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Church and social problems.

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 47 Collections and/or Records:

Alan Travers Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 190
Scope and Contents Oral History interviews with Alan Travers in which he discuess his work with Trans World Radio from 1959 to 1981, and the use of radio in missionary work. Topics discussed include: the history of TWR; technical and administrative details and policy of the organization; it's broadcasting and programming philosophy, finances, effectiveness and TWR's founder, Paul Freed; the locations of its stations throughout the world; how the staff members function in the stations and relate to the...
Dates: Created: 1959-1981

Arthur J. Ammann Papers

 Collection — xAccession 2015-0044
Identifier: SC-224
Scope and Contents Dr. Arthur Ammann ’58 was a zoology major at Wheaton. He is a pediatric immunologist who has done extensive research in pediatrics and HIV/AIDS in children and who, in 1982, first described two of the three known means of HIV transmission—mothers to infants and through blood transfusions. He also diagnosed the first children with HIV infection. Dr. Ammann is Founder of Global Strategies, a non‐profit organization dedicated to responding to the health needs of disadvantaged women and child by...
Dates: Created: 1952-2014; Other: Date acquired: 05/20/2015

C. Peter Wagner papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box 1
Identifier: 1990-043
Dates: 1982-1985

C. René Padilla Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 361
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with René Padilla, in which he discusses his childhood, family, evangelism in Colombia and Ecuador, persecution by Catholics in Colombia, his education at Wheaton College, work among university students with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Latin America, evangelical theological education and liberation theology, the 1974 Lausanne Congress and covenant, the ministry of his church in Buenos Aires among drug addicts and slum dwellers, and the...
Dates: Created: 1987

Charles H. Troutman, Jr. Papers

Identifier: CN 111
Scope and Contents Correspondence, minutes, reports, manuals, and other records documenting Charles Troutman's career in Christian ministry among university students, first with Inter-Varsity in the United States and Australia and then with Latin America Mission. This collection also contains a great deal of information on evangelical Christianity in the United States, Australia and Latin America; Troutman's letters from his service in the Pacific in World War II; and reports and other information relative to...
Dates: Created: 1924-1992

Charles P. Wagner Papers

Identifier: CN 358
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, minutes, reports, promotional materials, news releases, clippings, article and address manuscripts, photographs and negatives. The materials document Wagner's activities as a member of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and its Executive Committee; as chairperson of its Strategy Working Group; as co-editor of the annual books, UNREACHED PEOPLES '79, '80, and '81; as a missionary educator and theologian in South America; and his appointment to Fuller...
Dates: Created: 1965-1987

Christians for Social Action Records

Identifier: CN 037
Scope and Contents

Collection correspondence, press releases and clippings, lists, minutes, reports, proposals, conference declaration, and financial records, chiefly from workshops sponsored by the Christians for Social Action, 1973-1976 (formerly Evangelicals for Social Action). The records in this collection deal mostly with the origins, agendas, and decisions of the 1973-1976 workshops along with some material which indicate the response to the workshop.

Dates: Created: 1965-1976

C.J. Jones Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 371
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Cornelius Jerome "C.J." Jones about his childhood, work with the civil rights movement, John Perkins and the Voice of Calvary, Dolphus Weary and The Mendenhall Ministries, his philosophy of ministry, the impact of TMM on the community, and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interview is 1944 to 1987.C. J. Jones was interviewed by Paul Ericksen on June 25, 1987, at the Mendenhall Ministries office in Mendenhall,...
Dates: Created: 1987

Collection 8: Christianity Today International Records

Identifier: CN 008
Brief Description Correspondence, memos, forms, financial reports, minutes of meetings, study papers, clippings and other records of the Evangelical Christian publishing organization. The records describe the founding of the organization to publish the magazine Christianity Today and its creation or acquisition of other publications such as Campus Life, Leadership, Leadership 100, Partnership, and Your Church. Besides material on the editing, publishing and distribution of these periodicals, the files also...
Dates: Created: Majority of material found within 1930, 1954-2002

