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Showing Collections: 351 - 400 of 520

Matthew Wilks Letter

Identifier: Small CN 059
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a letter written by Matthew Wilks to Rev. A.J. Roberts from London regarding a future visit and a biographical sketch of Wilks written by J. L. Dandy dated February 1829

Dates: Created: 1819-1929

Melvin D. Suttie Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 293
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Melvin David Suttie (1912-2006) in which he discusses his childhood, Christian growth, education at Wheaton College and Biblical Seminary in New York and Omaha Presbyterian Seminary, missionary work with China Inland Mission (1940-1950), work among university students, persecution, evangelistic work among the Chinese population and Nationalist troops, his wife Mary's work among women, their children, church and state relations in China, the impact of the...
Dates: Created: 1985

Melvin E. Trotter Papers

Identifier: CN 047
Scope and Contents Sermons, personal memorabilia, audio tape of Trotter's preaching, negatives, photographs, minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, and correspondence related to Trotter's ministry as an evangelist and in rescue mission work. Collection combines Trotter's papers and the City Rescue Mission's records, including invitations to speak, responses to invitations from Trotter to speak at the mission, an abstract of a deed, requests for funds, testimonials to the good work of the mission, reports from...
Dates: Created: 1899-1972

Melvin R. Anderson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 370
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Melvin R. Anderson in which he discusses his work with Voice of Calvary Ministries in Jackson, MS, particularly as director of Peoples Development Incorporated and its housing ministry to rennovate and make homes available to the economically disadvantaged in Jackson. Other topics discussed include Anderson's family background, education, racial integration of the public school system; boycott of white businesses,  the influence of John and Vera Mae Perkins on...
Dates: Created: 1987

Merle A. Steely Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 290
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Merle Ashel Steely, who worked as a missionary with Sudan Interior Mission between 1951 and 1977 in Liberia and Nigeria. Topic discussed include: Steely's conversion while in military service, education and employment at Wheaton College (including the 1950 revival there), his missionary work in Liberia at radio station ELWA and with Sudan Interior Mission in Nigeria, teaching in mission and government schools, evangelism and church planting, Billy Graham's 1960...
Dates: Created: 1984

Merrill Dunlop Collection

Identifier: CN 050
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, photographs, and a video recordings relating to the ministry of Merrill Dunlop (1905-2002).The oral history interviews with Merrill Dunlop cover his association with evangelist Paul Rader, early religious radio programming in Chicago, the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, Youth for Christ, Christian evangelism and Christian music work. Merrill Dunlop was interviewed by Robert Shuster on November 21, 1978 and June 1, 1979, at Dunlop's home in Oak Park, Illinois....
Dates: Created: 1978-1988

Merry E. Long Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 465
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Merry Dalton Long (1925-2010) in which she describes her childhood; education at Wheaton College; marriage; missionary work in the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Brazil; the 1960 Congo Rebellion; raising and educating children on the mission field. Other topics discussed include: Long’s medical training as a nurse during WWII; impressions of Africa; medical care available on the mission field; observations about Congolese animism; missionary...
Dates: Created: 1986

Milton Acosta Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 429
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Milton Alfonso Acosta in which he describes his family background, youth, conversion to Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church in Colombia, charismatic movement in the Catholic Church, the state of the Evangelical church in Colombia; involvement in the student movement in Colombia, ministry as a staff worker with Unidad Christiana Universitaria (UCU), and UCU's relationship with local congregations. In a second interview, Acosta continues his description of work...
Dates: Created: 1990

Miriam J. Dunn Papers

Identifier: CN 080
Scope and Contents Collection contians a manuscript of I Get Your Message, Father, written by Miriam J. Dunn relating her missionary experiences in China and Southeast Asia with China Inland Mission (CIM) (319 pp.) Topics include her childhood in China, nurses training in England, language school in China, marriage, work with Christian Witness Press in Hong Kong, and missionary work in Malaysia. The manuscript is typed on 319 pages, 8" x 11" size bond paper and...
Dates: Created: 1978

