins on...
Dates: Created: 1987

Mid-Nineteenth Century Temperance Movement Series.

Identifier: CN 064
Scope and Contents This microfilm collection contains minutes of ten local temperance societies in Michigan, speeches by seven persons active in temperance reform, miscelleanous printed materials, and issues of five temperance periodicals published in New York and Michigan between 1832-1862. The Mid-Ninetheenth Century Temperance Movement materials are Series I of a twenty-one-series microfilming project done between 1975 and 1977 with the cooperation of three repositories holding significant papers...
Dates: Created: 1830-1875

Moody Church Records

Identifier: CN 330
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, church bulletins, minutes of meetings, and other records documenting the activities of the influential independent Chicago church started in 1864 by Dwight L. Moody; chiefly from ca. 1910 through 1946. Topics documented include worship services, Sunday school, the weekly activities in the congregation, the governance of the body, and various urban evangelistic outreaches of the church. Besides the history of the church, the collection also documents such...
Dates: Created: 1864-1987

Nathan Walton Collection

Identifier: Small CN 084
Scope and Contents

This collection contains two letters and several items related to the drowning of missionary George E. King in 1927. The letters describe Nathan and Lois Walton's travel as missionaries with China Inland Mission, and a Bible conference for Chinese Christians.  Also includes CIM newsletter and report which describe the treacherous raft trip made by 38 missionaries and their families who were withdrawing from the Kansu Province during which King drowned.

Dates: Created: 1927-1940

National Religious Broadcasters Records

Identifier: CN 309
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, clippings, recordings and programs of conventions, photographs and other materials of the NRB, which served as a professional association for persons or organizations involved in Protestant Christian radio and television broadcasting. The collection documents the NRB's efforts to provide information on training for its members on a wide range of technical and broadcasting issues and is especially strong on Federal Communication Commission policies effecting religious...
Dates: Created: 1922, 1969-1989, 1991

OC International Records

Identifier: CN 222
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, handbooks, directories, photographs, etc., relating to the mission's work of evangelism, church planting and development of national leadership in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America since its origin in 1950 and official founding in 1951. Documents describe the founding and expansion of the mission, administrations of Dick Hillis (first president from 1951-1976, but also including files dating back to 1933 on his years as a missionary in...
Dates: Created: 1933-1998

Oral History Interviews with Raymond Okebaram (Osuchukwu) Adonai

Identifier: CN 655
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Adonai. Topics discussed include family background and childhood in Nigeria, his conversion and the development of his Christian faith, graduate education in Poland; ministry among university students through the Christian Student Association of Poland (ChSA) and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES); African students in Poland; Pentecostalism in Poland; founding of the Victory in Jesus Church in Lodz, Poland; impressions of the Wheaton...
Dates: 2010

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) Records

Identifier: CN 215
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, directories, newsletters, brochures, photographs, book manuscripts, slides, photo albums, and other materials which document the history of the North American branch of the mission. Materials cover the origins of the mission's North American branch; its church planting, evangelistic, medical, educational, and literature work in China until the time of its expulsion in 1951; its reorganization from China Inland Mission into Overseas Missionary Fellowship; its work...
Dates: Created: 1853, 1886-1990, 2001, undated; Other: Majority of material found in 1886-2001

Paul F. Hurlburt, Jr., Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 438
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Frederick Hurlburt (1927-1996) in which he describes the work of his grandfather (Charles E.) and father (Paul F. E.) as missionaries and mission administrators in east central Africa; languages skills among missionaries; the development of Christianity among the nade people of Zaire, including their worship practices and music; and the influence of witchcraft in the area. The time period covered by the interview is approximately 1898 to 1990.Paul...
Dates: Created: 1990

Paul L. Maier Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 049
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Luther Maier in which he describes the relationship between his father, Walter Arthur Maier, of the radio program The Lutheran Hour and Billy Graham. He also discusses Walter F. Bennett and Company, an advertising firm that worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Paul Maier was interviewed by Robert Shuster on November 9, 1978....
Dates: Created: 1978

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  • Repository: Evangelism & Missions Archives X

