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Showing Collections: 101 - 150 of 218

Ian H. and Ruth E. Cook Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 317
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Ian Harper Cooke and Ruth Eileen (Witmer) Cook, in which Ian describes his childhood and education in South Africa, college education at Wheaton College, training for missionary work, medical missions work in South Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), the Zulus, apartheid, and the national church; and Ruth describes her childhood, conversion, and intention to become a missionary nurse, education at West Suburban Hospital and Wheaton College,...
Dates: Created: 1985

Inge Rydland Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 440
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Inge Herman Rydland in which he describes his family's Lutheran evangelistic work in Norway; his own call to become a missionary; his and his wife's departure to Ethiopia as workers of the Swedish Evangelical Mission in 1977; his work in Ethiopia as a teacher and as a community development work. Other topics discussed include:  the work of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Meaken Yesus; church state relations; effect of the Ethiopian political situation on the...
Dates: Created: 1991

Ingrid H. Trobisch Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 400
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Ingrid Hult Trobisch (1926-2007) in which she describes her childhood in Tanzania as the daughter of missionaries and her own missionary service in Africa with husband Walter Trobisch. Other topics discussed include: first impressions of Africa, especially French Cameroon; observations about the role of women in Africa; African views of marriage and gender roles; medical care in Africa; the Christian church in Cameroon; the Muslim population in Cameroon;...
Dates: Created: 1988

Institute for Advanced Christian Studies Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SC-241
Dates: Other: Date acquired: 03/04/2013

InterAct Ministries Records

Identifier: CN 407
Scope and Contents Correspondence, minutes, newsletters, brochures, handbook, video tapes, and historical sketches documenting the ministry of the mission. Topics covered include administration of the mission, the Arctic Bible Institute, infant baptism, the Moravian Church, Arctic Training Center, Victory High School, Multi Media Production, the correspondence school program, Victory Bible Camp, Slavic Gospel Association's transfer of its work in Alaska to AMI, Native Institute of Canada, Native Bible Centre...
Dates: Created: 1947-1989

Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA) Records

Identifier: CN 352
Brief Description Correspondence, form letters, financial and statistical reports, minutes, memos and promotional material related to IFMA administration and its service to its member missions. The files on IFMA members and numerous other Christian agencies predominate. Numerous mission-related subjects are documented, among them those related to the theoretical, theological, or practical aspects of the missionary enterprise, such as missionary aviation, the education of future missionaries, theological...
Dates: Created: 1934-1983, undated

International Christian Broadcasters Records

Identifier: CN 086
Brief Description The collection contains correspondence, audiotapes, photographs, financial reports, slides, blueprints, and memos related to the activities of International Christian Broadcasting's (originally the World Conference on Mission Radio) work to promote interest in Christian broadcasting and to support and encourage Protestant Christian radio and television broadcasters, largely engaged in evangelism. Materials include data on the International Communications Congress in Tokyo (1970), Muslim...
Dates: Created: 1937-1978; Other: Majority of material found within 1954-1978

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Records

Identifier: CN 300
Brief Description Administrative records of IVCF spanning the time period from its founding in 1940 until 1991; includes materials created prior to the establishment of IVCF. Includes records of the presidents (Woods, Hummel, Troutman, McLeish, Alexander, McLeish), Paul Little, Campus chapters, Regional divisions and directors, Missions department, Urbana Missions Conventions, Nurses Christian Fellowship, Development department, Jim Nyquist, Strategic Planning, Finance, and manuscript material for the 1991...
Dates: 1928-2017

J. Herbert and Winnifred Kane Papers

Identifier: CN 182
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and curriculum material from James Herbert Kane and Winnifred Mary (Shepherd) Kane's missiology courses, and three oral history interviews. Materials document the Kanes' missionary work in China and Dr. Kane's teaching in the U.S.  Events described in the interviews cover the time period from 1932 to 1950.

