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Wheaton College (Ill.)


Found in 238 Collections and/or Records:

Albert and Mary Lee Bobby Papers

Identifier: CN 171
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews and personal papers of Albert and Mary Lee Bobby, missionaries in Lisbon and Santiago do Cacem, Portugal, under The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). Collection includes interviews, articles, correspondence, prayer letters, manuscript notes, and other material from the Bobbys about their mission work, including evangelism and radio broadcasting. The correspondence also includes information on various theological issues and American Christian leaders. The oral...
Dates: Created: 1980-1982

Albert and Muriel Nichols Papers

Identifier: CN 185
Scope and Contents Correspondence, photos, negatives and miscellaneous documents concerning family events and career decisions relating to the Nicholas’ missionary work in Sierra Leone. The bulk of the letters were sent to family during a two year period while the Nichols were serving as missionaries to Sierra Leone, where Albert was director of Industrial Education at Albert Academy. Topics include life in and methods of education of an urban missionary school in the 1920's, teaching industrial education at...
Dates: Created: 1904-1952

Alex Sackey-Ansah Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 553
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Alex Atempo Sackey-Ansah in which he describes his family, conversion and spiritual development, education, joining Pioneers­Africa, distinctives and programs of the mission, his responsibilities, Pioneers­Africa director Solomon Aryeetey, Church of Pentecost, the church in Ghana, missions in Africa, African missionaries, church planting philosophy and process, conflict resolution in Africa, American perceptions of Africa and the African church, establishing a...
Dates: Created: 1998

Americo Saavedra Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 427
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Americo Saavedra, a Peruvian-born missionary working with HCJB in Ecuador, in which he describes his childhood, family, conversion, Catholicism in Peru and Ecuador, radio station HCJB and its ministry, Quito, Ecuador, his decision to be a missionary, employment with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Peru. Other topics include his education at Moody Bible Institute, Christian education in Ecuador, informal education, Summer Institute of Linguistics, the state of the...
Dates: Created: 1990

Assorted publications by Christian writers and evangelists.

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 1999-048
Dates: 1930-1941

Billy Graham Center (BGC) video tapes.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 2
Identifier: 1999-010
Dates: 1980-1994

Billy Graham Collection

Identifier: CN 015
Scope and Contents Collection contains materials gathered by the archivist relating to Billy Graham's life and early ministry. Includes miscellaneous correspondence to Ray Schulenberg, Richard, Mouw, and Charles Fuller, among others. Also includes a copy of Peace with God annotated by Ruth Bell Graham, which she revised for a second edition in 1984. Of particular interest is a scrapbook kept by Graham during his attendance at Florida Bible Institute and Wheaton College. The Archives only has a...
Dates: Created: 1934-2014

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Collection

Identifier: CN 074
Brief Description Collection consists of a wide variety of materials (correspondence, form letters, audio tapes, films and videotapes, etc.) that document the ministry and history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in the United States and around the world. Based on earlier collecting protocols, the collection also contains material about Billy Graham personally, such as oral history interviews with his Wheaton College classmates.Originally this collection contained mainly...
Dates: Created: 1863-1999

Billy Graham Wheaton Crusade Records

Identifier: CN 028
Scope and Contents This collection consists of audio recordings and several hundred follow-up cards used by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to track the progress being made by inquirers who had come forward during Graham's Wheaton, Illinois, meetings (September 27-October 4, 1959). Each form, with the inquirer's name typed in, was given to the local minister for whose church the inquirer had expressed a preference. The minister returned the form, indicating whether the inquirer was attending...
Dates: Created: 1959

Bonnie Jo Adolph Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 282
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Bonnie Jo Adelsman Adolph in which she discussses her missionary service in Ethiopia with Sudan Interior Mission from 1966-1974. Topics discussed include Adolph's education at Wheaton College, decision to become a missionary, living in Taiwan during her husband's military service, reasons for choosing Sudan Interior Mission, her husband's medical work in Ethiopia, observations about Sudanese culture, the church in Sudan, and the Adolphs short term mission service...
Dates: Created: 1984