Collection 307: Christian Films and Videos Collection

Identifier: CN 307
Scope and Contents Moving image recordings in this collection provide a representative sampling of post-war evangelical Christian film companies, and cover various topics such as dramatizations of stories from the life of Jesus and of the Apostle Paul, Christian lifestyle, church and social issues, communism, drug and alcohol abuse, evangelism, immigration, materialism, mass media in religion, meaning of life, missions, the natural world as a reflection of God, politics, refugees, relationships, rock and roll,...
Dates: Created: 1940-1986

Collection 614 Records of the Trinary Consultation

Identifier: CN 614
Scope and Contents

Papers, recordings of meeting sessions, planning materials and other documents from the Trinary Consultation, which examined how Christians in the late twentieth century should present the Christian gospel in large urban settings. The meeting was co-sponsored by Moody Bible Institute, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Wheaton College.

Dates: Created: 1985-1986

Collection 617 Oral History Interview with Soong-Chan Rah

Identifier: CN 617
Scope and Contents One oral history interview with Soong-Chan Rah in which he describes his family background, experiences as an immigrant to the United States in the early 1970s from South Korea, his spiritual development, experiences as a church-planter, and ministry with IVCF. Topics discussed include: parents’ influence; spiritual development; immigration to the United States at the age of six; conversion experience and church background; education at Columbia University; involvement in InterVarsity...
Dates: 2005

Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission Records

Identifier: CN 021
Scope and Contents Materials relating to the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission which was held on the Wheaton College campus in 1966 and was jointly sponsored by the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association. Audio tapes document various sessions of the Congress, including biblical expositions, study papers (on subjects like syncretism, church growth, cooperation, the Catholic Church and social issues), reports on missions on the world's...
Dates: Created: 1964-1967

David O. Moberg Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SC-065
Scope and Contents The David Moberg papers are organized into five major manuscript series: Biographical, Correspondence, Activities, Media and Secondary Publications. The largest portion of the collection is found in the Activities series which is divided into sub-series that straddle personal biographical and non-teaching professional and teaching files. These include: Officer Candidate School, Minnesota Boys Town, American Scientific Affiliation, Committee on Social Agencies of Welfare, St. Paul Conference...
Dates: Created: 1949-2017; Other: Majority of material found in 1955-1981; Other: Date acquired: 1994

Deborah J. Seymour Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 316
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Deborah J. Seymour in which she describes her childhood as a child of missionaries in Papua New Guinea and working as an English teacher in Honduras with World Gospel Mission and Churches of Christ in Christian Union from 1983 to 1985. Topics discussed include her parents' missionary work; her childhood as a missionary kid; New Guinea tribal culture; conversion to Christianity and spiritual life; call to the mission field; observations about Honduras,...
Dates: Created: 1985-1986

Diane W. Hawkins Papers

Identifier: CN 312
Scope and Contents Collection 312 consists of letters, oral history interviews, articles, minutes of meetings, reports and other relating to Diane Hawkins' missionary service in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) as well as the tapes of an oral history interview conducted several years later. Among the topics covered are: TEAM's evangelistic, and educational work in Rhodesia; the lifestyle, music, and beliefs of Shona people; the civil war between white government and the black nationalist guerrillas which raged while...
Dates: Created: 1970-1985

Dolphus Weary Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 373
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Dolphus Douglas Weary, in which he describes his childhood, education and religious training in rural Mississippi, conversion, leadership in Voice of Calvary Ministries and Mendenhall Ministries, impressions of John Perkins, and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interview is 1948-1987.

Dolphus Weary was interviewed by Paul A. Ericksen on June 25, 1987 at the Mendenhall Ministries headquarters in Mendenhall, Mississippi.

Dates: Created: 1987

Edward Dayton papers.

