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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15

"Auca" Incident Collection

Identifier: CN 599
Scope and Contents

Audio tapes, comic book, film, filmstrips, oversize materials, phonograph records, postage stamps, and video tapes documenting the martyrdom of five American missionaries in Ecuador by the Waorani (Huaorani) Indians in 1956. Documents describe the deaths of the missionary, the response by Protestant evangelical Christians in the United States, and later missionary work with the Indians by Rachel Saint and Elisabeth Elliot.

Dates: Created: 1956-1993, undated

Bert and Colleen Elliot Papers

Identifier: CN 684
Scope and Contents Correspondence and photographs of Bert and Colleen Elliot, Plymouth Brethren missionaries to Peru from 1949 to 2012. Correspondence is by and large written by Colleen Elliot to her parents and sister. Topics covered include reflections on cultural and spiritual differences between the United States and Peru, the challenges of missionary life and language divides, interactions with missionaries from different denominations, medical work in rural areas, evangelism, and the spiritual...
Dates: Created: 1943-1994

Clarence W. Jones Papers

Identifier: CN 349
Scope and Contents Collection includes correspondence, reports, sermons, memos, minutes of meetings, clippings, photographs, videotapes, slides, and other materials relating to the career of mission executive Clarence W. Jones. The materials deal mainly with his work at the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle and the growth and development of the organization he helped found, the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, and especially its primary broadcasting station, HCJB in Ecuador. There is also an extensive amount of...
Dates: Created: 1915-1986

Collection 278 - Elisabeth Elliot Papers

Identifier: CN 278
Scope and Contents Correspondence, slides, clippings, publicity releases, reviews, manuscripts, films, video and audio tapes relating to Elisabeth Elliot's careers as a missionary in Ecuador, author, teacher and speaker. The collection is particularly rich in material relating to the so-called "Auca Incident" and Elliot's own work the Waorani, whose enemies called them the "Auca," as well as her lectures on the Biblical view of the roles of men and women, dealing with suffering, and personal holiness, among...
Dates: Created: 1926-2010; Majority of material found within 1938-2010

Ed and Marilou McCully Papers

Identifier: CN 687
Scope and Contents Journal, correspondence, manuscript, audio tapes, photographs and other materials relating to the life and ministry of Ed and Marilou McCully, Plymouth Brethren Missionaries in Ecuador. The materials document Ed Mc Cully's education (including at Wheaton College), successes in oratorical competition, courtship of Marilou Hobolth, their work in Ecuador as Plymouth Brethren missionaries, his death at the hands of Waorani tribespeople, and Marilou McCully’s subsequent involvement in documenting...
Dates: Created: 1944-1985

Fred and Clara Elliot Papers

Identifier: CN 721
Scope and Contents Correspondence and clippings received or created by the Elliots, who were parents of the missionary Jim Elliot. Most of the collection consists of letters from Jim Elliot to his parents and/or other members of his family, although there are also numerous letters from his parents to him and letters from other correspondents, such as Elisabeth Elliot (Jim’s wife), Ed and Marilou McCully, Marj Saint, and Barbara Youderian. The letters describe contemporaneously Jim Elliot’s student years at...
Dates: 1945-1958

Janet Wismer Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CN 719
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, transcripts of broadcasts, correspondence, newsletters, articles, photogrpahs and memorabilia, relating to the friendship of Wismer and Elisabeth Elliot and Wismer's work as a staff member and producer for Elisabeth Elliot’s Gateway to Joy radio program.

Dates: 1959-2012; Majority of material found within 1981-2012

Jim Elliot Collection

Identifier: CN 277
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, tapes of sermons and audio letters, journals, notebooks, annotated Bibles, school records, poems, clippings, drawings, and other materials describing Elliot's courtship of his wife Elisabeth, his spiritual preparation for the mission field, early days of his work in Ecuador, and events leading up to his death and those of four other missionaries at the hands of the Waorani (called "Auca" by their enemies) people. Microfilm edition of materials available for researcher use.

Dates: Created: 1941-1959; Majority of material found within 1947-1956

Kathryn Deering Papers

Identifier: CN 670
Scope and Contents

Manuscripts, newsletters, photos, digital copies of journals, and other materials relating to the life and ministry of Elisabeth Elliot as they were gathered by Kathryn Deering, employee of Servant Publications who edited Elliot’s newsletter and several of her books.

