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Christianity Today Records

Identifier: CN 008

Brief Description

Correspondence, memos, forms, financial reports, minutes of meetings, study papers, clippings and other records of the Evangelical Christian publishing organization. The records describe the founding of the organization to publish the magazine Christianity Today and its creation or acquisition of other publications such as Campus Life, Leadership, Leadership 100, Partnership, and Your Church. Besides material on the editing, publishing and distribution of these periodicals, the files also contain much information on Evangelical viewpoints on theological, political, and cultural issues in American society from the 1950s on. The organization’s involvement in the 1966 World Congress on Evangelism, the Key ‘73 evangelistic campaign, and the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization is also documented. There is extensive correspondence for L. Nelson Bell, Harold Myra, Carl Henry, Harold Lindsell, Kenneth Kantzer, and Paul Robbins.


  • Created: Majority of material found within 1930, 1954-2002


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research, and there are no specific access restrictions on the materials. Duplication may be restricted if copying or scanning may cause damage to items.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright to this material is retained by the rights holder, in many cases the archives, but also possibly the donor. Please contact the archives staff for additional detail or contact information.

Organizational History

Evangelical magazine publishing company, founded in 1956 by L. Nelson Bell and Billy Graham, among others; the company published CHRISTIANITY TODAY, LEADERSHIP and other publications intended for Evangelical Protestant pastors and laypersons.

Founded: 1955

Headquarters location:

  • 1955-July 1977: Washington, DC
  • July 1977- : Carol Stream, IL

    Executive officers:
  • Executive Editor: L. Nelson Bell, 1956-1973
  • President and Publisher: Harold Myra, Paul Robbins

    Other significant officers: Editor, Christianity Today:
  • Carl F. H. Henry, 1956-1968
  • Harold Lindsell, 1968-1978
  • Kenneth Kantzer, 1978-1982
  • V. Gilbert Beers, 1982-1985
  • David Neff, 1991-

    Executive Editor, Christianity Today:
  • Terry Muck, 1985-1990
  • George Brushaber, 1985-1991

    Significant events in organizational history:
  • October 1956: First issue of Christianity Today published
  • Autumn 1979: First issue of Today’s Christian Woman published
  • Winter 1980: First issue of Leadership published
  • May/June 1992: First issue of Christian Reader published by CTI. Previously the magazine had been published by Tyndale House.
  • September 1982: First issue of Campus Life published by CTI. Previously the magazine had been published by Youth for Christ.
  • 1982-1983: Publication of Leadership 100 (published by David C. Cook since 1984 under the name Innovations)
  • Ca. June 1983: First Preaching Today monthly cassette published
  • January/February 1984: First issue of Partnership published (renamed Marriage Partnership in 1987)
  • 1989: First issue (#22) of Christian History published by CTI; previously the magazine was published by the Christian History Institute
  • January/February 1991: First issue of Your Church published under CTI management; previously the magazine had been published by Religious Publishing Company of King of Prussia, PA Pennsylvania
  • September/October 1995: First issue of Books and Culture published
  • January 1998: First issue of Christian Parenting Today published under the management of CTI; previously the magazine was published by Good Family Magazines
  • July/August 1998: First issue of Men of Integrity published

    Other significant information: Christianity Today International, incorporated in 1955, was the organization which published Christianity Today (hereafter referred to as CT). CT, originally published as a bi-weekly religious journal and later on a monthly basis, was founded in September of 1955 by Dr. L. Nelson Bell and his son-in-law, William Franklin "Billy" Graham. The purpose of the journal was to express the Evangelical Christian point of view in an intellectual manner, much as the Christian Century expressed the theologically liberal point of view. The journal was sympathetic to but independent of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It received its financial backing from, among others, the BGEA, J. Howard Pew of Sun Oil Corporation, and H. Maxey Jarman of Genesco, Inc. Under the editorship of Dr. Carl F.H. Henry, a leading Evangelical theologian, the magazine began publication in Washington, DC, in October 1956. Its news department was served by missionaries and ministers from all over the world, and numerous prominent Christian leaders from many walks of life who acted as contributing editors. Over the years, the magazine strove to serve as a voice for Evangelicals and was especially interested in explaining the Evangelical position to liberal Protestants.

    Starting in the late 1970s, the company began to expand its activities, publishing several magazines aimed at specific segments of the Evangelical Christian population, as well as a books and a series of tapes of preaching.
  • Extent

    63.25 Linear Feet (100 Boxes (25 RC, 1 ODC, 74 DC, 63.25 linear feet), Audio Tapes, Filmstrips, Oversize Materials, Phonograph Records, Photographs, Slides )

    Language of Materials


    Arrangement and Description

    Historical Files

    Arrangement: The arrangement of the files is alphabetical by folder title (either by division or document format). The collection is made up primarily by a number of series which are integrated into the overall alphabetical arrangement. Folder titles were retained as received on the original file folders. All material was refoldered. The overall arrangement was provided by the archivist.

    Date Range: 1930-1933, 1954-1978

    Volume: 25.5 linear feet

    Boxes: 1-26

    Geographic coverage: United States, with some material on the Christian church and missions in other parts of the world, especially Great Britain

    Type of documents: Correspondence (internal, editorial, etc.), financial records, minutes, memos, reports, etc.

    Correspondents: L. Nelson Bell, Carl Henry, Harold Lindsell, James DeForrest Murch, J. Howard Pew. Dozens of other correspondents are listed in the Notes section below.

    Subjects: Founding and development of Christianity Today International and Christianity Today magazine from 1955 until the late 1970s; the impact of American Protestant Evangelicals on American life and culture; the relationship of American Evangelicalism to American Protestant liberalism

    Notes: The records in this series consists of records from the earliest days of CTI. The files in this section originally comprised the whole of Collection 8. They deal primarily with the founding and administration of CT magazine, but they also contain a great deal of information on a wide range of religious and non-religious topics, such as the merger in 1959 of the Congregational Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church to form the United Church of Christ; the debate among Christians over the proper response to integration; the National Council of Churches; the World Council of Churches; social, political, and economic conditions in Israel, Vietnam, the Congo, and other countries; civil religion; Bible reading and prayer in schools; Billy Graham crusades; and the growing debate over the missionary movement. In addition, this collection contains records of the World Congress on Evangelism held in Berlin in 1966.