Dates: Created: 1934-1987

Jacques Ellul Papers

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-016
Scope and Contents The Jacques Ellul Collection is based upon a three-reel microfilm set, which follows Jacques Ellul: A Comprehensive Bibliography (published in Research on Philosophy and Technology, supplement 1, 1984) compiled by Dr. Joyce Main Hanks. The microfilm contains many of the hard-to-find Ellul essay, speeches and lectures. The comprehensive bibliography was followed by an update in 1991 (Jacques Ellul: A Comprehensive Bibliographic Update, in Research in Philosophy and Technology, vol. 11)....
Dates: Created: 1936-2017; Other: Date acquired: 1986

James Edwin Wright Papers

Identifier: CN 326
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews and personal notebook relating to the ministry of James E. Wright with Youth for Christ in India, Mexico, and the United States.Series 1: Audio TapesOral history interviews with James E. Wright in which he describes his youth, conversion and spiritual growth, education at Wheaton College and Multnomah School of the Bible, involvement with Youth For Christ in Portland, Oregon, India and Mexico, counseling and follow-up...
Dates: Created: 1950-1986

James K. Friedrich Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 327
Scope and Contents Oral history with James Kempe Friedrich (1903-1966) by Mr. Kearney (?) in which Friedrich discusses his career as a pastor specializing in production of Christian films to be used in churches, particularly for children. Included is a discussion of his reasons for choice of actors, use of Walt Disney Studios, and effectiveness of a film ministry. The time period covered by the interview is circa 1930 to 1947.James K. Friedrich was interviewed by a Mr. Kearney (?) during the Fourth...
Dates: Created: 1947

Jane (Teresa) Leasor Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 125
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jane (Teresa) Leasor (1922-2009) in which she describes her post-graduate education at Biblical Seminary in New York City; teaching at a secondary school for girls and a college for women in Beirut, Lebanon; the Arabic language; Islam; the place of women in Islam society; and the relationship between various Christian churches in Lebanon.Teresa Leasor was interviewed by Robert Shuster on May 24 and September 7, 1982. There was an earlier tape recorded...
Dates: Created: 1982

Janet Kuhns Papers

Identifier: CN 390
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews and manuscript, relating to the ministry of Janet Kuhns, missionary among the Dayak people in West Kalimantan, Indonesia under the auspices of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CM&A).[NOTE: In the Scope and Content description, the notation "Folder 1-1" means box 1, Folder 1.]Series: Audio TapesThree oral history interviews with Janet Kuhns in which she...
Dates: Created: 1987-1988

J.B. Russell Papers

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-007
Scope and Contents The Russell papers contains biographical information, in the form of genealogical information.   Correspondence in the collection contains correspondence sent and received in the form of family letters, letters from Elizabeth Alexander, from Elbert and H. W. Sutcliffe, letters to Elsie Isabel Gunn Russell and various postcards.  Photographs of the Russell family are found in the collection.  Along with J. B. Russell's papers are several diaries of Edna Russell (November 19, 1894-June 2,...
Dates: Created: 1848-1989; Other: Majority of material found in 1893-1930; Other: Date acquired: 1972

Jeannette Thiessen Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 260
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jeannette Louise Martig Thiessen (1927-2014) in which she discusses her family life in Illinois, favorite professors and her education at Wheaton College, nurses' training, and years in India (1952-1974) working with her husband under the sponsorship of the Mennonite Mission to the Lepers and American Leprosy Mission. Other topics discussed include: the Indian caste system, Indian politics, economics, literacy, hospital work with lepers, the Indian church,...
Dates: Created: 1983

Jennie Fitzwilliam Papers Papers

Identifier: CN 272
Scope and Contents Letters with some translation, photographs, a Lisu translation of the New Testament, combined catechism and hymnbook in the Atsi Kachin language, slides, and four oral history interviews all related to Jennie Fitzwilliam's mission work with Overseas Missionary Fellowship (formerly China Inland Mission) among the Lisu and Kachin peoples in southern China along the Burmese border. Included are recollections of Fitzwilliam's husband, Francis, J.O. Fraser and the early history of missionary work...
Dates: Created: 1985

Jessie McDonald Papers

Identifier: CN 246
Scope and Contents Correspondence, diaries, notes, articles, photographs, and annual reports relating to Jessie McDonald's medical work in China from 1913-1952 with China Inland Mission. The documents include information on evangelistic outreach and the nature of health conditions in China. The materials also describe the political and social upheavals occurring in China during the first half of the 1900s.The correspondence by Dr. Mc Donald is supplemented by some correspondence of her co-workers...
Dates: Created: 1907-1951

