Missions, British.
Found in 17 Collections and/or Records:
Baptist Missionary Society Archives Microfilm
Blantyre Mission Records Microfilm
This collection consists 2 reels of microfilm containing the Blantyre Missions Supplement (Life and work in British Central Africa, and Life and work in Nysasland), monthly, and later quarterly, journal of the Church of Scotland, detailing missions and evangelistic activities at the Blantyre station in Malawi. Microfilm reels are 35mm, positive copies.
Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East Records Microfilm
Church Missionary Society for Africa: West Indies Mission Records Microfilm
This collection contains Microfilmed copybooks of letters sent to missionaries in the West Indies and loose incoming correspondence from missionaries. Copybooks are indexed at the beginning of volumes. West Indies missions were intended primarily for the proselytization of enslaved peoples in the British colonies. Topics covered include missions and nineteenth-century church and missions history in Great Britain and the Caribbean.
Council for World Mission Records Microfiche
International Missionary Council/Conference of British Missionary Societies Records Microfiche
Methodist Missionary Society Records Microfiche
Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) Records
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Records Microfilm
This collection consists of the microfilmed archives of the first century of S.P.C.K. endeavor. These papers are arranged in four series: A - Minutes and Reports (reels 1-10); B - Financial Records (reels 11-20); C - Letters and Memorials (reels 21-33); D - Special Subjects (reels 34-41). The minutes, reels 1-7, are indexed at the beginning of each volume. All reels are 35mm, positive copies.
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Records Microfilm
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel: Lambeth Palace Records Microfilm
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Records Microfilm
Steven C. Preston Papers
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel: Gold Coast Mission Records Microfilm
This collection consists of 12 reels of microfilm containg missionary reports and correspondence from S.P.G. mission stations correspondence of eighteenth century missionaries Thomas Thompson and Philip Quaque, and correspondence of the twentieth century Committee for Women's Work. Microfilmed from originals in possession of the U.S.P.G. in London.
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel: Madagascar Mission Records Microfilm
The microfilm contains selected pages from the bound correspondence and reports series housed in the U.S.P.G. headquarters in London. It includes all missionary correspondence and reports from Madagascar, and some items concerning Mauritius and the Seychelles Islands. Letters refer to mission work, local customs, and politics. All reels are 35mm, positive copies.
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel: South Africa Records Microfilm
This collection consists of 52 reels of microfilm containing correspondence and reports concerning Anglican missions in South Africa prior to diocesan organization, and concerning five dioceses: Capetown, 1847-1900; Grahamstown, 1853-1900; Natal (Maritzburg), 1853-1900; St. John's-Kaffraria, 1874-1900; and Zululand, 1866-1900. Reel 52 is a detailed index, and includes a history of S.P.G. South African work. The originals for the microfilm are in the U.S.P.G. headquarters in London.
Universities Mission to Central Africa Records Microfilm
This collection consists of one reel of microfilm containing the printed reports of the UMCA, the first mission society operated by the high church faction of the Anglican Church, and unique among Anglican missions in that primary authority rested not with a home committee, but with a bishop Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, and Dublin Universities.Originals of the reports are in the USPG office, London.