Showing Collections: 201 - 250 of 1169
Collection 78 - Corrie ten Boom Papers
Papers of Dutch watchmaker, evangelist, author, and Christian aid worker Corrie ten Boom. The collection includes information on her father Casper ten Boom, her imprisonment in Ravensbrück concentration camp during World War II, her work among refugees after the war, her travels as an evangelist, the work of her two foundations, and the production of the film The Hiding Place. The collection includes audio tapes, correspondence, a film, notebooks, photos, photo albums, and video tapes.
Collection 225 - Baptista Film Mission Records
Collection 236 - Latin America Mission Records
Collection 278 - Elisabeth Elliot Papers
Collection 283 - Nancy Folkerts Oral History Interviews
Collection 285 - Torrey Maynard Johnson, Sr., Papers.
Collection 307: Christian Films and Videos Collection
Collection 356: Prison Ministries Videos Records
Collection 446: Jack Wyrtzen Papers
Collection 518 - J. Christy Wilson, Jr., Papers
Collection 624 - ZamZam Incident Collection
Diaries, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, oral history interviews, correspondence, photos, and other materials relating to the passengers, mainly American missionaries, who were aboard the ship Zamzam, sunk in the south Atlantic Ocean in 1941 by a German warship. Materials describe the sinking, the subsequent experiences of the passengers as German prisoners and the internment of some for the duration of the war, and reunions held in later years by the survivors and their families.
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Records
Colleen Townsend Evans Papers
College Committee on Student Publications Records
Minutes and Evaluation of the Colle ge Committee on Student Publications
College Union Records
Minutes of the College Union
CoMission and CoMission II Records
Commencement and Baccalaureate Records
Commencement and Baccalaureate Addresses, invitations and programs
Commencement Planning Committee Records
Minutes and general files of the Commencement Planning Committee
Committee on Academic Council Records
Minutes of the Committee on Academic Council
Committee on Committees Records
Minutes and general files of the Committee on Committees
Committee on Competency and Comprehensives Records
Minutes and general files of the Committee on Competenecy and Comprehensives
Committee on Governance Records
Minutes and general files of the Committee on Governance
Committee to Assist Ministry Education Overseas Records.
Communication Department Records
Records of the Communication Department include committee minutes, correspondence, syllabi and course information.
Communications Resource Department Records
History file of the Communications Resource Department
Company for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England Records Microfilm
Conference of the Return of the Lord Brochure
This collection contains a brochure advertising a volume containing addresses given at the 1918 Conference on the Return of the Lord. The brochure gives some background information on the meeting as well as listing the speakers and their topics.
Conference on Faith and History Records
Congress '88 Audio Tapes
Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission Records
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society Orientation Handbook
This collection contains an orientation handbook for missionaries and candidates created by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. The manual describes the Society's background, constitution, doctrinal statement, expectations for missionaries, and personnel policies.
Consuella York Papers
Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) Collection
Continuing Adult Education Committee Records
Minutes, correspondence of the Continuing Adult Education Committee
Cotton Mather Collection Microfilm
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) Records
Council for World Mission Records Microfiche
Crawford W. Loritts, Jr., Oral History Interviews
C.S. Lewis: Images of His World Archive
C.S. Lewis in America: Noll Research Collection
The C.S. Lewis in America: Noll Research Collection contains records of American reviews, etc. concerning C.S. Lewis from 1935 through the mid-1950s (it is less thorough after 1947). These were prepared by Maggie Noll and used by Mark A. Noll in preparing several lectures and publications on the topic of Lewis in America.
C.S. Lewis Testimonies Archive
This archive contains letters and emails responding to three separate surveys done in 1986, 1996, and 2014 regarding the influence of C.S. Lewis.
Curtis Cole Oral History Interviews
Dan D. Crawford Oral History Interview
Daniel E. Liberek Oral History Interviews
Daniel Holmes Papers
The Daniel Holmes Papers are composed of correspondence from 1860-1861 during his time as a student in the Academic Department at Wheaton College.
Daniel W. Nelson Papers
Darien Straw Papers
David Aaronson Scrapbook
The David Aaronson scrapbook contains postcards and photographs detailing a 1947 Chapel Choir tour. A 13-page typewritten, stapled booklet with construction paper covers is loosely included, describing various aspects of his road trip. Stops included Akron, OH, Detroit, MI, South Bend, IN, Paris, TN, and several other cities. Photographs display churches and scenic stops, with a few images showing the Wheaton College campus. The scrapbook is black, measuring 10 X 11 1/2.