Joel D. Heck Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Wade-A-54

Correspondence between Joel Heck  and students or colleagues of C.S. Lewis in preparation for his book: Irrigating Deserts: C.S. Lewis on Education. Included in the correspondence are the Magdalen tutorial lists from 1926 to 1954, students'  lecture notes, an essay, a diary, newspaper clippings concerning Lewis and a brochure about the play Shadowlands.

Dates: Created: 1942-2003; Other: Majority of material found in 2002-2003

John A. Gration Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 230
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with John Alexander Gration (1926-2012). Topics discussed include: Gration's Christian activities in high school and the U.S. Navy, education at Moody Bible Institute, Gordon College, and Wheaton College; his spiritual growth and call to become a missionary, his marriage, and his first impressions of and missionary experiences with Africa Inland mission in the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo), Christianity and culture, animism, superstition, AIM...
Dates: Created: 1982

John A. Huffman, Sr., Papers

Identifier: CN 389
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, correspondence, films, negatives, photographs, and radio programs which document the life and ministry of John A. Huffman, Sr. The materials cover his presidency of the Winona Lake School of Theology dealing mainly with the work of the students and faculty. There are some materials on the relationship of the School with Fuller Theological Seminary, films about Islam, the WLST tour of Israel and over two dozen radio programs of Great Moments with the Master and...
Dates: Created: 1934-1988

John and Florence Stauffacher Papers

Identifier: CN 281
Scope and Contents Correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, notes, clippings, and photographs relating to the Stauffachers' work as missionaries with Africa Inland Mission, chiefly from 1911 to the early 1940s. The materials document their careers from the earliest stages, describing their responsibilities and everyday life, primarily in Kenya and the Belgian Congo, but also in Uganda & Tanzania, their developing relationship by correspondence prior to Mrs. Stauffacher's arrival in Kenya and their subsequent...
Dates: Created: 1902-1973

John C. Chin Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 206
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with John C. Chin (1911-1989) in which he discusses his childhood in China, medical training, and the Chinese Christian church; the work of China Inland Mission in Honan, Szechwan, and Yunnan provinces; the Japanese occupation of China; Nationalist and Communist parties; medical work in CIM and Presbyterian hospitals; war conditions and relocation to Taiwan;  Also discussed is his founding of the Lutheran Seminary, Taiwan; the contemporary status of Chinese Christians,...
Dates: Created: 1982

John D. Ellison Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 461
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with John David Ellison (1925-1998) in which he talks about his parents' work as missionaries for the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) in French Indochina (now Vietnam) between 1924 and 1940; his own missionary training at Nyack Institute; his and his wife's work in Thailand among Cambodians from 1950 through 1980; and his work in the United States among Cambodian refugees. Other topics discussed include internment by the Japanese in December 1941; methods of...
Dates: Created: 1992

John E. Phillips Papers

Identifier: CN 488
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews, letters, newspaper clipping, a booklet and other materials, relating mainly to John E. Phillips' work as a missionary with the Sudan Interior Mission among the Kambatta people of Ethiopia (1932-1937) and among the Dinka people of Sudan (1938-1949). There is also some information on his involvement in other ministries, such as Ambassadors for Christ and the Allentown Rescue Mission.

Dates: Created: 1926-2003

John Perkins Papers

Identifier: CN 367
Scope and Contents Oral history interview, video tapes, and promotional material, relating to the ministry of John Perkins, author, speaker, and founder and President Emeritus of Voice of Calvary Ministries.Series: Audio TapesOral history interview with John PerkinsInterview with John Perkins in which he describes his childhood in rural Mississippi, his conversion, the formation of VOCM, its program and significant events and individuals in its...
Dates: Created: 1983-1995

