Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
John C. Chin Oral History Interview
Identifier: CN 206
Scope and Contents
Oral history interview with John C. Chin (1911-1989) in which he discusses his childhood in China, medical training, and the Chinese Christian church; the work of China Inland Mission in Honan, Szechwan, and Yunnan provinces; the Japanese occupation of China; Nationalist and Communist parties; medical work in CIM and Presbyterian hospitals; war conditions and relocation to Taiwan; Also discussed is his founding of the Lutheran Seminary, Taiwan; the contemporary status of Chinese Christians,...
Created: 1982
Found in:
Evangelism & Missions Archives
Lillian R. Dickson Papers
Identifier: CN 593
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, newsletters, audio tapes, clippings, photo albums, photographs, prayer calendars, and video tapes all related to the life and ministry of Lillian Dickson, missionary to Taiwan under the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of Canada along with her husband James and founder of the small independent mission Mustard Seed, Inc. The collection documents as well the mission’s founding and development over the years and in its activities in...
Created: 1926-1983
Found in:
Evangelism & Missions Archives
Margaret Crossett Oral History Interview
Identifier: CN 287
Scope and Contents
Oral history interviews with Margaret Rice Elliott Crossett in which she describes her childhood with her missionary parents in China, her education at Wheaton College, and missionary career with her husband, Vincent Crossett, in China and Taiwan with China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship (1929-1948, 1961-1973). Topics discussed include Crossett's childhood in China; description of Chinese indigenous worship practices and syncretism in Chinese religious culture; Crossett's...
Created: 1984-1986
Found in:
Evangelism & Missions Archives
Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) Records
Identifier: CN 215
Brief Description
Correspondence, minutes, directories, newsletters, brochures, photographs, book manuscripts, slides, photo albums, and other materials which document the history of the North American branch of the mission. Materials cover the origins of the mission's North American branch; its church planting, evangelistic, medical, educational, and literature work in China until the time of its expulsion in 1951; its reorganization from China Inland Mission into Overseas Missionary Fellowship; its work...
Created: 1853, 1886-1990, 2001, undated; Other: Majority of material found in 1886-2001
Found in:
Evangelism & Missions Archives
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- China -- History -- 1912-1937. 3
- China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 3
- Christianity and culture. 3
- Church development, New. 3
- Communism -- China. 3
- Indigenous church administration -- China. 3
- Medical care -- China. 3
- Missions -- Taiwan. 3
- Women missionaries. 3
- Children of missionaries. 2
- China -- History -- 1949- 2
- China -- History -- Revolution, 1911-1912. 2
- Christian education -- China. 2
- Evangelistic work -- China. 2
- Intercultural communication. 2
- Language in missionary work. 2
- Missionaries -- Training of. 2
- Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 2
- Missionaries, Resignation of. 2
- Missionaries, Withdrawal of. 2
- Missions -- Indonesia. 2
- Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 2
- Organizational change. 2
- Persecution -- China. 2
- Refugees -- China. 2
- Religious institutions. 2
- Rural churches -- China. 2
- Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 2
- Social change. 2
- Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 2
- Tribes -- China. 2
- Women -- Religious life. 2
- Ancestor worship -- China. 1
- Animism. 1
- Bible -- Publication and distribution. 1
- Bible -- Study and teaching. 1
- Bible colleges -- China. 1
- Bible colleges -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Boarding schools -- Asia. 1
- Boarding schools -- China. 1
