Sayers, Dorothy L. -- Archives.
Found in 36 Collections and/or Records:
Busman’s Honeymoon Collection
This archive contains fan correspondence and theater returns from the play version of "Busman's Honeymoon" written by Dorothy L. Sayers and Muriel St. Clare Byrne.
Change Ringing Archive
Change ringing serves as the backdrop for Dorothy L. Sayers's novel The Nine Tailors. This archive contains miscellaneous materials related to the practice of change ringing, among them pamphlets, brochures, and periodicals.
David Coomes Papers
This archive includes a typescript of the book Dorothy L. Sayers: A Careless Rage for Life, and is a gift of David Coomes.
Detection Club Archive
Contained within this archive are Dorothy L. Sayers's own materials relating to her membership and secretarial duties to The Detection Club. These materials include stationery, list of members, and club constitution. G.K. Chesterton was also a member of the Club.
Detection Notes Collection by Dorothy L. Sayers
This collection features various documents relating to Sayers's research in the areas of crime and detection, including notes from real criminal trials and detection techniques.
Dorothy L. Collection
Dorothy L." is a biographical one-woman play written by Catherine Kenny about Dorothy L. Sayers. This collection contains materials relating to the 1995 Oxford performance of "Dorothy L.," and the 1996 Wheaton College performance of the play.
Dorothy L. Sayers Centenary Archive
This archive contains materials relating to the centenary of the birth of Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1957) in 1993. Items included are schedules and programs from related events as well as newspaper clippings regarding the centenary.
Dorothy L. Sayers Diary Collection
This collection contains a series of diaries (personal day planners) belonging to Dorothy L. Sayers.
Dorothy L. Sayers Library Inserts Archive
The items contained within this archive were found between the pages of the books in Dorothy L. Sayers's personal library, and/or annotations from the books.
Dorothy L. Sayers Notebook Collection
This archive contains 11 notebooks with notes in several languages by Dorothy L. Sayers. A wide variety of topics are covered, but most of the material relates to Dante Alighieri and his works.
E.R. Gregory Papers
The Gregory Collection contains manuscripts, proofs, photographs, correspondence and other papers concerned with the book Wilkie Collins by Dorothy L. Sayers, ed. by Dr. Gregory (Toledo: The Friends of the Univ. of Toledo Libraries, 1977). Copyright resides with Dr. Gregory.
Events File Archive
This archive includes materials from various events related to the Wade authors, including dramatic performances, conferences, academic courses, exhibitions, etc. More additions may be included in this archive at any time.
Fleming / Sayers Culinary Papers
This archive contains a proof copy of Atherton (Mac) Fleming's book Gourmet's Book of Food and Drink, and additional recipes and notes relating to culinary topics by both Mac and Dorothy L. Sayers.
Future of the Jews Collection
This archive contains unpublished contributions by Dorothy L. Sayers for the 1944 symposium on "The Future of the Jews," as well as extensive correspondence and publications relating to the topic.
He That Should Come Archive
The He That Should Come archive contains materials relating to the religious play of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers, including printed copies of the play and correspondence.
James Burleson Dissertation Research Papers
This archive contains James Burleson's correspondence with Ann Bowden, Muriel St. Clare Byrne, Charles Dywer, Marion Fairman, Anthony Fleming, Livia Gollancz, Marjorie Mead, Barbara Reynolds, James Sandoe, and Armitage Watkins regarding his dissertation. Also included are two pages of Burleson's dissertation titled: A Study of the Novels of Dorothy L. Sayers. (Wade Call no.: PR6037.A95 Z6258 1965 Diss.)
Location File Archive
This archive contains printed material (maps, guides, pamphlets, brochures, postcards, photographs, articles and tourism materials) pertaining to UK and European locations related to the Wade Center authors.
Lord Peter Wimsey Biography Collection
This archive is a collection of materials from Christopher Dean, relating to his biography on Lord Peter Wimsey. They include biographical material on Lord Peter Wimsey and additional papers.