Bonnie Stuckless Papers

Identifier: CN 415
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, prayer letters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and articles relating to the ministry of Bonnie G. Stuckless and her husband Donald Stuckless, missionaries in Colombia, Panama, and Spain with the Assemblies of God from 1970 to 1992.[NOTE: In the Scope and Content description, the notation "folder 2-5" means box 2, folder 5.]Series: Audio TapesTwo oral history...
Dates: Created: 1969-1992

Bruce F. Hunt Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 104
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews in which Bruce Finley Hunt (1903-1992) discusses his boyhood in Korea, college and seminary education at Wheaton College, Rutgers University and Princeton Seminary; a portion (1928-1942) of his missionary work in Korea and Manchuria; and his impressions of Korean culture. The time period covered by the interviews is roughly 1903-1976.Bruce Finley Hunt was interviewed by Robert Shuster on March 22 and May 21, 1980 and October 16, 2002 in Abington, PA and...
Dates: Created: 1980-1982

Bud Schaeffer Papers

Identifier: CN 132
Scope and Contents Prayer letters written by Bud and Alice Schaeffer about their mission work with Overseas Crusades. Materials relate their experiences in the Philippines, Australia, and the United States with Sports Ambassadors, which sends various athletes to foreign nations to share their faith. The groups are known by the name Venture for Victory.Letters documents the Schaeffers' work with Overseas Crusades (particularly sports evangelism with Venture for Victory and Sports Ambassadors) and...
Dates: Created: 1955-1993

Burt E. Long Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 351
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews with Burt E. Long by Wheaton College student Heather Conley in which Long discusses his memories of Paul Rader and the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, his education at Wheaton College, and his decades of services as a medical missionary for Sudan Interior Mission in Niger and Nigeria. The time period covered by the interviews is 1930-1986.

Burt Long was interviewed by Wheaton College student Heather Conley on November 26 and December 3, 1986.

Dates: Created: 1986

C. René Padilla Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 361
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with René Padilla, in which he discusses his childhood, family, evangelism in Colombia and Ecuador, persecution by Catholics in Colombia, his education at Wheaton College, work among university students with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Latin America, evangelical theological education and liberation theology, the 1974 Lausanne Congress and covenant, the ministry of his church in Buenos Aires among drug addicts and slum dwellers, and the...
Dates: Created: 1987

Carl Armerding Papers

Identifier: CN 180
Scope and Contents Diaries, correspondence, scrapbook, travel documents, oral history interview, sermons and other materials documenting Carl Armerding's career and ministry, especially his work as a Bible teacher, preacher, and leader of Central American Mission.Interview topics covered include Armerding's family background, education, recollections of Billy Sunday, Gipsy Smith, Henry Ironside and Will Houghton, missions and evangelism in Honduras and the Bahamas, speaking engagements, teaching...
Dates: Created: 1903-1987

Carl F. H. Henry Papers

Identifier: CN 628
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, notes, minutes, and manuscripts related to theologian and author Carl Henry, documenting his work with the Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, but which also touch on a few other aspects of his life, including his association with Wheaton College and with the magazine Christianity Today.

Dates: Created: 1925-1984

Catherine Saavedra Velasco Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 388
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Catherine Saavedra Velasco in which she discusses her life and ministry in the Philippines, including her childhood, education, and work as a Bible school teacher. Other topics covered include theological education and evangelism in the Philippines; work with "Here's Life Philippines," sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ; the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church; Filipino culture; Muslim and Catholic communities in the Philippines; Ebenezer Bible College;...
Dates: Created: 1988

Chaplain Evan Welsh Prayer Diaries

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-0036
Dates: 1980-1981

Charles J. Guth Papers

Identifier: CN 311
Scope and Contents Water color paintings and oral history interviews with Charles J. Guth, relating to Guth’s missionary work in Africa with the Sudan Interior Mission. Topics covered by the interviews include: Guth’s education at Wheaton College, preparation for the mission field as a worker with Sudan Interior Mission, his life, work, and contacts as a missionary among the Koma and Maban people of the Sudan; the culture of these peoples; the effect of Sudan's independence on the church in the Sudan,...
Dates: Created: 1976-1985