    Information on the internal history of CT can be found in the financial files, such as the bookkeeper's records (Folder 1-2), and in the files of correspondence of members of the Board of Directors (Folders 1-44 to 2-3), minutes of the Board of Director's meetings (Folders 1-3 to 119), the managing editor's correspondence (Folder 4-1) with McCall Corporation (which published CT), inter-office memos (Folders 5-13,14), materials in the Internal Revenue file (Folder 5-12) relating to CT's struggle to get a tax-exempt status, personnel records (Folders 5-22 to 5-33), and the reports of the editor (folder 6-3). The personnel records do not contain personnel applications and forms, but correspondence between various members of the staff and Board of Directors relating to the duties and performance of different staff members. The files (Folders 1-58,59) of correspondence for a member of the Board of Directors, J. Howard Pew, contain a copy of a letter from J. Edgar Hoover on communist infiltration of churches. These files also contain many letters on the financial operation of CT.

    The General Correspondence files (Folders 2-4 to 3-16) consist mostly of responses from readers to articles or policies of CT. Writers represented every shade of political and religious opinion and were from all over the world. Especially interesting are the letters from liberal pastors. Almost all of the letters in response were written by L. Nelson Bell.

    Other than the general files which are described above, the correspondence files of L. Nelson Bell (Folders 1-24 through 1-43) relate both to his private life and his duties at CT. There is a file (Folder 1-38) dealing with his membership in the Sons of the American Revolution and this contains some genealogical information. Other files concern his enlisting of news correspondents for the magazine, reader response to specific articles, and the setting of policy for CT. Correspondents include John Abbott (Folder 1-24), Allyn Bell (Folder 1-26), Dwight D. Eisenhower (Folder 1-28), William Elliot (Folder 1-29), Bob Jones Sr. (Folder 1-32), Harold Lindsell (Folder 1-33), T. C. McKnight who promoted the Christian Amendment Movement (Folder 1-34), Richard Nixon (Folder 1-36), C. Aiken Taylor (Folder 1-40), and George Wilson, business manager of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. (Folder 1-43).

    The folders marked Correspondence--Authors' file (Folders 17-2 through 17-136) contain correspondence between the editor and various writers who submitted articles to the magazine. The folders cover the editorships of both Henry and Lindsell. Although the letters in this group are to a large extent with the same people and on the same topics as the letters in the files marked "Correspondence: Editor" (see following paragraph), the documents have been kept in their own files because they were apparently so kept by the creating agency, CT. Each file contains the correspondence with one author and the correspondence within that file is arranged chronologically. The folders themselves are arranged alphabetically. Although much of the correspondence has to do with the acceptance/rejection and editing of specific essays, some files deal with broader topics. For example, the Harold O.J. Brown file (Folder 17-23) contains material on the development of Roman Catholic theology and on the chaplaincy at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The John Conlan file (Folder 17-37) illustrates his plans for getting Christians to actively participate in politics. The Dirk Jellema file (Folder 17-70) has an explanation of the struggles of the Christian Labor Association. The Billy James Hargis file (Folder 17-64) contains an exchange of correspondence on Hargis's charge that CT had treated him and the Christian Crusade unfairly. The Mark Hatfield file (Folder 17-65) deals with the Christian in politics. Letters from W. Dayton Roberts (Folder 17-87) outline the theological and political changes going on among evangelicals in Latin America and had comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the Third Latin American Protestant Congress (III CELA) held in 1969. Letters in the Walter Spitzer file (Folder 17-93) cover various aspects of medical ethics and how Christian beliefs influence them. The G. Aiken Taylor file (Folder 17-94) deals with a wide range of topics most of which concern Biblical theology, the situation within the Southern Presbyterian Church (Taylor was editor of The Southern Presbyterian Journal), and church-state relations. The Cornelius Van Til file (Folder 17-109) contains analysis of Karl Barth's theology. The C. Peter Wagner file (Folder 17-119) contains letters about the moratorium on missionaries to third world countries suggested by some church leaders.

    The files marked "Correspondence: Editor" (box 15, Folders 16-1 to 16-31, Folder 17-141, Boxes 18 & 20, Folders 21-1 to 21-17, boxes 22-26) contain the letters of the chief executive office of the magazine--the editor. The correspondence of Carl Henry, the first editor of the magazine (1956-1968) deals mostly with his efforts to make it an effective voice of evangelical Christianity, although some of his other activities as scholar, educator, and religious leader are also illustrated. Several folders (including Folder 15-11) deal with the very beginning of Henry's involvement with the planning of CT in 1955 along with Billy Graham, Harold J. Ockenga, L. Nelson Bell, Marcellus Kik, and others. These folders show how decisions were made about the editorial control of the magazine, who should be asked to contribute, and what kind of issues should be addressed. The files containing the letters to and from Graham, Ockenga (Folders 15-22,23, 16-7, 19-16,17, 20-20), CT's London office (Folder 15-6), and J.D. Douglas (British representative of CT) (Folders 15-19 and 19-4) deal to some extent with the later administrative and editorial development of the magazine, although other matters are also referred to. Graham's, Ockenga's, and Douglas' folders all contain materials that deal with articles they periodically wrote for the journal. Graham also writes a great deal about his crusades, the planning of the 1966 World Congress on Evangelism held in Berlin, and evangelical strategy for responding to religious problems of the time.

    A number of files contain Henry's correspondence with regular contributors. The magazine attempted to have evangelicals expert in a wide range of academic disciplines prepare articles for CT on ways Christianity was involved in their particular field of study. Thus articles were written by historians, economists, and poets, as well as by theologians and preachers. To a lesser extent, diverse political viewpoints were also represented. Contributors with whom Henry carried on extensive correspondence, besides those mentioned above, included Geoffrey Bromiley (Folders 15-7, 18-32), Gordon Clark (Folders 15-12,13), John Gerstner (Folder 15-21), Philip Hughes (Folder 15-24), Clyde Kilby (Folder 16-1), Harold Kuhn (Folder 19-27), Roger Nicole (Folder 16-5), Bernard Ramm (Folders 16-12, 20-30), Paul Rees (Folder 16-13, 20-33), W. Stanford Reid (Folders 16-14, 20-35), William Childs Robinson (Folders 16-16, 20-39), Oswald J. Smith (Folder 16-19), and Wilbur Smith (Folders 16-20, 21-6). Many of these folders also contain articles submitted along with editorial comments.

    As one of the most prominent magazines speaking for evangelicals, CT often became involved in political and religious debates. Folders of correspondence with editors of and writers for Christianity and Crisis and Christian Century (Folders 15-9,10) two journals speaking for liberal Christianity, contain exchanges of letters on the historic debate within American Protestantism over the relative importance and place in Christianity of personal salvation and social activism, as does a folder (Folder 5-25) concerning the controversy over criticism a Pittsburgh Presbyterian pastor made of the magazine. Other folders deal with the religious policy of the Peace Corps (Folder 16-10); criticism from Ed Sullivan on the magazine's reservations about a Catholic president (Folder 16-27); and correspondence with Hollington Tong, ambassador to America from the Republic of China (Folder 16-23).