Mission Aviation Fellowship Records

Identifier: CN 136
Scope and Contents Office files of MAF, a mission agency that provided transportation, radio contact and other support to missions working in remote areas, as well as some services to non-mission agencies. Materials, including correspondence, minutes, reports, prayer letters, personnel files, and budgets, that document the administration and activities of MAF, especially the regional offices in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, the Development division (extensive individual prayer letters from entire...
Dates: Created: 1944-2006

Mission Narratives Collection

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-229
Scope and Contents

The contents of the Mission Narratives Collection may be searched in the library catalog using keyword: SC/229

Dates: Other: -

Missionary Society of Connecticut Records Microfilm

Identifier: CN 144
Scope and Contents

Microfilm edition of missionary correspondence, superintendents' correspondence, administrative records, and printed matter generated by the Missionary Society of Connecticut. Mission areas included those with a heavy concentration of New England settlers: Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Connecticut (Ohio). There was also an effort toward American Indians. All reels are 35mm.

Dates: Created: 1759-1948; Other: Majority of material found in 1793-1899

Mona Joyce Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 535
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Mona Miller Joyce (1912-2000) in which she describes her childhood and youth, conversion and spiritual development, call to missionary work, family, work in China with China Inland Mission, husband Raymond Joyce, the Communist period in China and CIM's expulsion from the country, co-workers Dr. Jessie McDonald and Mabel Soltau, Pentecostalism, relations among missionaries, her role as a woman missionary, outreach to Muslims, their work in the Persian Gulf with...
Dates: Created: 1996

Moody Church Records

Identifier: CN 330
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, church bulletins, minutes of meetings, and other records documenting the activities of the influential independent Chicago church started in 1864 by Dwight L. Moody; chiefly from ca. 1910 through 1946. Topics documented include worship services, Sunday school, the weekly activities in the congregation, the governance of the body, and various urban evangelistic outreaches of the church. Besides the history of the church, the collection also documents such...
Dates: Created: 1864-1987

Mordecai Ham Collection

Identifier: CN 118
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence, oral history interviews, newspaper clippings, microfilm, periodicals, photographs, sermon transcripts and notebooks. It documents in a non-comprehensive way Ham’s preaching style, some of his evangelistic meetings; his campaigns against Roman Catholics, Jews, evolution, and for the prohibition of alcohol and the racial hierarchy in the American South. There is in particular a great deal of material about the 1934 meetings in Charlotte when Billy...
Dates: Created: 1875-1983; Majority of material found within 1915-1934

Myron and Elizabeth Harrison Papers

Identifier: CN 249
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, prayer letters, and photographs related to the missionary service of Myron and Elizabeth Harrison with Overseas Missionary Fellowship in the Philippines from 1967-1990.Series: Audio TapesOne oral history interview each with Myron and Elizabeth Harrison. Topics discussed in the interviews include missionary call, appointment and assignments in the Philippines with Overseas Missionary Fellowship, family life, the...
Dates: Created: 1967-1993

Nancy Duarte-Gomez Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 521
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Nancy Duarte-Gomez, a Chilean staffworker with Grupo Biblico Universitario de Chile (GBU, InterVarsity sister movement). Duarte describes her childhood and youth, education, religious background, conversion and spiritual development, the church in Chile, training with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), ministry among students, GBU and its connection to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the country's political climate and its impact on the church,...
Dates: Created: 1995

Naomi Walkwitz Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 167
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Naomi Hildebrand Waltwitz recorded while she was on furlough, describing childhood experiences, education & marriage to Roger Walkwitz, their careers as missionaries,  tribal peoples of the Philippines under Far East Gospel Crusade between 1958-1980. Topics include Filipino customs, tribal practices of Christian groups, training of singing gospel teams, education in the Christian and national schools, relationship with Roman Catholics & Philippine...
Dates: Created: 1980

Nathan Walton Collection

Identifier: Small CN 084
Scope and Contents

This collection contains two letters and several items related to the drowning of missionary George E. King in 1927. The letters describe Nathan and Lois Walton's travel as missionaries with China Inland Mission, and a Bible conference for Chinese Christians.  Also includes CIM newsletter and report which describe the treacherous raft trip made by 38 missionaries and their families who were withdrawing from the Kansu Province during which King drowned.