 Unprocessed Material — Box 1
Identifier: 1986-038
Dates: 1969-1984

Eleanor R. Elliott Papers

Identifier: CN 187
Scope and Contents Family correspondence, prayer letters, brochures, newspaper clippings, prayer cards and letters from other missionaries, photographs, slides, negatives, journals and diaries, and eight interviews concerning Elliott's childhood in China, mission work with China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship) in China and the Philippines, her experiences as an evangelist and teacher, her life in China during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945, and the civil war that followed. Her retirement...
Dates: Created: 1910-1988

Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies Records

Identifier: CN 165
Brief Description Executive Directors' (Clyde Taylor, Wade Coggins, Paul McKaughan) files of the EFMA. The association of denominational and nondenominational foreign missions boards began as a commission of the National Association of Evangelicals to serve common interests of members in government relations (domestic and foreign); use of communication channels; cooperative purchasing/travel; and relations between each other. The collection is subdivided into thirteen parts: 1. Correspondence and General...
Dates: Created: 1937-1996

Evangelical Missions Information Service Records

Identifier: CN 218
Scope and Contents Correspondence, press releases, minutes, financial statements, reports, and photographs documenting the activities of the Evangelical Mission Information Service (EMIS), the publications arm of both the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association. Activities documented include the publication of several mission periodicals, including Evangelical Missions Quarterly and Missionary News Service; organization of missionary conferences and...
Dates: Created: 1964-1981

Evangelicals for Social Action (ESA) records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box 6
Identifier: 1989-095
Dates: 1980-1987

Everett Mitchell Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 140
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Everett Mitchell (1898-1990) who as a teenager sang invitation songs at Billy Sunday evangelistic campaigns. Other topics discussed include: Mitchell's background, music and radio career, musical training, Billy and Helen Sunday, evangelistic work in Chicago, Gipsy Smith, Homer Rodeheaver, other evangelists, career as a war correspondent during the Korean War, religious use of radio, evangelistic rallies and crusade music. The time period covered by the intervew...
Dates: Created: 1989-1980

Fellowship Foundation Records

Identifier: CN 459
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, reference files, clippings, newsletters and other material related to the work of the Foundation (also known as International Christian leadership) which involved developing small group prayer fellowships, especially among government, business and academic leaders. There is a great deal of information on the United States and other countries. Also documented is the group's involvement in various community development, patriotic, and personal...
Dates: Created: 1937-1988, undated

Harold P. Adolph Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 169
Scope and Contents Oral History Interview with Harold Paul Adolph, in which he discusses his boyhood in China as the son of missionaries with China Inland Mission, conditions in China, his education at Wheaton College, medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, decision to become a missionary, and his ministry in Ethiopia as a medical missionary in African with Sudan Interior Mission; American missions in Ethiopia; family life on the mission field, and work with the Christian Medical Society. The...
Dates: Created: 1981

International Christian Broadcasters Records

Identifier: CN 086
Brief Description The collection contains correspondence, audiotapes, photographs, financial reports, slides, blueprints, and memos related to the activities of International Christian Broadcasting's (originally the World Conference on Mission Radio) work to promote interest in Christian broadcasting and to support and encourage Protestant Christian radio and television broadcasters, largely engaged in evangelism. Materials include data on the International Communications Congress in Tokyo (1970), Muslim...
Dates: Created: 1937-1978; Other: Majority of material found within 1954-1978

InterVarsity Press booklets.

 Unprocessed Material — Box 1
Identifier: 2022-051
Dates: 1949-1982

J. Herbert and Winnifred Kane Papers

Identifier: CN 182
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and curriculum material from James Herbert Kane and Winnifred Mary (Shepherd) Kane's missiology courses, and three oral history interviews. Materials document the Kanes' missionary work in China and Dr. Kane's teaching in the U.S.  Events described in the interviews cover the time period from 1932 to 1950.

