InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Records
Brief Description
Administrative records of IVCF spanning the time period from its founding in 1940 until 1991; includes materials created prior to the establishment of IVCF. Includes records of the presidents (Woods, Hummel, Troutman, McLeish, Alexander, McLeish), Paul Little, Campus chapters, Regional divisions and directors, Missions department, Urbana Missions Conventions, Nurses Christian Fellowship, Development department, Jim Nyquist, Strategic Planning, Finance, and manuscript material for the 1991 history of IVCF, FOR CHRIST AND THE UNIVERSITY. Among prominent staff members represented are Peter Northrup, Pete Hammond, Dave Bryant, Ned Hale, Ron Nichols, Terry Morrison, Keith Hunt, and Joe Bayley. Forms of documents include correspondence, reports, internal publications, minutes, newsletters, oral history interviews, audio tapes, photographs, negatives, manuals and handbooks, staff files, etc. Major subject areas documented are ministry among college students, missions, evangelism, Christian discipleship, social, cultural and theological issues, Evangelicalism in the US, some information on associated movements throughout the world, Christian presence and witness on secular college and university campuses, agencies working with students in the U.S.
- 1928-2017
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research, but duplication may be restricted if copying or scanning may cause damage to items.
The contents of all folders which include material less than ten (10) years old are closed to researchers. Materials related to the Board of Trustees are closed for thirty (30) years from the date of the latest document in the file. Files identified to contain personnel information are closed for seventy-five (75) years from the latest date of the folder. All the restricted files, listed below, cannot be used until the date noted without the written permission of two IVCF corporate officers. Request forms to be sent to the contact person should be obtained from the staff in the Reading Room. Requests for permission should be directed to:
The following files have been restricted until December 31 of the corresponding year:
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright to this material is retained by the rights holder, including published works retained by the donor. Please contact the Archives staff for additional or contact information.
Organizational History
Evangelical organization working among college students in the United States; founded in 1940; headquarters in Chicago (1940-1969) and Madison, Wisc. (1969-present); lead by C. Stacey Woods (1940-1960), Charles Hummel (1960-1961), Charles Troutman (1961-1965), John Alexander (1965- 1981), James McLeish (1981-1984), Gordon McDonald (1984-1987), Tom Dunkerton (1987-1988), Steve Hayner (1988- ); emphasizes evangelism and discipleship of students and participation in world missions; campus groups are directed by student leaders; publishes books through InterVarsity Press; convenes triennial Student Missions Conventions in Urbana, Ill., after its first in Toronto in 1946; has ministry among nurses (Nurses Christian Fellowship) and a media division (Twenty-One Hundred); is a member movement in International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.
Founded: November 1940. Inter-Varsity was pioneered by staff of Canada's Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, which was in turn launched by staff from Great Britain's Inter-Varsity Fellowship (later called Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship).
Ministry speciality or emphasis: Evangelism and discipleship among college and university students in the United States, and promoting participation in and support of world missions. IVCF's philosophy was built on student leadership of campus groups, served by staff workers. Inter-Varsity has made a significant contribution to American Evangelicalism through its grass roots leadership training of students, its books published by Inter-Varsity Press, its missions emphasis particularly as expressed in the triennial Urbana Student Missionary Conventions (held first in Toronto in 1946, and from 1948 afterward in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois).
Major ministry areas: Campus ministry, Inter-Varsity Press (produced HIS Magazine, 1941-1987), Twenty-One Hundred (media division), Nurses Christian Fellowship
Affiliations: Inter-Varsity is one of many member movements which comprise the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), representing different nations.
Other historical background sources: Inter-Varsity's history is extensively documented in Keith and Gladys Hunt's For Christ and the University, published in 1991 by Inter-Varsity Press, which includes an extensive organizational timeline.
Location of headquarters:
1940-1969. Chicago, Illinois
20 N. Wacker Dr. (1940-1943)
64 E. Lake St. (1943-1946)
64 W. Randolf (1946-1950)
1444 N. Astor (1950-1956)
1519 N. Astor (1956-1965)
130 N. Wells (1965-1969)
1969-present. Madison, Wisconsin
Carroll Hall (1969-1970)
233 Langdon (1970-1986)
6400 Schroeder Rd. (1986-2015)
635 Science Dr. (2015-present)
1940-1960. C. Stacey Woods
1960-1961. Charles Hummel
1961-1965. Charles Troutman
1965-1981. John Alexander
1981-1984. James Mc Leish
1984-1987. Gordon Mc Donald
1987-1988. Tom Dunkerton
1988-2001. Steve Hayner
2001-2016. Alec Hill
2016-present. Tom Lin
202.0 Linear Feet
404 document cases
6 other formats (Audio Tapes, CDs, Films, Negatives, Oversize Materials, Photographs)
Language of Materials
Arrangement and Description
The Inter-Varsity records consist of correspondence, reports, memos, internal communication publications, promotional publications, minutes, research notes for a published fiftieth anniversary history of IVCF, photographs, etc., which document the origins, development, administration and activities of the organization. The records primarily concern ministry among college and university students in the United States, focused on IVCF’s efforts to develop students’ understanding of biblical teaching and cultivate the ability to apply the Bible to daily life and their professions, nurture growing Christians, and encourage students to consider and pursue ministry in the US or elsewhere in the world. The records also document other ministries among students in the United States, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and member student movements around the world, theological and social issues which directly affected students or which it was felt Christian students needed to address. The materials record the activity of the organization at various levels, ranging from the president to individual staff workers on college campuses and the individual chapters or groups with which they worked. The researcher is therefore provided with both an administrative view of the organization as well as the functioning units among students for which the organization operated. The Urbana Missionary Conventions, held once each three years, are only partially documented. Several of the conventions (1979, 1981, 1984) are more extensively documented, while others have only scanty documentation. The records do not include series related to IVCF’s publishing unit, Inter-Varsity Press, or its multimedia arm, Twenty-One Hundred, although the activities of these departments are marginally documented in other series.
Duplicates have been removed from the collection when noticed, as were multiple forms of a letter which were individually addressed but otherwise identical. The archivist retained the general order of the files, although in some cases this order was only maintained at the series level, since there was no apparent order at the subseries and folder levels. Where this was the case, the archivist attempted to reestablish the original arrangement of the folders as suggested by their folder titles. Similarly, file titles were also retained wherever possible.
The notes which follow only briefly describe the records of this major contributor to American Evangelical life since 1940. The Box List of this guide describes the contents of the collection with folder titles. The folder titles where given are sufficiently specific to reveal the topics covered in their contents. However, the individuals whose names appear in the Container List are not necessarily included among those identified as subject headings; therefore, the subject headings, although extensive, is not exhaustive.
The records are divided into the following series:
Presidents (boxes 1-127, 349-352)
Paul Little (boxes 128-147)
Campus chapters (boxes 147-169, 322)
Regional Divisions and Directors (boxes 169-235)
Missions Department/Inter-Varsity Missions (boxes 236-321)
General Services Department (boxes 322-326)
Nurses Christian Fellowship (boxes 327-328)
Development (boxes 328-349)
Jim Nyquist (boxes 353-355)
Strategic Planning (boxes 355-361)
Finances (boxes 361-367)
IVCF History book project (boxes 367-388)
Audio tapes (described in detail in the Location Record: Audio Tapes)
Subseries: Presidents Within the presidential series, Alexander’s files predominate. Donor representatives suggested that IVCF’s first president, C. Stacey Woods, may have discarded many of his files; the proportionate lack of his records in relation to the length of his presidency would support this theory. The Hummel and McLeish presidencies were relatively brief compared with those of Woods and Alexander, and so their records are proportionately sized. The Troutman presidency was somewhat longer than Hummel’s or McLeish’s, but Troutman retained many of his administrative papers when he resigned and gave them to the Archives himself, described separately as
Subseries: Presidents | C. Stacey Woods, Charles Hummel, Charles Troutman
Arrangement: Inter-Varsity’s first three presidents’ records are subdivided as they were received, not by the terms of their presidencies but rather into the following four consecutive time periods: 1947-1948, 1949-1950, 1950-1952, 1952-1965. These time periods are general and in some cases the documents extend beyond the general range and therefore overlap with a previous or subsequent subseries.