David Aikman Papers
David Coomes Papers
This archive includes a typescript of the book Dorothy L. Sayers: A Careless Rage for Life, and is a gift of David Coomes.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Evangelism & Missions Archives 700
- Special Collections 219
- Wheaton College Archives 144
- Marion E. Wade Center 106
- Subject
- Conversion -- Christianity. 246
- Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 200
- Evangelistic work -- United States. 176
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 164
- Women -- Religious life. 144
- Women missionaries. 139
- Christian life. 131
- Correspondence. 128
- Language in missionary work. 108
- Missionaries -- Training of. 105
- Missions -- China. 103
- Evangelicalism -- United States. 96
- Missions -- Educational work. 96
- Christian leadership. 87
- Christianity and culture. 82
- Children of missionaries. 79
- Evangelistic work -- China. 77
- Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 72
- Religious institutions. 72
- Photographs. 70
- World War, 1939-1945. 70
- Missions -- Finance. 65
- Sermons, American. 63
- Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 60
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 59
- Evangelistic sermons. 58
- Families. 58
- Fundamentalism. 57
- Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 56
- Church and social problems -- United States. 54
- Prayer. 54
- Communism -- China. 51
- Fund raising. 51
- Public worship -- Christianity. 49
- Bible -- Study and teaching. 47
- Financial records. 47
- Missions -- India. 46
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Faculty. 46
- Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 45
- Preaching. 45
- Articles. 44
- Bible -- Translating. 44
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Students. 43
- Audiotapes. 41
- Church and social problems. 41
- Evangelistic invitations. 40
- China -- History -- 1937-1945. 39
- Missions -- Africa. 39
- Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 39
- Evangelicalism. 38
- Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 38
- Radio in missionary work. 38
- African Americans -- Social conditions. 37
- Culture shock. 37
- Church and state -- United States. 36
- Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 36
- Music -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 36
- Radio in religion -- United States. 36
- Sayers, Dorothy L. (Sayers, Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957 -- Archives. 36
- Scrapbooks. 36
- African Americans -- Religious life. 35
- Christian education -- United States. 35
- Church development, New. 35
- Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 35
- Minutes (Administrative records) 35
- Missionaries' spouses. 35
- Radio in religion. 35
- Missions -- Study and teaching. 34
- Missions, Medical. 34
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Students -- Social life and customs. 34
- Mass media in religion -- United States. 33
- Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 33
- Missions -- Congresses. 33
- China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 32
- College students in missionary work. 31
- Rural missions. 31
- Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 31
- Evangelistic work -- Songs and music. 30
- Evangelistic work. 30
- Mass media in religion. 30
- Race relations. 30
- Belief and doubt. 29
- Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 29
- Missionaries, Resignation of. 28
- Missions -- Philippines. 28
- Racism -- United States. 28
- Social change. 28
- Christian literature -- Publishing. 26
- College students -- United States -- Religious life. 26
- Diaries. 26
- Presbyterians. 26
- African Americans -- Missions. 25
- Baptism. 25
- Evangelistic work -- Illinois -- Chicago. 25
- Missions -- Kenya. 25
- Persecution -- China. 25
- Reviews (documents) 25
- Annual Reports. 24
- China -- Religion. 24
- Church work with youth -- United States. 24 ∧ less
- Language
- English 1168
- Russian 5
- Spanish; Castilian 5
- German 3
- Arabic 2
- Chinese 2
- Dutch; Flemish 2
- French 2
- Portuguese 2
- Thai 2
- Japanese 1
- Multiple languages 1
- Quechua 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Wheaton College (Ill.) 183
- Shuster, Robert D. 162
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 119
- Ericksen, Paul. 105
- Moody Bible Institute. 60
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 59
- China Inland Mission. 51
- Africa Inland Mission. 47
- Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 46
- OMF International. 42
- Christian and Missionary Alliance. 40
- Sayers, Dorothy L. (Sayers, Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957. 40
- Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. 38
- Youth for Christ International. 35
- Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 34
- Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 33
- Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 30
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 28
- Zhongguo guo min dang. 28
- Campus Crusade for Christ. 27
- Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 27
- World Evangelical Fellowship. 25
- Wycliffe Bible Translators. 25
- Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 23
- National Association of Evangelicals. 23
- Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 23
- Bright, Bill. 22
- Evangelical Alliance Mission. 21
- HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 21
- International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) 21
- Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 21
- McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 21
- Sudan Interior Mission. 21
- Armerding, Hudson T. 20
- Ford, Leighton. 20
- Rodeheaver, Homer A. (Homer Alvan), 1880-1955. 20
- Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 19
- Jones, Clarence W. 19
- Latin America Mission. 19
- Perkins, John, 1930- 19
- Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 19
- Africa Inland Church. 18
- Assemblies of God. 18
- Barrows, Cliff. 18
- Billy Graham Center. 18
- Graham, Ruth Bell. 18
- Howard, David M. 18
- Ockenga, Harold John, 1905-1985. 18
- Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 18
- Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 17
- Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 17
- Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 17
- Moody Memorial Church (Chicago, Ill.) 17
- World Council of Churches. 17
- Colson, Charles W. 16
- Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 16
- Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 16
- Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 16
- Palau, Luis, 1934- 16
- Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 16
- Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 15
- Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 15
- Padilla, C. René. 15
- Shea, George Beverly, 1909-2013. 15
- Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 15
- Columbia Bible College (Columbia, S.C.) 14
- Elliot, Elisabeth. 14
- Fuller Theological Seminary. 14
- Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 14
- Mission Aviation Fellowship. 14
- Skinner, Tom, 1942- 14
- Smith, Oswald J. 14
- Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 14
- Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 13
- Dunlop, Merrill. 13
- Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 13
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 13
- Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 13
- Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983. 13
- World Vision International. 13
- Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 12
- Hatfield, Mark O., 1922-2011. 12
- Hurlburt, Charles E. 12
- McCully, Theodore Edward, 1927-1956. 12
- Saint, Nathaniel, 1923-1956. 12
- Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) 12
- Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947. 12
- Stott, John R. W. 12
- Sunday, Helen Amelia Thompson, 1868-1957. 12
- Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 12
- Wright, J. Elwin. 12
- Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 11
- National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. 11
- National Religious Broadcasters (U.S.) 11
- Navigators (Religious organization) 11
- Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 11
- Pierce, Bob, 1914-1978. 11
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 11
- Riley, W. B. (William Bell), 1861-1947. 11
- Smith, Wilbur M. (Wilbur Moorehead), 1894-1976. 11 ∧ less