Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 20
Bruce F. Hunt Oral History Interview
Dorothy J. Mainhood Oral History Interviews
Eleanor R. Elliott Papers
Elizabeth Evans Oral History Interview
Hester H. Withey Papers
Howard E. Thomas Papers
Itchaya Sitterley Oral History Interview
John R. W. Stott Papers
Katharine H. Schoerner Papers
Lausanne Movement Records
Marie H. Little Oral History Interview
Mary Goforth Moynan Papers
Miscellaneous personal papers, an autobiography, oral history interviews and color slides relating to the ministry of Mary Goforth Moynan. Topics covered include Moynan's memories of the personalities and work of her parents, Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth; evangelistic work in China before World War II; her own career in Christian work; and her trips in 1979 to Taiwan and in 1980 to the People's Republic of China.
Otto F. Schoerner Papers
Papers of Otto Frederick Schoerner a Wheaton College alumnus and missionary with China Inland Mission in Sinkiang, Honan, and Kangsu Provinces of China from 1931-1951. Collection includes an oral history interview, correspondence, autobiography, and photographs.
Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) Records
Robert B. Ekvall Collection
Oral history interviews, correspondence, photographs, and a manuscript that describe Robert B. Ekvall's education at Wheaton College, work as a missionary in China and Tibet, and military and diplomatic activities during World War II and after in China and Southeast Asia.
Robert D. Carlson Oral History Interviews
Oral history interviews with Robert Dean Carlson in which he discusses his childhood in China and Tibet, the condition of the Christian church in those countries, social and religious customs, and the Chinese language. The time period covered by the interviews is 1928 to 1982.
Robert Carlson was interviewed by Robert Shuster on February 27 and April 17, 1982.
Silas F. Fox Papers
Vincent L. Crossett Oral History Interview
W. Robert and Frances Holmes Papers
Woman's Union Missionary Society Records
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Language in missionary work. 12
- Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 12
- Missions -- China. 12
- Evangelistic work -- China. 11
- Christianity and culture. 9
- Communism -- China. 9
- Missionaries -- Training of. 9
- Women -- Religious life. 9
- Women missionaries. 9
- Buddhists -- China. 8
- Missions to Buddhists -- China. 8
- Children of missionaries. 7
- China -- History -- 1937-1945. 7
- China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 7
- Conversion -- Christianity. 7
- Indigenous church administration -- China. 7
- Medical care -- China. 7
- Missions -- Educational work. 7
- World War, 1939-1945. 7
- Families. 6
- Missions -- India. 6
- China -- Religion. 5
- Chinese -- Missions. 5
- Christian education -- China. 5
- Missions -- Finance. 5
- Missions to Buddhists. 5
- Missions, Medical. 5
- Modernist-fundamentalist controversy. 5
- Religious institutions. 5
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 5
- Bible -- Study and teaching. 4
- Buddhism -- Doctrines. 4
- China -- Description and travel. 4
- China -- History -- 1912-1937. 4
- China -- History -- 1949- 4
- Christian leadership. 4
- Church and state -- China. 4
- Church development, New. 4
- Evangelistic work -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region. 4
- Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 4
- Missionaries, Resignation of. 4
- Missions -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region. 4
- Muslims -- China. 4
- Persecution -- China. 4
- Rural missions. 4
- Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 4
- Three-self movement. 4
- Bible -- Publication and distribution. 3
- Bible colleges -- China. 3
- Buddhists -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region. 3
- Catholic Church -- Missions. 3
- China -- History -- Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901. 3
- China -- Social life and customs. 3
- Christian life. 3
- Church and social problems. 3
- Church work with women -- China. 3
- Evangelicalism. 3
- Evangelistic work -- India. 3
- Missionaries -- Salaries, etc. 3
- Missionaries' spouses. 3
- Missionaries, Withdrawal of. 3
- Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 3
- Missions -- Taiwan. 3
- Missions to Hindus. 3
- Organizational change. 3
- Tibetans. 3
- Atheism. 2
- Baptism. 2
- Baptists -- Missions. 2
- Bible colleges. 2
- Boarding schools -- China. 2
- Buddhism -- Relations -- Christianity. 2