    A few folders (Folders 15-6,8,20) deal with plans to publish editions of the magazine in Canada and other nations. Folder 15-14 contains letters about the planning of the Consultation of Christian Scholars, which was concerned with the Christian witness on college and university campuses. This collection also contains several audio tapes of the consultation (T16-T22).

    The general correspondence file (Folder 3-16) mainly documents Henry's attempt to enlist news correspondents for the magazine during its early days. The file also deals somewhat with administrative details. Correspondents include Gerald Beaven of the BGEA, Martin Luther King, and Evan Welsh.

    The correspondence files of Henry's successor, Harold Lindsell (1968-1978) also deal partly with the work of the magazine and partly with the editor's other activities as an author, scholar, and evangelical leader.

    The transition from the administration of the two men is documented in folder 1920 as are Henry's continuing involvement in the magazine; his comments on CT's editorial policy, the U.S. Congress on Evangelism, and the demise of the British journal The Christian. Some details of the magazine's attempted expansion into the book publicity field are contained in the Henry DeWeerd (Folder 19-3), Coleman Luck (Folder 19-32), "I" (Folder 19-22) and "H" (Folders 19-18,19) folders. Many other letters scattered throughout the files illustrate the internal workings of CT, such as a letter to Hugh Bittner on computer-related subscription problems; some exchanges with the Lilly Foundation about possible grants; the correspondence in the "J" (Folders 19-23,24) folder with CT board member Maxey Jarman; many letters from J. Howard Pew (Folder 20-24) on articles appearing in the magazine and on other topics such as the development of CT's editorial policy, problems facing the church and the nation, the possibility of a Center for Reformed Studies, and Gordon-Conwell Seminary (Pew and Lindsell both served on the board of that school). An interesting and useful paper by John Carter titled "A Sociological Analysis of Christianity Today and Society" is in the "C" file (Folder 18-39).

    Lindsell kept in touch with the editors of other magazines and newspapers, either responding to something he had seen in their publication or answering comments they sent to him about CT. Among the editors and publishers represented in the correspondence file are James D. Douglas of The Christian (Folder 15-9), the editors of Christianity and Crisis and Commonweal (Folder 15-9), the editor of Harpers, Russell Hitt of Eternity (Folder 19-21), Martin Marty of The Christian Century (Folder 15-10), the editor of the New York Times, Ben Patterson and Denny Rydberg of the Wittenburg Door (Folder 20-43), Carol Saia of Incite, William H. Powell of The Southern Baptist Journal, G.A. Taylor of The Southern Presbyterian Journal, and Jim Wallis of Sojourners.

    Possibly half of Lindsell's files consist of letters from readers writing him to praise or criticize articles in CT or editorial positions taken by the magazine. Some of the topics covered by these letters and Lindsell's replies include the ethics of genetic counseling, the theory of evolution, divisions within the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, gay liberation, the church union plan of the Church of Christ, South African apartheid, the authority of Scripture, Pentecostal theology, vitamin B-17, the ordination of women, American polity toward Israel, the war in Vietnam, the American Scientific Affiliation's policy toward evolution ("K" file - Folder 19-25), Christian social involvement, the attitudes of the Evangelical Covenant Church and the Church of the Nazarene oward scriptural inerrancy, divorce, and the 1976 presidential election. Some interesting exchanges are those with John Stam of the Latin American Biblical Seminary on the theology of liberation, with Lee M. Nash on Kenneth Scott Latourette, with Mrs. Clarence Nystrom on the reaction of high school students to the church, with Oral Roberts about the magazine's attitude toward speaking in tongues, with Israeli consul Judith Beilen on CT's support for Israel bonds, with Rev. Richard R. Fernandez of Clergy and Laity Concerned on the morality of the Vietnam war, and with Michael Pragai, the Israeli advisor for Church relations in North America on Israel.

    Lindsell was a personal friend and close advisor to Billy Graham. The files of his correspondence with the evangelist (Folders 19-16,17) include speeches he wrote for him; planning for the 1974 Congress on Evangelism held in Lausanne, Switzerland; discussions of issues before the board of Gordon-Conwell Seminary in Wenham, Massachusetts; analysis of the activities of the World Evangelical Fellowship; and exchanges of opinion on CT's financial management, the World Council of Churches, the Vietnam war, the work done by the committee charged with the continuation of the work of the Lausanne Committee, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association affairs, and the Billy Graham Center. A few letters in other files concern Graham, such as those from John Pollock (Folder 20-27) gathering information for a biography he was writing on Graham and several from Blanche Quint (Folder 20-21) about what she felt was a slanted story about Graham read by television reporter John Chancellor on the evening news.

    Several letters and documents concern Lindsell's book The Battle for the Bible and specifically his statements in that volume that several evangelical institutions and schools were falling away from their original support of the doctrine of scriptural inerrancy. A few letters with Robert Devries (Folder 21-17) of Zondervan Publishing House (Lindsell's publisher) deal with the production of the book. Arthur Glasser wrote Lindsell about the criticism of Fuller Theological Seminary in the book (several letters from Wilbur Smith (Folder 21-6), although not about the book, also deal with the situation at Fuller. Smith also sent an interesting report on alleged disruptive activities of fundamentalist Carl McIntire in Pakistan). Other correspondents on the topic of inerrancy include Milton Engabretson, Tom Neese, and John Stam. Some material is also in the "M" file (Folders 19-33, 20-1).

    Lindsell's status as a national leader of evangelicals is documented by the letters showing his involvement in the management of several schools, institutions, and meetings. Lindsell's activity on the Board of Trustees of Gordon-Conwell Divinity School, Wheaton College, and Westmont College is illustrated by correspondence (in addition to those already mentioned in the "Graham" and "Pew" files) in the "A" (Folder 17-141), "C" (Folder 18-39), "J" (Folder 19-23), and "K" (Folders 19-24,25) files. One file also contains a set of minutes of a meeting of the steering committee of the American Sunday School Union, which Lindsell served on. He also served as an advisor to William Bright, founder and president of Campus Crusade for Christ and, as the file shows (Folder 18-40), helped revise that organization's statement of faith. Several exchanges of letters with Dennis Clark (Folder 18-51), international secretary of World Evangelism Fellowship, deal with the goals and purposes of WEF. Lindsell also corresponded with Stanley Mooneyham (Folder 20-10) about the work at World Vision International, with Theodore Elsner about the World Evangelism Foundation, and with J. Allen Peterson about his Continental Congress on the Family. Files "L" (Folder 19-28) and "S" (Folders 21-1,2) contain some letters dealing with Lindsell's work on the Lausanne Continuation Committee. The "N" file (Folders 20-15,16) has some of the minutes and papers of the National Council of Churches Faith and Order Committee, which worked on "a reappraisal of assumptions, goals and means in the ecumenical movement and the projection of new strategies...". Lindsell attended some of their meetings. He also attended the World Council of Churches 1973 Bangkok Assembly and the "B" file (Folders 18-10,11) contains some of his reactions to that meeting.