Dates: Created: 1927-1940

National Prayer Congress Records

Identifier: CN 176
Scope and Contents Audio tapes and 1 film of 30 addresses given at the National Prayer Congress held in October 1976 in Dallas, Texas. Tapes were prepared as part of a series for radio broadcast. Topics cover both theoretical and practical aspects of prayer, including its role in evangelism, national revival, biblical teaching, and impact on the family. Speakers included Harold L. Fickett, Paul Toms, Rex Humbard, Jack McAlister, W.A. Criswell, Cliff Barrows and Billy Graham, William Richardson, Bruce Cook,...
Dates: Created: 1976-1977

National Summits on Black Church Development Records

Identifier: CN 538
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, reports, conference participant lists and schedules, minutes, financial records, press clippings, evaluations, audio tapes, video tapes, and photographs, documenting the 1984 and 1986 National Summits. The collection documents both the planning for the meetings and the plenary and discussion sessions. The participants include numerous Black Evangelical leaders, but particularly feature Matthew Parker, Tom Skinner, Haman Cross, Tony Evans, Crawford Loritts, Bob...
Dates: Created: 1983-1986

Navigators Records

Identifier: CN 007
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, reports, forms, manuals, statistical summaries, publicity materials, newspaper clippings relating to the counseling and follow-up systems the Navigators created and supervised for Billy Graham Evangelistic Association meetings between 1950 and 1957. Records document the details of this system for counseling people who came forward at BGEA evangelistic meetings and maintaining contact with them as they began to develop a Christian lifestyle. For some crusades, besides...
Dates: Created: 1947-1974

OC International Records

Identifier: CN 222
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, handbooks, directories, photographs, etc., relating to the mission's work of evangelism, church planting and development of national leadership in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America since its origin in 1950 and official founding in 1951. Documents describe the founding and expansion of the mission, administrations of Dick Hillis (first president from 1951-1976, but also including files dating back to 1933 on his years as a missionary in...
Dates: Created: 1933-1998

Old Time Gospel Music Collection

Identifier: CN 042
Scope and Contents This collection consists of one audio tape containing American Gospel music sung by Homer Rodeheaver, George Beverly Shea, and F. Carlton Booth, with piano solos by Clayton Erb.Side 1: Sung by Homer Rodeheaver - 1. When God is Near , 2. Wonderful , 3. You Must Open the Door, 4. Jesus Took My Burden, 5. Heartaches, 6. The Glory of His Presence, 7. Saviour, Like a Shepherd -- Piano solo by Clayton Erb, sung by George Beverly Shea - 8. Softly and Tenderly, 9. If We Could See Beyond...
Dates: Created: 1930-1940

OMS International, Inc., Records

Identifier: CN 056
Scope and Contents News releases, prayer letters, reports and field studies. The documents all related to the work of OMS which had workers in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America in the areas of radio broadcasting and Bible distribution. Key OMS figures featured include founder Charles Cowman, his wife, Lettie Burd Cowman, Wesley Duewel, and E.A. Kilbourne.[NOTE: In the Scope and Content Section, the notation "folder 5-2" means "box 5, folder 2."]The collection consists of annual...
Dates: Created: 1963 - 1978

Orinoco River Mission Orientation Handbook

Identifier: Small CN 028
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a handbook given to Orinoco River Mission candidates and missionaries to acquaint them with the mission's rules and regulations. Also contains specific information useful to missionaries in Venezuela.