Love All and Busman’s Honeymoon Archive
This archive is a collection of materials relating to the book containing: Love All by Dorothy L. Sayers and Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers and Muriel St. Clare Byrne. Edited by Alzina Stone Dale. (Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 1984). The items in this archive represent some of the resources used by Mrs. Dale as she prepared the two plays for publication.
Muriel St. Clare Byrne Collection
This archive contains notes, photographs, books, manuscripts, play programs, and other materials collected by Muriel St. Clare Byrne relating to Dorothy L. Sayers.
Religious Illustrated Cards and Booklets Archive
This archive contains correspondence and drafts relating to religious-themed booklets and cards containing text by Dorothy L. Sayers, including: "The Days of Christ's Coming," "The Story of Easter," "The Tale of Adam and Christ," "The Story of Noah's Ark," and "The Enchanted Garden." Commonly known as the "Advent cards," the works were mainly intended as Christmas and Easter cards.
Rosamond Sprague Collection
This archive contains materials related to Dorothy L. Sayers, donated by Rosamond Sprague. Contents include materials relating to A Matter of Eternity (a book of selections from Sayers's works, edited by Sprague), general correspondence, and personal papers.
Sayers Family Papers
This archive contains correspondence, certificates, and other documents and records relating to the family of Dorothy L. Sayers.
St. Anne's House Archive
This archive contains materials relating to St. Anne's House, an Anglican organization formed with the goal of bringing the Christian faith into dialogue with aspects of modern culture--with particular emphasis on reaching out to the artistic and intellectual communities of London. Dorothy L. Sayers was an active member of St. Anne's House and a strong supporter of its mission. At her death in December 1957, Sayers's ashes were placed under the tower of St. Anne's in Soho.
The Devil to Pay Archive
This archive contains materials for the play The Devil to Pay by Dorothy L. Sayers, including copies of the play, correspondence, production notes, and financial returns.
The Emperor Constantine Archive
The Emperor Constantine archive contains materials relating to the religious play of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers including: various copies and scripts of the play, some production notes, and related correspondence primarily regarding the Colchester Festival where the play was first performed in 1951.
The Just Vengeance Archive
The Just Vengeance archive contains materials relating to the religious play of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers including: a script of the play, press cuttings of reviews, and materials relating to the Lichfield Cathedral festival, where the play was first performed in June 1946.
The Man Born to be King Archive
The Man Born to be King archive contains materials relating to the religious play cycle of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers including: drafts and scripts of the 12 dramas, production notes, correspondence and fan mail, press cuttings, and correspondence between Sayers and Heinz Geck, who translated the play into German.
The Mind of the Maker Archive
The Mind of the Maker archive contains materials relating to the non-fiction book of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers, including: early drafts of the book, related correspondence, and a copy of the published work with annotations by Sayers.
The New Cosmology Correspondence
This archive contains a single folder of correspondence, mainly fan mail, relating to Dorothy L. Sayers's BBC radio talk, "The New Cosmology."
The Pantheon Papers
This archive contains correspondence and drafts relating to The Pantheon Papers by Dorothy L. Sayers, a series of satirical sketches on invented saints and celebrations of secular society.
The Religious Book Club Archive
The Religious Book Club archive contains various materials relating to the club and Sayers's position on the Advisory Committee, including: meeting minutes, agendas, book lists, RBC advertisements, Bulletins, and related correspondence.
The Religious Drama Society Archive
The Religious Drama Society archive contains various materials relating to the society, including meeting minutes and related correspondence.
The Zeal of Thy House Archive
The Zeal of Thy House archive contains materials relating to the religious play of the same title by Dorothy L. Sayers, including printed copies of the play, correspondence, music, and financial records from when the play was touring in 1938-1939.
Undergraduate Notes and Essays Archive by Dorothy L. Sayers
This archive contains extensive notes by Dorothy L. Sayers during her undergraduate years at Somerville College, Oxford University (1912-1915), or in the immediate period afterwards with a few pieces from other stages of her life.
World War II Materials from Dorothy L. Sayers
This archive contains materials relating to Dorothy L. Sayers's work during World War II, including her advisory role in the Author's Planning Committee, and correspondence regarding knitting clothes for trawlermen.