Dates: Created: 1979-2012

Kenneth Fleming Papers

Identifier: CN 657
Brief Description Collection contains letters, articles, audio recordings, photographs, and other material collected by Kenneth Fleming relating to the death of five American missionaries in Ecuador in 1956, including his brother Peter Fleming, in Ecuador with the Plymouth Brethren mission agency Christian Missions In Many Lands. In particular, the papers document the story of Peter’s involvement in the so-called “Operation Auca” and his death, along with missionaries Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Nate Saint and...
Dates: Created: 1946-2011

Margaret Carlson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 263
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Margaret Johanna (Larson) Carlson in which she describes growing up in Ecuador as the child of missionaries, her education at Westmont and Wheaton Colleges, her nursing experience, and her missionary service with her husband at the Christian and Missionary Alliance Seminary in Hong Kong. Other topics discussed include: the founding of a HCJB radio station by her father, Reuben Larson, and her involvement in Wheaton College's HNGR Program. Individuals described...
Dates: Created: 1983

Mission Aviation Fellowship Records

Identifier: CN 136
Scope and Contents Office files of MAF, a mission agency that provided transportation, radio contact and other support to missions working in remote areas, as well as some services to non-mission agencies. Materials, including correspondence, minutes, reports, prayer letters, personnel files, and budgets, that document the administration and activities of MAF, especially the regional offices in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, the Development division (extensive individual prayer letters from entire...
Dates: Created: 1944-2006

Office of the President Records (V. Raymond Edman)

Identifier: RG-02-004
Scope and Contents

Records of the President V. Raymond Edman , include biographical files, subject files, correspondence,  financial records, sermons, audio recordings and memorabilia.

Dates: Created: 1918-2020; Other: Majority of material found in 1931-1966

Papers of Olive Fleming Liefeld Papers

Identifier: CN 701
Scope and Contents This collection contains letters, reports, transcripts, photographs, photo albums, and other materials from the papers of Olive Liefeld relating to her first husband, Peter Fleming, their work as missionaries in Ecuador among the Quichua people, his death along with four other missionaries at the hands of Waorani tribesmen in 1956, the continuing development of that story in terms of the impact of the men's deaths on American evangelicalism and the growth of a Christian community among the...
Dates: Created: 1946-2006, undated

Robert C. Van Kampen Papers

Identifier: CN 313
Scope and Contents Correspondence, minutes, reports, manuscripts, photographs, audio tapes, clippings, etc., related to Van Kampen's responsibilities on the Board of Directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as well as various board committees, the boards of BGEA subsidiaries or affiliated institutions (Billy Graham Benevolent Fund, Billy Graham Evangelistic Film Ministry, Inc., Billy Graham Evangelistic Trust, Billy Graham Foundation, Grason Company, World Evangelism and Christian Education Fund,...
Dates: Created: 1944-1982

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  • Subject: Huao Indians. X