Dates: Created: 1967

Oswald J. Smith Papers

Identifier: CN 322
Scope and Contents Correspondence, audio tapes, hymn and poem manuscripts, lantern slides, phonograph records, negatives, photographs, tracts, posters, audio tapes, clippings, scrapbooks, etc., related to Oswald J. Smith's career as an evangelist, pastor, author and editor, hymn writer and poet, colporteur, and promoter of missions involvement. Includes material on the Smith family; his evangelistic ministry, particularly in Canada; the North American hymn publishing industry, particularly correspondence with...
Dates: Created: 1890-1986

Otto F. Schoerner Papers

Identifier: CN 055
Scope and Contents

Papers of Otto Frederick Schoerner a Wheaton College alumnus and missionary with China Inland Mission in Sinkiang, Honan, and Kangsu Provinces of China from 1931-1951. Collection includes an oral history interview, correspondence, autobiography, and photographs.

Dates: Created: 1949-2006

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) Records

Identifier: CN 215
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, directories, newsletters, brochures, photographs, book manuscripts, slides, photo albums, and other materials which document the history of the North American branch of the mission. Materials cover the origins of the mission's North American branch; its church planting, evangelistic, medical, educational, and literature work in China until the time of its expulsion in 1951; its reorganization from China Inland Mission into Overseas Missionary Fellowship; its work...
Dates: Created: 1853, 1886-1990, 2001, undated; Other: Majority of material found in 1886-2001

Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly Records

Identifier: CN 172
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, news releases, minutes of meetings, and other materials which describe the origins, planning, purpose, and results of the Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly (PACLA) meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya in December 1976, a gathering for evangelical African church leaders and missionaries in Nairobi, which grew out of of an informal meeting of African leaders at the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization held at Lausanne, Switzerland. The bulk of this...
Dates: Created: 1975-1978

Paul A. Contento Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 472
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul A. Contento in which he discusses his childhood, conversion, attendance at Moody Bible Institute, going to China in 1928 as a China Inland Mission worker, evangelistic work in Ningxia province (Inner Mongolia) and work among university students in southwest and northwest China, founding of the Inter-Varsity student movements in China, Singapore and Vietnam; Calvin Chao; the Sino-Japanese war; the communist takeover in China; founding of Singapore Bible...
Dates: Created: 19992

Paul and Catharine Gieser Papers

Identifier: CN 088
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Kenneth Gieser and letters reporting to the Southern Presbyterian Mission Board in Nashville, TN on the Gieser’s work in China, written between October 19, 1934, and November 1, 1936. Also contains audio tapes and transcripts of autobiographical statements.

Dates: Created: 1934-1979

Paul B. Long Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 344
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Paul Brown Long in which he discusses his childhood, attendance at Wheaton Academy and Wheaton College (including individuals Hudson, Taylor Armerding, Edward A. Coray, V. Raymond Edman, Billy Graham, Ruth Bell Graham, Clarence Jaarsma, Clarence Simpson, C. Gregg Singer), missionary work in education, evangelism, and church planting in the former Belgian Congo and in Brazil. Other topics include animism, church discipline, Christianity and culture, rearing a...
Dates: Created: 1986

Paul D. Votaw Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 105
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Dean Votaw (1917-2007) in which he describes his childhood; education at Wheaton College, Dallas Seminary, and Princeton Seminary; and missionary activities in Syria and Lebanon. The time period covered by the interview is roughly 1917-1954.Reverend Paul Votaw was interviewed by Robert Shuster on March 4, 1980, at the Graham Center offices in Wheaton. The first ten minutes of the interview are barely decipherable due to technical difficulties. The...
Dates: Created: 1980

Paul E. Johnson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 399
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul E. Johnson (1909-1997) in which he talks about his family background; conversion; lay witness as a musician involved in the work of Pacific Garden Mission and various prison ministries; Chicago in the 1930's; the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle; the Christian Businessmen's Committee; Paul Rader, Jack Wyrtzen, Roger Malsbary; and the early days of Youth for Christ in Indianapolis. Other topics discussed include the Great Depression in Chicago, and Johnson's...
Dates: Created: 1988

Paul E. Little Papers

Identifier: CN 426
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, minutes, course notes, lecture notes, manuscripts, articles, photographs, and audio tapes relating to Little's college education at Wheaton College Graduate School, and his work as an evangelist, teacher, writer, and Evangelical leader.Included are Little's seminary lecture notes, and files on his contribution as assistant director of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization in Switzerland. A substantial portion of the collection consists...
Dates: Created: 1946-1987; Created: Majority of material found in 1954-1975

