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Showing Collections: 1 - 50 of 75

Africa Inland Mission Records

Identifier: CN 081
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, personnel files, minutes of meetings, films, videos, audio recordings, and other materials documenting the work of the mission in east Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Zaire, Tanzania, Sudan, the Central African Republic) and other regions of the continent. The bulk of the collection consists of the files of the US branch of the mission, although there are also significant amounts of material from the international office and the Tanzanian field office. Topics covered include...
Dates: Created: 1888-2009

Bernard L. J. Litchman Papers

Identifier: CN 451
Scope and Contents

Collection consists of diaries, negatives, photographs, and slides created by Bernard "Jack" Litchman about his work with Africa Inland Mission in the former Belgian Congo (now Zaire), mostly among the Balendu people, in and around the Linga mission station, as well as involvement in setting up Sunday Schools, churches, itinerant preaching, and other mission activities as well as working as a health officer for the Belgian government.

Dates: Created: 1917-1971

Bert and Colleen Elliot Papers

Identifier: CN 684
Scope and Contents Correspondence and photographs of Bert and Colleen Elliot, Plymouth Brethren missionaries to Peru from 1949 to 2012. Correspondence is by and large written by Colleen Elliot to her parents and sister. Topics covered include reflections on cultural and spiritual differences between the United States and Peru, the challenges of missionary life and language divides, interactions with missionaries from different denominations, medical work in rural areas, evangelism, and the spiritual...
Dates: Created: 1943-1994

Bertil A. Ogren Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 219
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Bertil A. Ogren (1914-2006) in which he describes his recruitment as a lay missionary in the Belgian Congo with the Covenant Church from 1948-56; his work there beginning and running the LECO Press, which served the needs of members of the Congo Protestant Council and relations between Africans and Western missionaries. Other topics discussed include: his family and early life, impressions of George Caprenter, independence of the Congo, Belgian influence on the...
Dates: Created: 1982

Bonnie Jo Adolph Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 282
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Bonnie Jo Adelsman Adolph in which she discussses her missionary service in Ethiopia with Sudan Interior Mission from 1966-1974. Topics discussed include Adolph's education at Wheaton College, decision to become a missionary, living in Taiwan during her husband's military service, reasons for choosing Sudan Interior Mission, her husband's medical work in Ethiopia, observations about Sudanese culture, the church in Sudan, and the Adolphs short term mission service...
Dates: Created: 1984

Bradford E. Steiner Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 258
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Bradford Ezra Steiner (1917-1987), in which he discusses his medical work at Landour Hospital in Landour, Mussoorie, India; diseases; folk medicine; evangelistic outreach to patients in the hospital; conflicts between Christians, Hindus, and Muslims; and carrying medical care into the surrounding villages. The time period covered by the interview is roughly 1947 to 1958.Bradford Ezra Steiner was interviewed by Ted Reihmer at Steiner's home in Elmhurst,...
Dates: Created: 1983

Burt E. Long Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 351
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews with Burt E. Long by Wheaton College student Heather Conley in which Long discusses his memories of Paul Rader and the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, his education at Wheaton College, and his decades of services as a medical missionary for Sudan Interior Mission in Niger and Nigeria. The time period covered by the interviews is 1930-1986.

Burt Long was interviewed by Wheaton College student Heather Conley on November 26 and December 3, 1986.

Dates: Created: 1986

Charles J. Guth Papers

Identifier: CN 311
Scope and Contents Water color paintings and oral history interviews with Charles J. Guth, relating to Guth’s missionary work in Africa with the Sudan Interior Mission. Topics covered by the interviews include: Guth’s education at Wheaton College, preparation for the mission field as a worker with Sudan Interior Mission, his life, work, and contacts as a missionary among the Koma and Maban people of the Sudan; the culture of these peoples; the effect of Sudan's independence on the church in the Sudan,...
Dates: Created: 1976-1985

Clarence W. Jones Papers

Identifier: CN 349
Scope and Contents Collection includes correspondence, reports, sermons, memos, minutes of meetings, clippings, photographs, videotapes, slides, and other materials relating to the career of mission executive Clarence W. Jones. The materials deal mainly with his work at the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle and the growth and development of the organization he helped found, the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, and especially its primary broadcasting station, HCJB in Ecuador. There is also an extensive amount of...
Dates: Created: 1915-1986