Date range: 1947-1973
Volume: 9.0 linear feet
Boxes: 1-18
Type of documents: Predominantly correspondence, accompanied by internal memos, reports, internal publications, and scattered book reviews and articles or message manuscripts
Principle correspondents: The three presidents, IVCF executives, staff and supporters
Subjects: Illustrative of the types of issues documented in these files are those for the very brief 1947-1948 subseries, touching on the emergence and identity of and cooperation among American Evangelicals, the activity of IVCF with a limited staff covering broad geographical regions, specific situations on college campuses, and finding facilities for IVCF camps. Subjects documented in the 1949-1950 subseries include writing projects, requests for permission to reprint Inter-Varsity articles, arranging speaking engagements, and financial contributions, the development of IVCF's hymnbook in correspondence with Paul Beckwith (which also includes correspondence with hymn writer Margaret Clarkson), theological issues in relation to IVCF ministry, staff appointments, routine administrative details, evangelism and discipleship among students, student involvement in missions and evangelism, etc.
Notes: By volume the Woods’ presidency is the most heavily represented. The first subseries, 1947-1948 (Folders 1-1 to 1-9), appears to be the remainder of a larger unit. Woods is the primary correspondent, although folders also represent Foreign Missions Fellowship director Charles Troutman and IVCF board members D. Cameron Peck and C. Davis Weyerhauser. The 1949-1950 subseries (Folders 1-10 to 4-12) is more complete than the previous subseries, with correspondence to and from Woods predominating. Included are letters (and reports) to or from representatives of other organizations, supporting churches, representatives of colleges (universities and seminaries), campus groups, regional secretaries (Joe Bayly) and staff workers.
Exceptional items: Correspondence in the 1947-1948 subseries refers to the establishment of the Inter-Varsity group in China. Several other significant Evangelical figures represented in the files are J. Elwin Wright and Rutherford L. Decker (both of the National Association of Evangelicals, of which Woods was a board member). Folder 1-13 includes criticism of Inter-Varsity from Fundamentalist quarters. Folder 2-14 titled "U.S. Newsletter" more accurately contains early annual reports sent to Inter-Varsity supporters. See the EFMA file (Folders 2-9 and 10) for correspondence with Clyde Taylor. The "O" Folder 3-12 includes correspondence with prominent Evangelical figures J. Edwin Orr and Harold Ockenga.
Subseries: Presidents | John Alexander
Arrangement: Arranged in subseries as the files were received (Correspondence, Miscellaneous, Handbooks/manual production files, Northrup (nine subseries), Memos, Calendars, Board and Cabinet, Directories and Internal Publications, Bound volumes and notebooks (Department memos, Cabinet, Committees, Staff, area and regional directors, Management and planning, Meetings, Affiliated and chartered chapters, Handbooks and manuals)
Date range: 1940-1986
Volume: 51.5 linear feet
Boxes: 19-117, 349-352
Type of documents: Typical administrative files, including correspondence, reports, memos, reference files, etc. Also included are bound volumes of communications to various groups within IVCF which Alexander apparently compiled as a reference source.
Correspondents: John Alexander, Peter Northrup, senior executives, staff workers
Notes: Within the presidential series, Alexander’s files dwarf the others. His files document a wide range of Inter-Varsity administration and activity, including executive level planning documents and reports (see especially the management and planning subseries (boxes 91 through 95, particularly the long-range planning process documented in boxes 94 and 95), and chapter-related files and the weekly reports of staff workers. Some of Alexander's files are source or production files for manuals and handbooks which also make up part of the collection. These volumes were extensively updated or revised during Alexander's administration. Many Inter-Varsity executives are represented through their writings and correspondence in Alexander's files. This is particularly the case for Peter Northrup, who served as Assistant to the President during Alexander's administration; the line is frequently blurred as to whose files they actually were, Northrup's or Alexander's, although the archivist has attempted to maintain the delineation as possible. Nevertheless, they were part of the president's office and therefore maintain their integrity in that way.
One predominant form of material in Alexander's records is the bound volume. In most cases, these volumes were and remain compiled together; in those cases where the volumes were already part of a subseries, such as camps, they have been retained within that body of records. See the Container List for detailed listing of these volumes. Similarly, notebooks containing various organizational handbooks were also filed together. These were directed to staff, campus chapters, missions programs, chapter camp, etc. The handbooks consist of policy manuals for various levels of IVCF executives, administrative staff, staff workers and campus bodies.
Some of the files identified as those of Peter Northrup were either unlabeled or were unfoldered. The later of these were placed in files and titled as "miscellaneous." Many of these appear to contain documents which were intended to be filed in the future. Folder 52-2 titled "Brooks report; 1968-1973" contains very little information on Reuben Brooks, although the front of the file does contain some material about his resignation. The vast majority of the file relates to staff in the Western United States, suggesting that perhaps the Brooks-related papers in the file were intended to be filed in Folder 52-1 instead. Within Northrup’s files appear a series of folders titled "ONS" (boxes 70 through Folder 74-3) which refer to Inter-Varsity"s Orientation for New Staff program. Contained in these files are orientation materials spanning over thirty years, including schedules, participant lists, correspondence, memos, registration information and forms, etc. Folders 100-1,2 and 101-1 contain applications for chapter affiliation, which include the names of chapter officers, and chapter mailing reports which include the name of the chapter faculty sponsor. Northrup’s duties included serving as director of the Eastern region, which appears to have included at one point the Northeast, Great Lakes and Middle Atlantic divisions, so his files reflect this too.
Among Northrup’s files in boxes 349 and 350 are full-time and associate staff files corresponding to the period when he was a regional director over the Great Lakes region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin) and apparently the Mountain region (Colorado and Wyoming), as well as information about Campus-in-the-Woods and Missionary Camp. A subsequent subseries (boxes 351 and 352) contains similar material, although somewhat more miscellaneous, relating to Northrup’s oversight of campus staff and other administrative duties assigned to him by John Alexander. One file briefly addresses staff contribution to preparation for Urbana '67.
Exceptional items: Folder 35-1 contains several chapter handbooks from IVCF-related movements in Australia, Great Britain and the Philippines. Folder 98-6 contains a 1983 report titled "Communications Study for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship" analyzing and evaluating communications with the organization from a development perspective, particularly emphasizing that with the public and donors, as well as between field staff and management. Folder 99-1 consists of a compilation of papers produced by staff worker Kent Stephens while on study leave at Ohio State University. Using Inter-Varsity as a context, Stephen’s projects in business administration and accounting included titles such as "Organizational Evolution," "Role Conflict and Ambiguity," and "Income Forecasting"). The final Northrup subseries includes the results of a survey done among Wheaton College faculty about interest in meeting with scholastic counterparts in secular institutions (Folder 352-12). Also included is a volume (Folder 352-8) of information gathered by Northrup titled "Progress Reports of Field Staff Comings and Goings."
Subseries: Presidents | James McLeish
Arrangement: General, National Leadership Team, pre-presidential, and personnel subseries
Date range: 1949-1976, 1982-1987
Volume: 4.5 linear feet
Boxes: 117-125
Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, and reports primarily but not exclusively documenting McLeish’s three-year presidency, but also the much longer period beginning in 1952 when he served as IVCF’s accountant, comptroller, director of development, vice president of finance, and senior vice president. It therefore also includes promotional brochures, financial reports, and production files for a campus newspaper (The Branch, Folders 124-11,12,13,14,15).
Notes: Although his presidential term was brief, McLeish worked for Inter-Varsity for over thirty years. His files span this period of time, although not extensively.
Exceptional items: Folder 118-20 relates to the controversial book published by Inter-Varsity Press in 1984 on sanctity of life-related issues (abortion, euthenasia, etc.). The files include correspondence to and from McLeish about the publication and the eventual decision to withdraw the book in response to feedback from the Christian public.
Subseries: Presidents | Headquarters Relocation
Arrangement: As received
Date range: 1965-1988
Volume: .8 linear feet
Boxes: 126-127
Type of documents: Correspondence, reports, photographs, notebook contents, proposals
Correspondents: Peter Northrup as the creator of the files, architects, contractors, real estate representatives
Notes: Documents describe the exploration and analysis of possible moves of the headquarters from its Langdon St. address in Madison to other US cities, as well as remaining in Madison. The headquarters eventually moved from its downtown location near the University of Wisconsin to a site on Madison’s west side.
Subseries: Paul Little
Arrangement: Five subseries, each arranged alphabetically
Date range: 1948-1972
Volume: 10.0 linear
Boxes: 128-147
Type of documents: Articles, correspondence, Bible study materials, reports
Notes: Little’s files follow the evolution of Little's portfolio of responsibilities from 1950 when he joined the staff until his death in 1975. Little took responsibility for the movement’s ministry to international students in 1956, where he remained until 1965 when he became director of evangelism. He directed the Urbana '70 convention and in 1971 was appointed Assistant to the President, which he remained until 1975. He was also one of IVCF’s best known speakers and authors. The nature of these responsibilities is reflected in his files, which document his active evangelistic and discipling ministry among students, both as a speaker and author and on a personal level. His interest in evangelism and students generally and international students particularly are the predominant themes of these extensive files, frequently drawing in folders related to other Christian organizations and ministries which had an intersecting connection with his areas of responsibility.