Dates: Created: 1934-1987

Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth Papers

Identifier: CN 188
Scope and Contents Letters, diaries, book and article manuscripts, sermon manuscripts and photographs related to Goforth's evangelistic work as a Presbyterian missionary in China, Korea and Manchuria.Includes some papers of Goforth's wife, Rosalind; reports on fleeing the Boxer Rebellion; descriptions of famine relief, attitudes about growing theological liberalism in North America, and the process of raising a family on the mission field.  Persons featured include Feng Yu-hsiang, evangelist Paul...
Dates: Created: 1888-1981

L. Nelson Bell Papers

Identifier: CN 318
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, reports, and other documents related to the life and ministry of L. Nelson Bell, first as a medical missionary in China, then as doctor, editor, and lay leader in the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Among the topics covered by the material in the collection are missions in China in the twentieth century between the two world wars; the work of Bell's son-in-law, Billy Graham; the founding and development of Christianity Today and The...
Dates: 1923-1973

Lausanne Movement Records

Identifier: CN 046
Brief Description Correspondence, minutes, memos, reports, manuscripts of speeches, press releases, newsletters, staff manuals, audio and video tapes of sponsored events, photographs of events and personnel, and other administrative materials of the Lausanne Movement, originally called the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. The Committee grew out of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization. Its basic doctrinal statement was the Lausanne Covenant and it had the mission Ato encourage...
Dates: Created: 1949, 1969-2014

Lawrence Temfwe Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 549
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lawrence Temfwe in which he discusses his childhood and early manhood in Zambia, his prison term, conversion while in prison, and first steps in his Christian life, his education at the Theological College of Central Africa, his work with Prison Fellowship, the development and programs of Prison Fellowship in Zambia, his participation in the Billy Graham Association's Mission World, impressions of John Stott and Charles Colson, work as a Christian newspaper...
Dates: Created: 1997

Leonard H. F. Sumule Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 524
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Leonard Hendrik F. Sumule in which he describes his family, childhood in Indonesia, conversion and spiritual development, being a Christian in a predominantly Muslim nation, his experience at Wheaton College's Honey Rock Camp, comparison of Honey Rock with Christian camps in Indonesia, the 1995 revival at Wheaton College, his goals for ministry in Indonesia, involvement in youth ministry, camping and Christian education in the country, and education and church...
Dates: Created: 1996

Lue Shelby Oral History Interivew.

Identifier: CN 369
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Lue Shelby in which she describes her family background; Voice of Calvary Ministries; the health clinic started by VOC; health problems among the the low-income population in Jackson, MS; Bible study for patients and staff at the clinic; programs for educating the community in personal health care; racial conditions in Mississippi; and the VOC Fellowship Church. The time period covered by the interview is 1953-1987.Lue Shelby was interviewed by Paul...
Dates: Created: 1987 

Luis Palau Papers.

Identifier: CN 722
Brief Description Papers of Luis Palau, international Christian evangelist, including crusade-related materials, correspondence, the Luis Palau Association strategic planning documents and reports, and personal diaries. While the paper documents in the collection are subdivided into several subseries, almost all of them relate to Palau's crusades or other events as a Latin American evangelist, most after he established his own evangelistic ministry and association separate from Overseas Crusades in 1978; far...
Dates: 1947-2017

Marvin Olasky Papers

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-0012
Dates: ca. 1975-2020

Mission Narratives Collection

 Collection — Books
Identifier: SC-229
Scope and Contents

The contents of the Mission Narratives Collection may be searched in the library catalog using keyword: SC/229

Dates: Other: -

Mordecai Ham Collection

Identifier: CN 118
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence, oral history interviews, newspaper clippings, microfilm, periodicals, photographs, sermon transcripts and notebooks. It documents in a non-comprehensive way Ham’s preaching style, some of his evangelistic meetings; his campaigns against Roman Catholics, Jews, evolution, and for the prohibition of alcohol and the racial hierarchy in the American South. There is in particular a great deal of material about the 1934 meetings in Charlotte when Billy...
Dates: Created: 1875-1983; Majority of material found within 1915-1934

Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Evangelizacion (CLADE) Records

Identifier: CN 324
Scope and Contents Correspondence, reports, minutes, press releases, planning and financial records, and manuscripts of Congress presentations (primarily in Spanish). Files in this collection were those of Clyde Taylor, executive secretary of the Evangelical Foreign Mission Association at the time of the Congress. Items document early planning and securing subsidy funding from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, travel arrangements, and daily reports from the Congress. Texts of Congress messages by...
Dates: Created: 1951-1975; Other: Majority of material found in 1968-1970

