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Showing Collections: 51 - 100 of 218

Conference on Faith and History Records

Identifier: CN 082
Scope and Contents Correspondence, newsletters, minutes of meetings, transcripts of sessions, brochures, clippings, etc., of the Conference on Faith and History formed for evangelical Christian historians. The records in this collection consist mainly of the correspondence on the Secretary-Treasurer, with a few other items such as the CFH's newsletter, some of the minutes of the executive committee, a few mailings and membership lists, brochures, reports, the constitution and by-laws, and a miscellaneous of...
Dates: Created: 1966-1978

Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society Orientation Handbook

Identifier: Small CN 030
Scope and Contents

This collection contains an orientation handbook for missionaries and candidates created by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. The manual describes the Society's background, constitution, doctrinal statement, expectations for missionaries, and personnel policies.

Dates: Created: 1964

Conversion Narratives Collection

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-228
Scope and Contents

The contents of the Conversion Narratives Collection may be searched in the library catalog using keyword: SC/228

Dates: Other: -

Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SC-057
Scope and Contents The CCCU collection at Wheaton College comprises an array of materials concerning the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in general, with particular focus on the various activities the organization has undertaken over the years to encourage the development of faculty and administrators (primarily through meetings, conferences, etc.) or students (through the Council's various study programs). The collection contains items dating from the mid-70s up to the late 90s, though the...
Dates: Created: 1973-2017; Other: Majority of material found in 1983-1999; Other: Date acquired: 1999

Daniel E. Liberek Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 385
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Daniel Eric Liberek in which he describes growing up in Belgium as the son of a Protestant pastor, his conversion, methods of evangelism in that country, comparison between United States and Belgian evangelicals, his own work as a youth pastor in Belgium, Protestant-Catholic relations, church-state relations, and other faiths in the country. Other topics discussed include Liberek's experiences running a Christian youth camp; and some of the spiritual options in...
Dates: Created: 1988

David D. Thomas Papers

Identifier: CN 409
Scope and Contents Correspondence, photographs, negatives, and clippings relating to the linguistic and missionary work of David and Dorothy Thomas in the Philippines, Vietnam (especially with the Chrau tribe), Cambodia, and Thailand with Wycliffe Bible Translators from 1954-1975. The bulk of the content consists of David and Dorothy's letters to his mother, Ruth, who lived in Wheaton, IL. Topics covered in the correspondence include information on the Thomas family, missionary work in the Philippines, and...
Dates: Created: 1954-1975

David L. Farah Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 302
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with David Livingstone Farah, in which he discusses his upbringing, education at Wheaton College, work as an administrator with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Peru and Bolivia, and relationships with other religious bodies, national groups and governments. Other topics include the 1950 revival at Wheaton College; Wycliffe jungle training in Mexico; the Catholic Church in Bolivia and the prevalence of syncretism; differences between Peru and Bolivia; description of...
Dates: Created: 1985

Debbie Dortzbach Papers

Identifier: CN 402
Scope and Contents Audio recordings, including an oral history interview, diary, and several letters, relating to the career and ministry of Debbie Dortzbach, missionary to Kenya and Eritrea with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and later the Reformed Presbyterian Church from 1973 to 1988.Series: Audio TapesOne oral history interview with Debbie Dortzbach in which she describes her describes her childhood, education at Wheaton College, and missionary work in...
Dates: Created: 1974-1989

Deborah J. Seymour Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 316
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Deborah J. Seymour in which she describes her childhood as a child of missionaries in Papua New Guinea and working as an English teacher in Honduras with World Gospel Mission and Churches of Christ in Christian Union from 1983 to 1985. Topics discussed include her parents' missionary work; her childhood as a missionary kid; New Guinea tribal culture; conversion to Christianity and spiritual life; call to the mission field; observations about Honduras,...
Dates: Created: 1985-1986

Detroit's Afro-American Mission Records

Identifier: CN 573
Scope and Contents

Minutes, budgets, proposals, pamphlets, reports, video cassettes, and other material showing the origins of Detroit's Afro-American Mission, Inc., and its activities including Bible clubs for children and adults, special ministries to singles, vacation Bible schools and camps, and the Institute for Biblical Research.