The first subseries (1955-1968), arranged alphabetically, consists of files on various organizations and foundations, schools which provide theological education at the Bible school and seminary levels, IVCF administrative files like its articles of incorporation, articles written by Little for publication, Bible study notes, bibliographical lists, Billy Graham crusade-related files (Folders 135-13 through 19: 1959 Australian, 1962 Chicago for which Little served on the Student Committee, 1959 Indianapolis, 1957 New York, 1961 Philadelphia, 1958 San Francisco, and 1964 New York World's Fair), topical files (i.e., world religions, theological subjects), his own presentations, reports, accounts of international trips (see Folder Latin American trip diary folder 139-36, or South Africa trip, folder 142-1), evangelistic projects (California and Florida beaches, Folders 135-26,27,28 and 138-1 through 11), work with specific groups (i.e., faculty, graduate students, international students), Urbana Missionary Conventions (1964, 1967, 1970, Folders 143-5 through 144-6), other IVCF related movements in other countries, arrangements for advertising in campus newspapers, illustrations for evangelistic articles, individuals with whom Little had contact, and assorted other reference files. Since Little was Inter-Varsity's evangelism director, many of the files have some relation to the theory, theology or practice of evangelism. Others relate to administration of IVCF, or Little's compilation of general information to form an understanding of American culture and politics, particularly as they affected the student world. Several reflect Little's association with the Plymouth Brethren, and so references to "assemblies" or "chapels" may refer to that body. The folder titles in the series are specific enough to convey the nature of their contents. In some cases the files consist of Little's correspondence, but overall the series appears to be more of a reference file, possibly containing a message transcript or article or clipping related to the file subject.
The second subseries (1952-1963), is alphabetically arranged, consisting of correspondence files, some only identified by a letter of the alphabet, interspersed with files designating individuals; some file headings also include "permanent file." Many of these files relate to IVCF's ministry with international students. The contents of the folders may be filed on the basis of the name of an individual or an organization. The files include correspondence with IVCF administrators and staffworkers (Joe Bayly, Paul Byer, Eric Fife, Charles Hummel, Keith Hunt, Jim Reapsome) and representatives of other Christian organizations (Bob Finley of ISI, including a discussion of the possible merger of ISI into Inter-Varsity, and Art Glasser of OMF), missionaries requesting contact with international students coming to the U.S. (Norton Sterrett), reports from IVCF staff, international leaders in the Christian student movement (P.T. Chandapilla), IFES headquarters (see Folder 129-13), routine business, reports to Little on ministry among international students, etc. The folder titled Billy Graham (Folder 129-4) consists of material related to IVCF participation in Graham crusades, such as the 1958 San Francisco Crusade (see Hutchinson correspondence in Folder 129-5) or reports on Graham's crusades in Australia (see Folder 129-13), rather than correspondence with Graham. Folder 130-1 contains an annotated manuscript of a Bible study guide being published by Inter-Varsity Press. Folder 130-7 contains a series of transcripts done in Africa (Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa) with Christian students, a pastor, and professionals regarding the religious, social and cultural environment of their countries. Interspersed throughout the series are letters which discuss the relationship IVCF had with Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) and International Students Incorporated (ISI) staff. A number of files refer to the ongoing contribution of staffworker Bill Miller, and the decision to discontinue his employment.
The third subseries (1964-1968, with some preceding documents) parallels the second, differing in the dates covered and some of the staff with whom Little was communicating. Letters from individuals with questions about their faith and evangelism are sprinkled throughout, correlating to Little's books How to Give Away Your Faith and Know What You Believe. The Keith Hunt (Folder 145-17) and Warner Hutchinson (Folder 145-18) files record some of the deliberations going on about the impact of the charismatic movement and the practice of speaking in tongues on campus Christian groups and at Inter-Varsity camps. The correspondence in this subseries contains a higher proportion of routine communication. Wilber Sutherland, the correspondent whose letters are filed in Folder 146-14 was the General Secretary of Canada's Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. A letter from Merrill Tenney, professor at Wheaton College, is found in Folder 146-15.
The fourth subseries is a small alphabetically arranged group consisting of correspondence (1968-1971). Little wrote his dissertation for New York University's Department of Religious Education on the history of IVCF, Foreign Missions Fellowship and Nurses Christian Fellowship; Folder 147-2 includes a draft of that manuscript. This correspondence, labeled non-convention, is, like the previous series, made up of routine communication not related to the planning and execution of Urbana '70, of which Little was the director.
The final subseries of miscellaneous materials (1952-1963), much of it apparently yet to be interfiled by Little or staff, covers the time period when Little's primarily responsibility was overseeing ministry international students. Unfoldered materials have been filed with folder title supplied by the archivist; in several cases material was filed in existing files where placement was obvious. The folders were in no apparent order and the archivist has also supplied that arrangement.
Exceptional items: Folder 136-8 (The Chicago Sunday Evening Club) contains the transcript of a message, "The Cause and Cure of Loneliness" by E. Stanley Jones. A draft of the manuscript of Little’s dissertation for New York University's Department of Religious Education on the history of IVCF, Foreign Missions Fellowship and Nurses Christian Fellowship can be found in Folder 147-2. Documents about Inter-Varsity’s evangelistic beach projects on California and Florida beaches can be found in Folders 135-26,27,28 and 138-1 through 11. Folder 142-6 contains a pamphlet written by Cleo Buxton, Strictly GI, about the witness of Christians among their fellow service personnel.
Subseries: Campus Chapters
Arrangement: Statistical reports, Administrative communication files (alphabetically by state, alphabetically by institution)
Date range: 1941-1977
Volume: 10.5 linear feet
Boxes: 147-169
Type of documents: Statistical reports (staff name, students involved, leadership, etc.) with some correspondence
Notes: Reports may identify staff name and statistics on students involved. Administrative files document communication with campus groups, including mailings sent to chapters, statistics on chapters, financial contributions among chapters to international student work, mailing lists, etc. Much material came unfoldered although combined by state; this was interfiled into the existing arrangement. States are not equally represented, perhaps correlating with the extent of development of IVCF chapters in those states over the time period covered. However, some states are not represented at all, perhaps because work had yet to be developed in them. The series also includes a series of administrative files related to communicating with chapters, including mailings sent to chapters, statistics on chapters, financial giving among chapters to international student work, mailing lists, etc. Folder 322-1 contains is a notebook compiling the chapter affiliation applications for 1976.
Subseries: Regional Divisions and Directors
Subseries: Regional Divisions and Directors | Southeast Region (see subsequent pages for other regions subseries)
Arrangement: Staff files arranged alphabetically (associate staff & interns included); Student conferences arranged by event, staff conferences & meetings arranged by event; Pete Hammond’s files arranged alphabetically by folder title (some material was unfoldered, so the file title has been supplied by the archivist)
Date range: 1942-1985
Volume: 9.3 linear feet
Boxes: 169-194
Geographic coverage: Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
Type of documents: Correspondence, monthly, semester and annual reports, memos, expense reports, statistical reports on student participation in events, application documents, applications to join staff and accompanying references, and psychological assessment reports. Student and staff conferences are documented in memos, reports, evaluations, statistics, schedules, financial information, planning materials, correspondence, conference and curriculum materials, promotional material, etc. Pete Hammond’s files contain correspondence, clippings, memos, reports, conference materials, public relations materials, lists, and planning files.
Correspondents: Pete Hammond, Ed Good, Bill York, and other area directors, IVCF executives, Southeast region individual staff, conference speakers
Description: Staff files are described with individual folder titles; conferences are described by event, while Hammond’s files are described both by individual folders and groups
Notes: Files of various Southeast region directors were received and interfiled. The staff reports, many extensive in detail, contain substantial and personal reflection on responsibilities, spiritual growth and struggle, information down to the chapter level, and reports on conferences and other meetings. Reports from staff and area directors reflect not only this personal side but observations about broader developments, and the activities of those under their supervision. Staff files in many cases are equivalent to personnel files with additional documents included, and are therefore closed for seventy-five (75) years or until the death of the individual.