- Buddhism -- Thailand. 2
- Buddhists -- India. 2
- Caste -- India. 2
- Catholic Church -- China. 2
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 2
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 2
- Children of missionaries -- Education. 2
- China -- Foreign Relations -- United States. 2
- China -- History -- Revolution, 1911-1912. 2
- China -- History. 2
- China -- Politics and government. 2
- Christian education -- Taiwan. 2
- Christian literature -- Publishing -- China. 2
- Christian literature -- Publishing. 2
- Christian martyrs -- China. 2
- Church and social problems -- China. 2
- Church and state -- India. 2
- Church and state. 2
- Church growth -- China. 2
- Church work with children. 2
- Confucianism -- China. 2
- Culture shock. 2
- Ecumenical movement -- Congresses. 2
- Education -- China. 2
- Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 2
- Evangelistic work -- Taiwan. 2
- Evangelistic work -- United States. 2
- Fundamentalism. 2 ∧ less
- Names
- Wheaton College (Ill.) 10
- Shuster, Robert D. 8
- Zhongguo guo min dang. 7
- China Inland Mission. 5
- OMF International. 5
- Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 4
- Straw, Darien A. 4
- Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 3
- Christian and Missionary Alliance. 3
- Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 3
- Ericksen, Paul. 3
- Glover, Robert Hall, 1871-1947. 3
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 3
- Little, Paul E. 3
- McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 3
- Schoerner, Katharine Dodd. 3
- Schoerner, Otto Frederick. 3
- Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 3
- Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 3
- World Council of Churches. 3
- Bakke, Raymond J., 1938- 2
- Borden Memorial Hospital (Lanchow, China) 2
- Bright, Vonette Z. 2
- Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973. 2
- Cassidy, Michael, 1936- 2
- Chefoo School (Yen t'ai shih, China) 2
- Crossett, Margaret E. 2
- Dayton, Edward R. 2
- Dow, Elsie Storrs. 2
- Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 2
- Emery, Allan C. 2
- Feng, Yuxiang, 1882-1948. 2
- Ford, Leighton. 2
- Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 2
- Hoste, Dixon Edward, 1861-1946. 2
- Houston, Tom, 1928- 2
- Howard, David M. 2
- Hunter, George W., 1861-1946. 2
- International Congress on World Evangelization. 2
- Kuhn, Isobel. 2
- Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 2
- Machen, J. Gresham (John Gresham), 1881-1937. 2
- National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. 2
- Nuñez C., Emilio Antonio. 2
- Osei-Mensah, Gottfried. 2
- Padilla, C. René. 2
- Sider, Ronald J. 2
- Stott, John R. W. 2
- United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 2
- Wang, Thomas. 2
- World Evangelical Alliance. 2
- World Evangelical Fellowship. 2
- World Missionary Conference. 2
- A.D. 2000 Movement. 1
- Adeney, David H. (David Howard) 1
- Adeyemo, Tokunboh. 1
- Africa Evangelistic Enterprise. 1
- Alley, Rewi, 1897-1987. 1
- Allison, Lon (Lon J.), 1952-2019. 1
- American Bible Society. 1
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1
- American Council of Christian Churches. 1
- American Sunday-School Union. 1
- Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco. 1
- Armerding, Hudson T. 1
- Asia Leadership Conference on Evangelism (1987) 1
- Asian Theological Seminary. 1
- Assemblies of God. 1
- Association of Church Missions Committees. 1
- Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 1
- Atallah, Ramez. 1
- Athyal, Saphir P. 1
- Ayer, William Ward. 1
- Bangkok Bible College (1971-) (Bangkok, Thailand) 1
- Bediako, Kwame. 1
- Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship. 1
- Billy Graham Center. 1
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 1
- Birdsall, Doug. 1
- Blaine, Harriet Gertrude. 1
- Blanchard, J. L. (Julia L.) 1
- Bole, Simeon James, 1875- 1
- Bolten, John, 1920- 1
- Booth, F. Carlton. 1
- Borden, William, 1887-1913. 1
- Bridgman Memorial School (Shanghai, China) 1
- Bryant, David, 1945- 1
- Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- 1
- Bush, Luis. 1
- Cape Town Commitment. 1
- Carlson, Blair. 1
- Carlson, Robert Dean. 1
- Castro, Emilio. 1
- Cedar, Paul A., 1938- 1
- Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975. 1
- Chiang, May-ling Soong, 1897-2003. 1
- Chicago Evangelistic Institute. 1
- China Inter-Varsity Evangelical Christian Students Fellowship. 1
- Christian School in Japan (1950-) 1
- Church of South India. 1 ∧ less