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Evangelism & Missions Archives 14
Wheaton College Archives 1
Missions -- Ecuador. 9
Evangelistic work -- Ecuador. 7
Evangelicalism -- United States. 6
Quechua Indians. 6
Plymouth Brethren -- Missions. 5
∨ more
Quechua language. 5
Aeronautics in missionary work. 4
Christian martyrs -- Ecuador. 4
Ecuador -- Description and travel. 4
Evangelistic work -- United States. 4
Gateway to Joy (Radio program) 4
Huao (Language) 4
Missions -- South America. 4
Sex role -- United States. 4
Women -- Religious life. 4
Women missionaries. 4
Christianity and culture. 3
Curaray River (Ecuador and Peru) 3
Evangelistic sermons. 3
Evangelistic work -- South America. 3
Indians of South America -- Ecuador. 3
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 3
Quito (Ecuador) 3
Radio in missionary work. 3
Radio in religion -- United States. 3
Through gates of splendor. 3
Women -- Sexual behavior. 3
Women authors, American. 3
Adultery. 2
Arajuno (Ecuador) 2
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 2
Children of missionaries. 2
Christian education -- Ecuador. 2
Christian life. 2
Christian martyrs. 2
Church and social problems -- Ecuador. 2
Church and state -- Ecuador. 2
College students -- Religious life. 2
Colorado Indians (Ecuador) 2
Courtship -- United States. 2
Cross-cultural studies. 2
Devotional literature. 2
Evangelistic invitations. 2
Holiness -- Biblical teaching. 2
Indians of South America -- Missions. 2
Indians of South America. 2
Language in missionary work. 2
Lord's Supper. 2
March of truth (Radio program) 2
Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 2
Marriage. 2
Mass media in religion -- United States. 2
Men -- Sexual behavior. 2
Missionaries -- Training of. 2
Missions -- Finance. 2
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 2
Missions -- Peru. 2
Missions -- Public relations. 2
Organizational change -- United States. 2
Radio broadcasting -- Ecuador. 2
Radio stations -- Europe. 2
Religious institutions. 2
Sermons, American. 2
Shandia (Ecuador) 2
Tribes -- Ecuador. 2
Waorani Indians. 2
Abortion -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 1
Aeronautics -- Safety measures. 1
Aging. 1
Airplanes -- Maintenance and repair. 1
Animism -- Peru. 1
Annual Reports. 1
Artificial satellites in telecommunication. 1
Audiotapes. 1
Authors and publishers. 1
Authors and readers -- United States. 1
Back Home Hour (Radio program) 1
Baptism. 1
Bible -- Sermons. 1
Bible -- Translating. 1
Bible and evolution. 1
Bible. English. Revised standard. 1952. 1
Boarding schools -- Ecuador. 1
Businesspeople -- Religious life -- United States. 1
Calendars. 1
Cancer -- Patients -- Religious life. 1
Capital punishment -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 1
Catholic Church -- China. 1
Catholic Church -- Hong Kong (China) 1
Catholic Church -- Peru. 1
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 1
Chester (Ill.) 1
Children -- Conversion to Christianity. 1
Children -- Religious life. 1
China -- History -- Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976. 1
China -- History. 1
Chinese -- Missions. 1
Christian biography. 1
Christian education -- Peru. 1
∧ less
Quechua 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 11
Elliot, Elisabeth. 10
Saint, Nathaniel, 1923-1956. 10
McCully, Theodore Edward, 1927-1956. 9
Saint, Rachel. 9
∨ more
Fleming, Peter, 1928-1956. 7
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 7
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 7
Van Der Puy, Marjorie Saint. 7
McCully, Marilou. 6
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 6
Tidmarsh, Wilfred (Tidmarsh, Wilfred George), 1903-1986 6
Youderian, Roger, 1924-1956. 6
Dayuma (Waorani Indian) 5
Jones, Clarence W. 5
Van Der Puy, Abe C. 5
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 4
Elliott, Herbert, 1924-2011. 4
Liefeld, Olive Fleming. 4
Shepard, Valerie Elliot. 4
Wheaton College (Ill.) 4
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 4
Youderian, Barbara. 4
Carmichael, Amy, 1867-1951. 3
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 3
Elliot, Colleen. 3
Fleming, Kenneth C., 1927- 3
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 3
Howard, David M. 3
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 2
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Grason Company. 2
Capa, Cornell. 2
Christian Broadcasting Association (U.S.) 2
Gren, Lars. 2
Howard, Katharine G. 2
Howard, Philip E. (Philip Eugene), 1898- 2
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 2
Larson, Reuben. 2
Leitch, Addison H. 2
Parrott, Grady. 2
Saint, Phil. 2
World Radio Missionary Fellowship. 2
Adeney, David H. (David Howard) 1
Africa Inland Mission. 1
Afromedia Productions. 1
Alexander, John W. (John Wesley), 1918-2002. 1
Anderson, Ann Kiemel. 1
Back to the Bible. 1
Bell, B. Clayton. 1
Bell, L. Nelson (Lemuel Nelson), 1894-1973. 1
Bennett, Charles T. 1
Berean Mission. 1
Berg, Clayton L., 1928- 1
Billy Graham Center. 1
Billy Graham Evangelistic Trust. 1
Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove (Asheville, N.C.) 1
Bowman, Robert H. (Robert Henry), 1915-2014. 1
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 1
Bürki, Hans Ferdinand, 1925- 1
Canadian Sunday School Mission. 1
Carlson, Margaret Johanna. 1
Carlson, Robert Dean. 1
Cash, Johnny. 1
Cash, June Carter, 1929-2003 1
Cathers, Bill D. 1
Cathers, Irene. 1
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 1
Christian Broadcasting Network (U.S.) 1
Christian Business Men's Committee International. 1
Christian Missions in Many Lands. 1
Christianity Today International. 1
Clark, Stuart D. 1
Couenhoven, Gerard. 1
Deering, Kathryn, 1949- 1
Dohnavur Fellowship. 1
ELWA (Radio station : Monrovia, Liberia) 1
Elliot, Clara Elizabeth. 1
Elliot, Fred. 1
Emmaus Bible College (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Epp, Theodore H. (Theodore Herman), 1907-1985. 1
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 1
Falwell, Jerry. 1
Far East Broadcasting Company. 1
Ford, Leighton. 1
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. 1
Graham, Ruth Bell. 1
HOXO (Radio station : Panama City, Panama) 1
Hampden Dubose Academy (Fl.) 1
Hardesty, Nancy. 1
Hatcher, Doris. 1
Hatcher, Elias. 1
Howard, Thomas. (1935-2020) 1
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 1
Inter-Varsity Missionary Convention (2nd: 1948: Urbana, Ill.) 1
Inter-Varsity Student Missions Convention (11th : 1976 : Urbana, Ill.) 1
Inter-Varsity Student Missions Convention (12th : 1979 : Urbana, Ill.) 1
International Christian Broadcasters. 1
Jones, Howard O. 1
Jones, Katherine Welty. 1
June, Rosi. 1
∧ less