Student and staff conferences: The Georgia/Alabama/Tennessee (GAT) area student conferences were the most extensively documented of the region, including area plans, registration information, topics, speakers, handouts and evaluations. Camps documented include Alumni Camp (for IVCF graduates, including “theology conferences”), Bible & Life (student training), Campus Christian Living, Christian Life Institute, Campus Planning Institute, Theology Conference, student conferences (Georgia, Alabama/Eastern Tennessee), student leaders camps, School of Biblical Leadership Training (later called School of Leadership Training), School of Discipleship Training, John Stott conference, Lord Lord tour (2100). As with students, the GAT staff team was also the most documented. SIT, used in folder titles in the series, refers to Staff Institute of Training (SIT) meetings.
Pete Hammond, the regional director, kept an assortment of correspondence files, reports, planning; several of the folders appear to have been from Ed Good or Bill York's files. A few SE chapter files which might be expected to be found in the campus chapter series are included in Hammond's records (from Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia). Although filed with the Hammond subseries, these files have also been noted on the Container List with the Campus Chapter series files according to the state in which they are located. Hammond’s subseries also includes his files related to Washington '80 Conference (files in box 189 and Folder 190-1), of which he was one of two co directors; the conference was a national IVCF event for students on urban ministries. The predominant subjects of Hammond’s files beyond the Southeast region are evangelism, ministry by and among ethnic groups, particularly African Americans, and urban ministry.
Exceptional items: The staff files are a rich source of information on qualities IVCF sought in its staff, how expectations for staff were met or unfulfilled, and with staff impressions of themselves, their ministry and the students (or other staff) they served. Reports directed to supervisors reveal reporting structure and emphasis. Folder 187-9 includes a handbill about a meeting featuring Tom Skinner. Within Pete Hammond’s files are six folders of early historical materials (boxes 192 and 193), covering the mid- to late-1950s; among these are monthly reports, letters to and from staff, and office procedures. Folder 187-21 contains a variety of unrelated but interesting items, including several Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) booklets urging black militancy, a draft of a paper “Jewishness and Hebrew Christianity,” a paper titled “He. . . Preached Peace” about Martin Luther King, Jr., urging a Christian response to the problem of race relations, and a clipping about a presentation by Bill Pannell. Folder 193-8 includes promotional literature about The Process - Church of Final Judgement, which appears to have been a 1960s communal cult.
Subseries: Regional Divisions and Directors | Central Regional Director (Ned Hale)
Arrangement: Alphabetically within two subseries (Staff and Campus chapters)
Date range: 1953-1970
Volume: 2.5 linear feet
Boxes: 194-198
Geographic coverage: Illinois and Wisconsin
Type of documents: Correspondence, monthly, semester and annual reports, memos, expense reports, statistical reports on student participation in events, application documents, applications to join staff and accompanying references, psychological assessment reports
Correspondents: Ned Hale, individual staff
Notes: Staff files, primarily covering 1973-1975, include correspondence, weekly and monthly reports, psychological assessment reports, college transcripts, applications, memos, prayer letters, etc. Campus files cover pre-1967/1968 period, consisting of correspondence, chapter reports, statistics, chapter duplicated materials, etc. Few of the files are extensive.
Subseries: Regional Divisions and Directors | East Central & Middle Atlantic Regional Director (Keith Hunt)
Arrangement: Administrative, Staff, Chapters, miscellaneous. Files were fairly well ordered, and the archivist did not even do minimal rearranging. Some portions of material were unfoldered, but were obvious in their relationship to the preceding or following files and were therefore foldered correspondingly.
Date range: 1952-1975
Volume: 7.0 linear feet
Boxes: 199-212
Geographic coverage: East Central (Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio) and Middle Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia)
Type of documents: Correspondence, reports, memos, staff monthly and weekly reports.
Correspondents: Keith Hunt
Notes: This subseries documents Hunt's responsibility as Director (previously called Regional Secretary) of first IVCF's Eastern Region and later Great Lakes Region, which he held until 1973, also serving as Michigan Area Director. This section also includes a small portion of Tressie Myers' files. One caveat about the Tressie Myers folders in box 202 and 203: although Myers was a significant IVCF figure in her instrumental role in establishing Nurses Christian Fellowship, these files appear to have been kept by Myers and later added to Hunt’s files, rather than consisting of correspondence between them.
Exceptional items: This subseries includes significant records from several campus groups, primarily Spartan Christian Fellowship at Michigan State University in East Lansing (Folders 210-2 through 212-2) covering the time span 1961-1975, and Michigan Christian Fellowship at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for 1954-1975 (Folders 207-4 through 209-9). Also among Hunt’s files in Folder 201-14 are copies of Joe Bayly’s 1957 letter to Carl McIntyre, responding to McIntyre’s charge that HIS Magazine published communist articles, and a memo from C. Stacey Woods about the charge and Bayly’s memo to IVCF staff.
Subseries: Regional Divisions and Directors | Middle Atlantic & Great Lakes Regional Director (Terry Morrison)
Arrangement: Files were considerably jumbled and the archivist arranged them somewhat to reflect their apparent organization. The files appear to have been arranged in groups (staff: 1973-1975, 1976-1980; administration: 1975-1980), covering Morrison's responsibility as Area Director of the Middle Atlantic Region, and later when he was Regional Director of the Great Lakes Region, which included being Area Director for West Virginia and western Pennsylvania. In one case, Morrison, his staff or other IVCF staff had begun the process of interfiling one staff subseries into another; the archivist completed the integration. The administrative files are subdivided into several subseries, the general order of which has been retained. One box of unfoldered material appears to overlap the material in the other sections of the subseries. No attempt was made to integrate these or fine-tune their arrangement; they were instead foldered and filed separately.
Date range: 1971-1981
Volume: 11.5 linear feet
Boxes: 213-235
Geographic coverage: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
Type of documents: Correspondence, reports (weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual), prayer/newsletters, memos, financial records, personnel files (with application forms, profiles, evaluations, recommendations, etc.), and other files documenting the administration and campus ministry under Morrison's supervision.
Correspondents: Terry Morrison, Ned Hale, Peter Northrup, Barney Ford, IVCF administrators, regional staff
Notes: The director's files, primarily those of Terry Morrison, consist of staff files and documentation of administrative activities. The files up to 1975 correspond to his responsibilities as Area Director of the Middle Atlantic Region; afterward they relate to the Great Lakes Region and his simultaneous work as Area Director for West Virginia and western Pennsylvania. Staff files appear as two subseries, arranged by name in boxes 213 through 219 (for both 1973-1975 and 1976-1979 time periods) and then arranged by state (for 1976-1979) in boxes 220 through 222. Some of the files appear to be inherited, since they primarily bear the name of Morrison's predecessors for certain states, whether Ned Hale or Peter Northrup, or those who reported to him, such as Barney Ford. Although much of the material is routine, the files document Inter-Varsity's work in a substantial portion of the United States, as well as recording the day-to-day lives, growth and struggles of IVCF staff, and their interaction with their supervisors. The major divisions of the first administrative subseries are: Administration (Departments, Doctrine, Organization), Finance (Finances, Procedures), [Organizations?] (Public relations, Christian colleges & grad schools, Churches, Fund raising, Seminaries, Other movements, Radio programs), and [Ministry?] (Conferences, Evangelism, Faculty). A less organized administrative subseries follows, including subdivisions for Organization, Public Relations, Training and [Camps and Conferences?]; these are also described in detail in the Container List. Some of these files (those with older typed labels) appear to have been from Barney Ford. A similarly randomly organized subseries is also described in the Container List. A final administrative subseries consists of a linear foot of material which was originally unfoldered. The organization of these had not substantially deteriorated and the documents were foldered in the groupings they appeared to fit in. Nonetheless, the archivist rather than records creator developed the filing categories and arrangement.
Exceptional items: Folder 234-2 can be a very helpful resource in that it contains brochures by region featuring lists and photographs of the various staff for each region; the brochures comprise a series created at the same time and cover much of IV’s work around the nation. Folder 222-3 containers three extensive prayer letters written by Francis and Edith Schaeffer in 1976. Under the generic folder heading of "Departments" (folder 226-6) is located a very helpful eight-page "Alphabetical Listing of Most IVCF Working Papers and Where They May Be Found."
Subseries: Missions
Subseries: Missions | Missions Specialist/Minister-at-Large of Inter-Varsity Missions (David Bryant)
Arrangement: Concerts of Prayer and other meetings, National Prayer Committee, Asian prayer consultations, Student Connection, Lausanne Committee and General correspondence. Bryant's records were received in an orderly arrangement, although in some cases that arrangement isn't particularly obvious; therefore, the files have been left in the order in which they were received.
