Wheaton College (Ill.)
Found in 238 Collections and/or Records:
Albert and Mary Lee Bobby Papers
Albert and Muriel Nichols Papers
Alex Sackey-Ansah Oral History Interviews
Americo Saavedra Oral History Interviews
ART | "Blanchard Hall - Wheaton College" silkscreened print by James H. Wennersten.
ART | "Blanchard Hall - Wheaton College" silkscreened print by James H. Wennersten.
Assorted publications by Christian writers and evangelists.
Billy Graham Center (BGC) video tapes.
Billy Graham Collection
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Collection
Billy Graham Wheaton Crusade Records
Bonnie Jo Adolph Oral History Interview
Bonnie Stuckless Papers
Bruce F. Hunt Oral History Interview
Bud Schaeffer Papers
Burt E. Long Oral History Interview
Oral history interviews with Burt E. Long by Wheaton College student Heather Conley in which Long discusses his memories of Paul Rader and the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, his education at Wheaton College, and his decades of services as a medical missionary for Sudan Interior Mission in Niger and Nigeria. The time period covered by the interviews is 1930-1986.
Burt Long was interviewed by Wheaton College student Heather Conley on November 26 and December 3, 1986.
C. René Padilla Oral History Interviews
Carl Armerding Papers
Carl F. H. Henry Papers
Correspondence, reports, notes, minutes, and manuscripts related to theologian and author Carl Henry, documenting his work with the Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, but which also touch on a few other aspects of his life, including his association with Wheaton College and with the magazine Christianity Today.
Catherine Saavedra Velasco Oral History Interviews
Chaplain Evan Welsh Prayer Diaries
Charles J. Guth Papers
Charles W. Colson Papers
Chester Terpstra Oral History Interview
Christians for Social Action Records
Collection correspondence, press releases and clippings, lists, minutes, reports, proposals, conference declaration, and financial records, chiefly from workshops sponsored by the Christians for Social Action, 1973-1976 (formerly Evangelicals for Social Action). The records in this collection deal mostly with the origins, agendas, and decisions of the 1973-1976 workshops along with some material which indicate the response to the workshop.
Collection 003 - Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Records
Collection 8: Christianity Today International Records
Collection 278 - Elisabeth Elliot Papers
Collection 283 - Nancy Folkerts Oral History Interviews
Collection 285 - Torrey Maynard Johnson, Sr., Papers.
Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission Records
Conversion Narratives Collection
The contents of the Conversion Narratives Collection may be searched in the library catalog using keyword: SC/228
Dan D. Crawford Oral History Interview
Daniel E. Liberek Oral History Interviews
David D. Thomas Papers
David Howard files about book manuscript.
David L. Farah Oral History Interview
David M. Howard, Sr., Papers
Debbie Dortzbach Papers
Diane W. Hawkins Papers
Donald A. Cook Oral History Interviews
Donald E. McDowell Collection
Donald E. White Papers
Donald Hoke papers related to Billy Graham and Billy Graham Center (BGC).
Donald W. Berry Oral History Interview
Dorothy J. Mainhood Oral History Interviews
Duncan Mugisha Oral History Interviews
Earl A. Winsor Oral History Interview
Edna Louise Asher Case Oral History Interview
Eileen J. Kuhn Oral History Interviews
Additional filters:
- Type
- Collection 183
- Unprocessed Material 46
- Digital Record 9
- Subject
- Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 92
- Conversion -- Christianity. 85
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 84
- Women -- Religious life. 62
- Women missionaries. 58
- Language in missionary work. 55
- Christian life. 48
- Missionaries -- Training of. 48
- Evangelistic work -- United States. 47
- Christianity and culture. 43
- Missions -- Educational work. 42
- Children of missionaries. 38
- Evangelicalism -- United States. 35
- World War, 1939-1945. 34
- Christian leadership. 30
- Religious institutions. 30
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 28
- Families. 26
- Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 25
- Public worship -- Christianity. 23
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Religious life and customs. 23
- Culture shock. 22
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Faculty. 22
- Missions -- China. 21
- Missions -- Finance. 21
- Evangelistic work -- China. 20
- Missionaries' spouses. 20
- College students -- United States -- Religious life. 19
- Evangelicalism. 18
- Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 18
- Fund raising. 18
- Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 18
- Christian education -- United States. 17
- Church development, New. 17
- College students in missionary work. 17
- Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 17
- Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 16
- Fundamentalism. 16
- Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 16
- Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 16
- Children of missionaries -- Education. 15
- China -- History -- 1937-1945. 15
- Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 15
- Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 15
- Church and social problems. 14
- Communism -- China. 14
- Missionaries, Resignation of. 14
- Sex role. 14
- Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 14
- Bible -- Study and teaching. 13
- Missions -- Congresses. 13
- Missions, Medical. 13
- Radio in missionary work. 13
- Bible -- Translating. 12
- Church and social problems -- United States. 12
- Evangelistic invitations. 12
- Prayer. 12
- Presbyterians. 12
- Rural missions. 12
- Social change. 12
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Employees. 12
- Worship (Christian) 12
- Belief and doubt. 11
- Church and state -- United States. 11
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Social life and customs. 11
- China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 10
- Correspondence. 10
- Ecumenical movement. 10
- Evangelistic sermons. 10
- Evangelistic work. 10
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa. 10
- Intercultural communication. 10
- Mass media in religion -- United States. 10
- Missionaries. 10
- Missions -- Africa. 10
- Sermons, American. 10
- Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 10
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Athletics. 10
- Baptism. 9
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 9
- Children -- United States -- Conversion to Christianity. 9
- Christianity and culture -- United States. 9
- Church discipline. 9
- College students -- Religious life. 9
- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- History -- Civil War, 1960-1965. 9
- Evangelistic work -- Philippines. 9
- Interpersonal conflict. 9
- Marriage. 9
- Medical care -- China. 9
- Missions -- Ethiopia. 9
- Missions -- India. 9
- Missions -- Kenya. 9
- Missions -- Philippines. 9
- Animism -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 8
- Belgium -- Colonies -- Africa. 8
- Bible -- Publication and distribution. 8
- Catholic Church -- Missions. 8
- Church and state. 8
- Church work with youth -- United States. 8
- Education, Higher -- United States. 8 ∧ less