Collection 236 - Latin America Mission Records

Identifier: CN 236
Brief Description Records of the mission, including correspondence, minutes, reports, memos, financial reports, policy statements, planning documents, promotional material, photographs, etc. Documents describe the origins of LAM (particularly the contribution of the Strachan family); evangelistic, church planting, educational, medical, and literature activities (primarily in Colombia and Costa Rica, but also many other Latin American countries and the United States); the restructuring of the mission in the...
Dates: Created: 1903-1994

Collection 283 - Nancy Folkerts Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 283
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Nancy Wood Folkerts. Topics discussed include her childhood as a pastor's daughter; study at Wheaton College; her marriage; training in London; work as a missionary in British Cameroon (now Republic of Cameroon), especially Bible study and literacy programs for women and 3H clubs for girls; the political and social situation in Cameroon; Cameroon independence; medical problems in Cameroon; the work of her husband, Fred, at the Baptist Teacher Training College and...
Dates: Created: 1984

David H. Adeney Papers.

Identifier: CN 393
Brief Description Adeney’s correspondence, writings (articles, books), lecture and presentation manuscripts, subject files (especially files on various China-related topics) he compiled from many sources, notebooks and loose notes, a photo album, photographs and slides, and two oral history interviews. Together these span his career as a missionary in China and Southeast Asia, staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States, leader with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students,...
Dates: Created: 1911-1994

Debbie Dortzbach Papers

Identifier: CN 402
Scope and Contents Audio recordings, including an oral history interview, diary, and several letters, relating to the career and ministry of Debbie Dortzbach, missionary to Kenya and Eritrea with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and later the Reformed Presbyterian Church from 1973 to 1988.Series: Audio TapesOne oral history interview with Debbie Dortzbach in which she describes her describes her childhood, education at Wheaton College, and missionary work in...
Dates: Created: 1974-1989

Diane W. Hawkins Papers

Identifier: CN 312
Scope and Contents Collection 312 consists of letters, oral history interviews, articles, minutes of meetings, reports and other relating to Diane Hawkins' missionary service in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) as well as the tapes of an oral history interview conducted several years later. Among the topics covered are: TEAM's evangelistic, and educational work in Rhodesia; the lifestyle, music, and beliefs of Shona people; the civil war between white government and the black nationalist guerrillas which raged while...
Dates: Created: 1970-1985

Donald E. McDowell Collection

Identifier: CN 110
Scope and Contents Collection of 643 slides which document Donald E. McDowell's mission work and activity in Paraguay. Scenic views, native flora, mission personnel, mission facilities, national churchmen and pastors are some of the subjects illustrated by the collection.When the collection was received by the Archives, the slides were arranged in sets and were accompanied by an attached description and date for each picture. The original order of the slides was maintained. Three unidentified...
Dates: Created: 1951-1973

Doris Schneider Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 467
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Doris Gould Schneider (1922-2009) in which she describes her family background; conversion to Christianity; preaching of John R. Rice; education at Moody Bible Institute; marriage; missionary work in Morocco; the role of women in Muslim society; raising children on the mission field; overthrow of the French protectorate; the family's move to Spain; cultural difference between Arabs and Berbers; public health in Morocco; return to the United States in 1982; views...
Dates: Created: 1989

Dorothy J. Mainhood Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 392
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Dorothy Jane Mainhood in which she describes her childhood, conversion, spiritual growth, education at Wheaton College, call to be a missionary, and work in Thailand for Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Other topics discussed include Mainhood’s medical training, language study in Thailand, Thai people and culture, regional differences in Thailand, the Buddhist and Muslim communities in Thailand, religious syncretism, church-state relations, characteristics of...
Dates: Created: 1988

Earl A. Winsor Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 093
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Earl Austin Winsor (1897-1983) in which he discusses his education at Wheaton College as a student (1919-1920) and teacher (1920-25, history, and 1939-1949, math and physics) and his missionary experiences in Africa under Africa Inland Mission, serving in what is now Zaire. Wheaton personalities, mission experiences, especially those relating to his education work, and analysis of his exposure to African government, churches, tribal customs, and health practices....
Dates: Created: 1979-1980

