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Showing Collections: 251 - 300 of 1164

Collection 651 Oral History Interviews with Mary J. Hawthorne

Identifier: CN 651
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Mary J. Hawthorne in which she describes her experiences working in community development, education, evangelism, and medical missions among the Quechua people in Bolivia with SIM International for over 20 years, beginning in 1989. Topics discussed include her family background and spiritual development; education at Wheaton College; impressions of various mission agencies; including SIM, Medical Assistance Program (MAP), and the Moravians; challenges of...
Dates: 2009-2010

Collection 653 Ephemera of Ruth Paxson

Identifier: CN 653
Scope and Contents Correspondence, prayer letters, photograph and pamphlets related to Ruth Paxson’s work as a missionary in China, Europe and the United States and career as an author of pamphlets and books on the Christian life.[Note: In the Scope & Content section, the notation "folder 2-5" means "Box 2, Folder 5"]Series: PhotographsThe following items are located in the ...
Dates: Created: 1908-1958

Collection 654 Ephemera of Byang Kato

Identifier: CN 654
Scope and Contents Photocopies of essays, theses, articles, tributes, tracts and sermons written by or about Byang Kato, a Nigerian theologian and the first General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar (AEAM).Series: Paper RecordsArrangement: Alphabetical by folder title; arranged by Archives staffDate Range: 1962-1996, n.d....
Dates: Created: 1962-1996

Collection 656 Oral History Interviews with Cynthia L. Judge

Identifier: CN 656
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Cynthia L. Judge, a volunteer leader in the Short-Term Missions movement (STM). Topics discussed: Judge’s childhood in Rockford, Illinois; development of her Christian faith; attendance at Moody Bible Institute; Chicago in 1968 after the assassination of Martin Luther King; work as a staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ in Tennessee and West Virginia; marriage to James Judge; short-term mission trips to Ecuador and Kenya; Africa Inland Mission and Africa...
Dates: 2010

Collection 658 Papers of Samuel D. Faircloth

Identifier: CN 658
Scope and Contents

Prayer letters and an oral history interviews which document Samuel Douglas Faircloth’s childhood, conversion, education at Wheaton College and elsewhere, and his work as a United States Army chaplain in Italy immediately after World War II, as a church planter in Portugal, and a seminary professor at the Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.

Dates: Created: 1949-2011

Collection 659 Papers of Roy W. Gustafson

Identifier: CN 659
Scope and Contents Scrapbooks, correspondence, photos, newspaper clippings, and other documents relating to Gustafson’s education and life’s work as a minister, evangelist, Bible teacher, and staff member of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Particularly well documented are the tours of the Holy Land (Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt) he led and lectured to for several decades, his participation in ministries in Africa and Asia, and his active involvement in the worldwide activities of Samaritan’s...
Dates: Created: 1908-2002

Collection 660 Records of the CoMission and CoMission II

Identifier: CN 660
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, minutes, reports, transcripts, schedules, manuals, policy statements, magazine and newspaper clippings, curricula, audio recordings, videos, photographs, slides and other materials documenting the work of the Commission. This was an alliance of over eighty American Protestant ministries, churches and business (almost all Evangelical) that, in agreement with the Russia government, entered the country on a five year contract to train Russian educators to teach Christian...
Dates: 1989-1998; Majority of material found in 1992-1995

Collection 661 - Records of Eastern European Mission (Russian and Eastern European Mission, EuroVision)

Identifier: CN 661
Brief Description Records of Eastern European Mission (first known as the Russian and Easten European Mission, then as Eastern European Mission, and finally as EuroVision; since it was known as Eastern European Mission during most of its existence, or EEM, it is referred to as such in this guide) including minutes, financial records, correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, missionary files, and newspaper and magazine clippings. Most of the documents are in English, but there is also material in Russian, Polish,...
Dates: 1925 - 1990