Dates: Created: 1964-1994

Diane W. Hawkins Papers

Identifier: CN 312
Scope and Contents Collection 312 consists of letters, oral history interviews, articles, minutes of meetings, reports and other relating to Diane Hawkins' missionary service in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) as well as the tapes of an oral history interview conducted several years later. Among the topics covered are: TEAM's evangelistic, and educational work in Rhodesia; the lifestyle, music, and beliefs of Shona people; the civil war between white government and the black nationalist guerrillas which raged while...
Dates: Created: 1970-1985

Dolphus Weary Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 373
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Dolphus Douglas Weary, in which he describes his childhood, education and religious training in rural Mississippi, conversion, leadership in Voice of Calvary Ministries and Mendenhall Ministries, impressions of John Perkins, and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interview is 1948-1987.

Dolphus Weary was interviewed by Paul A. Ericksen on June 25, 1987 at the Mendenhall Ministries headquarters in Mendenhall, Mississippi.

Dates: Created: 1987

Donald A. Cook Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 259
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Donald Arthur Cook (1923-2014) in which he describes his service with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship in Japan between 1956-1972. Topics discussed include upbringing, education at Wheaton College, experiences in the United States Air Force, American response to WWII, decision to join China Inland Mission (later OMF), evangelistic methods in Japan, administrative work, language difficulties, administrative duties in OMF headquarters in Hokkaido and in Tokyo,...
Dates: Created: 1983

Donald E. McDowell Collection

Identifier: CN 110
Scope and Contents Collection of 643 slides which document Donald E. McDowell's mission work and activity in Paraguay. Scenic views, native flora, mission personnel, mission facilities, national churchmen and pastors are some of the subjects illustrated by the collection.When the collection was received by the Archives, the slides were arranged in sets and were accompanied by an attached description and date for each picture. The original order of the slides was maintained. Three unidentified...
Dates: Created: 1951-1973

Doris Schneider Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 467
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Doris Gould Schneider (1922-2009) in which she describes her family background; conversion to Christianity; preaching of John R. Rice; education at Moody Bible Institute; marriage; missionary work in Morocco; the role of women in Muslim society; raising children on the mission field; overthrow of the French protectorate; the family's move to Spain; cultural difference between Arabs and Berbers; public health in Morocco; return to the United States in 1982; views...
Dates: Created: 1989

Earl A. Winsor Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 093
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Earl Austin Winsor (1897-1983) in which he discusses his education at Wheaton College as a student (1919-1920) and teacher (1920-25, history, and 1939-1949, math and physics) and his missionary experiences in Africa under Africa Inland Mission, serving in what is now Zaire. Wheaton personalities, mission experiences, especially those relating to his education work, and analysis of his exposure to African government, churches, tribal customs, and health practices....
Dates: Created: 1979-1980

Eileen J. Kuhn Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 464
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Eileen J. Kuhn in which she describes her family background; her conversion to Christianity; her medical training as a nurse; life at Moody Bible Institute in the late 1940s; China Inland Mission at about the same time; her call to foreign missions; her work at the CIM retirement home in Toronto; descriptions of John and Isobel Kuhn; work among the Lisu people in Thailand and Burma; translation of the Bible into the Lisu language; contacts with a former...
Dates: Created: 1992-1994

E.J. Cummins Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 511
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Dr. Erwin Jephthah Cummins, Jr. (1918-1997), SIM International medical missionary to Nigeria from 1952 to 1983. Topics discussed include Cummins's Christian background and education; early medical training and practice in Chicago, involvement in Christian Medical and Dental Society; transition to the mission field in Nigeria; medical work building and directing leprosaria in the Nigerian interior; indigenous church administration; Evangelical Church of West...
Dates: Created: 1995