Paul F. Hurlburt, Jr., Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 438
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Frederick Hurlburt (1927-1996) in which he describes the work of his grandfather (Charles E.) and father (Paul F. E.) as missionaries and mission administrators in east central Africa; languages skills among missionaries; the development of Christianity among the nade people of Zaire, including their worship practices and music; and the influence of witchcraft in the area. The time period covered by the interview is approximately 1898 to 1990.Paul...
Dates: Created: 1990

Paul F. Robinson Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 441
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Paul Frederick Robinson (1910-1993) in which he describes his family background; spiritual development; education at Moody Bible Institute; his evangelist father, Frederick Robinson; and his own founding of Moody Bible Institute's mission aviation training program. Other topics discussed include: Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JAARS); Robinson's flying experiences in New Guinea, Indonesia, long cross-country flights,...
Dates: Created: 1991

Paul H. Bartel Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 453
Scope and Contents One oral history interview with Paul Henry Bartel (1904-2001) in which he describes his parents' work in China with orphans, his own childhood in that growing up in China, his conversion to Christianity and anecdotes from his long career as a missionary. Other topics discussed include: The Boxer Uprising and its aftermath; education, including high school at a Holiness Mission school; returning to the United States for college and experiencing culture shock; missionary training institute;...
Dates: Created: 1991

Paul L. Maier Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 049
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Luther Maier in which he describes the relationship between his father, Walter Arthur Maier, of the radio program The Lutheran Hour and Billy Graham. He also discusses Walter F. Bennett and Company, an advertising firm that worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Paul Maier was interviewed by Robert Shuster on November 9, 1978....
Dates: Created: 1978

Paul P. Stough Papers

Identifier: CN 089
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews, films, videos relating to Paul P. Stough’s missionary service in the Belgian Congo with Africa Inland Mission. Materials contain information on Stough's father, Henry Stough, Wheaton College, Paul Stough's work as a missionary for Africa Inland Mission in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) and Kenya from the 1920s to the 1970s, and generally on the spread of Christianity in Africa.

Dates: Created: 1979-1992

Paul Rader Collection

Identifier: CN 038
Scope and Contents Newsletters, sermon manuscripts, scrapbooks, programs, pamphlets, photographs, negatives, brochures, a taped sermon, slides, thesis materials, and more, documenting Paul Rader's life and ministry. The material deals mainly with his radio work and the organizations he founded, including the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle. Additional material includes items about Rader gathered for a planned biography, sermons of other preachers who spoke at the Tabernacle, newsletters and magazines published by...
Dates: Created: 1899-1996

Percy B. Crawford and Ruth Crawford Porter Papers

Identifier: CN 357
Scope and Contents

Films, videos, audio tapes, correspondence, a book manuscript, sermon notes, and other materials documenting the evangelistic ministry of Percy and Ruth Crawford, particularly their radio and television work.

Dates: Created: 1922-1989

Peter Deyneka, Jr. Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 381
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Peter Simon Deyneka, Jr. (1931-2000) in which he describes his father, Peter Deyneka Sr; his own education at Wheaton College; and his early Christian work in Alaska, South America and Korea. Other topics discussed include: Deyneka's childhood in Chicago as the child of Russian immigrants, spiritual life on Wheaton College campus, decision to go into full-time ministry with the Slavic Gospel Association, working among the Aleut people in Alaska, refugee camps in...
Dates: Created: 1987

Philip Quaque Papers Microfilm

Identifier: CN 151
Scope and Contents Complete microfilmed letters of Philip Quaque, first non-European ordained priest in the Church of England, native African and missionary to the Cape Coast (present day Ghana) for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Microfilm includes letters and other material concerning a wide variety of SPG mission efforts in North America, 1784-91, and Africa, 1817-1855. Letters describe progress in missionary work, relations with political authorities, daily life in colonial...
Dates: Created: 1765-1855