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Evangelistic work. 417
Conversion. 242
Missionaries. 206
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 194
Evangelistic work -- United States. 171
∨ more
Women -- Religious life. 143
Christian life. 141
Women missionaries. 136
Church and state. 130
Missionaries -- Training of. 128
Evangelicalism. 127
Women 127
Bible. 114
Missions. 113
Christian education. 112
Indigenous church administration 112
Children of missionaries. 110
Christianity and culture. 106
Language in missionary work. 106
Missions -- China. 101
Church and social problems. 98
Missions -- Educational work. 93
Evangelicalism -- United States. 92
Christian leadership. 91
Family. 80
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 80
Catholic Church. 77
Evangelistic work -- China. 76
Missions, Medical. 76
Communism. 73
Radio in religion. 73
World War, 1939-1945. 73
Religious institutions. 71
Conversion -- Personal narratives. 68
Medical care 65
Mass media in religion. 63
Missions -- Finance. 63
Persecution. 61
Sermons, American. 61
Tribes. 61
China -- History. 60
Prayer. 60
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 59
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 58
Evangelistic sermons. 57
Fundamentalism. 57
Pentecostalism. 57
Sex role. 57
African Americans. 56
Christian literature -- Publishing. 55
Education 55
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 55
Christian literature. 53
Church and social problems -- United States. 51
Bible colleges. 50
Fund raising. 50
Animism. 49
Communism -- China. 49
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 49
Church development, New. 47
Church growth. 47
Preaching. 47
Worship. 47
Theology 46
Bible -- Study and teaching. 45
City missions. 44
Missions -- India. 44
College students. 43
Bible -- Translating. 42
Children. 42
Church work with youth. 42
Evangelistic work -- Congresses 42
Missions to Muslims. 42
Rural missions. 42
Belief and doubt. 41
Missions -- Africa. 41
Racism. 41
Revivals. 41
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 41
Evangelistic invitations. 40
Interdenominational cooperation. 40
Missions -- Congresses. 39
Muslims. 39
Radio in missionary work. 39
African Americans -- Social conditions. 38
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 38
Culture shock. 37
Cities and towns. 36
College students in missionary work. 36
Presbyterians. 36
Salvation. 36
Youth 36
African Americans -- Religious life. 35
Church work with students. 35
Organizational change. 35
Radio in religion -- United States. 35
Christian education -- United States. 34
Church and state -- United States. 34
Church work with children. 34
Faith. 34
∧ less
English 695
Spanish; Castilian 5
Russian 3
Chinese 2
German 2
∨ more  
Wheaton College (Ill.) 166
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 115
Moody Bible Institute. 57
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 51
China Inland Mission. 49
∨ more
Africa Inland Mission. 46
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 44
OMF International. 40
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 39
Youth for Christ International. 35
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 33
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 30
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 28
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 28
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 27
Zhongguo guo min dang. 27
Campus Crusade for Christ. 26
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 24
Bright, Bill. 22
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 22
National Association of Evangelicals. 22
World Evangelical Fellowship. 22
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 21
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) 21
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 21
Sudan Interior Mission. 21
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 20
Rodeheaver, Homer A. (Homer Alvan), 1880-1955. 20
Ford, Leighton. 19
Jones, Clarence W. 19
Latin America Mission. 19
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 19
Perkins, John, 1930- 19
Africa Inland Church. 18
Armerding, Hudson T. 18
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 18
Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 18
Assemblies of God. 17
Barrows, Cliff. 17
Catholic Church. 17
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 17
Graham, Ruth Bell. 17
Howard, David M. 17
Moody Memorial Church (Chicago, Ill.) 17
Ockenga, Harold John, 1905-1985. 17
Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 17
World Council of Churches. 17
Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 16
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 16
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 16
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 16
Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 16
Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 15
Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 15
Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 15
Padilla, C. René. 15
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 15
Fuller Theological Seminary. 14
Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 14
Palau, Luis, 1934- 14
Shea, George Beverly, 1909-2013. 14
Skinner, Tom, 1942- 14
Smith, Oswald J. 14
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 14
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 13
Colson, Charles W. 13
Columbia Bible College (Columbia, S.C.) 13
Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 13
Elliot, Elisabeth. 13
Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 13
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 13
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 13
Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 13
Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983. 13
World Vision International. 13
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 12
Dunlop, Merrill. 12
Hurlburt, Charles E. 12
McCully, Theodore Edward, 1927-1956. 12
Saint, Nathaniel, 1923-1956. 12
Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947. 12
Stott, John R. W. 12
Sunday, Helen Amelia Thompson, 1868-1957. 12
Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 12
Wright, J. Elwin. 12
Hatfield, Mark O., 1922-2011. 11
National Religious Broadcasters (U.S.) 11
Navigators (Religious organization) 11
Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 11
Pierce, Bob, 1914-1978. 11
Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) 11
Smith, Wilbur M. (Wilbur Moorehead), 1894-1976. 11
Taylor, Herbert John, 1893-1978. 11
Ten Boom, Corrie. 11
Trotman, Dawson E. 11
Troutman, Charles Henry, 1914- 11
Youth for Christ/USA. 11
Adeney, David H. (David Howard) 10
Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 10
Evangelical Churches of West Africa. 10
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