John Pinney Collection

Identifier: CN 227
Scope and Contents This collection contains two reels of microfilm of materials created by John Brooke Pinney (1806-1882), including a diary, reports, and correspondence to New York Colonization Society about the status of an American colony in Liberia and its educational facilities for freed African slaves, in particular the College of Monrovia. Includes details of how slavery affected Liberia, educational needs of Liberians, also early history of missionary efforts of the Presbyterian Church and American...
Dates: Created: 1836-1975; Majority of material found within 1836-1880

José Pablo Sánchez-Nuñez Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 526
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jose Pablo Sánchez-Nuñez, in which he describes his family, childhood in Spain, Protestant Evangelicalism in a predominantly Catholic country, his conversion and spiritual development, training for ministry, work with Decisión, theological education by extension in Spain, American missionaries and their impact in Spain, attempts to unify Spanish Protestants, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's Global Mission (of which he was the director in Madrid), his...
Dates: Created: 1995

Judith Adams Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 372
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Judith Rachelle Whitthingham Adams about her childhood, her work with Genesis One Christian School, The Mendenhall Ministries, and the educational and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interview is circa 1960-1987.

Judith Adams was interviewed by Paul A. Ericksen on June 25 and 26, 1987, at the offices of Mendenhall Ministries in Mendenhall, MS.

Dates: Created: 1987

Karl G. Dortzbach Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 401
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Karl G. Dortzbach in which he describes his childhood and youth, influence of his family, education at Wheaton College and Westminster Theological Seminary, and missionary experience in Ethiopia (short term with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church) and in Kenya. Subjects covered include missiology, conversion, raising children on the mission field, marital relationships on the mission field, church life in a Nairobi congregation, proliferation of parachurch groups...
Dates: Created: 1988-1989

Kathy Bridegroom Collection

Identifier: CN 127
Scope and Contents Photographs, audio tapes, and prayer letters from Kathy Joan Bridegroom's two years as a Sudan Interior Mission worker at radio station ELWA in Liberia. Letters discuss her teaching experiences, cultural impressions, and mission activities. Ephemera from Bridegroom's missionary experiences consist of audio tapes and photographs from the ELWA mission compound including a Christmas program, closing service of summer Awana girls camp, and several worship services; pamphlets containing...
Dates: Created: 1972-1974

Kenneth L. Shingledecker Papers

Identifier: CN 297
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Kenneth L. Shingledecker in which he describes his work with college students in Student Training in Missions, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, planning Urbana '79 student missions convention, missionary work in Kenya for Daystar Communications, and the development of Christian leadership in the church in Kenya. The collection also includes a folder of prayer letters, ranging from 1985-1990.Topics covered in the oral history interview include...
Dates: Created: 1985-1990

Latin America Mission Records

Identifier: CN 236
Brief Description Records of the mission, including correspondence, minutes, reports, memos, financial reports, policy statements, planning documents, promotional material, photographs, etc. Documents describe the origins of LAM (particularly the contribution of the Strachan family); evangelistic, church planting, educational, medical, and literature activities (primarily in Colombia and Costa Rica, but also many other Latin American countries and the United States); the restructuring of the mission in the...
Dates: Created: 1903-1994

Lemuel Tucker Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 366
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lemuel Simpson Tucker (1952-1989) in which he describes his childhood and family, spiritual growth, education, leadership of Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM), John Perkins, VOCM's ministry in Jackson, Mississippi, evangelism in the African American community, Mendenhall Ministries, and racial conditions in Mississippi. Other topics discussed include the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's 1975 Deep South Crusade in Jackson; racism in America; the African...
Dates: Created: 1987

Leonard H. F. Sumule Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 524
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Leonard Hendrik F. Sumule in which he describes his family, childhood in Indonesia, conversion and spiritual development, being a Christian in a predominantly Muslim nation, his experience at Wheaton College's Honey Rock Camp, comparison of Honey Rock with Christian camps in Indonesia, the 1995 revival at Wheaton College, his goals for ministry in Indonesia, involvement in youth ministry, camping and Christian education in the country, and education and church...
Dates: Created: 1996

Lyndon Hess Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 228
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lyndon Roth Hess in which he describes his missionary service in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) between 1932 and 1975 as a teacher of missionary children, assistant to village pastors and other work with the Lunda people. Topics include cultural influences on missionary children, education at Wheaton College, missionary service with Brethren Assemblies in Zambia teaching children of missionaries, the national African church, tribal tensions, Marxism, influence of...
Dates: Created: 1982