Phyllis E. Taylor Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 460
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Phyllis Evelyn Taylor in which she discusses her childhood and conversion to Christianity; education at Wheaton College; her experiences as a Christian and Missionary Alliance teacher and evangelist among the Bantu people in the Belgian Congo from 1952-1966; her work in Taiwan from 1968 as an independent missionary; and teaching English as a means of evangelism. Other topics discussed include attending Nyack Missionary Training Institute; memories of the 1950...
Dates: Created: 1992

Pioneer Ministries Records

Identifier: CN 264
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, photos, slides, tapes, curriculum materials, manuals, etc., relating to the work of the PM (formerly Pioneer Girls) in North American Churches. Materials document PM's early history, camping program (philosophy and history of Camp Cheriths and reference materials used to operate a camp and train camp staff), communications functions depicting the variety of tools used to communicate news and information to participants in its programs, orientation materials for field...
Dates: Created: 1939-1983

Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Evangelizacion (CLADE) Records

Identifier: CN 324
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, minutes, press releases, planning and financial records, and manuscripts of Congress presentations (primarily in Spanish). Files in this collection were those of Clyde Taylor, executive secretary of the Evangelical Foreign Mission Association at the time of the Congress. Items document early planning and securing subsidy funding from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, travel arrangements, and daily reports from the Congress. Texts of Congress messages by...
Dates: Created: 1951-1975; Other: Majority of material found in 1968-1970

Prison Fellowship Ministries Records

Identifier: CN 274
Brief Description Correspondence, memos, reports, newspaper clippings and other documents describing the founding and development of Prison Fellowship. Among the subjects covered in the files are the part played in the organization by Charles Colson, the realities of prison ministry, the conditions of prisons in the United States, relations between organizations involved in prison ministries, the testimonies of inmates, and the relationship between PFM and its constituents.  Persons featured included those...
Dates: Created: 1961, 1975-1989, 1990, undated

Rafael Maldonado, Jr. Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 395
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Rafael Maldonado, Jr. in which describes his childhood; conversion; education and training for ministry at Moody Bible Institute and Calvin Theological Seminary; ministry with Chicago’s Hispanic communities; and role as a pastor at Hope Christian Fellowship to the Puerto Rican community in Chicago. Other topics discussed include: completion of the SCUPE program; apprenticeship for Urban Ministry, the Spirit and Truth Fellowship Church under Manuel Ortiz; church's...
Dates: Created: 1988

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  • Subject: Evangelistic work X