Collection 662: Oral History Interviews with Marcus Figueiredo

Identifier: CN 662
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews of Brazilian minister and missionary Marcus Figueiredo. Topics covered included his family background; membership in a spiritualist church, conversion; education at Seminario Biblico Palavra da Vida (Word of Life Seminary); his battle with cancer; pastoral duties at the Igreja Presbiteriana 12 de Agosto (August 12 Presbyterian Church); Evangelicalism in Brazil; Pioneer Missions; mission work in Kyrgyzstan as a teacher of English; Muslim attitudes towards Jesus; the...
Dates: 2011

Collection 665 Oral History Interview with Paul A. Cedar

Identifier: CN 665
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Paul Cedar about his upbringing as the son of a Presbyterian minister, his conversion at a Youth for Christ rally, his call to ministry at a young age, his work as a summer evanelist in Pennsylvania, his education at Northern State College in South Dakota, and his first pastorate during which he started a YFC club. Events described in the interview cover the time period 1938-1960.Paul Cedar was interviewed by Paul Ericksen on June 9, 2011 at the Billy...
Dates: Created: 2011

Collection 666 Papers of Arvilla E. Garner

Identifier: CN 666
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, prayer letters, sermon transcripts, and photographs relating to the career of Arvilla E. Garner, personal secretary to H. A. Ironside. Correspondence and photographs in this collection is from Helen Mae Doderlein, a friend of Garner and a missionary with the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Also includes transcripts of sermons by Ironside, preached at The Moody Church of Chicago.

Dates: Created: 1922-1940, undated

Collection 667 Oral History Interviews with Johanna Defoy

Identifier: CN 667
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Johanna Defoy (1981- ), French missionary and church planter working in France from 2009 to 2011. Topics discussed include Defoy’s early life in France, parents, spiritual interest, conversion and growing faith, evangelism experiences, church involvement, professional experience, influence of a woman missionary, Christian university group and outreach, Groupes Bibliques Universitaires or GBU Christian university group (International Fellowship of Evangelical...
Dates: 2011

Collection 668 Oral History Interviews with Esdras O. Krebsky

Identifier: CN 668
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Esdras Krebsky in which he describes his upbringing, ministry education in Brazil and the United States, Evangelicalism in Brazil, the nature of camp ministry, his experiences as a camp director, Christian Camping International, reflections on the church in Brazil, dealing with allegations of child abuse in camp ministry.Esdras Krebsky was interviewed by Bob Shuster on January 6 and 13, 2012 in the offices of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center...
Dates: 2012

Collection 669 - Oral History Interviews with Samuel Boateng

Identifier: CN 669
Scope and Contents Three oral history interviews with Samuel Boateng in which he describes his family and growing up in an impoverished part of Accra, Ghana; journey to faith as a Christian; personal witness and devotional practices; starting a youth group in his Pentecostal church; education in Ghana, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States; leadership in Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students at the University of Cape Coast; church planting ministry, influential mentors including Gottfried and...
Dates: 2013

Collection 670 Papers of Kathryn Deering

Identifier: CN 670
Scope and Contents

Manuscripts, newsletters, photos, digital copies of journals, and other materials relating to the life and ministry of Elisabeth Elliot as they were gathered by Kathryn Deering, employee of Servant Publications who edited Elliot’s newsletter and several of her books.

Dates: Created: 1979-2012

Collection 671 Oral History Interview with David P. Bruce

Identifier: CN 671
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with David P. Bruce, in which he discusses the history of the Montreat office of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) that functioned as the personal secretariat of Billy Graham; the relationship of the office to the rest of the BGEA; Bruce's own background and his work as assistant to Graham; L. Nelson Bell and other BGEA leaders (T. W. Wilson, Stephanie Wills, John Akers, Charlie Riggs, Sterling Huston, and John Corts); effects on the Montreat office of...
Dates: Created: 2013

Collection 672 Oral History Interviews with Jeanne Blumhagen.