M. Douglas Hursh Papers

Identifier: CN 186
Scope and Contents Two oral history interviews, manuscript material, photographs, and memorabilia relatingn to Marion Douglas Hursh's work with Sudan Interior Mission's Kano Eye Hospital, Kano in Nigeria from 1942-1962. Topics covered concern Hursh's education and work as a medical missionary at the Sudan Interior Mission's Kano Eye Hospital in Kano, Nigeria, as well as various aspects of church life and mission activity in Nigeria.  Events described in the interviews cover the time period from 1904 to...
Dates: Created: 1904-1982

Mabel Buyse Papers

Identifier: CN 496
Scope and Contents Diaries, photographs, correspondence, and a scrapbook relating to Mabel Easton Buyse’s missionary service with Africa Inland Mission among the Dungu and Bafuka people groups in Belgian Congo (later, Zaire) before her marriage and later service in Aru and Kasengu, Belgian Congo; Goli, Uganda; and Opari, Sudan. Buyse was involved with setting up, operating, and teaching in schools in each place she worked. The scrapbook deals with the 1941 sinking of the Zamzam, in which her brother-in-law,...
Dates: Created: 1908-1967

Malcolm and Helen Sawyer Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 256
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Malcolm Maurice Sawyer (1919-2007) and with Helen Irvin Sawyer, in which the Sawyers discuss their childhood, education, and working for the Christian and Missionary Alliance in China, 1948-1950 and in Laos, 1950-1975. Mission activities in Laos include church planting, training of pastors, and medical assistance to the Khamu and Hmong peoples, language study, Vietnam, Thailand and Tibet, transfer to Laos, cultural differences, political situation in Vietnam,...
Dates: Created: 1985

Malla Moe Papers

Identifier: CN 280
Scope and Contents

Diaries, notebooks, correspondence, clippings, financial records, tracts, photographs, and certificates belonging to Malla Moe, missionary to South Africa, 1892-1953, under Scandinavian Alliance Mission (later TEAM). Correspondence documents evangelistic work among South African tribes in Swaziland and Tongoland and includes descriptions of the Boer War, life in African communities, and church growth.

Dates: Created: 1893-1955

Margaret Crossett Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 287
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Margaret Rice Elliott Crossett in which she describes her childhood with her missionary parents in China, her education at Wheaton College, and missionary career with her husband, Vincent Crossett, in China and Taiwan with China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship (1929-1948, 1961-1973). Topics discussed include  Crossett's childhood in China; description of Chinese indigenous worship practices and syncretism in Chinese religious culture; Crossett's...
Dates: Created: 1984-1986

Marie H. Little Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 315
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Marie Huttenlock Little (1918-2009) in which she describes her childhood in Philadelphia, training as a nurse and further education at Philadelphia School of Bible and the University of Pennsylvania; missionary service with China Inland Mission in 1947, working in Lanzhou and Wu Wei, Gansu province; return to the U.S. in 1950 to become a staff worker for Inter-Varsity. The time period covered by the interviews is circa 1918-1955.Marie Little was...
Dates: Created: 1985

Marilyn J. Suttie Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 286
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Marilyn Joy Suttie in which she describes her work as a missionary in Cameroon with the United Presbyterian Ecumenical Mission. Topics discussed include: Suttie's childhood in China, education at Wheaton College, and short-term missionary work, mainly teaching missionary children in Cameroon. Also includes information on the Cameroon church, polygamy, Muslims in Cameroon, and medical care, and other political, social, and religious issues in Africa. The time...
Dates: Created: 1984

Mark Larson Papers

Identifier: CN 207
Scope and Contents One oral history interview with Mark Richard Larson concerning his experiences as a missionary under Sudan Interior Mission in Nigeria, 1979-1981. Centers on agricultural mission work in the Kano area of northern Nigeria. Also included in the collection are prayer letters dated from October 1982 to August 1984 and an Sudan Interior Mission Prayer Guide (folder 1-2), and a scrapbook (folder 1-1). The scrapbook was used as a point of reference throughout the interview and should be used by...
Dates: Created: 1981-1984