Charles W. Colson Papers

Identifier: CN 275
Brief Description Correspondence, memos, book, article and editorial manuscripts, texts of speeches, legal papers, newspaper clippings, testimony transcripts, magazine articles, audio tapes, and photographs, all documenting many of the major phases of Colson's life, including his work as a political advisor to President Richard Nixon, his involvement in the Watergate scandal, his conversion to Christian faith that caused him to plead guilty to one of the charges against him, his imprisonment, and his life...
Dates: Created: 1960-1990

Chester Terpstra Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 491
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Chester Terpstra (1917-2007) in which he discusses his years as a student at Wheaton College (1939-1943); his friendship with Billy Graham; and his later ministry in Micronesia and Hawaii. Other topics discussed include the religious culture of Hawaii during World War II and after; the prevalence of pre-millenialism at Wheaton College and among evangelical missionaries; and the 1943 revival at Wheaton College. The time period covered by the interviews is 1939 to...
Dates: Created: 1993

Christians for Social Action Records

Identifier: CN 037
Scope and Contents

Collection correspondence, press releases and clippings, lists, minutes, reports, proposals, conference declaration, and financial records, chiefly from workshops sponsored by the Christians for Social Action, 1973-1976 (formerly Evangelicals for Social Action). The records in this collection deal mostly with the origins, agendas, and decisions of the 1973-1976 workshops along with some material which indicate the response to the workshop.

Dates: Created: 1965-1976

Collection 003 - Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Records

Identifier: CN 003
Brief Description Correspondence, proposals, reports, minutes, programs, publications brochures, budgets, audio tapes, clippings, photographs, and video tapes related to the founding, ground breaking and dedication and continuing work of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College as a research and training center in evangelism, and its ongoing activities. Includes audio and video recordings of Center-sponsored conferences (on themes including evangelism and evangelistic preaching, outreach to various...
Dates: Created: 1919-2011

Collection 8: Christianity Today International Records

Identifier: CN 008
Brief Description Correspondence, memos, forms, financial reports, minutes of meetings, study papers, clippings and other records of the Evangelical Christian publishing organization. The records describe the founding of the organization to publish the magazine Christianity Today and its creation or acquisition of other publications such as Campus Life, Leadership, Leadership 100, Partnership, and Your Church. Besides material on the editing, publishing and distribution of these periodicals, the files also...
Dates: Created: Majority of material found within 1930, 1954-2002

Collection 278 - Elisabeth Elliot Papers

Identifier: CN 278
Scope and Contents Correspondence, slides, clippings, publicity releases, reviews, manuscripts, films, video and audio tapes relating to Elisabeth Elliot's careers as a missionary in Ecuador, author, teacher and speaker. The collection is particularly rich in material relating to the so-called "Auca Incident" and Elliot's own work the Waorani, whose enemies called them the "Auca," as well as her lectures on the Biblical view of the roles of men and women, dealing with suffering, and personal holiness, among...
Dates: Created: 1926-2010; Majority of material found within 1938-2010

Collection 283 - Nancy Folkerts Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 283
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Nancy Wood Folkerts. Topics discussed include her childhood as a pastor's daughter; study at Wheaton College; her marriage; training in London; work as a missionary in British Cameroon (now Republic of Cameroon), especially Bible study and literacy programs for women and 3H clubs for girls; the political and social situation in Cameroon; Cameroon independence; medical problems in Cameroon; the work of her husband, Fred, at the Baptist Teacher Training College and...
Dates: Created: 1984

Collection 285 - Torrey Maynard Johnson, Sr., Papers.