Eleanor R. Elliott Papers

Identifier: CN 187
Scope and Contents Family correspondence, prayer letters, brochures, newspaper clippings, prayer cards and letters from other missionaries, photographs, slides, negatives, journals and diaries, and eight interviews concerning Elliott's childhood in China, mission work with China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship) in China and the Philippines, her experiences as an evangelist and teacher, her life in China during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945, and the civil war that followed. Her retirement...
Dates: Created: 1910-1988

Elizabeth Warner Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 075
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Elizabeth Howard Warner (1912-2000) in which she describes her childhood in the Canton Province of China as a daughter of missionaries, Canton Christian College where her father worked, studies and personalities at Wheaton College, her mission work among girls with Door of Hope Mission in Canton and Hong Kong, Chinese education, economic and social conditions, religion (particularly Buddhism), politics and government, the impact of China's war with Japan, and...
Dates: Created: 1978

Elwood L. Davis Papers

Identifier: CN 452
Scope and Contents Diaries, photographs, and miscellaneous materials about Elwood L. Davis and his medical missionary work in Kenya for the Africa Inland Mission (AIM). Topics covered include brief descriptions of daily life in Africa, of his army medical service during World War I, places visited, colleagues entertained, services held, birth of his sons, death of his wife, etc.; diaries cover, with a few gaps, the years 1902 until his death in 1961; includes information on his father, various licenses and...
Dates: Created: 1882-1961

Esther Hess Papers

Identifier: CN 232
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, photographs, and articles relating to Esther Hess's missionary work as a nurse in China with China Inland Mission from 1931 to 1945. The materials not only document Hess's missionary career, but also the Sino-Japanese war and her confinement to a Japanese internment camp from 1942-1945.

Dates: Created: 1931-1959; Majority of material found in 1931-1941

Esther Salzman Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 052
Brief Description Oral history interview with Esther I. Salzman (1906-1996), a Wheaton College alumna and missionary to China in the 1940s and to the Philippines from 1950 to 1972. Topics discussed include her education at Wheaton College, medical work in China and the Philippines, and Communism in China. The time period covered by the interview is 1906 to 1978. Esther Salzman was interviewed by Wheaton College student Fred Baker on October 28, 1978 at her home in Kankakee, IL....
Dates: Created: 1978

G. Paul Groen Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 289
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Paul Groen in which he describes his education at Wheaton College, missionary work the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria and the Nigerian church, particularly among the Tiv people, and the country's economy, educational system and political history between 1964 and 1973. Other topics discussed include:  Tiv customs and religion, the church among the Tiv and its indigenous leadership and transition of leadership from missionaries, relations with Roman Catholics...
Dates: Created: 1984

Gaddam Persis Andrews Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 712
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Gaddam Persis Andrews. Topics covered include health issues; family life and history; New Delhi (India); gender dynamics in India; early religious experiences; spiritual disciplines; religious life of India (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism); holistic healing; adolescent insecurity; sociology; Jesus and Mary College; volunteering at Shalom Delhi; work with HIV patients; master’s in social work at the Center for Studies in Rural Development, Pune University; specializing...
Dates: 2019

Gladys Wright Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 284
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Gladys Lyle Wright (1902-1994), in which she discusses her work as a teacher in Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo). Topics discussed include: Wright's family background, education at Wheaton College and Moody Bible Institute, her work as a missionary in the Belgian Congo for the Africa Inland Mission, memories of the Congolese people and culture, and her experiences at Wheaton when she was on the staff of the College after retriring from the mission...
Dates: Created: 1984

Harold P. Adolph Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 169
Scope and Contents Oral History Interview with Harold Paul Adolph, in which he discusses his boyhood in China as the son of missionaries with China Inland Mission, conditions in China, his education at Wheaton College, medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, decision to become a missionary, and his ministry in Ethiopia as a medical missionary in African with Sudan Interior Mission; American missions in Ethiopia; family life on the mission field, and work with the Christian Medical Society. The...
Dates: Created: 1981