Martha H. Philips Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 314
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Martha H. Philips (1905-1996) in which she describes her childhood, education, missionary work in China with China Inland Mission at Chefoo School as a teacher of missionary children, her internment by the Japanese at Temple Hill and Wei Xian camps, repatriation, working with Wycliffe Bible Translators among the Zapotec Indians in southern Mexico, and traveling throughout the world representing the mission. The time period covered by the interviews is roughly...
Dates: Created: 1985

Mary Goforth Moynan Papers

Identifier: CN 189
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous personal papers, an autobiography, oral history interviews and color slides relating to the ministry of Mary Goforth Moynan. Topics covered include Moynan's memories of the personalities and work of her parents, Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth; evangelistic work in China before World War II; her own career in Christian work; and her trips in 1979 to Taiwan and in 1980 to the People's Republic of China.

Dates: Created: 1918-1994

Matthew Parker Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 413
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Matthew Parker in which he describes his childhood, family, education, conversion, study at Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music and work/study at Wheaton College, ministry with Campus Crusade in its sports ministry and with Overseas Crusades sports evangelism ministry (Venture for Victory w/ Bud Schaeffer), the 1984 and 1986 National Summits on Black Church Development, the Atlanta '88 Congress on Evangelizing Black America, the Afro-American community, white...
Dates: Created: 1989

Melvin R. Anderson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 370
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Melvin R. Anderson in which he discusses his work with Voice of Calvary Ministries in Jackson, MS, particularly as director of Peoples Development Incorporated and its housing ministry to rennovate and make homes available to the economically disadvantaged in Jackson. Other topics discussed include Anderson's family background, education, racial integration of the public school system; boycott of white businesses,  the influence of John and Vera Mae Perkins on...
Dates: Created: 1987

Merle A. Steely Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 290
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Merle Ashel Steely, who worked as a missionary with Sudan Interior Mission between 1951 and 1977 in Liberia and Nigeria. Topic discussed include: Steely's conversion while in military service, education and employment at Wheaton College (including the 1950 revival there), his missionary work in Liberia at radio station ELWA and with Sudan Interior Mission in Nigeria, teaching in mission and government schools, evangelism and church planting, Billy Graham's 1960...
Dates: Created: 1984

Merry E. Long Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 465
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Merry Dalton Long (1925-2010) in which she describes her childhood; education at Wheaton College; marriage; missionary work in the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Brazil; the 1960 Congo Rebellion; raising and educating children on the mission field. Other topics discussed include: Long’s medical training as a nurse during WWII; impressions of Africa; medical care available on the mission field; observations about Congolese animism; missionary...
Dates: Created: 1986