Identifier: CN 285
Scope and Contents Correspondence, oral history interviews, scrapbooks, sermons, minutes, reports, photos, posters, newspaper and magazine clippings, brochures, audio recordings, video recordings reflecting Johnson’s life as an influential American Protestant from the 1930s through the 1990s. Besides documenting Johnson’s pastorates of Midwest Bible Church (Illinois) and Bibletown Community Church (Florida), his leadership of Youth for Christ International, and his activities as an independent evangelist, the...
Dates: Created: 1919 -2001

Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission Records

Identifier: CN 021
Scope and Contents Materials relating to the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission which was held on the Wheaton College campus in 1966 and was jointly sponsored by the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association. Audio tapes document various sessions of the Congress, including biblical expositions, study papers (on subjects like syncretism, church growth, cooperation, the Catholic Church and social issues), reports on missions on the world's...
Dates: Created: 1964-1967

Conversion Narratives Collection

 Collection — Container: Books
Identifier: SC-228
Scope and Contents

The contents of the Conversion Narratives Collection may be searched in the library catalog using keyword: SC/228

Dates: Other: -

Dan D. Crawford Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 604
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Dan Duvall Crawford in which he discusses his parents, Percy and Ruth (Duvall) Crawford; Percy Crawford’s evangelistic ministry at meetings, through radio and television programming; and the camps his father founded. Other topics discussed include Crawford’s experiences at Pine Brook Camp as a child; Pine Brook Praises and Young People’s Church of the Air; Percy Crawford’s relationship with Billy...
Dates: Created: 2004

Daniel E. Liberek Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 385
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Daniel Eric Liberek in which he describes growing up in Belgium as the son of a Protestant pastor, his conversion, methods of evangelism in that country, comparison between United States and Belgian evangelicals, his own work as a youth pastor in Belgium, Protestant-Catholic relations, church-state relations, and other faiths in the country. Other topics discussed include Liberek's experiences running a Christian youth camp; and some of the spiritual options in...
Dates: Created: 1988

David D. Thomas Papers

Identifier: CN 409
Scope and Contents Correspondence, photographs, negatives, and clippings relating to the linguistic and missionary work of David and Dorothy Thomas in the Philippines, Vietnam (especially with the Chrau tribe), Cambodia, and Thailand with Wycliffe Bible Translators from 1954-1975. The bulk of the content consists of David and Dorothy's letters to his mother, Ruth, who lived in Wheaton, IL. Topics covered in the correspondence include information on the Thomas family, missionary work in the Philippines, and...
Dates: Created: 1954-1975

David Howard files about book manuscript.

 Unprocessed Material — Box: 1
Identifier: 2001-061
Dates: 1995-2001

David L. Farah Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 302
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with David Livingstone Farah, in which he discusses his upbringing, education at Wheaton College, work as an administrator with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Peru and Bolivia, and relationships with other religious bodies, national groups and governments. Other topics include the 1950 revival at Wheaton College; Wycliffe jungle training in Mexico; the Catholic Church in Bolivia and the prevalence of syncretism; differences between Peru and Bolivia; description of...
Dates: Created: 1985

David M. Howard, Sr., Papers

Identifier: CN 484
Scope and Contents Four oral history interviews, paper records, and photographs documenting David Howard's life and work with Latin American Mission, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and World Evangelical Fellowship. Topics covered in the interviews include Howard's childhood, Christian faith, education at Wheaton College, work as a missionary and administrator with Latin America Mission; missions director for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, director of the 1980 Consultation on World Evangelization; and...
Dates: Created: 1968-1993

Debbie Dortzbach Papers

Identifier: CN 402
Scope and Contents Audio recordings, including an oral history interview, diary, and several letters, relating to the career and ministry of Debbie Dortzbach, missionary to Kenya and Eritrea with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and later the Reformed Presbyterian Church from 1973 to 1988.Series: Audio TapesOne oral history interview with Debbie Dortzbach in which she describes her describes her childhood, education at Wheaton College, and missionary work in...
Dates: Created: 1974-1989