    There are several miscellaneous items which one way or another wound up in Lindsell's correspondence file and are of interest. Among them are: A letter from Lindsell to Margaret J. Anderson (in the "A" file - Folder 17-141) giving a little of Lindsell's autobiography; a pamphlet (in the "B" file - Folders 18-10,11) containing a transcript of a debate between Rev. William Banowsky and the religion editor of Playboy magazine on the Playboy philosophy; a sermon given by T. Eugene Coffin at the Nixon White House ("C" file - Folder 18-39); a pamphlet titled Watershed at the Rivergate on the divisions within the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod; and (in the "N" file - Folders 20-15,16) some handouts from the New York Bible Society on the New International translation of the Bible.

    Other correspondents not mentioned above include Gleason Archer (Folder 18-7), Kenneth Chafin (Folder 18-47), Russell Chandler (Folder 18-49), Robert Cook, Edward Corey, Arthur DeMoss, Ted Engstrom, Charles Farrah, Leighton Ford, Claude Frazier, Calvin Geary, Virgil Gerber, Kenneth Gieser, Edward Graffam, Worth C. Grant, Vernon Grounds, Stuart Hackett, Steven L. Halleck, Richard Halverson, J. Lester Harnish, James Hedstrom, Lyle Hillegas, Thomas Howard, Roger Hull Jr., Morris Inch, Jerry Jenkins, Keith Jessen, Torrey Johnson, Rufus Jones, Lloyd Kalland, Gladys Kamm, Kenneth Kantzer, Louis L. King, Peter Kladder, Gunther Knoedler, James Kraakevik, George Ladd, Alfred Larson, Lyle Larsen, Edward Loucks, Carl Lundquist, Donald MacNain, Jack McAlister, Robert Metcalf, George Miles, Alfred Montapert, Harold John Ockenga (Folders 16-17, 20-20), Lloyd Ogilvie, Stephen Olford, Raymond Ortlund, John Perkins (Folder 20-22), David Preus, Robert Preus (Folder 20-28), Bernard Ramm (Folders 16-12, 20-30), Paul Rees (Folders 16-13, 20-33), W. Stanford Reid (Folders 16-14, 20-35), William Seine, Norman Rohrer, William Samarin (Folder 21-3), Edith Schaeffer, Noble Scroggins, Richard Seine, Dennis Shoemaker, Dennis L. Smith, Wilbur Smith (Folders 16-20, 21-6), Merold Setphal., and C. Stacey Woods. For those files not specified by number, researchers should consult the appropriate general letter file in the Container List.

    Harold Lindsell contributed additional material (boxes 22 to 25), which as part of the editor's correspondence subseries is similar to material described above. Contacts with editors and publishers of journals and books include correspondents such as Zondervan Publishing House, publisher of Lindsell's book Battle for the Bible (Folder 25-41); Word Books, publisher of The Church's Worldwide Mission (edited by Lindsell) (Folder 25-33); Tyndale House, which sent a letter outlining a proposal for Lindsell to prepare study helps for The Living Bible (Folders 25-14,15); Wayne Ward, editor of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's Review and Expositor (Folder 24-41); Thomas Nelson, Inc. (Folder 24-16), for whom Lindsell was a reviewer; Moody Monthly (Folder 24-10) which includes a galley of Donald Hoke's The Church in Asia, chapter 1; Harper and Row Publishers (Folder 23-22); William B. Eerdman's Publishing Co. (Folder 22-31); and Baker Book House, publisher of Lindsell's book When You Pray (folder 22-9).

    Readers comments regarding issues mentioned in CT or thoughts on possible topics are also contained in several files. Correspondence deals with many issues, such as abortion, homosexuality, inerrancy, Watergate, China, Vietnam, speaking in tongues, and Israel. Noteworthy materials include Folder 24-39 which contains reader responses to comments made by President Jimmy Carter and reported by the Washington Post; correspondence with Bob Jones (Folder 23-30) regarding articles in CT and possible interviews for the magazine; a file (Folder 22-22) of letters to and from various congressmen regarding the Tax Reform Act of 1969; an open letter (Folder 23-8) signed by several Fuller Seminary students addressed to Lindsell regarding the editor's position on Fuller faculty's view on scriptural inerrancy; and extensive correspondence (Folders 23-5,6) between Dr. Claude Frazier and Lindsell sharing ideas and comments on subjects such as medical advertisements, medical ethics, genetic engineering, Patty Hearst, drug therapy, Christian charity, charismatics, smoking, and child abuse.

    Billy Graham's respect for Lindsell's advice and counsel is illustrated in the files of correspondence between the two men (Folders 23-16,17). Included in the materials is Graham's 1973 New Year's Eve speech which Lindsell helped edit; the text to Graham's remarks to the Lausanne Planning Committee in December, 1972; letters regarding CT and the change of leadership; information on the Graham crusade in South Bend, Indiana; comments on Graham's manuscript on the Holy Spirit; Graham's press release of March 12, 1968; information regarding charges made in 1977 that the BGEA had a "secret" fund; and a CT published statement from a Graham interview about the World Evangelism and Christian Education Fund. There is also correspondence in this collection between Lindsell and Ruth Bell Graham and between Lindsell (Folder 23-18) and various members of the BGEA.

    Lindsell's involvement in other Christian organizations is documented by materials about Campus Crusade (Folder 22-16) under the leadership of Bill Bright; Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Folder 22-4); Conference on Faith and History (Folder 22-20); Congress on the Laity (Folder 22-21); Continental Congress on the Family (Folder 22-23); Evangelical Theological Society (Folder 22-35); Pat Robertson and the 700 Club; Jerry Falwell's ministry at Liberty Baptist College (Folder 23-4); Bill Gothard and his seminar ministry (Folder 23-15); Intercessors for America; Layman's Leadership Institute (Folder 23-27); Luther Rice Seminary in Jacksonville, Florida (Folder 24-4); National Religious Broadcasters (Folder 24-15); Underground Evangelism (Folder 25-18); World Home Bible League (Folder 25-34); and Southern Baptists for Bible Translation.