Identifier: CN 672
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Jeanne Bourland Blumhagen in which she describes her family background; effects of the Great Depression; conversion and spiritual development; education at Whitworth University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois; World War II; medical missionary service in Afghanistan with the American Embassy in Kabul, Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF), Medical Assistance Program (MAP), and later Interserve, and serving on the Wheaton College Board...
Dates: 2013-2017

Collection 675 Papers of John Minder

Identifier: CN 675
Scope and Contents Letters, reports, clippings, handbills, newsletters, brochures, pamphlets selected from the papers of Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor John Minder related to his mentorship of Billy Graham while Graham was a student at Florida Bible Institute (FBI) and their continuing friendship. To a lesser extent, the papers also document Minder’s mentorship of other students and evangelists, such as Roy Gustafson and Jimmie Johnson, as well as his leadership at FBI, the Tampa Gospel Tabernacle,...
Dates: Created: 1927-1992

Collection 676 Records of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches

Identifier: CN 676
Scope and Contents Collection contains digital copies of a small subset of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches archives. Materials are the files of the National Representative relating to Billy Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. They deal almost entirely with criticism of the theology and methods of Graham and the BGEA in general in relation to evangelism, spiritual counseling, and separation from the world and nonFundamentalist churches. Besides correspondence with Graham,...
Dates: 1950-1982, undated

Collection 677 Papers of Beatrice Sutherland

Identifier: CN 677
Scope and Contents

Materials in this collection include correspondence, newsletters, memoranda, photographs, and a church directory relating to the ministry of Beatrice Sutherland, a missionary to China with the China Inland Mission beginning in 1938 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The materials also span her later activities as a Christian worker living in California after her retirement from full-time missionary service in 1976.

Dates: Created: 1938-2006

Collection 678 Oral History Interview with Helen Grace Madeira Cox

Identifier: CN 678
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Helen Grace Madeira Cox (1921-2019), missionary in China from 1947-1951 and Northern Thailand 1953-1973 with China Inland Mission (later Overseas Missionary Fellowship). Topics discussed include Cox's childhood experiences and early faith in the Church of the Brethren; call to missionary work; education at Columbia Bible College and Wheaton College; teaching Bible in Virginia public schools; attending Missionary Medical Institute and Wycliffe’s Summer Institute of...
Dates: 2014

Collection 679: Oral History Interviews with John and Virginia Casto

Identifier: CN 679
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with John and Virginia Casto. Topics discussed include their family backgrounds; their education at Prairie Bible Institute and elsewhere; marriage; work in Thailand as missionaries with Overseas Missionary Fellowship in hospital evangelism, nursing, and church planting; the Thai church; raising a family on the mission field.The Castos were interviewed by Bob Shuster on August 14 and 14, 2015 and August 19, 2016 at the Calvary Fellowship Homes in...
Dates: 2015-2016

Collection 680 Papers of the Almond Family

Identifier: CN 680
Scope and Contents

Diaries and oral history interviews documenting the work of Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) workers Louis Almond, his first wife Stella and his second wife Helen in China (1949-1951), Thailand and the United States. Helen’s interview also describes the activities of the United States office of OMF, where she worked for many years.

Dates: 1949-1951, 2015-2016

Collection 681 Oral History Interview with Mertis Byram Heimbach

Identifier: CN 681
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Mertis Byram Heimbach (1921- ) missionary in China, Thailand, Singapore and U.S. with China Inland Mission (CIM) and (as it was later known) Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) from 1946 to 1999. Topics discussed include childhood in Korea; parents’ mission work; Wheaton College and Prairie Bible Institute; marriage to Ernest Heimbach; Hmong (Miao) people; tribal mission work; Communist takeover of China; Communist treatment of Christians; CIM’s exit from China;...
Dates: 2014