Helen Elliott Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 116
Scope and Contents Oral History interviews conducted with Helen Ruth Belcher Elliot (1927-2012), missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators to the Ixil Indian tribe in Guatemala. Topics include Wheaton College during the 1940s, field experiences, Guatemalan culture and religion, and family activities. Topics covered in the interview include:  Elliott's childhood, marriage and early family life, education at Wheaton College (including courses, academic and social life), decision to become a missionary with...
Dates: Created: 1980

Helen M. Tenney Papers

Identifier: CN 044
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, scrapbook, drafts, articles, and research notes which reflect Tenney's active participation in a number of evangelical ministries, but particularly her work with the Woman's Union Missionary Society (WUMS), especially the labor she put into writing a history of that organization. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts of that history.

Dates: Created: 1882-1980

Helen Renich Papers.

Identifier: CN 124
Brief Description Two oral history interviews with Helen Gignilliat Torrey Renich in which she describes her grandfather, Reuben Archer Torrey, Sr., and her experiences growing up in China as a child of missionaries. Other topics discussed include her experiences at Wheaton College and culture shock. The collection also includes photographs of her family life in China and Chinese nationals, ca. 1920-30s.Helen Renich was interviewed by Robert Shuster on May 15, 1980 in Michigan and on May 17, 1982...
Dates: Created: 1920-1982

Herbert and Frieda Atkinson Video Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 607
Scope and Contents Oral History Interviews with Dr. Herbert Andrew Atkinson (1931-2009) and his wife, Frieda Elizabeth (Paul) Atkinson (1930- ), missionaries with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) in the Belgian Congo. Dr. Atkinson discusses his family background, conversion, Wheaton College, influence of his roommate Bill Kornfield and Dr. V. Raymond Edman, God's provision for his entering medical school, ministry in Oicha, obstacles in communication with the Congolese, lessons learned on the mission field. Frieda...
Dates: Created: 1988

Hester H. Withey Papers

Identifier: CN 418
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews and a manuscript, documenting the ministry of Hester Hartzell Withey, missionary with Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ International (WEC) in China and India from 1940-1985.Series: Audio TapesOral history interviews (8.6 hours) with Hester Withey in which she describes her parents’ and grandparents’ missionary service in Angola, her childhood in Africa and the U.S., education in South Africa, conversion, medical...
Dates: Created: 1989

Howard E. Thomas Papers

Identifier: CN 298
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Howard E. Thomas in which he describes his family background, Christian life and growth, education at Stony Brook School and Wheaton College, missionary work with the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions among lepers of the Tai-Lu people along the Burmese border in southwestern China, internment by the Japanese in Thailand, contextualization of the gospel, expulsion from the area by the Chinese army involved in opium trade. Description of Stony Brook School...
Dates: Created: 1946-1985

Inge Rydland Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 440
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Inge Herman Rydland in which he describes his family's Lutheran evangelistic work in Norway; his own call to become a missionary; his and his wife's departure to Ethiopia as workers of the Swedish Evangelical Mission in 1977; his work in Ethiopia as a teacher and as a community development work. Other topics discussed include:  the work of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Meaken Yesus; church state relations; effect of the Ethiopian political situation on the...
Dates: Created: 1991

Ingrid H. Trobisch Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 400
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Ingrid Hult Trobisch (1926-2007) in which she describes her childhood in Tanzania as the daughter of missionaries and her own missionary service in Africa with husband Walter Trobisch. Other topics discussed include: first impressions of Africa, especially French Cameroon; observations about the role of women in Africa; African views of marriage and gender roles; medical care in Africa; the Christian church in Cameroon; the Muslim population in Cameroon;...
Dates: Created: 1988

Jacob Chamberlain Papers

Identifier: CN 495
Scope and Contents Two volumes of letterbooks which contain copies of the handwritten correspondence of Jacob Chamberlain, a missionary to India. He worked with the Arcot Mission under the Reformed Church in America Board of Foreign Missions. Volume 1 dates from June 1869 to July 1874 and Volume 2 from January 1880 to January 1882.Each volume is separated into two sections, official correspondence and personal correspondence; both types describe Chamberlain's work as a medical missionary, itinerant...
Dates: Created: 1882