    Other notable correspondents in Lindsell's files (boxes 22 to 25) include the following: Dr. Hudson T. Armerding; Dr. Ben Armstrong; Dr. Nathan Bailey; Dr. Clarence B. Bass; Dr. Joseph Bayley; Dr. R. Clayton Bell; Dr. David Breeze; Dr. Edgar C. Bundy; David Curley, Richard Curley; Horace F. Dean; Jerome De Jong; Rev. John DeVries; Roger L. Dewey; Rev. Mary Alice Dougherty; Dr. J. D. Douglas; Rev. Homer Duncan; Millard J. Erickson; Dr. Milton C. Fisher; Leighton Ford; Edwin "Jack" Frizen, Jr.; David Otis Fuller; Dr. Norman L. Geisler; Rev. Worth C. Grant; Jay Grimstead; Dr. Vernon C. Grounds; Senator Mark Hatfield; Carl F. H. Henry; Gunnar Hogland; Donald Hoke; Joseph Hopkins; David A. Hubbard; H. L. Hunt; W. Maxey Jarman; Kenneth Kantzer; Dr. W. Nigel Kerr; David E. Kucharsky; Gordon Landreth; Dr. Carl R. Lundquist; Arthur Matthews; Dr. Billy A. Melvin; Belden Menkus; Dr. T. Franklin Miller; Dr. Victor B. Nelson; Dr. Curtis R. Nims; Arthur N. Norris; Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie; Dick Ostling; Roger Palms; Jonathan G. Pew; Ed Plowman; Oral Roberts; Walter Smyth; Rev. Dr. Eugene L. Stowe; Rev. Thomas Sullivan; Dr. Paul E. Toms; Rev. Harold Van Broekhoven; Dr. W. K. Warner; George Wilson; T. W. Wilson; Gordon Winder; Ralph Winter; and Robert Witty. Researchers should consult the Container List for either the folder number of the individual or appropriate general folder for their last name.

    A third deposit of the records (box 26) of editor Harold Lindsell reflect much of the day-to-day exchanges with potential contributors to the magazine and responses to readers' requests and comments. All files contain general correspondence except those designated exclusively for Leighton Ford (folder 26-4), Carl Henry (Folder 26-6), and Maxey Jarman (Folder 26-10). Issues discussed in these files include homosexuality, inerrancy of Scripture, abortion, celebration of the Sabbath, speaking in tongues, and politics. Political discussion focused on the 1976 presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, while Lindsell's own book, The Battle for the Bible, was the main topic for the inerrancy interchanges. Prominent correspondents include the following: David Otis Fuller; Hershel H. Hobbs; Donald Hoke; Torrey Johnson; J. Herbert Kane; Billy A. Melvin; Harold J. Ockenga; Francis A. Schaeffer; George Wilson; Ralph Winter; and Jack Wyrtzen. As with previous editor's subseries, researchers should consult the appropriate general letter file for each correspondent.

    The files of the managing editor (Folders 3-17,18,19; 4-1 through 6), James DeForest Murch, especially relate to the Congregational Church merger and the policy of the National Council of Churches toward religious education in public schools. The files on the merger (Folders 3-17,18,19) contain tracts, press releases, and pamphlets on the move as well as letters from advocates of the union, such as Henry David Gray, John T.\C. Green, James C. Ingebretsen, Henri F.M. Poe, Joseph Russell, and Kendall B. Shaffner. The files also contain an article Murch wrote on the merger. The files on the National Council of Churches (Folders 4-3,4), besides relating to religious education, also contain publications dealing with religious broadcasting and recognition of Red China. There is also one file of correspondence (Folder 4-6) Murch wrote in his capacity as president of National Religious Broadcasters, Inc.

    The correspondence of the news editor (Folders 4-7 through 5-10) consists mainly of letters between him and Christianity Today's news correspondents. These were usually men and women who, on a part-time basis, reported to CT on interesting events and people in their locality. Many of these reports contain interesting information on local conditions, such as the reports of Dale Hendersen from Vietnam (Folder 4-16), Don Ordell from Israel (Folder 4-21), or Abe Van Der Puy from Latin America (Folder 5-6). (This last correspondence especially deals with Elizabeth Elliot's mission to the Auca Indians). The news editor was also in frequent correspondence with members of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, such as Russ Busby (Folder 4-8), Willis Haymaker (Folder 4-15), Stan Mooneyham (Folder 4-19), Walter Smyth (Folder 4-27), T.W. Wilson (Folder 5-8), and Larry Zavitz (Folder 5-10).

    Of special interest and importance among the news editor's correspondence are the letters relating to the theological symposium CT published every year (Folders 4-32 to 55). The news editor would select some pertinent question and send it to prominent Christian leaders and thinkers to elicit a short (fifty-word) response. These files contain replies from Karl Barth, John C. Bennett, G.C. Berkower, F.F. Bruce, Emil Brunner, G.H. Brillenburg-Wurth, Emile Cailliet, Gordon H. Clark, Fred Pierce, Norman C. Hunt, Paul K. Jewett, Clyde Kilby, Harold B. Kuhn, C.S. Lewis, Reinhold Niebuhr, Reuben H. Mueller, Bill Moyers, Addison Leitch, James P. Marton, Leon Morris, Norman Vincent Peale, Herman Sasse, Wilbur M. Smith, James S. Stewart, Merrill Tenney, and W.A Visser T'Hooft.

    Other correspondents to the news editor include Hudson Armerding, Mark Hatfield (Folder 4-14), James L. Johnson (Folder 4-17), Harold Ockenga (Folder 4-20), Playboy magazine, Oral Roberts (Folder 4-26), G. Aiken Taylor (Folder 4-29), Clyde Taylor (Folder 4-30), Corrie ten Boom (Folder 4-31), and Sherwood Wirt (Folder 5-9). Some of David E. Kucharsky's early correspondence, including material on the persecution of Patists in the Soviet Union, can be found in Folder 56-11.