Eleanor R. Elliott Papers

Identifier: CN 187
Scope and Contents Family correspondence, prayer letters, brochures, newspaper clippings, prayer cards and letters from other missionaries, photographs, slides, negatives, journals and diaries, and eight interviews concerning Elliott's childhood in China, mission work with China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship) in China and the Philippines, her experiences as an evangelist and teacher, her life in China during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945, and the civil war that followed. Her retirement...
Dates: Created: 1910-1988

Eleazar Wheelock Papers Microfilm

Identifier: CN 126
Scope and Contents Manuscripts, diaries, journal, minute books, ledgers, sermons, biographer's manuscripts, and diplomas, documenting Eleazar Wheelock's career, and the histories of Dartmouth College, Moor's Indian Charity School, and the town of Hanover, New Hampshire.The microfilmed materials in this collection are from Dartmouth College Archives. They document the career of Eleazar Wheelock, and the histories of Dartmouth College, Moor's Indian Charity School, and the town of Hanover through the...
Dates: Created: 1728-1779

Elizabeth C. Stough Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 468
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Elizabeth Quackenbush Stough (1913-2009) in which she discusses her parents, childhood, education, conversion, attendance at Moody Bible Institute, call to be a missionary, joining Africa Inland Mission, travel to Africa, work in French Equatorial Africa, evangelistic field trips, her husband Paul Stough, her work among women in the Belgian Congo, the growth of the Africa Inland Church, the independence of the Congo, the Congolese civil war and Simba uprising,...
Dates: Created: 1992-1993

Elizabeth Evans Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 279
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Elizabeth Morrell Evans (1899-1976) in which she discusses her childhood; education at Wheaton College; work with J. Elwin Wright; her Christian education activities; the development of the New England Fellowship, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the World Evangelical Fellowship; and her work as a missionary in Taiwan. The time period covered by the interviews is 1899-1976.Elizabeth Evans was interviewed by Robert Shuster on October 8,...
Dates: Created: 1984-1985

Elizabeth Warner Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 075
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Elizabeth Howard Warner (1912-2000) in which she describes her childhood in the Canton Province of China as a daughter of missionaries, Canton Christian College where her father worked, studies and personalities at Wheaton College, her mission work among girls with Door of Hope Mission in Canton and Hong Kong, Chinese education, economic and social conditions, religion (particularly Buddhism), politics and government, the impact of China's war with Japan, and...
Dates: Created: 1978

Eric and Lydia Maillefer Papers

Identifier: CN 328
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, speech manuscripts and prayer letters relating to the careers and ministries of Eric and Lydia Maillefer as missionaries and Christian workers with the Evangelical Free Church in Zaire, Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar (AEAM), and the Africa Evangelical Office (AEO). Lydia worked as a teacher and school administrator; Eric worked first as a teacher, then on loan as a conference coordinator to the Africa Evangelical Office, and later as administrative secretary...
Dates: Created: 1971-1991

Erik S. Barnett Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 510
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Erik Stanley Barnett (1910-2006) in which he describes his childhood in Kenya as the son of missionary parents; his own work in that country as pastor, church planter, educator and administrator with Africa Inland Mission (AIM); the internal developments of AIM and of the Africa Inland Church in Kenya during the twentieth century. Other topics discussed include: his parents’ missionary service in Kenya among the Maasai people; changes in AIM missionary training...
Dates: Created: 1995

Esther Hess Papers

Identifier: CN 232
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, photographs, and articles relating to Esther Hess's missionary work as a nurse in China with China Inland Mission from 1931 to 1945. The materials not only document Hess's missionary career, but also the Sino-Japanese war and her confinement to a Japanese internment camp from 1942-1945.