Jeanne Blumhagen Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 672
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jeanne Bourland Blumhagen in which she describes her family background; effects of the Great Depression; conversion and spiritual development; education at Whitworth University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois; World War II; medical missionary service in Afghanistan with the American Embassy in Kabul, Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF), Medical Assistance Program (MAP), and later Interserve, and serving on the Wheaton College Board...
Dates: 2013-2017

Jeannette Thiessen Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 260
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jeannette Louise Martig Thiessen (1927-2014) in which she discusses her family life in Illinois, favorite professors and her education at Wheaton College, nurses' training, and years in India (1952-1974) working with her husband under the sponsorship of the Mennonite Mission to the Lepers and American Leprosy Mission. Other topics discussed include: the Indian caste system, Indian politics, economics, literacy, hospital work with lepers, the Indian church,...
Dates: Created: 1983

Jessie McDonald Papers

Identifier: CN 246
Scope and Contents Correspondence, diaries, notes, articles, photographs, and annual reports relating to Jessie McDonald's medical work in China from 1913-1952 with China Inland Mission. The documents include information on evangelistic outreach and the nature of health conditions in China. The materials also describe the political and social upheavals occurring in China during the first half of the 1900s.The correspondence by Dr. Mc Donald is supplemented by some correspondence of her co-workers...
Dates: Created: 1907-1951

John and Virginia Casto Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 679
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with John and Virginia Casto. Topics discussed include their family backgrounds; their education at Prairie Bible Institute and elsewhere; marriage; work in Thailand as missionaries with Overseas Missionary Fellowship in hospital evangelism, nursing, and church planting; the Thai church; raising a family on the mission field.The Castos were interviewed by Bob Shuster on August 14 and 14, 2015 and August 19, 2016 at the Calvary Fellowship Homes in...
Dates: 2015-2016

John C. Chin Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 206
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with John C. Chin (1911-1989) in which he discusses his childhood in China, medical training, and the Chinese Christian church; the work of China Inland Mission in Honan, Szechwan, and Yunnan provinces; the Japanese occupation of China; Nationalist and Communist parties; medical work in CIM and Presbyterian hospitals; war conditions and relocation to Taiwan;  Also discussed is his founding of the Lutheran Seminary, Taiwan; the contemporary status of Chinese Christians,...
Dates: Created: 1982

Judson Smith Papers

Identifier: CN 173
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings relating to the ministry of Judson Smith. Letters between Smith and his family describe his trips abroad, among them to Great Britain and Paris in 1882 (which included visits to hear Charles Spurgeon), Turkey and the World Missionary Conference (1888), and Japan and China (1898); reports to ABCFM board members also describe Smith's observations of missionary work; included among Smith's descriptions of China are those of other missions including...
Dates: Created: 1878-1913

L. Nelson Bell Papers

Identifier: CN 318
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, reports, and other documents related to the life and ministry of L. Nelson Bell, first as a medical missionary in China, then as doctor, editor, and lay leader in the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Among the topics covered by the material in the collection are missions in China in the twentieth century between the two world wars; the work of Bell's son-in-law, Billy Graham; the founding and development of Christianity Today and The...
Dates: 1923-1973

Lue Shelby Oral History Interivew.

Identifier: CN 369
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lue Shelby in which she describes her family background; Voice of Calvary Ministries; the health clinic started by VOC; health problems among the the low-income population in Jackson, MS; Bible study for patients and staff at the clinic; programs for educating the community in personal health care; racial conditions in Mississippi; and the VOC Fellowship Church. The time period covered by the interview is 1953-1987.Lue Shelby was interviewed by Paul...
Dates: Created: 1987 

Lyndon Hess Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 228
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lyndon Roth Hess in which he describes his missionary service in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) between 1932 and 1975 as a teacher of missionary children, assistant to village pastors and other work with the Lunda people. Topics include cultural influences on missionary children, education at Wheaton College, missionary service with Brethren Assemblies in Zambia teaching children of missionaries, the national African church, tribal tensions, Marxism, influence of...
Dates: Created: 1982