    During the meeting of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization held in Lausanne, Switzerland, a continuation committee was established to implement the goals of the meeting. Editor Harold Lindsell was a member of that committee and the CT collection has several files (Folders 21-19 to 21-22) dealing with the work of the committee. The correspondence file (Folder 21-19) contains letters from Congress leaders A. Jack Dain, Leighton Ford, Donald Hoke, Paul Little, and others. Areas covered in the file include reactions of church leaders to the Lausanne Congress, discussions of what the task of the continuation committee should be or even if there should be a committee, who should be represented on the committee, arrangements for the committee meetings held in Honolulu (October, 1974) and Mexico City (January, 1975), and the appointment of Gottfried Osei-Mensah as the executive secretary of the committee. The reports file (Folder 21-22) contains: several final summaries from the staff of the Congress including the director, the program director, the travel director, the hospitality director, and the communications director; the results of a questionnaire given to Congress participants asking about what kind of follow-up they would like to see; statistics on attendance; and recommendations for future congresses. The minutes file (Folder 21-20) contain the records of the July planning meeting and the Mexico City meeting. The miscellaneous file (folder 21-21) has copies of the Lausanne covenant, biographies of speakers at the Congress, and lists of evangelical leaders in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania.

    In 1975 the World Council of Churches held its assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. Editor Lindsell attended as a correspondent for CT. The CT collection contains several documents (Folders 21-34 to 21-41) from the assembly, including publications on the church in Hungary, on the Orthodox Church, and papers on the Assembly's theme, "Jesus Frees and Unites." Also in the files are partial sets of papers presented at sessions, press releases, and news clippings from African papers about the assembly. The miscellaneous folder contains information on the persecution of Christians in Communist countries.

    Of special interest are the several scrapbooks of clippings (Folders 14-1,2; 9-1 to 9-5; 101 to 106; 11-1 to 11-5; 12-1 to 12-6; 13-2) dating back to the magazine's founding and the audio tapes in this series. The scrapbooks contain clippings published in other magazines about CT or about articles it published. There is also one scrapbook each of clippings on the World Congress on Evangelism (folder 14-3), verification of the accuracy of the Bible (Folder 13-1), and the death of executive editor L. Nelson Bell (Folder 13-3).

    The audio tapes described below in the Location Record, are a varied assortment. Some are recordings of interviews later published in CT. Others are of meetings or speeches the editors were considering for publication. Some are of meetings at which CT staff people were involved. Included in these recordings are a speech by Billy Graham to the National Press Club in Washington, DC (T25); discussions on psychotherapy and spiritual values (T11); Christian education (T17,T21) on a secular campus; Paul Tournier's theories (T28,T29); an autobiographical sketch by the historian Kenneth Scott Latourette (T8); and an interview with a Soviet defector, nuclear scientist B.P. Dotsenko (T30,T31,T32).

    CTI Administration

    Arrangement: President's files are listed first, followed by the files of other senior officers of the corporation in alphabetical order by their title. Other files follow in alphabetical order.

    Date Range: 1951-1994; most of the material is from 1980-1993

    Volume: 7.5 linear feet

    Boxes: 27-41

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence, inter-office memos, reports, copyright registration forms

    Correspondents: Most letters and memos are from or to the CTI's president, CEO and executive vice president, business manger and senior vice-president. There is much correspondence for Harold Myra, Paul Robbins, Keith Stonehocker, and Scott Bolinder. Other CTI staff include Gil Beers, Kenneth Kantzer, Terry Muck, David Neff. Other correspondents include CTI board members such as B. Clayton Bell, L. Nelson Bell, John Bolton Sr., J. Duncan Brown, Francis A. Coy, Fred Russel Eesty, Jr., J. Wayte Fulton, Billy Graham, J. Peter Hammond, Hershel Hobb, Maxey Jarman, Harold Lindsell, Theo Moll, Harold J. Ockenga, J. Howard Pew, Paul Rees, W. Fred Smith, Sr., Cary Weisiner III, Howard S. Williams and George M. Wilson. There are too many other correspondents from Protestant Evangelical ministries and organizations to list more than a small sample: Glen Arnold, Larry Ballenger, James Boice, Harold O. J. Brown, Glandion Carney, Joel Carpenter, Charles Colson, Clyde Cook, John Dillon, James Dobson, Ted Engstrom, Leighton Ford, Paul Fromer, Richard Halverson, Nathan Hatch, James Hefley, Carl Henry, David Hubbard, Sterling Houston, Bill Hybels, Arthur P. Johnston, Jerry R. Kirk, David E. Kucharsky, Gordon Loux, David McKenna, Calvin Miller, Keith Miller, Mark Noll, H. Wilbert Norton, Henri Nouwen, Victor Oliver, J.I. Packer, Luis Palau, William J. Petersen, Wesley Pippert, James Reapsome, Russ Reid, Robert Schuller, Robert Seiple, Ron Sider, Walter Smyth, Sam Sorrell, Tim Stafford, Chuck Stairs, Ray C. Stedman, Charles Swindoll, Kenneth Taylor, editors of Tyndale House Publishers, editors of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Jack Van Impe, Ralph Veerman, James Wallis, Walter Wangerin Jr., Sherwood E. Wirt, Richard Wynn, Jack Wyrtzen, Philip Yancey, various officers of Youth for Christ, Billy Zeoli, Thomas Zimmerman, and editors of Zondervan Publishing House.

    Subjects: Management and editorial policy of the publications of CTI, Protestant Evangelicalism in the United States. application of Christian belief to the social, political and economic issues in American culture

    Notes: The materials in this series consist of documents relating to the whole company, as opposed to one particular magazine. It contains the correspondence of officers of the company, memos to staff, contracts and agreement, copyright registrations, primarily for issues of Christianity Today.

    The correspondence of the president in boxes 27-35 and the CEO in boxes 36-38 deals mainly with contacts with other Evangelical Protestant ministries and publishers and discussions about possible CTI publications or projects. Almost all of these letters are to and from non-staff members, although there are many files of correspondence with CTI board members and Folders 35-9 and 38-5 contain memos to staff. Except for the last mentioned folder, there is relatively little on the day-to-day operations of the magazine. Scott Bolinder's correspondence in Folders 38-8,9, is more concerned with actual CTI products, especially those relating to Campus Life.

    The actual operations of the company, particularly those concerning advertising, circulation and marketing, are documented in the business manger's memos in Folder 38-6 and the quarterly reports in boxes 40 and 41. The reports are from various senior staff members on the accomplishments of their departments over a three month period and future goals. They include reports to the senior vice president, as well as his report for the company to the CEO. Frequent themes are: editorial policy and tone, reader response and research, circulation, production, operations. Box 39 contains the copyright certificates for most issues of CT magazine during its first two decades of existence. Folder 40-1 contains similar certificates for Youth for Christ Magazine and other YFC publications. CTI did not publish these, but it did acquire Campus Life from YFC in 1982 and probably also acquired these certificates at that time. For the same reason, probably, there are reports on the circulation, advertising and other statistics of YFC Magazine and Campus Life in Folder 41-3.