Dates: Created: 1931-1959; Majority of material found in 1931-1941

Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies Records

Identifier: CN 165
Brief Description Executive Directors' (Clyde Taylor, Wade Coggins, Paul McKaughan) files of the EFMA. The association of denominational and nondenominational foreign missions boards began as a commission of the National Association of Evangelicals to serve common interests of members in government relations (domestic and foreign); use of communication channels; cooperative purchasing/travel; and relations between each other. The collection is subdivided into thirteen parts: 1. Correspondence and General...
Dates: Created: 1937-1996

Evangelical Missions Information Service Records

Identifier: CN 218
Scope and Contents Correspondence, press releases, minutes, financial statements, reports, and photographs documenting the activities of the Evangelical Mission Information Service (EMIS), the publications arm of both the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association. Activities documented include the publication of several mission periodicals, including Evangelical Missions Quarterly and Missionary News Service; organization of missionary conferences and...
Dates: Created: 1964-1981

Far Eastern Gospel Crusade Orientation Handbook

Identifier: Small CN 029
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a handbook for missionaries and candidates of the Far Eastern Gospel Crusade to orient them to the mission's goals and procedures. Volume contains constitution and by-laws, a statement of principle and practices, bibliographies, and other information on the Philippines and Japan.  Also included is a draft of the constitution of the Far Eastern Gospel Crusade.

Dates: Created: 1964

Fellowship Foundation Records

Identifier: CN 459
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, reference files, clippings, newsletters and other material related to the work of the Foundation (also known as International Christian leadership) which involved developing small group prayer fellowships, especially among government, business and academic leaders. There is a great deal of information on the United States and other countries. Also documented is the group's involvement in various community development, patriotic, and personal...
Dates: Created: 1937-1988, undated

Francis Sunderaraj Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 483
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Francis Sunderaraj in which he describes committing his life to Christ as a teenager in India; the development of his faith; the institutions and leadership of Evangelical Protestantism in India; Methodist churches in India and Malaysia; Sunderaraj's education at the Union Biblical Seminary in Yeotmal, India, Princeton Seminary, and Wheaton College; the development of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The time period covered by the interviews is ca....
Dates: Created: 1993

Fredrik Franson Papers Microfilm

Identifier: CN 087
Scope and Contents Microfilm copy of correspondence, reports, excerpts from sermons and other writings collected by Rev. Edward P. Torjesen on the life and ministry of Fredrik Franson (1852-1908). Materials include articles written about evangelistic work, prophecy conferences, missionary efforts on several continents, and the recruitment of Christian workers. Persons featured include mission founders A.B. Simpson and James Hudson Taylor. Materials include articles in several languages. Documents are arranged...
Dates: Created: 1872-1909

G. Paul Groen Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 289
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Paul Groen in which he describes his education at Wheaton College, missionary work the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria and the Nigerian church, particularly among the Tiv people, and the country's economy, educational system and political history between 1964 and 1973. Other topics discussed include:  Tiv customs and religion, the church among the Tiv and its indigenous leadership and transition of leadership from missionaries, relations with Roman Catholics...
Dates: Created: 1984

George F. Spotts Papers

Identifier: CN 090
Scope and Contents

An oral history interview, correspondence, reports and clippings relating to George Spotts’ work as a Youth for Christ staff member in France and the United States involved in evangelistic work among teenagers.

Dates: Created: 1960-1979

George M. Winston Papers

Identifier: CN 306
Scope and Contents The collection consists of prayer letters and audio taped oral history interviews, documenting Winston's early life, education, ministry, and leadership with Belgian Gospel Mission, the Belgian Bible Institute, Greater Europe Mission and independently in Belgium from 1952 to 1993. The prayer letters offer a long term glimpse at the work, daily life, and family activity of the Winston family.The interviews with Winston were conducted by Paul A. Ericksen on July 23 and July 25,...
Dates: 1952-1993