- Buddhism -- Thailand. 1
- Buddhists -- China. 1
- Buddhists -- Southeast Asia. 1
- China -- Church history -- 20th century. 1
- China -- History -- Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901. 1
- China -- History. 1
- China -- Religion. 1
- China -- Social life and customs. 1
- Chinese. 1
- Christian education -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Christian education -- Taiwan. 1
- Christian leadership. 1
- Christian literature -- Publishing. 1
- Christian martyrs -- China. 1
- Church and state -- China. 1
- Church growth -- China. 1
- Church growth -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Church work with prisoners. 1
- Church work with students -- China. 1
- Church work with the working class -- China. 1
- Church work with women -- China. 1
- Crime and criminals -- China. 1
- Culture shock. 1
- Ecumenical movement -- Congresses. 1
- Education -- China. 1
- Emergency management. 1
- Evangelicalism. 1
- Evangelistic work -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region. 1
- Evangelistic work -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Families. 1
- Fundamentalism. 1
- Hmong (Asian people) 1
- Hospitals -- China. 1
- Idols and images. 1
- Independent churches -- China. 1
- Indigenous church administration -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Indigenous church administration -- Taiwan. 1
- Intercultural communication -- China. 1
- Interpersonal conflict. 1
- Jesus People -- China. 1
- Kachin (Asian people) 1
- Leprosy. 1
- Lisu (Southeast Asian people) 1
- Lutherans. 1
- Madurese (Indonesian people) 1
- Medical care -- Southeast Asia. 1
- Medical care -- Taiwan. 1
- Missionaries -- Asia. 1
- Missionaries -- Australia. 1
- Missionaries -- Canada. 1
- Missionaries -- Europe. 1
- Missionaries -- Great Britain. 1
- Missionaries -- Taiwan. 1
- Missionaries -- United States. 1
- Missionaries' spouses. 1
- Missions -- Administration. 1
- Missions -- Brunei. 1 ∧ less
- Names
- China Inland Mission. 3
- Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 2
- Hoste, Dixon Edward, 1861-1946. 2
- OMF International. 2
- Zhongguo guo min dang. 2
- Anderson, Helen, 1909-2004. 1
- Anderson, Ian Rankin. 1
- Asian Theological Seminary. 1
- Bangkok Bible College (1971-) (Bangkok, Thailand) 1
- Borden, William, 1887-1913. 1
- Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 1
- Chefoo School (Yen t'ai shih, China) 1
- Chiang, May-ling Soong, 1897-2003. 1
- Chin, John C. 1
- China Inter-Varsity Evangelical Christian Students Fellowship. 1
- Christian School in Japan (1950-) 1
- Cooke, Allyn B. 1
- Cooke, Leila Robinson. 1
- Crossett, Margaret E. 1
- Crossett, Vincent. 1
- Dickson, James Ira. 1
- Dickson, Lillian, 1901-1983. 1
- Elliott, Eleanor Edwards. 1
- Elliott, Ruth, 1908- 1
- Elliott, Walter Scott. 1
- Ericksen, Paul. 1
- Evangelical Alliance Mission. 1
- Feng, Yuxiang, 1882-1948. 1
- Fraser, James Outram, 1886-1938. 1
- Frost, Henry Weston, 1858- 1
- Gemmell, Nina Eleanor. 1
- Gibb, George W. 1
- Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 1
- Glover, Robert Hall, 1871-1947. 1
- Goforth, Jonathan, 1859-1936. 1
- Goforth, Rosalind, 1864-1942. 1
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 1
- Hebron School (1974-) (Ooty, India) 1
- Houghton, Frank, 1894-1972. 1
- Hunter, George W., 1861-1946. 1
- Kuhn, Isobel. 1
- Little Flock (China) 1
- Maxie ji nian yi yuan. 1
- Morrison Academy (Taiwan) 1
- Moynan, Mary Goforth. 1
- Mustard Seed, inc. 1
- Nee, Watchman. 1
- Pickard, David 1
- Pierce, Bob, 1914-1978. 1
- Sanders, J. Oswald (John Oswald), 1902-1992. 1
- Schuller, Robert H. (Robert Harold), 1926-2015. 1
- Singapore Bible College. 1
- Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 1
- Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 1
- Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. 1
- Taiwan shen xue yuan. 1
- Taylor, James H., III, 1929-2009. 1
- Taylor, James Hudson, 1832-1905. 1
- Taylor, Maria, 1837-1870. 1
- Wang, Leland. 1
- Wheaton College (Ill.) 1
- World Missionary Conference. 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more