Collection 682 Oral History Interviews with Kioko Mwangangi

Identifier: CN 682
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Kioko Mwangani in which he describes about his work as an evangelist and pastor of the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya. Topics include his family background; early education, involvement with the ministry of DIGUNA and the movement’s leaders Vic Paul and David Rempel; higher education at Scott Theological College and Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST), his pastorates in Rural area; influence on his faith of marriage and fatherhood; the...
Dates: 2014

Collection 683 Papers of Rolland and Thelma Smith

Identifier: CN 683
Scope and Contents Newsletters, prayer letters, fund-raising and promotional material, donor correspondence, pamphlets, blueprints, maps, personal correspondence, programs, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, radio program scripts, and photographs relating to the Rolland and Thelma Smith’s missionary work among the Cree First Nations in Alberta, Canada (1945-1960). The collection also contains camp meeting itineraries, newspaper clippings, financial reports, brochures and directories relating to Sebring...
Dates: Created: 1942-2000

Collection 687 Papers of Ed and Marilou McCully

Identifier: CN 687
Scope and Contents Journal, correspondence, manuscript, audio tapes, photographs and other materials relating to the life and ministry of Ed and Marilou McCully, Plymouth Brethren Missionaries in Ecuador. The materials document Ed Mc Cully's education (including at Wheaton College), successes in oratorical competition, courtship of Marilou Hobolth, their work in Ecuador as Plymouth Brethren missionaries, his death at the hands of Waorani tribespeople, and Marilou McCully’s subsequent involvement in documenting...
Dates: Created: 1944-1985

Collection 688 Papers of Paul M. Borthwick

Identifier: CN 688
Scope and Contents Oral history interview and articles by Paul Borthwick, a minister, and leader in the Short-Term Mission (STM) and in development ministry. In the interview Borthwick discusses his childhood in Massachusetts, involvement with Grace Chapel, his conversion and growth in Christian faith, his own early involvement with the Short Term Missions movement (STM), the development of STM in the United States and other countries; evaluation of the movement. The collection also contains dozens of articles...
Dates: 1980-2015; Majority of material found in 1980-2012

Collection 689 Papers of Stephen D. Morad

Identifier: CN 689
Scope and Contents Typed manuscript of an unpublished history of the Africa Inland Church (AIC) of Kenya written by Stephen D. Morad and Shelly Arensen and a report on the results a 1993-1995 survey of the AIC.[Note: In the Scope & Content section, the notation “folder 2-5" means “Box 2, Folder 5"]Date Range: circa 1995-1996Volume: .25 cubic feet, 1 Box...
Dates: Created: 1995-1996

Collection 690: Oral History Interviews with Elias Kiptoo Ng’etich

Identifier: CN 690
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Elias Ng’etich, in which he describes his family background, the African Inland Church (AIC) he grew up in, his spiritual development and conversion, worship and Christian life in the church in which he grew up, youth evangelism activities, his first days at Scott Theological College, pastor of the AIC church in Chebaiyowo, Kenya; Moi University; typical day as a pastor, creation of the Scott satellite campus in Eldoret and teaching there; relations between...
Dates: 2012

Collection 693 Papers of Jim Vaus

Identifier: CN 693
Scope and Contents Newsletters, oral history transcripts, manuscripts, correspondence, slides, photographs, audio recordings, and films relating to Jim Vaus’ youth ministry work in East Harlem, NY and later youth camp ministries in New York and California and internationally with the Missionary Communication Service. The collection also contains material on Jim Vaus’ work as a wiretapper for the Los Angeles mob prior to his conversion to Christianity at the 1949 Los Angeles Billy Graham Crusade, and the 1955...
Dates: Created: 1950-2001

Collection 697 Oral History Interviews with Angkarin Pimpaeng

Identifier: CN 697
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Angkarin Pimpaeng in which she discusses her childhood in Thailand, life in rural areas and the city, attendance at Chiang Mai University, conversion while a university student, work with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in that country, attendance at YWAM’s University of the Nations in Hawaii, leading YWAM teams to Bangladesh, returning to Thailand and working with Study Abroad there, the development of her faith over the years, attending a TLC (Assemblies of God)...
Dates: 2016-2017