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Evangelism & Missions Archives 511
Special Collections 7
Wheaton College Archives 2
Conversion -- Christianity. 214
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 176
Evangelistic work -- United States. 175
Women -- Religious life. 121
Women missionaries. 113
∨ more
Christian life. 109
Language in missionary work. 103
Missions -- China. 89
Missionaries -- Training of. 88
Christian leadership. 82
Missions -- Educational work. 82
Evangelicalism -- United States. 79
Christianity and culture. 76
Evangelistic work -- China. 76
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 67
Religious institutions. 66
Children of missionaries. 63
World War, 1939-1945. 59
Missions -- Finance. 58
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 56
Evangelistic sermons. 55
Sermons, American. 54
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 53
Evangelistic work. 53
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 52
Fundamentalism. 51
Families. 50
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 50
Communism -- China. 49
Fund raising. 45
Church and social problems -- United States. 44
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 42
Prayer. 42
Preaching. 42
Evangelicalism. 40
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 39
Evangelistic invitations. 39
Bible -- Study and teaching. 38
Public worship -- Christianity. 38
Church and social problems. 37
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 37
Church development, New. 35
African Americans -- Social conditions. 33
Culture shock. 33
Radio in missionary work. 32
Radio in religion. 32
African Americans -- Religious life. 31
Christian education -- United States. 31
Missionaries' spouses. 31
Missions -- Congresses. 31
Missions, Medical. 31
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 30
College students in missionary work. 30
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 30
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 30
Radio in religion -- United States. 30
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 30
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 30
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 29
Evangelistic work -- Songs and music. 29
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 29
Missions -- India. 29
Rural missions. 29
Church and state -- United States. 28
Mass media in religion -- United States. 28
Missions -- Study and teaching. 28
Bible -- Translating. 27
Missions -- Africa. 27
Music -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 27
Social change. 27
Mass media in religion. 26
Missionaries, Resignation of. 26
Belief and doubt. 25
Evangelistic work -- Illinois -- Chicago. 25
Race relations. 25
Racism -- United States. 25
Evangelistic work -- Africa. 24
Evangelistic work -- South America. 24
African Americans -- Missions. 23
China -- Religion. 23
Christian literature -- Publishing. 23
Church work with youth -- United States. 23
College students -- United States -- Religious life. 23
Ecumenical movement. 23
Marriage. 23
Missions -- Philippines. 23
Missions -- South America. 23
Presbyterians. 23
Medical care -- China. 22
Missionaries. 22
Organizational change. 22
Persecution -- China. 22
Worship (Christian) 22
Baptism. 21
Children -- Conversion to Christianity. 21
City missions -- United States. 21
Evangelistic work -- Great Britain. 21
Indigenous church administration -- China. 21
Intercultural communication. 21
Mass media in missionary work. 21
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 5
Russian 3
Chinese 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
German 1
∨ more  
Wheaton College (Ill.) 148
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 105
Shuster, Robert D. 100
Ericksen, Paul. 88
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 50
∨ more
Moody Bible Institute. 50
China Inland Mission. 46
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 36
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 35
OMF International. 35
Africa Inland Mission. 33
Youth for Christ International. 31
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 30
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 28
Zhongguo guo min dang. 27
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 26
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 23
Campus Crusade for Christ. 22
Bright, Bill. 21
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 21
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 20
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) 19
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 19
Rodeheaver, Homer A. (Homer Alvan), 1880-1955. 19
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 18
Latin America Mission. 18
National Association of Evangelicals. 18
Perkins, John, 1930- 18
Sudan Interior Mission. 18
World Evangelical Fellowship. 18
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 18
Ford, Leighton. 17
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 17
Jones, Clarence W. 17
Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 17
Armerding, Hudson T. 16
Barrows, Cliff. 16
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 16
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 16
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 16
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 16
World Council of Churches. 16
Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 16
Assemblies of God. 15
Howard, David M. 15
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 15
Palau, Luis, 1934- 15
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 15
Africa Inland Church. 14
Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 14
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 14
Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 14
Ockenga, Harold John, 1905-1985. 14
Smith, Oswald J. 14
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 14
Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 14
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 13
Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 13
Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 13
Padilla, C. René. 13
Shea, George Beverly, 1909-2013. 13
Skinner, Tom, 1942- 13
Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 12
Dunlop, Merrill. 12
Graham, Ruth Bell. 12
Moody Memorial Church (Chicago, Ill.) 12
Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947. 12
Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 12
Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983. 12
Colson, Charles W. 11
Columbia Bible College (Columbia, S.C.) 11
Fuller Theological Seminary. 11
World Vision International. 11
Wright, J. Elwin. 11
Youth for Christ/USA. 11
Elliot, Elisabeth. 10
Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 10
Evangelism-in-Depth. 10
McCully, Theodore Edward, 1927-1956. 10
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 10
Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 10
Pierce, Bob, 1914-1978. 10
Sunday, Helen Amelia Thompson, 1868-1957. 10
Taylor, Herbert John, 1893-1978. 10
Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 10
Wilson, T. W., 1918-2001. 10
Adeney, David H. (David Howard) 9
Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 9
Bell, L. Nelson (Lemuel Nelson), 1894-1973. 9
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 9
Davis, Ralph T. 9
Dodds, Gilbert, 1918- 9
Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 9
Graham, Franklin, 1952- 9
Jones, Bob, 1911-1997. 9
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 1890-1944. 9
Mendenhall Ministries (Mendenhall, Miss.) 9
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 9
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. 9
Orr, J. Edwin (James Edwin), 1912- 9
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