M. Douglas Hursh Papers

Identifier: CN 186
Scope and Contents Two oral history interviews, manuscript material, photographs, and memorabilia relatingn to Marion Douglas Hursh's work with Sudan Interior Mission's Kano Eye Hospital, Kano in Nigeria from 1942-1962. Topics covered concern Hursh's education and work as a medical missionary at the Sudan Interior Mission's Kano Eye Hospital in Kano, Nigeria, as well as various aspects of church life and mission activity in Nigeria.  Events described in the interviews cover the time period from 1904 to...
Dates: Created: 1904-1982

Margaret Carlson Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 263
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Margaret Johanna (Larson) Carlson in which she describes growing up in Ecuador as the child of missionaries, her education at Westmont and Wheaton Colleges, her nursing experience, and her missionary service with her husband at the Christian and Missionary Alliance Seminary in Hong Kong. Other topics discussed include: the founding of a HCJB radio station by her father, Reuben Larson, and her involvement in Wheaton College's HNGR Program. Individuals described...
Dates: Created: 1983

Margaret Crossett Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 287
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Margaret Rice Elliott Crossett in which she describes her childhood with her missionary parents in China, her education at Wheaton College, and missionary career with her husband, Vincent Crossett, in China and Taiwan with China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship (1929-1948, 1961-1973). Topics discussed include  Crossett's childhood in China; description of Chinese indigenous worship practices and syncretism in Chinese religious culture; Crossett's...
Dates: Created: 1984-1986

Marie H. Little Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 315
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Marie Huttenlock Little (1918-2009) in which she describes her childhood in Philadelphia, training as a nurse and further education at Philadelphia School of Bible and the University of Pennsylvania; missionary service with China Inland Mission in 1947, working in Lanzhou and Wu Wei, Gansu province; return to the U.S. in 1950 to become a staff worker for Inter-Varsity. The time period covered by the interviews is circa 1918-1955.Marie Little was...
Dates: Created: 1985

Marilyn J. Suttie Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 286
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Marilyn Joy Suttie in which she describes her work as a missionary in Cameroon with the United Presbyterian Ecumenical Mission. Topics discussed include: Suttie's childhood in China, education at Wheaton College, and short-term missionary work, mainly teaching missionary children in Cameroon. Also includes information on the Cameroon church, polygamy, Muslims in Cameroon, and medical care, and other political, social, and religious issues in Africa. The time...
Dates: Created: 1984