Collection 698 Papers of Lois R. Ferm

Identifier: CN 698
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and other documents relating to Lois R. Ferm’s work as a personal assistant to Billy Graham and particularly relating to the Billy Graham Center, Graham’s personal library, and the BGEA Oral History Project.This collection consists of materials documenting Ferm’s work as a personal assistant to Billy Graham and Resource Coordinator of the BGEA. Although there are a few earlier items, almost everything in collection dates from 1970 or later. The...
Dates: Created: 1967-2000

Collection 701 Papers of Olive Fleming Liefeld

Identifier: CN 701
Scope and Contents This collection contains letters, reports, transcripts, photographs, photo albums, and other materials from the papers of Olive Liefeld relating to her first husband, Peter Fleming, their work as missionaries in Ecuador among the Quichua people, his death along with four other missionaries at the hands of Waorani tribesmen in 1956, the continuing development of that story in terms of the impact of the men's deaths on American evangelicalism and the growth of a Christian community among the...
Dates: Created: 1946-2006, undated

Collection 707 Oral History Interviews with Douglas W. Stewart

Identifier: CN 707
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Douglas W. Stewart in which he describes his ministry with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in South and Central America and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 1963-1991. Topics discussed include Stewart’s family background, spiritual growth, education at Colombia Bible College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, leadership, roles, and structure of IFES, political, social, and religious context in South and Central America,...
Dates: 2018

Collection 709 Oral History Interviews with John Innes

Identifier: CN 709
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with John Innes, in which he describes his family background; spiritual growth; development of musical talent; education at Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College; and career as an organist and pianist with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) for over 40 years. Topics discussed include the development of the BGEA’s music team; changes in the BGEA structure and leadership; various BGEA figures, including Billy Graham; George Beverly Shea; Cliff Barrows;...
Dates: 2018

Collection 710 Records of the Chefoo Schools Association

Identifier: CN 710
Scope and Contents The China Inland Mission (later the Overseas Missionary Fellowship) founded a school for the children of Western missionaries in Chefoo, China called the Chefoo School. During World War II, the mission started similar schools in other parts of China and in India. After 1951, when the mission was forced out of China, the mission had similar schools in Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines. They were always called Chefoo Schools. The Chefoo Schools Association was a society for...
Dates: Created: 1908-2016

Collection 711 Oral History Interview with Tsegaab Tadesse Tantu

Identifier: CN 711
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Tsegaab Tadesse Tantu in which he discusses his family background in Ethiopia; his father’s ministry as an evangelist and church planter; his own education at Jimma and Addis Ababa University; activities as a government health worker; the scourges of trachoma, malaria and HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia; his work with World Vision in children’s health; campaign against violence to children and women; his impressions of Christianity in the United States and of the Wheaton...
Dates: 2019

Collection 712 Oral History Interview with Gaddam Persis Andrews

Identifier: CN 712
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Gaddam Persis Andrews. Topics covered include health issues; family life and history; New Delhi (India); gender dynamics in India; early religious experiences; spiritual disciplines; religious life of India (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism); holistic healing; adolescent insecurity; sociology; Jesus and Mary College; volunteering at Shalom Delhi; work with HIV patients; master’s in social work at the Center for Studies in Rural Development, Pune University; specializing...
Dates: 2019

Collection 713 Oral History Interview with Gillian Gathoni Mwaura

Identifier: CN 713
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Gillian Gathoni Mwaura in which she discussed her family background in Kenya, her conversion in high school, her education at the Co-Operative College of Kenya and Methodist University; work as a student and as a full-time employee with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students-affiliated ministry FOCUS (Fellowsh ip of Christian Unions) in Kenya and Uganda, cross-cultural training and mission work in Norway; helping to form Global Link Afrika, a Ugandan...
Dates: 2019