Gladys M. Fleckles Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 122
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Gladys Marie Fleckles (1946-2006) in which she describes her short term missionary experience with OMF in Japan. Other topics include her graduate work at Wheaton, undergraduate study at John Brown University, and work in the admissions department of Wheaton Graduate School. The time period covered by the interview is roughly 1946-1980.Gladys Fleckles was interviewed by Mr. John Svadbik twice in May 1980. The time period covered by the interviews is...
Dates: Created: 1980

Gladys Wright Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 284
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Gladys Lyle Wright (1902-1994), in which she discusses her work as a teacher in Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo). Topics discussed include: Wright's family background, education at Wheaton College and Moody Bible Institute, her work as a missionary in the Belgian Congo for the Africa Inland Mission, memories of the Congolese people and culture, and her experiences at Wheaton when she was on the staff of the College after retriring from the mission...
Dates: Created: 1984

Glicerio M. Manzano Papers

Identifier: CN 321
Scope and Contents The collection consists of prayer letters and oral history interviews, which document Glicerio M. Jojo Manzano's early life, education, family life, and work as a service manager with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and as an accountant for a rural hospital with International Nepal Fellowship.Series 1: Audio TapesThree oral history interviews with Glicerio Manzano. Topics discussed in the interview include Manzano's early life, education,...
Dates: Created: 1981-1992

Gospel Tract Collection

Identifier: SC-222
Dates: Other: -

Harold P. Adolph Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 169
Scope and Contents Oral History Interview with Harold Paul Adolph, in which he discusses his boyhood in China as the son of missionaries with China Inland Mission, conditions in China, his education at Wheaton College, medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, decision to become a missionary, and his ministry in Ethiopia as a medical missionary in African with Sudan Interior Mission; American missions in Ethiopia; family life on the mission field, and work with the Christian Medical Society. The...
Dates: Created: 1981

Helen E. Berry Papers

Identifier: CN 428
Scope and Contents Oral history interview and prayer letters relating to the ministry of Helen Elizabeth Berry, missionary with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society in Taiwan from 1966-1990.Series: Audio TapesOral history interview with Helen E. Berry in which she describes her youth, family, conversion, call to be a missionary, education at Wheaton College, missionary work with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society in Taiwan, church...
Dates: Created: 1990

Helen E. Evans Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 445
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Helen Elizabeth Evans in which she decsribes her family background; spiritual development;  education at Wheaton College; ministry in rural Vermont with the New England Fellowship; the influence of her aunt, Elizabeth Evans; her missionary work in Vietnam and Indonesia with the Christian and Missionary Alliance; and work among Vietnamese in Charlotte, North Carolina. Evans' work in Vietnam was particularly among the Dega and other tribal groups often classified...
Dates: Created: 1991

Helen Elliott Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 116
Scope and Contents Oral History interviews conducted with Helen Ruth Belcher Elliot (1927-2012), missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators to the Ixil Indian tribe in Guatemala. Topics include Wheaton College during the 1940s, field experiences, Guatemalan culture and religion, and family activities. Topics covered in the interview include:  Elliott's childhood, marriage and early family life, education at Wheaton College (including courses, academic and social life), decision to become a missionary with...
Dates: Created: 1980

Helen Frame Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 255
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Helen Nowack Frame (1908-1999) in which she discusses her childdhood growing up in China, decision to become a missionary for Overseas Missionary Fellowship, education at Wheaton College, years of service in China, culture and political events in China; leaving China in 1951 with her husband Raymond and their children and resettlement in the Philippines, teaching at Faith Academy, development of the Bible Institute, return and activities in Wheaton. The time...
Dates: Created: 1983

Helen M. Tenney Papers

Identifier: CN 044
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, scrapbook, drafts, articles, and research notes which reflect Tenney's active participation in a number of evangelical ministries, but particularly her work with the Woman's Union Missionary Society (WUMS), especially the labor she put into writing a history of that organization. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts of that history.

Dates: Created: 1882-1980

Helen Renich Papers.