Date range: 1978-1988
Volume: 24.0 linear feet
Boxes: 236-283
Geographic coverage: Primarily United States, but also international
Type of documents: Primarily correspondence; also reports, financial data, newspaper, book and videotape production files, etc. The states subseries documents Bryant's communication in coordinating Concerts of Prayer and encouraging and mobilizing prayer for world evangelization. Although Bryant worked for Inter-Varsity, his correspondence went out not only under Inter-Varsity letterhead, but also that of National Prayer Committee and Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (Intercession Advisory Group), reflecting his participation in those endeavors. Letters include those to and from individuals, pastors, churches, colleges and universities, and parachurch organizations (See below for representative sample of these.)
Correspondents: Among the notable correspondents are Armin Gesswein, Paul Cedar, J. Edwin Orr.
Organizations represented include Campus Crusade, Frontier Fellowship, Samuel Zwemer Institute, Salvation Army, U.S. Center for World Mission, World Vision, YWAM, United World Mission, South America Mission, World Christian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, World Evangelical Fellowship, TEAM, International Teams, Midwest Center for World Missions, Christian & Missionary Alliance, World Gospel Mission, OMS International, Church of the Nazarene, Northwestern College, Operation Mobilization, Christian Service Corps, SEND, SIM, Assemblies of God, OMF, Regions Beyond Missionary Union, UFM International, Worldwide Evangelization Crusade, Southern Baptist Convention, CBN & 700 Club, Action International, Intercristo, Evangelicals for Social Action, EFMA, Navigators, and Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. All of these are filed within the state in which they are located, but are represented by individual folders.
Among the conferences represented are Destiny '87, Leadership '84 and '85, Student Conferences on World Evangelization, IFMA/EFMA joint conference, ACMC, Mandate '87, Vision conferences, Mt. Hermon '86, Harvest '87, SFMF/SVM Celebration, Proclaim '87, various Inter-Varsity conferences, 1987 Prayer Summit, 1984 International Prayer Assembly.
Educational institutions represented include BIOLA, Westmont, Trinity College, Wheaton College, Moody Bible Institute, Ft. Wayne Bible College, Purdue University, Taylor University, Asbury, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Nyack College, Messiah College, Penn State University, Columbia Bible College, Seattle Pacific University, Briercrest Bible College, Prairie Bible Institute.
Notes: Bryant's correspondence files read like map of the Evangelical network in the U.S. Many of the state files begin with a folder titled "Key Contacts." The National Prayer Committee, of which Bryant was a member, sponsored National Day of Prayer events as well as National Prayer Leaders retreats, which are both documented. Among the Asian prayer consultation files are itineraries, lists of contacts and participants in the meetings, and follow-up correspondence. One box of material was largely unfoldered; the archivist foldered this and assigned titles, leaving the documents in the order in which they appeared. Student and World Connection, shorthanded to Connection, was an Inter-Varsity newspaper produced for the purpose of "helping students mobilize for missions." Bryant, who was a contributing editor, included in his records both administrative and production files for the publication, along with copies. The 1984 Consultation on Concerts of Prayer was preceded in 1983 by a Consultation on Prayer; evaluation forms for the former meeting are included in a file among the 1984 meeting files.
In 1986, Bryant conducted Consultations on United Prayer in a number of Asian countries, accompanied by John Richard of India; the focal point of the trip was the International Prayer Assembly in Seoul, sponsored by the Lausanne Committee and the Korean Evangelical Fellowship.
Bryant's files also contain his administrative files related to Inter-Varsity activities, centered primarily around missions (including Urbana conventions) and prayer. Missions Discipleship Camp, Missions Training Camp, and World Missions Training Camp were variations of an IVCF training program Bryant developed. Life with a Purpose, Haystack '81 and others were conferences to stimulate missions involvement among students.
Bryant worked on the development of a video curriculum "as a tool for personal involvement in the world mission of Christ's church." Bryant's files document the development, budgeting, production of the curriculum, and leader materials. Four levels of conferences utilized the materials: Recovery, Breakthrough, Converge and Move; the files include material on these distinct conferences. The collection does not include the actual video material used as a part of the curriculum.
Subseries: Missions | Urbana missionary conventions
Arrangement: Arranged by events
Date range: 1973-1985
Volume: 19.5 linear feet
Boxes: 283-321
Type of documents: Correspondence, lists, reports, memos, planning documents, minutes, etc.
Correspondents: For the 1981 event which comprises the majority of the subseries, the primary individual represented is Kay Barton, Director of Operations. Also among the correspondents within Inter-Varsity are John Alexander (Convention Director), Jim McLeish (Convention Coordinator), Mark Malan (Travel Coordinator), John Kyle (Program Director), June Roelli (Elective Seminars), Carol Fiely (Promotion), Karon Black (Conference Registrar, Pre-Conference Registration and Scholarships), Terry Erickson (Bible Study Coordinator), Rick Carey (Liaison with Champaign-Urbana), Lori Rank (Personnel Assignments), and Barney Ford (On-Site Registration Process)
Notes: This subseries is comprised of records from the four Urbanas in 1976,1979, 1981 and 1984. There is a very small amount of material distributed throughout the collection for each of the preceding conventions between 1946 and 1973, as well as the 1990 meeting. The Becky Herman subseries of the Development Department records, the first Paul Little subseries, and Audio Tape Location Records are several sites to check for these.
The subseries is divided between a manual from Urbana ‘76, a remnant of Urbana ‘79 files, a comprehensive Urbana '81 subseries, and a sampled set of Urbana '84 files. Unlike the random Urbana files which appear in other series of the IVCF collection and contain assorted material on various conventions, this series exhaustively documents the planning and holding of the 1981 convention, as well as to a much lesser degree the 1984 event. While the files for both the 1981 and 1984 events were extensive, it was determined that it was unnecessary to have the same level of detailed documentation for two events within the same time period. Since the 1981 convention was assessed to more completely document the many administrative and planning aspects of the meeting, the archivist in consultation with the donor chose to keep the 1981 convention records intact as the comprehensive representative, and only retain selected 1984 files. The selection of the 1984 files was done to eliminate overlap created by carrying out much the same function with only the details changed. The 1984 files which were retained were done so on the basis of their uniqueness and documentation of the overall administration and planning as determined by the archivist. Therefore, 1984 files which documented administrative planning and decisions were retained. Where the 1981 and 1984 files essentially duplicated each other, such as form letters arranging housing or advising students of their registration status, the 1984 files were discarded. Any 1984 files which did not overlap 1981 records were also retained. Even within the Urbana ‘81 series, however, some sampling was done, as in the case of numerous form letters sent to various fraternities and housing options on the campus of the University of Illinois. Folders 283-3 and 306-8 contain itemized folder lists prepared by Urbana staff for the 1981 and 1984 series respectively. For a full list of the subdivisions of these two conferences and the folders retained, please see the Container List. Several files are also available for the Urbana ‘79 convention, consisting of staff manual and a series of notebooks compiled by the Director of Operations (Kay Barton), Bible Study Coordinator, Assembly Hall Manager, and Housing Coordinator.
Subseries: Missions | Missionary decision cards
Arrangement: 1947-1949, pre-1949, 1949-1962 (alphabetically by name within each subseries)
Date range: 1922-1962
Volume: 6.5 linear feet consisting of in excess of ten thousand cards
Boxes: 389-401
Type of documents: Cards completed by Urbana participants and others to be involved in missions, whether by praying for or serving as missionaries.
Notes: Titled various ways (“My Missionary Purpose,” “My Missionary Promise,” “My Missionary Prayer Promise,” or “Missionary Decision Card”), the cards in this subseries document the commitments by primarily college-age students to serve as missionaries. A rough estimate suggests that there are between ten and eleven thousand cards; in some instances, several cards have been stapled together, the set consisting of cards reflecting varying degrees of commitment. In many cases, the card was the bottom-half of a two-part form, the other half of which the student kept. The design of the card evolved over the time period covered as did the information requested. Among the items of information requested among the cards are: name, address, college, expected year of graduation, church, intended mission field, date of pledge.
Subseries: General Services Department
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title within each month
Date range: August 1973- July 1974
Volume: 2.5 linear feet
Boxes: 322-326
Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, purchase orders, etc. Documents appear to be outgoing and were processed by the department for uniformity between several administrative divisions.
Correspondents: John Alexander, Peter Northrup, James McLeish, Dick Karpinen, Dave Sironi, Don Kretz, with divisions for NCF, Development, and IFES
Notes: General correspondence, maintained by Jean Oestreich of the Word Processing Dept.