Collection 714 Papers of Julius Hagan

Identifier: CN 714
Scope and Contents Photograph and oral history interview with Julius Hagan, an evangelist and church planter from Ghana. Topics discussed in interviews include early family life in Accra, Ghana, Christian culture of Ghana, school life, struggle with alcohol, conversion and freedom from addiction, further education, spiritual disciplines and experiences, evangelism through the Christlike Disciplemakers Movement and Bible College, work evangelizing fellow students at the University of Ghana and Ghent University,...
Dates: 24 January 2020

Collection 719 Papers of Janet Wismer

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CN 719
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, transcripts of broadcasts, correspondence, newsletters, articles, photogrpahs and memorabilia, relating to the friendship of Wismer and Elisabeth Elliot and Wismer's work as a staff member and producer for Elisabeth Elliot’s Gateway to Joy radio program.

Dates: 1959-2012; Majority of material found in 1981-2012

Collection 720 Papers of Louise H. Pierson

Identifier: CN 720
Scope and Contents

Photographs, mission newsletters, newspaper clippings, letters, drawings, and pressed flowers arranged in a scrapbook mainly documenting the work of several early Woman’s Union Missionary Society (WUMS) workers in China, Japan, and India. Most of the scrapbook appears to be focused on the work of Mrs. Louise Henrietta Pierson in Yokohama, Japan through the American Mission Home (now known as Yokohama Kyoritsu Kritsu Gakuen or Doremus School) from 1871-1899.

Dates: 1871-1902

Collection 721 Papers of Fred and Clara Elliot

Identifier: CN 721
Scope and Contents Correspondence and clippings received or created by the Elliots, who were parents of the missionary Jim Elliot. Most of the collection consists of letters from Jim Elliot to his parents and/or other members of his family, although there are also numerous letters from his parents to him and letters from other correspondents, such as Elisabeth Elliot (Jim’s wife), Ed and Marilou McCully, Marj Saint, and Barbara Youderian. The letters describe contemporaneously Jim Elliot’s student years at...
Dates: 1945-1958

Collection 724 Margery E. Dickinson Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: CN 724
Brief Description This collection consists of Dickinson's prayer letters to her supporters; copies of "Gleaning's for God's Servants," the newsletters of the counseling ministry of the Bible Clubs Movement (BCM), and oral history interviews with Dickinson. The materials describe her background, education, and decades of ministry in the United States and the Democratic Republic of Congo forming Bible clubs, training Bible club teachers, preparing curricula for the clubs, and providing counseling services for...
Dates: 1965-2021

Collection 725 - Oral History Interviews with Emmanuel Kwizera

Identifier: CN 725
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews of Kwizera in 2021 by Bob Shuster of the Archives staff. Among the topics Kwizera discussed was his family's background in ministry in Rwanda, the Jesus film, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, his own conversion and the development of his faith, his work with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the state of Christianity in Rwanda; his work as director of African Enterprise's Rwandan branch and his work as AE's missions director for all of Africa;...
Dates: 2021

Collection 726 - Gospel Films / Gospel Communications Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 726

This collection consists of interviews with J. R. Whitby and Robby Richardson, executives of Gospel Films/Gospel Communications about the history of the company, the development of the Christian film industry and the Christian use of the Internet.