Diane W. Hawkins Papers

Identifier: CN 312
Scope and Contents Collection 312 consists of letters, oral history interviews, articles, minutes of meetings, reports and other relating to Diane Hawkins' missionary service in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) as well as the tapes of an oral history interview conducted several years later. Among the topics covered are: TEAM's evangelistic, and educational work in Rhodesia; the lifestyle, music, and beliefs of Shona people; the civil war between white government and the black nationalist guerrillas which raged while...
Dates: Created: 1970-1985

Donald A. Cook Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 259
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Donald Arthur Cook (1923-2014) in which he describes his service with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship in Japan between 1956-1972. Topics discussed include upbringing, education at Wheaton College, experiences in the United States Air Force, American response to WWII, decision to join China Inland Mission (later OMF), evangelistic methods in Japan, administrative work, language difficulties, administrative duties in OMF headquarters in Hokkaido and in Tokyo,...
Dates: Created: 1983

Donald E. McDowell Collection

Identifier: CN 110
Scope and Contents Collection of 643 slides which document Donald E. McDowell's mission work and activity in Paraguay. Scenic views, native flora, mission personnel, mission facilities, national churchmen and pastors are some of the subjects illustrated by the collection.When the collection was received by the Archives, the slides were arranged in sets and were accompanied by an attached description and date for each picture. The original order of the slides was maintained. Three unidentified...
Dates: Created: 1951-1973

Donald E. White Papers

Identifier: CN 529
Scope and Contents Oral history interview and one folder containing reports, correspondence, and newsletters. Materials describe White’s family background, conversion, education at Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College, marriage, activities as an Army chaplain's assistant in Germany, and missionary work in Austria for Greater Europe Mission.Donald E. White was interviewed by Robert Shuster on January 29, 1996, at the Archives of the Billy Graham Center. The events described in the interview...
Dates: Created: 1996

Donald Hoke papers related to Billy Graham and Billy Graham Center (BGC).

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 1998-083
Dates: 1974-1998

Donald W. Berry Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 325
Scope and Contents Oral history interview in which Berry discusses his conversion, education at Wheaton College, and his work as a pilot and administrator for Mission Aviation Fellowship in Honduras and Southeast Asia. Other topics discussed include. Berry’s service in the Army during World War II, his views on pacifism, the origins of Mission Aviation Fellowship, challenges of MAF, and the effect of life on the mission field on Berry’s family.Donald Berry was interviewed by Robert Shuster on...
Dates: Created: 1986

Dorothy J. Mainhood Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 392
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Dorothy Jane Mainhood in which she describes her childhood, conversion, spiritual growth, education at Wheaton College, call to be a missionary, and work in Thailand for Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Other topics discussed include Mainhood’s medical training, language study in Thailand, Thai people and culture, regional differences in Thailand, the Buddhist and Muslim communities in Thailand, religious syncretism, church-state relations, characteristics of...
Dates: Created: 1988

Duncan Mugisha Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 403
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Duncan Aggrey Mugisha in which he discusses the state of the church in Uganda; life under the rule of Idi Amim, impressions of Bishop Festo Kivengere; the Bolokole movement; relations between Catholics and Protestants in Uganda; relations between Christians and Muslims in Uganda; his conversion and work with the Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS) among college and university students. Other topics discussed include East African revivals of the 1930s; AIDS...
Dates: Created: 1988

Earl A. Winsor Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 093
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Earl Austin Winsor (1897-1983) in which he discusses his education at Wheaton College as a student (1919-1920) and teacher (1920-25, history, and 1939-1949, math and physics) and his missionary experiences in Africa under Africa Inland Mission, serving in what is now Zaire. Wheaton personalities, mission experiences, especially those relating to his education work, and analysis of his exposure to African government, churches, tribal customs, and health practices....
Dates: Created: 1979-1980