Identifier: CN 124
Brief Description Two oral history interviews with Helen Gignilliat Torrey Renich in which she describes her grandfather, Reuben Archer Torrey, Sr., and her experiences growing up in China as a child of missionaries. Other topics discussed include her experiences at Wheaton College and culture shock. The collection also includes photographs of her family life in China and Chinese nationals, ca. 1920-30s.Helen Renich was interviewed by Robert Shuster on May 15, 1980 in Michigan and on May 17, 1982...
Dates: Created: 1920-1982

Herbert Downing Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 251
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Herbert Downing (1905-1986) in which he describes his childhood as a child of missionaries in Kenya, attending Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, a visit of Theodore Roosevelt to the Academy, his father's work as pastor and administrator, Africa Inland Mission's policy on the education of missionary children, and Downing's own work as an educator at Rift Valley Academy. The time period covered by the interview is 1905-1983Herbert Downing was intereviewed by...
Dates: Created: 1983

Hwa Nan College Records

Identifier: Small CN 041
Scope and Contents This collection includes a letter, several articles, and photographs, which contain information about the college or people connected with the college. The letter is dated 1930 and is by missionary Dorothea Keeney. She describes the inauguration of the college's first Chinese president, Lucy C. Wang; the school's commencement; and a wedding of one of the staff. One of the articles is by Lucy Wang and from the July 31 issue of Woman's Missionary Friend. It...
Dates: Created: 1920-1931

Ian and Helen Anderson Papers

Identifier: CN 231
Scope and Contents Correspondence, diaries, articles, clippings, manuscripts, photographs, photo albums, songbooks, lecture and sermon notes, maps, audio tapes, etc. related to the Ian and Helen Anderson's mission work with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. The materials document their careers in China until 1951, in Taiwan until 1956, and in the Philippines until 1971, and again in Taiwan until 1974. Materials also reflect their work as regional representatives for OMF following their retirement in 1974....
Dates: Created: 1928-1995

Ian H. and Ruth E. Cook Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 317
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Ian Harper Cooke and Ruth Eileen (Witmer) Cook, in which Ian describes his childhood and education in South Africa, college education at Wheaton College, training for missionary work, medical missions work in South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), the Zulus, apartheid, and the national church; and Ruth describes her childhood, conversion, and intention to become a missionary nurse, education at West Suburban Hospital and Wheaton College,...
Dates: Created: 1985