Dates: October 21-22, 2021

Collection 727 Papers of the Vereide Family

Identifier: CN 727
Scope and Contents Papers of the Vereide family relating to the work of International Christian Leadership (ICL, later known as the Fellowship Foundation), mainly the efforts of Abraham Vereide and his daughter Alicia Davison. The collection reflects the activities ICL and its associated group International Council for Christian Leadership (ICCL) in fostering prayer groups, leadership seminars, and informal contacts involving government officials, business people, and civic leaders to promote spiritual unity...
Dates: 1945-2014, undated; Majority of material found in 1953-1985

Collection 741 - Papers of Daniel W. Nelson

Identifier: CN 741
Brief Description Materials collected by Nelson for his doctoral thesis about evangelist B. Fay Mills. This includes his correspondence with possible sources of information, such as Mills’ daughter; copies and transcripts of articles and obituaries by and about Mills as well as some of his sermons. Scope and Contents The material in this collection consists entirely of material gathered by Rev. Daniel W. Nelson in the early 1960s for use in his dissertation...
Dates: 1889-1916, 1961-1964, 1979

Colleen Townsend Evans Papers

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-039
Scope and Contents The papers of the noted Christian author and churchwoman, Colleen Townsend Evans consist primarily of book manuscripts and published articles. Other materials include awards, biographical materials, photographs, and memorabilia. The collection occupies 16 linear inches. The manuscript series contains not only typescripts of books and articles, but also galley proofs and notes. They are arranged alphabetically by the title. Published articles, dating from 1948 to 1987 are also...
Dates: Created: 1948-1987; Other: Majority of material found in 1959-1987; Other: Date acquired: 1989