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Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 48
Women missionaries. 39
Women -- Religious life. 37
Language in missionary work. 32
Conversion -- Christianity. 30
∨ more
Missionaries -- Training of. 28
Christianity and culture. 26
Missions -- Educational work. 25
Missions -- China. 24
Children of missionaries. 23
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 23
Medical care -- China. 22
Evangelistic work -- China. 21
Communism -- China. 19
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 19
Missions, Medical. 19
World War, 1939-1945. 17
Christian life. 16
Families. 16
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 15
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 14
Missionaries, Resignation of. 14
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 14
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 13
Missions -- Finance. 13
Religious institutions. 13
Christian leadership. 12
Rural missions. 12
Culture shock. 11
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 11
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 11
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 11
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 10
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 10
Social change. 10
Church and state -- China. 9
College students in missionary work. 9
Congo (Democratic Republic) -- History -- Civil War, 1960-1965. 9
Indigenous church administration -- China. 9
Medical care -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 9
Missionaries -- Salaries, etc. 9
Missionaries' spouses. 9
Missions -- India. 9
Missions, Medical -- China. 9
Presbyterians. 9
China -- History -- 1912-1937. 8
Church development, New. 8
Evangelicalism. 8
Evangelistic work -- United States. 8
Persecution -- China. 8
Public worship -- Christianity. 8
Worship. 8
China -- Religion. 7
Chinese -- Missions. 7
Fund raising. 7
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa. 7
Medical care -- India. 7
Missions -- Ethiopia. 7
Radio in missionary work. 7
Syncretism (Religion). 7
Baptism. 6
Belgium -- Colonies -- Africa. 6
Bible -- Study and teaching. 6
Bible -- Translating. 6
Buddhists -- China. 6
Children of missionaries -- Education. 6
China -- Description and travel. 6
China -- History -- 1949- 6
Christian martyrs -- China. 6
Church and social problems. 6
Church work with women -- China. 6
Evangelicalism -- United States. 6
Evangelistic work -- Ethiopia. 6
Fundamentalism. 6
Interpersonal conflict. 6
Mass media in missionary work. 6
Medical care -- Ethiopia. 6
Missionaries -- United States. 6
Missions -- Japan. 6
Missions -- Nigeria. 6
Organizational change. 6
Race relations. 6
Refugees -- China. 6
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 6
Christian education -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 5
Church and state -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 5
Church work with women. 5
College students -- United States -- Religious life. 5
Education -- China. 5
Ethiopia -- Religion. 5
Evangelistic work -- India. 5
Hospitals -- China. 5
Indigenous church administration -- Kenya. 5
Indigenous church administration -- Nigeria. 5
Intercultural communication. 5
Marriage. 5
Medical care -- Nigeria. 5
Missions -- Study and teaching. 5
Missions, Medical -- Nigeria. 5
Rural churches -- China. 5
∧ less
Chinese 1
Wheaton College (Ill.) 36
Shuster, Robert D. 19
China Inland Mission. 12
Ericksen, Paul. 12
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 11
∨ more
Zhongguo guo min dang. 11
Africa Inland Mission. 10
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 9
OMF International. 9
Sudan Interior Mission. 8
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 7
Moody Bible Institute. 7
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 6
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 6
Christian Medical Society. 5
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 5
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 5
Africa Inland Church. 4
Borden Memorial Hospital (Lanchow, China) 4
Evangelical Churches of West Africa. 4
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 4
United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 4
World Council of Churches. 4
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 4
Adolph, Harold Paul. 3
American Bible Society. 3
Bell, L. Nelson (Lemuel Nelson), 1894-1973. 3
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 3
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 3
Crossett, Margaret E. 3
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 3
Glover, Robert Hall, 1871-1947. 3
Graham, Ruth Bell. 3
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 1892-1975. 3
Hoste, Dixon Edward, 1861-1946. 3
Houghton, Frank, 1894-1972. 3
Howard, David M. 3
Latham, Lance B. 3
Latin America Mission. 3
MAP International (Organization) 3
Paul, S. Austin. 3
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 3
Rethy Academy (Congo) 3
Schoerner, Katharine Dodd. 3
Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin), 1904-1985. 3
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 3
Woman’s Union Missionary Society of America for Heathen Lands. 3
World Vision International. 3
Adeney, David H. (David Howard) 2
Africa Evangelical Fellowship. 2
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 2
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 2
Asian Theological Seminary. 2
Assemblies of God. 2
Blakeslee, Virginia Helen. 2
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 2
Buffington, Mary Ann. 2
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 2
China Inter-Varsity Evangelical Christian Students Fellowship. 2
Columbia Bible College (Columbia, S.C.) 2
Coptic Church. 2
Crossett, Vincent. 2
Doremus, Sarah Platt, 1803-1877. 2
Dow, Elsie Storrs. 2
ELWA (Radio station : Monrovia, Liberia) 2
Elliott, Eleanor Edwards. 2
Elliott, Helen Belcher. 2
Elliott, Raymond Leroy. 2
Elliott, Ruth, 1908- 2
Elliott, Walter Scott. 2
Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. 2
Faith Academy (Quezon City, Philippines) 2
Feng, Yuxiang, 1882-1948. 2
Frame, Raymond. 2
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948. 2
Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 2
Gospel Recordings, Inc. 2
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 2
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 2
Hockman, Robert William, 1906-1935. 2
Hunter, George W., 1861-1946. 2
Hurlburt, Charles E. 2
Hursh, Douglas, 1911- 2
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 2
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 2
Jones, Clarence W. 2
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963. 2
Kuhn, Isobel. 2
Larson, Reuben. 2
LeBar, Lois E. (Lois Emogene), 1907-1997. 2
LeBar, Mary E. (Mary Evelyn), 1910- 2
Leedy, John W. 2
Local Church. 2
Long, Burt E. 2
Lundgren, Ruby. 2
Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976. 2
Margaret Williamson Hospital (Shanghai, China) 2
Marini, Pierre. 2
Marston, Sarah Hall. 2
Mau Mau. 2
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