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Evangelism & Missions Archives 207
Special Collections 9
Wheaton College Archives 1
Marion E. Wade Center 1
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 103
Conversion -- Christianity. 96
Women -- Religious life. 75
Women missionaries. 75
Language in missionary work. 64
∨ more
Missionaries -- Training of. 64
Christian life. 63
Missions -- Educational work. 63
Christianity and culture. 52
Christian leadership. 48
Children of missionaries. 45
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 44
Evangelistic work -- United States. 40
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 40
Religious institutions. 37
Evangelicalism -- United States. 35
Missions -- Finance. 35
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 34
Christian education -- United States. 34
Missions -- China. 34
Families. 33
World War, 1939-1945. 32
Evangelistic work -- China. 29
Fund raising. 25
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 25
Children of missionaries -- Education. 24
Communism -- China. 24
Public worship -- Christianity. 24
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 24
Church development, New. 23
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 23
Fundamentalism. 23
Missionaries' spouses. 23
Culture shock. 22
Bible -- Study and teaching. 21
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 21
Missionaries, Resignation of. 21
Social change. 21
Missions, Medical. 20
Rural missions. 20
African Americans -- Religious life. 19
Church and social problems -- United States. 19
Church and social problems. 19
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 19
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 19
African Americans -- Social conditions. 18
Bible -- Translating. 18
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 18
Missions -- Congresses. 18
Missions -- Study and teaching. 18
Radio in missionary work. 18
College students in missionary work. 17
Evangelicalism. 17
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 17
Race relations. 17
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 16
Missions -- Africa. 16
Missions -- India. 16
Organizational change. 16
Presbyterians. 16
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 16
Worship (Christian) 16
Christian education -- China. 15
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 15
Indigenous church administration. 15
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 15
Missions -- Kenya. 15
Preaching. 15
Baptism. 14
Christian education -- Philosophy. 14
Christian education. 14
Church discipline. 14
Intercultural communication. 14
Mass media in missionary work. 14
Missionaries -- Salaries, etc. 14
Missionaries, Withdrawal of. 14
Missions -- Philippines. 14
Prayer. 14
Belief and doubt. 13
Church work with youth -- United States. 13
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa. 13
Liberation theology. 13
Marriage. 13
Missionaries. 13
Racism -- United States. 13
Sex role. 13
African Americans -- Missions. 12
Children -- Conversion to Christianity. 12
China -- Religion. 12
Medical care -- China. 12
Missionaries -- United States. 12
Radio in religion. 12
Bible -- Publication and distribution. 11
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 11
Christian education, Outdoor -- United States. 11
Christian literature -- Publishing. 11
Church and state -- United States. 11
Education -- United States. 11
Education, Higher -- United States. 11
Evangelistic work -- Brazil. 11
∧ less
Russian 2
French 1
Japanese 1
Wheaton College (Ill.) 88
Shuster, Robert D. 54
Ericksen, Paul. 46
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 41
Moody Bible Institute. 26
∨ more
China Inland Mission. 22
Africa Inland Mission. 21
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 21
OMF International. 18
Zhongguo guo min dang. 15
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 14
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 14
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 13
Sudan Interior Mission. 13
Youth for Christ International. 13
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 11
Perkins, John, 1930- 11
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 11
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 11
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 10
Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 9
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 9
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 9
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 9
World Council of Churches. 9
Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 8
Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 8
Evangelical Churches of West Africa. 8
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 8
Howard, David M. 8
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 8
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 8
National Association of Evangelicals. 8
World Evangelical Fellowship. 8
Wright, J. Elwin. 8
Africa Inland Church. 7
Assemblies of God. 7
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 7
Davis, Ralph T. 7
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 7
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 7
Latin America Mission. 7
Padilla, C. René. 7
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 7
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 7
Straw, Darien A. 7
Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 7
Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 7
Weary, Dolphus., 1946- 7
Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 7
Armerding, Hudson T. 6
Campus Crusade for Christ. 6
Chefoo School (Yen t'ai shih, China) 6
Hurlburt, Charles E. 6
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 6
Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 6
Jones, Bob, 1911-1997. 6
Mendenhall Ministries (Mendenhall, Miss.) 6
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 6
Rift Valley Academy (Kijabe, Kenya) 6
Skinner, Tom, 1942- 6
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 6
Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 6
Africa Evangelical Fellowship. 5
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 5
Coggins, Wade T. 5
Committee to Assist Missionary Education Overseas. 5
Coray, Edward A. 5
Elliot, Elisabeth. 5
Far East Broadcasting Company. 5
Frizen, E. L. 5
Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 5
Graham, Ruth Bell. 5
Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 5
Kuhn, Isobel. 5
LeBar, Lois E. (Lois Emogene), 1907-1997. 5
Mau Mau. 5
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 5
Perkins, Vera Mae. 5
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 5
Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) 5
Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin), 1904-1985. 5
Tucker, Lem. 5
Wheaton '83: An International Evangelical Conference on the Nature and Mission of the Church. 5
Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 5
Word of Life (Fellowship : Schroon Lake, N.Y.) 5
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 4
Christian Medical Society. 4
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 4
Crossett, Margaret E. 4
Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 4
Dodds, Gilbert, 1918- 4
Dow, Elsie Storrs. 4
ELWA (Radio station : Monrovia, Liberia) 4
Evangelical Committee on Latin America. 4
Evangelical Literature Overseas. 4
Evangelical Missions Information Service. 4
Evans, Robert P., 1918-2011. 4
Ford, Leighton. 4
Gospel Missionary Union. 4
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