    Individual Publications


  • Christianity Today
  • Campus Life
  • Leadership
  • Leadership 100
  • Partnership
  • Preaching Today
  • Your Church

    Arrangement: Christianity Today subseries is alphabetical by folder title, all others are chronological, then alphabetical.

    Date Range: 1961, 1973-1994

    Volume: 29.0 linear feet

    Boxes: 42-99

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Subjects: Management of CTI magazines, interaction of Protestant Evangelicalism with the larger culture, the needs and interests of pastors and their families, the dynamics of Christian congregations

    Notes: This subseries contains the files of several of CTI's individual publications. There are a substantial amount of records for Christianity Today and Leadership, much less for the others. Staff often were involved in several publications and this is reflected in the documents.
  • Subseries: Christianity Today

    Arrangement: Files are in alphabetical order by title. The titles are those of the original folders, although in the case of the folders for Managing Editor, most of the correspondence is in fact for other staff members, such as the editor. There are folders for the following staff: administrative editor, art editor, assistant editor, associate editor, assistant editor, book editor, editor, editor-at-large, editorial administrator, editorial coordinator, executive editor, institute editor, managing editor, national editor, news editor, senior associate editor, Washington correspondent

    Date Range: 1961, 1975-1977, 1984-1992

    Volume: 18.5 linear feet

    Boxes: 27-63

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence and memos

    Correspondents: Staff: Rodney Clapp, Lyn Cryderman, Harry Genet, Timothy K. Jones, Kenneth Kantzer, Leslie Keylock, Kim Laton, Tom Minnery, Terry Muck, David Neff, Edward Plowman, James Reapsome, David Singer, Ken Sidey, Harold Smith, Carol Thiessen, Donald Tinder, Marty L. White, Philip Yancey

    Many of the other correspondents are authors or would-be authors. In most cases, the letters are fairly brief. Some letters can probably be found to or from most significant American Evangelical Protestant authors or leaders. Here is a small, unscientific sample of some of the nonstaff correspondents: John Akers, Robert Bowman, G.W. Bromiley, Harold Fickett, Leighton Ford, Paul Fromer, Carl Henry (especially Folder 51-3), David Hubbard, Kenneth Kantzer, Mark Noll, J.I. Packer, Fleming Rutledge, Donald Smarto, John Stott, Daniel Van Ness, Grant Wacker, David Wells

    Subjects: This collection contains information on two main topics: Development of CT magazine; Protestant evangelism in contemporary America. A wide range of topics are lightly touched on in these letters and to find information on these topics the researcher will have to browse through correspondence files in many boxes. Here are some example of topics: abortion, AIDS, apartheid in South Africa, birth control, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, business ethics, career choices, Christian radio, Christian poetry, crime, Christianity in China, death penalty, Emily Dickinson, drunkenness as a sin, Charles Finney, genetic engineering, hermeneutics, Israel, lifestyles, image of missionaries in popular fiction, contemporary American Pentecostalism, Evangelicals in politics, medical ethics, prison ministry, racism, religious liberty, Seventh-Day Adventism, sexual ethics, spouse abuse, televangelists, theology of suicide, role of women in the church.

    Notes: Materials in this series deal mainly with the editorial work of the staff of CT magazine: correspondence with authors and potential authors, discussions among staff about possible articles and about themes that should be reflected in the magazine, and letters responding to comments from readers. The letters to authors are generally pretty brief, either containing comments about a particular article or the approach to a theme for an article. Most of the files contain letters, but there are also many interoffice memos, especially in Folders 43-4, 45-5, 45-6, 48-3, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, 55-4, 56-6, 56-7, 56-9, 63-5.

    The letters from readers in boxes 59-61 contain comments from a wide range of people representing many different religious, intellectual, and cultural backgrounds to articles and reviews that appeared in the magazine. Any researcher looking for information on, for example, attitudes toward abortion, would probably find more material here than in the letters of the editorial staff to authors, since these latter, while they might touch on the subject of the article, usually are more concerned with presentation than content.

    Exceptional items: There are very few actual manuscripts in this series. However, Folder 43-1 contains a very interesting 1984 transcript of an interview of missionaries John and Doris Stam about Latin America theological trends; Folders 45-9 and 46-1 contain material about Marshall Frady's biography of Billy Graham, including Frady's reaction to the review of his book in CT; Folder 46-3 has a transcript of a 1977 appearance by Ruth Carter Stapleton on National Town Meeting to talk about her faith and her healing ministry; Folder 52-3 xerox of a 1799 Harvard commencement address by Rev. Joseph Willard.

    Subseries: Campus Life

    Arrangement: Chronological, alphabetical

    Date Range: 1973-1985

    Volume: .2 linear feet

    Boxes: 64

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence

    Correspondents: Scott Bolinder, Steve Lawhead, Gregg Lewis, Philip Yancey

    Subjects: Management of Campus Life magazine; Christian ministry to and interests of American teenagers

    Notes: The correspondence in this series is mostly from the period just before Campus Life was acquired by CTI from Youth for Christ. It deals somewhat with the magazine's financial crisis, but mostly with editorial concerns - possible articles, working with authors, responding to readers about magazine content. There are many brief references to issues of concern to contemporary American teenagers. Folder 64-1 contains correspondence about the Book of the Year. Each year the magazine polled its young subscribers about the Christian books they were reading and then gave awards to the publishing houses that had published the favorites. Folder 64-7 contains correspondence of the editor after the CTI acquisition. These letters mainly deal with ideas for direct marketing the magazine and otherwise increasing its number of subscribers. There are also some letters on the anticipated market for the magazine and the type of articles it should include (see also Folders 38-8 and 38-9).

    Subseries: Leadership

    Arrangement: Chronological; all staff correspondence for a year is together.

    Date Range: 1980-1994

    Volume: 11.0 linear feet

    Boxes: 64-85

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, manuscript evaluations

    Correspondents: Significant staff correspondents include James D. Berkley, Craig Brian Larson, Kevin A. Miller, Terry Muck, Dean Merrill, Bonnie Rice, Paul Robbins, Marshall Shelley. The letters in the series are mainly to and from American Protestant clergy and lay Christian workers who were the magazine's readers and/or authors.

    Subjects: Management of Leadership and of the institute for clergy sponsored by the magazine, the concerns and experience of American Protestant ministers, especially those serving as pastors.