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Evangelism & Missions Archives 695
Special Collections 220
Wheaton College Archives 144
Marion E. Wade Center 105
Conversion -- Christianity. 246
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 199
Evangelistic work -- United States. 175
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 164
Women -- Religious life. 144
∨ more
Women missionaries. 138
Christian life. 130
Correspondence. 128
Language in missionary work. 109
Missionaries -- Training of. 106
Missions -- China. 103
Missions -- Educational work. 98
Evangelicalism -- United States. 94
Christian leadership. 88
Christianity and culture. 87
Children of missionaries. 81
Evangelistic work -- China. 76
World War, 1939-1945. 71
Photographs. 70
Religious institutions. 70
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 69
Missions -- Finance. 66
Evangelistic work. 65
Sermons, American. 64
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 60
Families. 60
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 60
Evangelistic sermons. 58
Fundamentalism. 57
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 56
Church and social problems -- United States. 54
Prayer. 54
Communism -- China. 51
Evangelicalism. 51
Fund raising. 51
Public worship -- Christianity. 49
Bible -- Study and teaching. 47
Financial records. 47
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 46
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Faculty. 46
Missions -- India. 45
Preaching. 45
Articles. 44
Bible -- Translating. 44
Church and social problems. 43
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Students. 43
Audiotapes. 41
Missions -- Africa. 41
Evangelistic invitations. 40
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 40
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 39
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 39
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 38
Radio in missionary work. 38
African Americans -- Social conditions. 37
Culture shock. 37
Missions, Medical. 37
Radio in religion. 37
Church and state -- United States. 36
Church development, New. 36
Radio in religion -- United States. 36
Sayers, Dorothy L. -- Archives. 36
Scrapbooks. 36
African Americans -- Religious life. 35
Minutes (Administrative records) 35
Christian education -- United States. 34
Missionaries' spouses. 34
Missions -- Study and teaching. 34
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Students -- Social life and customs. 34
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 33
Mass media in religion -- United States. 33
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 33
Missions -- Congresses. 33
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 32
College students in missionary work. 32
Mass media in religion. 32
Music -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. 32
Rural missions. 31
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 31
Race relations. 30
Belief and doubt. 29
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 29
Evangelistic work -- Songs and music. 29
Missionaries, Resignation of. 29
Missionaries. 29
Christian literature -- Publishing. 28
Missions -- Philippines. 28
Racism -- United States. 28
Social change. 28
Diaries. 26
Pentecostalism. 26
Presbyterians. 26
African Americans -- Missions. 25
Baptism. 25
College students -- United States -- Religious life. 25
Evangelistic work -- Illinois -- Chicago. 25
Evangelistic work -- South America. 25
Missions -- Kenya. 25
Missions -- South America. 25
Missions to Muslims. 25
∧ less
English 1163
Russian 5
Spanish; Castilian 5
German 3
Arabic 2
∨ more  
Wheaton College (Ill.) 183
Graham, Billy, 1918-2018. 117
Shuster, Robert D. 110
Ericksen, Paul. 99
Moody Bible Institute. 59
∨ more
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 57
China Inland Mission. 51
Africa Inland Mission. 47
Edman, V. Raymond (Victor Raymond), 1900-1967. 45
OMF International. 42
Christian and Missionary Alliance. 40
Sayers, Dorothy L. (Sayers, Dorothy Leigh) 40
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. 37
Sunday, Billy, 1862-1935. 34
Youth for Christ International. 34
Wheaton College (Ill.). Billy Graham Scholarship Program. 32
Buswell, J. Oliver (James Oliver), 1895-1977. 30
Zhongguo guo min dang. 28
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 27
Rader, Paul, 1879-1938. 27
Campus Crusade for Christ. 26
World Evangelical Fellowship. 25
Wycliffe Bible Translators. 24
Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003. 23
National Association of Evangelicals. 23
Wheaton College (Ill.). Graduate School. 23
Bright, Bill. 22
Evangelical Alliance Mission. 21
HCJB (Radio station : Quito, Ecuador) 21
Sudan Interior Mission. 21
Armerding, Hudson T. 20
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) 20
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. 20
Rodeheaver, Homer A. (Homer Alvan), 1880-1955. 20
Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956. 19
Ford, Leighton. 19
Jones, Clarence W. 19
Latin America Mission. 19
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. 19
Perkins, John, 1930- 19
Africa Inland Church. 18
Assemblies of God. 18
Billy Graham Center. 18
Ockenga, Harold John, 1905-1985. 18
Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988. 18
Wyrtzen, Jack, 1913-1996. 18
Barrows, Cliff. 17
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle (Ill.) 17
Graham, Ruth Bell. 17
Howard, David M. 17
Moody Memorial Church (Chicago, Ill.) 17
Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. 17
World Council of Churches. 17
Crawford, Percy B. (Percy Bartimus) 16
Fuller, Charles Edward, 1887-1968. 16
Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America. 16
Ironside, H. A. (Henry Allan), 1876-1951. 16
Jones, Bob, 1883-1968. 16
Blanchard, Charles A. (Charles Albert) 15
Colson, Charles W. 15
Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914- 15
Padilla, C. René. 15
Palau, Luis, 1934- 15
Stam, Elisabeth Alden Scott, 1906-1934. 15
Columbia Bible College (Columbia, S.C.) 14
Fuller Theological Seminary. 14
Johnson, Torrey Maynard, 1909- 14
Mission Aviation Fellowship. 14
Shea, George Beverly, 1909-2013. 14
Skinner, Tom, 1942- 14
Smith, Oswald J. 14
Stam, John Cornelius, 1907-1934. 14
Dain, Arthur John, 1912- 13
Elliot, Elisabeth. 13
Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies (2012-) 13
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 13
Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer), 1856-1928. 13
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. 12
Dunlop, Merrill. 12
Hurlburt, Charles E. 12
McCully, Theodore Edward, 1927-1956. 12
Saint, Nathaniel, 1923-1956. 12
Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) 12
Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947. 12
Stott, John R. W. 12
Sunday, Helen Amelia Thompson, 1868-1957. 12
Voice of Calvary Ministries (U.S.) 12
Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983. 12
World Vision International. 12
Wright, J. Elwin. 12
Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar. 11
Hatfield, Mark O., 1922-2011. 11
National Religious Broadcasters (U.S.) 11
Navigators (Religious organization) 11
Pacific Garden Mission (Chicago, Ill.) 11
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 11
Riley, W. B. (William Bell), 1861-1947. 11
Smith, Wilbur M. (Wilbur Moorehead), 1894-1976. 11
Ten Boom, Corrie. 11
Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin), 1904-1985. 11
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