Edna Louise Asher Case Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 196
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Edna Louise Asher Case (1905-1999), in which she discusses her aunt, Virginia Asher, who was a co-worker of Billy Sunday; she was also involved in many other evangelistic efforts. Other topics include: Case's student days at Wheaton College, and her involvement in city mission work; impressions of Mel Trotter, Billy Sunday, Helen Sunday. The time frame covered by the interview is 1905 to 1929.Edna Case was interviewed by Robert Shuster  on November 27,...
Dates: Created: 1905-1929

Eileen J. Kuhn Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 464
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Eileen J. Kuhn in which she describes her family background; her conversion to Christianity; her medical training as a nurse; life at Moody Bible Institute in the late 1940s; China Inland Mission at about the same time; her call to foreign missions; her work at the CIM retirement home in Toronto; descriptions of John and Isobel Kuhn; work among the Lisu people in Thailand and Burma; translation of the Bible into the Lisu language; contacts with a former...
Dates: Created: 1992-1994

Additional filters:

Collection 183
Unprocessed Material 46
Digital Record 9
Missionaries -- Appointment, call, and election. 92
Conversion -- Christianity. 85
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Alumni. 84
Women -- Religious life. 62
Women missionaries. 58
∨ more
Language in missionary work. 55
Christian life. 48
Missionaries -- Training of. 48
Evangelistic work -- United States. 47
Christianity and culture. 43
Missions -- Educational work. 42
Children of missionaries. 38
Evangelicalism -- United States. 35
World War, 1939-1945. 34
Christian leadership. 30
Religious institutions. 30
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Protestant churches. 28
Families. 26
Missionaries -- Leaves and furloughs. 25
Public worship -- Christianity. 23
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Religious life and customs. 23
Culture shock. 22
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Faculty. 22
Missions -- China. 21
Missions -- Finance. 21
Evangelistic work -- China. 20
Missionaries' spouses. 20
College students -- United States -- Religious life. 19
Evangelicalism. 18
Evangelistic work -- Philosophy. 18
Fund raising. 18
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity. 18
Christian education -- United States. 17
Church development, New. 17
College students in missionary work. 17
Missionaries -- Training of -- United States. 17
Evangelistic work -- Congresses. 16
Fundamentalism. 16
Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic). 16
Missions -- Interdenominational cooperation. 16
Children of missionaries -- Education. 15
China -- History -- 1937-1945. 15
Conversion -- Personal narratives. -- Christianity. 15
Evangelistic work -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 15
Church and social problems. 14
Communism -- China. 14
Missionaries, Resignation of. 14
Sex role. 14
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Asia. 14
Bible -- Study and teaching. 13
Missions -- Congresses. 13
Missions, Medical. 13
Radio in missionary work. 13
Bible -- Translating. 12
Church and social problems -- United States. 12
Evangelistic invitations. 12
Prayer. 12
Presbyterians. 12
Rural missions. 12
Social change. 12
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Employees. 12
Worship (Christian) 12
Belief and doubt. 11
Church and state -- United States. 11
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Social life and customs. 11
China -- History -- Civil War, 1945-1949. 10
Correspondence. 10
Ecumenical movement. 10
Evangelistic sermons. 10
Evangelistic work. 10
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Africa. 10
Intercultural communication. 10
Mass media in religion -- United States. 10
Missionaries. 10
Missions -- Africa. 10
Sermons, American. 10
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 10
Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Athletics. 10
Baptism. 9
Catholic Church -- Relations -- Evangelicalism. 9
Children -- United States -- Conversion to Christianity. 9
Christianity and culture -- United States. 9
Church discipline. 9
College students -- Religious life. 9
Congo (Democratic Republic) -- History -- Civil War, 1960-1965. 9
Evangelistic work -- Philippines. 9
Interpersonal conflict. 9
Marriage. 9
Medical care -- China. 9
Missions -- Ethiopia. 9
Missions -- India. 9
Missions -- Kenya. 9
Missions -- Philippines. 9
Animism -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 8
Belgium -- Colonies -- Africa. 8
Bible -- Publication and distribution. 8
Catholic Church -- Missions. 8
Church and state. 8
Church work with youth -- United States. 8
Education, Higher -- United States. 8
∧ less