Subseries: Nurses Christian Fellowship
Arrangement: Largely unarranged as received; subdivided by the archivist into two subseries: national NCF and Chicago-area NCF
Date range: 1942-1971
Volume: .75 linear feet
Boxes: 327-328
Type of documents: Newsletters, correspondence, membership lists, minutes, constitution and by-laws, reports, etc., documenting the development and activity of NCF, heavily emphasized in its work in the Chicago area where it had its beginning
Correspondents: Tressie Myers
Notes: Includes an extensive although not complete series of NCF’s bulletin The Nurses Lamp (1951-1970), and Chicago area’s newsletter predominantly under the title CNF News (1942-1953).
Subseries: Development
Arrangement: By subseries, the earliest coming first. The predominant form of arrangement within each subseries is alphabetical. The subseries include:
Missing from the series are files from Yvonne Vinkemulder, director of development ca. 1974. The division operated under various names including Public Relations, Development, Marketing, Communications
Date range: 1941-1985
Volume: 11.0 linear feet
Boxes: 328-349
Type of documents: Brochures and pamphlets, scrapbook, reports (statistical, financial, other), student chapter records, newsletters, correspondence, questionnaires, newspaper and magazine clippings, lists, press releases, stationary samples, staff prayer cards, and meeting agenda and minutes
Correspondents: IVCF administrators, particularly the presidents for the time period covered.
Subjects: Public relations, Church work with students, Missions--Congresses and conventions.
Notes: This series consists of several subseries which overlap time periods and personnel. They were received as distinct and are somewhat distinguishable by time periods and appear to be the files of different individuals although not necessarily kept or compiled by that person. See the descriptions for the individual subseries which follow for more detail. A single item which was not received among any of the following Development subseries but was identified as a product of the Development department is the large booklet promoting Upward 30, the fund-raising and development campaign for the 1980s named for its thirty million dollar target. No other information on this campaign is identifiable in the Container List. The booklet is filed in OS 27.
Subseries: Development | Joe Bayly
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title
Date range: 1941-1970
Volume: .75 linear feet
Boxes: 328-329
Geographic coverage: United States, eastern United States
Type of documents: Promotional brochures, scrapbook, student chapter registration books, statistical and other reports
Notes: The earliest files in the series are those attributed to Joe Bayly, who was regional director (1944-1951) and editorial secretary (1951) of Inter-Varsity Press and then editor (1952) of HIS, Inter-Varsity’s magazine, which he left in 1960. The contents span this period, including some campus-related materials and Urbana-related material (1957, 1961), but primarily conference brochures. The subseries includes some material which post-dates Bayly’s 1960 departure from Inter-Varsity, which suggests that someone else maintained and added to the files.
Exceptional items: Three registration notebooks for Philadelphia area chapters (1941-1950)
Subseries: Development | James Reapsome
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title
Date range: 1942-1963
Volume: 2.0 linear feet
Boxes: 329-333
Type of documents: Newsletters, correspondence, questionnaires, reports, monthly newsletters from C. Stacey Woods, contact lists, newspaper and magazine clippings, and press releases.
Correspondents: Reapsome’s files include folders for Joe Bayly, Barbara Boyd, Paul Byer, George Ensworth, Eric Fife, Mel Friesen, Paul Fromer, Charles Hummel, Paul Little, Ada Lum, James McLeish, James Nyquist, Bob Sharpe, Charles Troutman, C. Stacey Woods, Bruce Youngquist
Notes: Reapsome joined Inter-Varsity in the early 1950s, left for seminary and returned in 1957 to be the Information Secretary in order to expand public awareness of Inter-Varsity and develop alumni groups. He left IVCF in 1961. The files predominantly extend until Reapsome’s departure, but also include a few files which reach into 1963. Reapsome clearly inherited some of the material, since the files precede his joining the staff. Ministries documented include work with alumni groups and graduating seniors-related material, distribution of C. Stacey Woods’ monthly newsletter and information about IVCF.
Exceptional items: Included in the C. Stacey Woods correspondence file (folder) are several letters written by Woods criticizing the use of a testimony by Norman Vincent Peale which was published in HIS Magazine. Monthly newsletters from Woods cover both Inter-Varsity in the United States and the Canadian counterpart, of which he was also general secretary.
Subseries: Development Department | Gordon Stromberg
Arrangement: Subdivided into two parts as they were received, the first Gordon Stromberg’s working files followed by a files of samples of promotional items for conference, camps and various IVCF programs. Alphabetically by document type or folder title
Date range: 1946-1968
Volume: 4.0 linear feet
Boxes: 333-340
Correspondents: Gordon Stromberg, who joined Inter-Varsity as the art editor of HIS in 1959, and whose name appeared on correspondence in this series as Visual Designer during the years 1967 and 1968.
Type of documents: reports, blank stationary samples, correspondence, promotional pieces, Inter-Varsity and You flip chart, production files (particularly for Missionary Mandate, Involved, and Inter-Varsity News), newsletters, and prayer cards.
Notes: Copies of News were removed since they appear in the Presidential Series (see Folders 78-11,12)
Subseries: Development | Keith Hunt
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title
Date range: 1946-1967
Volume: 2.0 linear feet
Boxes: 340-343
Type of documents: Public relations and support-raising letters, samples of public relations pieces, clippings, correspondence, financial, statistical and other reports, in-house newsletters (Inside inter-Varsity), staff newsletters to supporters.
Correspondents: C. Stacey Woods, Charles Troutman, Paul Little, Larry Ward
Notes: Hunt was the Director of Development between 1963-1966, and the files in this subseries appear to include those generated during that term, as well as some he perhaps brought with him from his regional director’s post, and files he either inherited or gathered related to the history of IVCF and its promotion. His files cover a variety of programs, ranging from Bible study materials, film production, donation records, letters sent out to maintain and expand support of IVCF ministry, production files for the IFES News Bulletin, a Madison (Wisconsin) radio program, Inter-Varsity’s twenty-fifth anniversary celebration in 1965, staff-related files (information for use in public relations materials, memos sent to staff, staff orientation lecture outlines, support policy), a vocational conference, a Year of Evangelism lecture series across the country (1950-1951), and Urbana missionary conventions (1948, 1951, 1957, 1961).
Exceptional items: Within this series is a full-color promotional poster (OS 27) from Inter-Varsity’s first student missionary convention, held in late-1946 in Toronto; (the next and subsequent conventions were held at the University of Illinois in Champaigne-Urbana). An extensive series of promotional and support-raising letters (1947-1964) are included, primarily coming from Inter-Varsity’s presidents C. Stacey Woods and Charles Troutman, and Stewardship Secretary William Peterson, as well as several from Nurses Christian Fellowship Secretary Tressie Myers and board member Herbert J. Taylor.
Subseries: Development | Becky Herman
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title, with several subdivisions by type of project, i.e., publications, evangelism projects.
Date range: 1966-1971
Volume: .75 linear foot
Boxes: 343-345
Type of documents: Production files, reports, correspondence, copies of publications, annual reports in final and production form.
Correspondents: Some documents to/from Gordon Stromberg and Keith Hunt appear
Notes: Subseries includes annual reports, area breakdown maps, Canadian Inter-Varsity, evangelism projects (Estes Park, Fort Lauderdale, Twenty-one Hundred), production files and/or copies of publications (involved for supporters, MANNA, 1970-1971, for Madison’s University of Wisconsin campus, and this month for students), and the 1970 Urbana missionary convention.
Exceptional items: Most of Herman’s files relate to the promotion of Urbana ‘70. Since there are no Urbana ‘70 files in the Missions series, this material is particularly valuable. The Estes Park and Fort Lauderdale files include accounts from students about their experiences as evangelists.
Subseries: Development | Jimmy Locklear
Arrangement: Alphabetically by folder title, in some cases within a subcategory
Date range: 1976-1985
Volume: 1.75 linear feet
Boxes: 345-348
Type of documents: Reports, correspondence (minimal), statistical information on the student population in the U.S. (1970-1980), convention materials, Development Manager’s notebook, media packets, sample brochures, duplicated information sheets for staff, manuals, promotional pieces, and a in-house publication for staff
Notes: Locklear became Public Relations director as part of the restructuring of Inter-Varsity in 1983, reporting to the Director of Development, Barry McLeish. Jim McLeish’s letter informing the staff of this organization-wide transition and a notebook of materials which outline the impact of the restructuring on the Development Department are part of this subseries, as are selected Urbana ‘81 and ‘84 materials produced by the Public Relations Department. The statistical information in the subseries emphasizes the north central region of the U.S.