Robert C. Van Kampen Papers

Identifier: CN 313
Scope and Contents Correspondence, minutes, reports, manuscripts, photographs, audio tapes, clippings, etc., related to Van Kampen's responsibilities on the Board of Directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as well as various board committees, the boards of BGEA subsidiaries or affiliated institutions (Billy Graham Benevolent Fund, Billy Graham Evangelistic Film Ministry, Inc., Billy Graham Evangelistic Trust, Billy Graham Foundation, Grason Company, World Evangelism and Christian Education Fund,...
Dates: Created: 1944-1982

Roger and Mary Howes Papers

Identifier: CN 562
Scope and Contents Address books, articles, autograph books, birthday book, correspondence, diaries, documents, journals, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, notebooks, photographs, prayer letters, scrapbooks, sermon notes, songbooks, and testimony which document the Howes' work as China Inland Mission (CIM) missionaries in China from 1925 through 1945, and their work at CIM (later Overseas Missionary Fellowship) office in Chicago and Headquarters in Philadelphia before they retired in 1965. Their correspondence...
Dates: Created: 1899-1993

Ruth M. Mellis Papers

Identifier: CN 363
Scope and Contents Correspondence, prayer letters, clippings, photographs, oral history interviews and audio tapes of missionary conference relating to the missionary career of Ruth M. Mellis. Materials document her work among orphans and students in Greece, the Greek Bible Institute, the Greek language, and Greater Europe Mission; oral history interviews describe her childhood, attendance at Wheaton College, work with Near East Relief in Siros, teaching public schools in the St. Louis area, teaching at the...
Dates: Created: 1928-1987

Shirlene Walker Philips Oral History Interview

Identifier: CN 365
Scope and Contents

Oral history interview with Shirlene Walker Phillips in which she discusses her childhood, education, hospital and clinic work, her work with Dolphus Weary and Voice of Calvary Ministries, and racial conditions in Mississippi, especially Mendenhall. The time period covered by the interview is 1956-1987.

Shirlene Phillips was interviewed by Paul A. Ericksen on June 18 and 19, 1987 at the office of Voice of Calvary Ministries, Jackson, MS.

Dates: Created: 1987

Vernon W. Patterson Papers

Identifier: CN 005
Scope and Contents Correspondence, clippings, reports, financial records, press releases, promotional material, forms, newsletters, and oral history interviews relating to Vernon W. Patterson's (1892-1991) active participation and leadership in evangelistic activities in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area. The papers focus particularly on his involvement in various evangelical lay organizations and other institutions and the early career of Billy Graham. The interviews were recorded on 3/4/85 and 3/5/85 and...
Dates: Created: 1900-1985

Wade T. Coggins Papers

Identifier: CN 414
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews, papers and speech manuscripts relating to the ministry of Wade T. Coggins, Christian worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the Evangelical Foreign Mission Association.

Dates: Created: 1964-1990

Wayne G. Bragg Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 096
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews with Wayne G. Bragg (1931-2009), in which he describes his missionary experiences in Brazil and the Caribbean working with university students, his student days at Wheaton College, and his experience at Wheaton College as a faculty member. Dr. Bragg was interviewed by Mary Ann Buffington at Wheaton College on February 15 and May 9, 1980.

Dates: Created: 1980

Woman's Union Missionary Society Records

Identifier: CN 379
Brief Description Correspondence, reports, personnel files, legal documents, financial files, scrapbooks, and almost 3,000 photographs that document the activity, personnel, and ministry of the organization founded in 1860 by Mrs. Thomas C. Doremus. The mission was intended as a vehicle for sending single women as missionaries to women in closed societies (and therefore unreachable by male missionaries) in Asia, covering their medical and educational work among orphans and women in Burma, China, India,...
Dates: Created: 1860-1983