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Evangelism & Missions Archives 207
Special Collections 9
Wheaton College Archives 1
Marion E. Wade Center 1
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 103
Conversion -- Christianity. 96
Women -- Religious life. 75
Women missionaries. 75
Language in missionary work. 64
∨ more
Missionaries -- Training of. 64
Christian life. 63
Missions -- Educational work. 63
Christianity and culture. 52
Christian leadership. 48
Children of missionaries. 45
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 44
Evangelistic work -- United States. 40
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 40
Religious institutions. 37
Evangelicalism -- United States. 35
Missions -- Finance. 35
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 34
Christian education -- United States. 34
Missions -- China. 34
Families. 33
World War, 1939-1945. 32
Evangelistic work -- China. 29
Fund raising. 25
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 25
Children of missionaries -- Education. 24
Communism -- China. 24
Public worship -- Christianity. 24
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 24
Church development, New. 23
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 23
Fundamentalism. 23
Missionaries' spouses. 23
Culture shock. 22
Bible -- Study and teaching. 21
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 21
Missionaries, Resignation of. 21
Social change. 21
Missions, Medical. 20
Rural missions. 20
African Americans -- Religious life. 19
Church and social problems -- United States. 19
Church and social problems. 19
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 19
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 19
African Americans -- Social conditions. 18
Bible -- Translating. 18
Evangelicalism. 18
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 18
Missions -- Congresses. 18
Missions -- Study and teaching. 18
Radio in missionary work. 18
College students in missionary work. 17
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 17
Organizational change. 17
Race relations. 17
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 16
Christian education. 16
Indigenous church administration. 16
Missions -- Africa. 16
Missions -- India. 16
Presbyterians. 16
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 16
Worship (Christian) 16
Christian education -- China. 15
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 15
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 15
Missions -- Kenya. 15
Preaching. 15
Baptism. 14
Christian education -- Philosophy. 14
Church discipline. 14
Intercultural communication. 14
Mass media in missionary work. 14
Missionaries -- Salaries, etc. 14
Missionaries, Withdrawal of. 14
Missions -- Philippines. 14
Prayer. 14
Belief and doubt. 13
Church work with youth -- United States. 13
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa. 13
Liberation theology. 13
Marriage. 13
Missionaries. 13
Racism -- United States. 13
Sex role. 13
African Americans -- Missions. 12
Children -- Conversion to Christianity. 12
China -- Religion. 12
Evangelistic work. 12
Medical care -- China. 12
Missionaries -- United States. 12
Pentecostalism. 12
Radio in religion. 12
Bible -- Publication and distribution. 11
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 11
Christian education, Outdoor -- United States. 11
Christian literature -- Publishing. 11
Church and state -- United States. 11
Education -- United States. 11
∧ less
Russian 2
French 1
Japanese 1
Wheaton College (Ill.) 88
Shuster, Robert D. 52
Ericksen, Paul. 46
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 41
Moody Bible Institute. 26
∨ more
China Inland Mission. 22
Africa Inland Mission. 21
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 21
OMF International. 18
Zhongguo guo min dang. 15
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 14
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 14
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 13
Sudan Interior Mission. 13
Youth for Christ International. 13
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 11
Perkins, John, 1930- 11
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 11
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 11
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 10
Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 9
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 9
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 9
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 9
World Council of Churches. 9
Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 8
Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 8
Evangelical Churches of West Africa. 8
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 8
Howard, David M. 8
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 8
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 8
National Association of Evangelicals. 8
World Evangelical Fellowship. 8
Wright, J. Elwin. 8
Africa Inland Church. 7
Assemblies of God. 7
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 7
Davis, Ralph T. 7
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 7
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 7
Latin America Mission. 7
Padilla, C. René. 7
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 7
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 7
Straw, Darien A. 7
Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 7
Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 7
Weary, Dolphus., 1946- 7
Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 7
Armerding, Hudson T. 6
Campus Crusade for Christ. 6
Chefoo School (Yen t'ai shih, China) 6
Hurlburt, Charles E. 6
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 6
Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 6
Jones, Bob, 1911-1997. 6
Mendenhall Ministries (Mendenhall, Miss.) 6
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 6
Rift Valley Academy (Kijabe, Kenya) 6
Skinner, Tom, 1942- 6
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 6
Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 6
Africa Evangelical Fellowship. 5
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 5
Coggins, Wade T. 5
Committee to Assist Missionary Education Overseas. 5
Coray, Edward A. 5
Elliot, Elisabeth. 5
Far East Broadcasting Company. 5
Frizen, E. L. 5
Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 5
Graham, Ruth Bell. 5
Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 5
Kuhn, Isobel. 5
LeBar, Lois E. (Lois Emogene), 1907-1997. 5
Mau Mau. 5
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 5
Perkins, Vera Mae. 5
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 5
Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) 5
Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin), 1904-1985. 5
Tucker, Lem. 5
Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 5
Word of Life (Fellowship : Schroon Lake, N.Y.) 5
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 4
Christian Medical Society. 4
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 4
Crossett, Margaret E. 4
Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 4
Dodds, Gilbert, 1918- 4
Dow, Elsie Storrs. 4
ELWA (Radio station : Monrovia, Liberia) 4
Evangelical Committee on Latin America. 4
Evangelical Literature Overseas. 4
Evangelical Missions Information Service. 4
Evans, Robert P., 1918-2011. 4
Ford, Leighton. 4
Gospel Missionary Union. 4
High School Born-Againers. 4
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