Exceptional items: Includes files (e.g., “PR Problems”) related to the controversial book, Brave New People, published by Inter-Varsity Press, to which there was strong reaction because of perceived ambiguity on the abortion issue. Also included are copies of Urbana Today, the daily newspaper distributed at Urbana ‘84 (issues were not a part of the Urbana ‘84 records). A large file contains the “case statement” which was the basis for a fund-raising program, consisting of several sections including “The Plan for the Case Statement for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship” and “Case for Support,” and supporting documents. The document was intended to provide a rationale for foundations to become contributors to IVCF’s ministry.
Subseries: Development | Staff Support (Barney Ford)
Arrangement: Alphabetical by folder title
Date range: 1982-1983
Volume: .5 linear feet
Boxes: 348-349
Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, reports (statistical, financial and other)
Correspondents: Bob Fryling (Director of Human Resources & Strategic Planning), Brian Rust (co-director of Staff Support), Barry McLeish (Director of Fund raising Support Systems)
Notes: Staff Support was established in 1982 as part of the overall restructuring of IVCF Jim McLeish was coordinating. Ford was appointed head of a task force on public relations and finance. It is to these two areas in relation to financial support of IVCF staff that Ford’s files relate.
Subseries: Senior administrator (James Nyquist)
Arrangement: Alphabetical
Date range: 1953-1962
Volume: 1.5 linear feet
Boxes: 353-355
Geographic coverage: Northeastern and Central United States
Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, reports, financial records and individual staff expense reports, Bible study materials, publicity materials for camps and chapter events, conference information for student and faculty groups.
Notes: Nyquist joined IVCF staff in 1949. He soon became New England regional director, adding management of Campus-in-the-Woods in 1950. He entered the Senior Staff Council in 1951 and became director for the Central Region around 1954. In 1957 he was regional secretary for the western portion of the Central Region and added acting regional secretary for the Rocky Mountain Region along with Bear Trap Ranch to his responsibilities. In 1963, Nyquist became an administrative assistant in the Chicago headquarters. He went on to become director of Inter-Varsity Press in 1966, where he remained until 1983 when he became an administrative vice president to President James McLeish, followed by his retirement in 1984. This series includes files related to campus staff, national staff conferences, Campus-in-the-Woods, and Urbana conventions (1951, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1964). Although not voluminous, the files span Nyquist’s duties as regional director in New England and Central regions, and director of Campus-in-the-Woods, and member of Inter-Varsity’s Senior Staff Council (SCC). The regional staff expense reports include information about staff travels to campuses. The subseries includes very little documentation about Nyquist’s work as director of regional areas; one exception to this is a file of reports of schools in New York State.
Exceptional items: Among Nyquist’s files is a folder (Folder 353-24) labeled “Recommendation by SCC to Board, 1953, 1954,” which consists of a recommendation, subsequent letters and memos, in part precipitated by Charles Troutman’s resignation as president of Inter-Varsity in early 1953. Also included in Folders 355-7,8 are reports, arrangements, publicity, itinerary, correspondence, etc., documenting John Stott’s evangelistic campus tour or “mission” in 1957, appearing at seven universities in Canada and the United States. Several other files, one labeled “Jamaica,” (Folder 353-15) consists largely of letters he received from a Jamaican staff worker among Christian high school and college students, describing progress of the work and requests for prayer. Folder 355-9 records an event at Wheaton College at the end of 1953 and initiated by the campus’s Foreign Mission Fellowship and conducted by Inter-Varsity: a Bible Study and Missionary Conference. Also included is a folder (Folder 353-22) of statistical reports on schools in New York State.
Subseries: Strategic Planning (Ron Nicholas)
Arrangement: Alphabetical. Several small subseries relate to conferences and meetings (22 folders), fund raising (3 folders), long-range planning (45 folders), Inter-Varsity’s National Leadership Team (8 folders), and projects (4 folders).
Date range: 1971-1986
Volume: 3.5 linear feet
Boxes: 355-361
Type of documents: Reports, correspondence and memos, conference materials (area and regional directors, senior management), training materials, planning documents, statistics, financial reports
Correspondents: Peter Northrup, Bob Fryling
Notes: The files in this series are those of Ron Nicholas. Having been a campus staff worker, area and then regional director (1978), Nicholas was appointed associate director of campus ministries in 1981. In 1983 be became director of strategic planning. Although Nicholas’s files span the time period from when he was a regional director, associate director of campus ministries and overseeing IVCF’s strategic planning for the future, the Long Range Planning files predominate this series, documenting Inter-Varsity’s deliberations and planning for the future. These include copies of various plans between 1979 and 1984 at national and regional levels, questionnaires completed by staff workers with their observations about the future of the movement, notebooks with documentation about the future of campus work by regions and ministries. Also received with this series were several Peter Northrup files related to the long-range planning process. Although there is overlap between files, particularly in the long range planning section, the archivist has made no attempt to remove all duplicates.
Subseries: Finances (Dick Karppinen) **
Arrangement: Alphabetical by folder title
Date range: 1946-1986 (vast majority fall within period of Karppinen’s service, 1971-1986)
Volume: 3.5 linear feet
Boxes: 361-367
Type of documents: Auditor’s reports, financial statements, budgets, computer printouts, reports, correspondence, memos, balance sheets, bank statements
Correspondents: Chua Wee Hian (in IFES files), James McLeish (to whom Karppinen reported, and from whom he may either have inherited some files or who had directed files to Karppinen for attention).
Subjects: Fundraising, Organizational change, Missions--Finance
Notes: Dick Karppinen, whose post-graduate work was in accounting, joined IVCF staff in the early ‘70s and introduced and developed advanced accounting systems for the organization, utilizing computer technology which was simultaneously emerging in the business world. Various titles under which Karppinen’s name appear in the series include Accountant, Chief Accountant, Comptroller, Internal Auditor, Director of Finance (in 1983), member of the IFES Finance Committee and in 1973, and the North American representative for International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). Throughout the period documented, Karppinen reported to James McLeish (became IVCF accountant in 1952, comptroller, in 1966 the director of development, in 1968 vice president of finance or Finance Vice President, and senior vice president, and president). The files relate to various aspects of Inter-Varsity’s financial operation, record keeping, insurance and pension plan, reporting and planning, and automation of the operation (David Sironi was Director of Data Processing for IVCF). The files not only relate to the general financial operation, but in addition to camps and Urbana conventions. A number of files comprise a small subseries related to IFES, including files for IFES staff workers (C. Rene Padilla, Linda Sellevaag, Ruth Siemans, Terry Snodgrass, T. Norton Sterrett, Doug Stewart), Inter-Varsity’s relationship to its Canadian counterpart, an IFES-movement publication (Certeza, edited by C. Rene Padilla), and Tyndale Foundation’s contributions to IFES. A large section of miscellaneous documents (camps, IVP and Literature Division, reports, correspondence, memos, etc.) were received unfoldered and in no apparent order. These have been arranged according to several broad categories with the remainder being foldered by years.
Subseries: IVCF history book (Keith & Gladys Hunt)
Arrangement: In subseries as received
Date range: 1941-1992
Volume: 11.5 linear feet
Boxes: 368-388, 402-403
Type of documents: Documents or copies culled by the Hunts from other parts of the Inter-Varsity records prior to being processed as a collection at the Graham Center Archives or records they gathered independently from other sources during the process of their research.
Notes: These ten boxes consist of materials the Hunts drew on (resource volumes and files), oral history interviews they conducted (with accompanying audio tapes), files they compiled (on topics, IVCF divisions or emphases, and time periods), and production files (planning and editorial meetings, chapter files, and responses to the manuscript drafts). The materials in these files may duplicate archival materials in other series; in some cases documents are marked with a Billy Graham Center Archives photocopying stamp indicating that they were copies of other documents in the collection. A number of files, itemized at the end of the Container List were identified as duplicates and removed from the collection; folder numbers indicate where in the collection this item can be found.
The following items were received among the Hunts’ materials, but were duplicates of items elsewhere in the collection and were therefore removed. The corresponding folder where they can be found follows in parentheses.