    Notes: The correspondence reflects the emphasis of the magazine, which was the discussion of issues related to practical ministry, such as worship, ministry to youth, ministry to transients, church renewal, unity, use of volunteers, prayer life, addiction, resolving church conflicts, decision making, ministry to an aging congregation, children's sermons, church finances, local evangelism, etc. There are also a few letters dealing with other projects of the magazine, such as an institute to discuss topics of interest to clergy for possible inclusion in the magazine and Leadership Library, books recommended by the magazine for pastors. Folders 84-1,2 contain correspondence with author's and staff about the publication of Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, volumes of collected articles about everyday situations and problems that pastors face. The magazine also encouraged pastors to send in sermon illustration material for publication and some examples of these can be found in Folder 84-3.

    Boxes 81-85 include correspondence and forms for evaluating manuscripts submitted to the magazine. There are also a few query letters, asking about article ideas. The evaluation forms contain the comments of various editors on the article. In some cases there is also attached correspondence with the author. Almost all of the evaluations recommend not accepting the manuscript or waiting for one reason or another. A few forms have the actual article manuscripts are attached.

    Subseries: Leadership 100

    Arrangement: Alphabetical

    Date Range: 1982-1983

    Volume: 1.5 linear feet

    Boxes: 86-88

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence

    Correspondents: Staff -- Dean Merrill, Marshall Shelley

    Subjects: Management of the newsletter, church management

    Notes: Leadership 100 was a newsletter which briefly described ideas that pastors had found helpful in their lives of their individual churches. CTI sold the newsletter in 1983 to David C. Cook Company, which continued it under the name Innovations. The correspondence in this series is from the editors to authors or potential authors about their contribution. In some cases the manuscripts, which are usually very brief, are also attached to the correspondence.

    Subseries: Partnership

    Arrangement: Chronological, then alphabetical

    Date Range: 1983-1986

    Volume: 4.0 linear feet

    Boxes: 89-96

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence, a few memos, article manuscripts, and staff evaluations of manuscripts

    Correspondents: Staff: Terry Muck, Harold Myra, LaVonne Neff, Bonnie Rice, Ruth Sentor

    Authors: Jill Briscoe, Ann Elver, Colleen Townsend Evans, Joyce Landorf, Diane Langberg, Gail MacDonald, Mary Stewart van Leeuwen

    Subjects: The launching and development of Partnership; the interests, obligations, challenges and difficulties of pastor's wives.

    Notes: The collection consists almost entirely of correspondence between magazine staff and authors about possible articles for the magazine. There are also some letters from readers, discussing their own experiences as pastors' wives. The correspondence in boxes 89-91 is from the period before the first issue was published and contains a good deal of information on the plans and expectations of the publication. Among the many possible topics for articles discussed in the correspondence are: being a preacher's kid, changing churches, coping with a very small church, loneliness, cross cultural marriages, Christmas celebrations, hospitality, recovering from affairs, aids to spiritual growth, stress, quitting the ministry, congregational life, counseling victims of sexual abuse, clergy burnout, finding God's guidance.

    Subseries: Preaching Today

    Arrangement: Chronological, alphabetical

    Date Range: 1983-1993

    Volume: .75 linear feet

    Boxes: 97-98

    Geographic coverage: United States and Canada

    Type of documents: Correspondence

    Correspondents: Staff: Jim Berkley, Mark Galli, Marshall Shelley, Keith Stonehocker

    Others: Lane Adams, Myron Augsburger, Paul Cedar, Charles Colson, Anthony Evans, O. J. Hoffman, Donald Hoke, John Huffman Jr., D. James Kennedy, Bruce Larson, Ray Ortlund, Franklin Pollard, Ray Stedman, Ross Rhoads, Marguerite Shuster, Lewis Smedes, R.C. Sproul, John Stott, Joni Tada, and Bruce Thielemann

    Subjects: Sermons to appear in the Preaching Today series

    Notes: Preaching Today was a monthly audio cassette series. The tapes subscribers received usually contained two sermons that the staff considered good examples and an interview with an experienced preacher on some aspect of preaching. The paper records in this series consist almost entirely with correspondence with various preachers in the United States and Canada about the possibility of using one of their sermons as part of the series. Examples of materials intended for the series and actually used in the series form 1983 through 2002 can be found on audio tapes T34-T50, T55-T81.

    Exceptional items: Copy of Chuck Colson's 1985 Taylor University commencement address in Folder 97-1; John Huffman's booklet on the biblical view of homosexuality in Folder 97-2; Jack Hayford's sermon on the integrity of the heart in Folder 97-2, sermon by Lewis Smedes on the road to integrity in Folder 97-5.

    Subseries: Your Church

    Arrangement: Chronological, alphabetical

    Date Range: 1992-1993

    Volume: .5 linear feet

    Boxes: 98-99

    Geographic coverage: United States

    Type of documents: Correspondence, memos

    Correspondents: James Berkley

    Subjects: Development of the magazine, topics important for church management

    Notes: Your Church was intended for pastors and was concerned with issues arising out of the financial and business aspects of Church management. The documents in the file consist of correspondence with authors about possible articles, and a few other items on the purpose and development of the magazine.


    The major part of the collection was created and maintained by the officers and staff of Christianity Today, International, until they were donated to the Billy Graham Center Archives, 1975-1997. A portion of these records were given to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association by Christianity Today International, which were later sent to the Billy Graham Center Archives by the BGEA in September 1975. Other files were donated by Harold Lindsell in 1980. The balance of the material in the collection came directly from CTI in donations made between 1977 and 1997. Artifacts received with this accession were transferred to the BGC Museum.

    Accruals and Additions

    Accessions 75-10, 77-11, 77-12, 77-13, 77-16, 77-24, 78-16, 78-37, 79-2, 80-49

  • November 30, 1975
  • Robert Shuster
  • S. Short

    November 10, 1977, revised

    March 16, 1978, revised

    June 22, 1978, revised
  • Abraham Labiano
  • L. Stockton

    September 20, 1979, revised
  • Mary Ann Buffington
  • G. Gallup

    June 3, 1980, revised
  • Mary Ann Buffington
  • S. Kouns

    May 30, 1989, retyped
  • J. Nasgowitz

    July 11, 1991, revised
  • Paul Ericksen
  • Lisa Ferguson

    Accessions 84-48, 85-103, 87-9, 87-27, 87-90, 87-124, 88-105, 89-80, 90-10, 91-36, 93-94, 93 123, 94-41, 95-133, 96-3, 97-4
  • May 27, 2003, Updated
  • Robert Shuster
  • Jeff Arney

    March 2, 2010, Updated
  • Bob Shuster
  • C. Ndethiu
  • Title
    Collection 8, Christianity Today Records
    Robert Shuster
    Description rules
    Describing Archives: A Content Standard
    Language of description
    Script of description
    Roman Script
    Language of description note

    Repository Details

    Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository

    501 College Avenue
    Wheaton IL 60187 US