Exceptional items: While the series consists of both book-production oriented material, annotated copies of the manuscript, and notes from Manuscript Advisory Group meetings (MAG), of equal or greater value in the series are the many interesting archival items which document the history of Inter-Varsity drawn together for their contribution to the writing of the movement's history. A major example is the Board of Trustee minutes (1941-1989) in box 368, which appear nowhere else in the collection. Records of other administrative bodies also appear among the Hunt’s files. The series contains folders of documents, in some cases copied from other parts of the collection, while in other cases they appear to have been removed from the original records and therefore not given to the Archives in their original series. The series is particularly rich because it brings together significant documents, including board and corporation minutes, senior staff council and staff advisory council minutes, financial reports, manuals, oral history interviews, and a diary (1928-1929) of early British IVF staff worker Howard Guiness, who went to Canada for two years to establish work among students. Folder 388-12 contains the Michigan Christian Fellowship’s speaker file, consisting of an index card file system arranged alphabetically, listing speaker name and address, the date(s) on which they spoke, topic and an evaluation of the message (“Excellent for Christians and non-Christians” or “Dogmatic - not IV caliber” or “DO NOT REPEAT”).
Subseries: Oral History Project
Arrangement: Alphabetical, by the interviewee’s name
Date Range: bulk of interviews are from 2008-2014, there are some documents in the series from the time period 1941-2017
Volume: 142 recordings, plus digital transcripts and documents, .5 linear feet of paper records
Boxes: 404
Type of documents: Oral history interviews preserved on CDs and as digital files; there are also some miscellaneous paper documents such as e-mails, articles, nots, lists, etc.
Notes: Ned Hale, a long-time IVCF staff member, began to tape interviews with IVCF staff in 2008, especially those who had been with the ministry for several years. He also interviewed college and university professors who had been longtime sponsors of IVCF chapters on their campus or people who were alumni of IV programs from their college days, or spouses of deceased IV staff talking about their partner’s work. Besides doing many interviews himself, he also recruited other staff members to do interviews, including especially Gordon Govier .Most of the interviewees (narrators) and interviewers signed certificates of gift, giving their interviews to IVCF and IVCF in turn donated these to the Billy Graham Center Archives. Interviews without certificates were not accepted by the Archives.
There are transcripts for many of the interviews. These were not done not by the BGC Archives staff, but by a professional transcriber Hale hired at his own expense. For most of the interviews there is also a list of key words, indiciating the main people, places and topics talked about on each interview. These lists were prpared by the transcriber and are not based on any standard authority, such as Library of Congress subject headings.
Besides the interviews, a few of the interviewees or their families gave Hale paper documents and these can be found in box 404. These include autobiographical statements (some of which are quite lengthy, such as those in of Joy Anderson in Folder 404-3, Jack Burk in Folder 404-6, Ned Hale in Folder 404-12, Frank Horton on Folder 404-16, Neil Rendall in Folder 404-23, Katherine Schell in Folder 404-26), obituaries and memorial service programs, e-mails with biographical information, and announcements. Folder 404-54 contains copies of a memoir by Marie Little about her husband Paul.
There are a few people for whom there is no interview, only some paper documents. These include Joy Anderson in Folder 404-3, Oliver Barclay in Folder 404-4, Fred Catherwood in Folder 404-8, Elanor Edman in folder Folder 404-9, Paul and Margaret Fromer in Folder 404-10, William McElwee Miller Jr. in Folder 404-20, and Don Powell in Folder 404-22. Folder 404-15 contains a few documents from the 1940s relating to relations between InterVarsity and the League of Evangelical Students. Folder 404-30 contains some documents from Glenn Zumwalt, husband of Carol Zumwalt, about his work with InterVarsity in Oklahoma.
Subseries: Audio Tapes
The paper records in the collection are supplemented by audio cassettes and reels described in the Sound Recording item descriptions of this collection. Among these are messages presented by campus staff and IVCF administrators, primarily at conferences and conventions (tapes T1 through T44, T179, T180), oral history interviews conducted by Keith and Gladys Hunt as part of their IV history book project (tapes T45 through T178), and interviews Paul Little conducted as part of his dissertation process (tapes T181 through T186).
Related collections: One other Archives collection intersects directly with those in this collection. Charles Troutman’s papers in Collection 111 consist of files documenting his ministry with Inter-Varsity from 1939 through his presidency (1961 and 1965), as well as his intervening work with IV’s Australian counterpart (Inter-Varsity Fellowship), and later Latin America Mission (1966-1979).
Also of relevance to those studying ministry among college students are the records of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), of which Inter-Varsity is a member. The IFES records are available at Wheaton College’s Special Collections.
The records in the collection were created or gathered by the staff of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. They were given to the BGC Archives, 1984-2018. Materials which were not included in the collection, whether as duplicates or for other reasons, were discarded at the donor's request.
Accruals and Additions
Accessions: 84-100, 85-40, 87-114, 88-9, 89-16, 92-41, 96-37
Accession: 95-8
Accession: 82-103, 07-68, 12-25
Accessions: 10-47, 11-53, 13-19, 15-03
Accession 18-11
- Adeney, David H. (David Howard)
- Adeyemo, Tokunboh.
- African American leadership.
- African Americans -- Religious life.
- Alexander, John W. (John Wesley), 1918-2002.
- Apologetics -- Study and teaching.
- Bayly, Joseph.
- Beckwith, Paul, 1905-1975.
- Bentley, Ruth Lewis.
- Berney, James E., 1937-
- Bible -- Study and teaching.
- Bible -- Theology.
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
- Boyd, Barbara, 1924?-2018.
- Bryant, David, 1945-
- Bryant, David, 1945-
- Businesspeople -- Religious life -- United States.
- Butt, Howard E., Jr. (Howard Edward), 1927-2016.
- Campus Crusade for Christ.
- Charismatic movement.
- Christian education, Outdoor -- United States.
- Christian leadership.
- Christian life.
- Christian literature -- Publishing -- United States.
- Church and social problems -- United States.
- Church work with students -- Canada.
- Church work with students -- Great Britain.
- Church work with students -- United States.
- Clarkson, E. Margaret (Edith Margaret), 1915-2008.
- College students -- United States -- Religious life.
- College students -- United States.
- College students in missionary work.
- Discipling (Christianity)
- Doll, Linda, 1935-
- Education, Higher -- United States.
- Escobar, Samuel E., 1934-
- Evangelicalism -- United States.
- Evangelistic work -- Biblical teaching.
- Evangelistic work -- Canada.
- Evangelistic work -- Philosophy.
- Evangelistic work -- Publicity.
- Evangelistic work -- Study and teaching.
- Evangelistic work -- United States.
- Ford, Barney.
- Fromer, Paul.
- Frykenberg, Robert Eric.
- Fryling, Robert.
- Fundamentalism.
- Glossolalia.
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018.
- Guinness, Howard.
- Hale, Ned.
- Hammond, Pete (Hammond, John "Pete"), 1936-2008
- Hayner, Stephen A.
- Horton, Frank A., 1926-
- Howard, David M.
- Hummel, Charles E.
- Hunt, Gladys, 1926-2010.
- Hunt, Keith.
- Hutchinson, Warner.
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (Canada)
- Inter-Varsity Student Missions Convention (1st : 1946 : Toronto, Canada)
- Inter-varsity Student Missions Convention.
- InterVarsity Press.
- International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)
- Jones, Bob, 1911-1997.
- Journalism, Religious -- United States.
- Kyle, John E., 1926-
- Little, Marie, 1918-2009.
- Little, Paul E.
- Lum, Ada.
- MacDonald, Gordon, 1939-
- McLeish, James, 1921-
- Missionaries -- Training of.
- Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election.
- Missions -- Congresses.
- Morrison, Terry, 1936-
- New York World's Fair (1939-1940 : New York, N.Y.)
- Nicholas, Ron.
- Northrup, Peter.
- Norton, Hugo Wilbert.
- Nyquist, James F.
- Organizational change.
- Packer, J. I. (James Innell)
- Padilla, C. René.
- Pannell, William E.
- Personnel management.
- Public relations.
- Reapsome, James W.
- Religious institutions.
- Rinker, Rosalind.
- Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August)
- Short-term missions.
- Skinner, Tom, 1942-
- Stamoolis, James J.
- Stewart, Douglas W., 1937-
- Stewart, Marilyn, 1941-
- Stott, John R. W.
- Student Foreign Missions Fellowship.
- Students, Foreign -- Religious life.
- Taylor, Herbert John, 1893-1978.
- Theology -- Study and teaching.
- Troutman, Charles Henry, 1914-
- United States -- Religion -- 1945-
- Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship of Evangelical Unions.
- Wallace, Grace, -2005.
- Wheaton College (Ill.)
- Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983.
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. (Organization)
- Title
- Guide to the Collection 300 Records of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Roman Script
Repository Details
Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository