Records of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Records
Brief Description
Predominantly correspondence and reports of the international Evangelical organization, most extensively between 1971 and 1998. IFES aims to provide staff leadership and coordinate with national staff of member movements to: witness, train and disciple students on university campuses, where student-led evangelism will have an impact on those institutions, churches, and society. The records document in detail the activities and influence of the global IFES student movement at both country and international levels, recording its worldwide growth, impact on the church, its staff and activities in many particular countries, its international assemblies and conferences, and publications of both the larger organization and its national members. In addition to providing extensive documentation about student ministry among university and college students, the collection also records the growth and activity of Evangelical Christianity around the world since the mid-twentieth century.
- 1934-2000
Conditions Governing Access
The following folders are closed to access without written permission from IFES representatives for fifty (50) years from the date of the most recent document in the file:
Folder 15-13: Restricted until 12/31/2024
Folder 26-13: Restricted until 12/31/2044
Folder 27-4: Restricted until 12/31/2045
Historical Information
Founded: 1947 as a global fellowship when leaders from ten Evangelical Christian student movements met in the United States at Harvard University. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was the first Chairman and Stacey Woods was the first General Secretary. The largest of the ten founding movements was the fellowship in China.
Ministry Emphasis: (from IFES 2019-version website)
• “Our vision is to see students built into communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel and impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ.”
• At its founding, “Their ambitious dream was to see a clear witness to Jesus Christ established in every university in the world.”
• “From its roots, IFES has been focused on student-led evangelism: students telling others about Jesus Christ.”
Ministry Emphasis: (While C. Stacey Woods was the General Secretary (1947-1972), IFES headquarters were located where he lived)
1947-1948 Germantown, Pennsylvania (suburban Philadelphia)
1948-1953? Geneva, Illinois (suburban Chicago)
1953?-1958 Downers Grove, Illinois (suburban Chicago)
1958-1962 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
1962-1972 Lausanne, Switzerland
1972- London, England
Executive Officers:
1947-1972 C. Stacey Woods, also overlapping as General Secretary of Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship, Canada, 1934-1954, and General Secretary of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, United States, 1941-1960
1972-1991 Chua Wee Hian
1991-2007 Lindsay Brown
2007- Daniel Bourdanné
Important Events Committee Meetings:
1928 - Howard Guinness, a British medical student in London, was sent to Canada by students of the newly-formed British Inter-Varsity Fellowship, with a one-way ticket funded by the sale of students’ books and hockey sticks. His mission was to start a student movement in Canada. He later went on to establish movements in Australia and New Zealand.
1934 - First International Conference for leaders of evangelical student movements hosted in Oslo, Norway
1935 - Constitution adopted at meeting in Johannelund, Sweden
1935 - Second International Conference of Evangelical Students held at Oxford, England, including drafting constitution
1936 - [Third] International Conference of Evangelical Students held in Helsinki, Finland
1936 - International camp, Beatenberg, Switzerland [uncertain how this differs from an international conference]
1937 - International Conference of Evangelical Students, Budapest, Hungary
1939 - Fourth International Conference of Evangelical Students held in Cambridge, England; students and leaders from 33 nations gathered
1944 - During Stacy Woods’ visit to schools, church leaders and Christians in education urged him to help them. As a result, IFES later sent IVCF Canada staffworker Cathie Nicoll to Jamaica to help pioneer high-schools work and campus ministry.
1946 - Douglas Johnson drew leaders of nine movements to a small meeting in Oxford, England, to plan for an international movement
1946 - International Conference of Evangelical Students executive committee met in Oxford, England
1947 - General Committee meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
1950 - General Committee meeting, Cambridge, England
1953 - General Committee meeting, Monti-Locarno, Switzerland
1956 - John Stott, IFES Vice-President for 20 years, completed his first IFES tour to North American universities, establishing a model for university missions that IFES continued to use
1956 - General Committee meeting, Glen Orchard, Ontario
1959 - General Committee meeting, Paris, France
1960 - IFES staff conference, Cambridge, England
1961 - Second IFES Asian Leadership Conference, Singapore
1963 - General Committee meeting, Nyack, New York
1963 - IFES held its first international day of prayer
1964 - IFES appointed its first staff for Francophone Africa, based in Senegal, where GBU became the country’s only officially-organized student group in the Muslim country
1967 - General Committee meeting, Wuppertal, West Germany
1971 - 8th General Committee meeting, Schloss Mittersill, Austria
1971 - Chua Wee Hian from Singapore appointed IFES General Secretary, the first non-Western to hold the post. IFES became a more global movement under Chua’s leadership, doubling in size to include movements in 106 countries.
1975 - 9th General Committee meeting, Schloss Mittersill, Austria
1979 - 10th General Committee meeting, Hurdal, Norway (near Oslo)
1980 - Contact established with students in communist Eastern Europe, and a team of IFES partners regularly visited international students and nationals in most of these countries, followed by student movements beginning to operate ‘unofficially,’ with work established in Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia and elsewhere
1983 - 11th General Committee meeting, Sussex, England
1987 - 12th General Committee meeting, Boyaca, Colombia
1989 - As the Iron Curtain fell, opportunities for ministry in countries in Eastern Europe and the former-USSR increased and IFES movements were established across Central Europe and Eurasia in the coming years
1991 - 13th World Assembly, Wheaton, Illinois
1995 - 14th World Assembly, Nairobi, Kenya
1999 - 15th World Assembly, Seoul, Korea
2003 - 16th World Assembly, Netherlands
2007 - 17th World Assembly, Ancaster, Canada
2011 - 18th World Assembly, Krakow, Poland
2015 - 19th World Assembly, Oaxtepec, Mexico
2018 - Over student movements in over 160 countries were affiliated with IFES
2019 - 20th World Assembly, Bela Bela, South Africa (near Johannesburg)
Select early significant officers and individuals: (because IFES was a global fellowship with roots back into the 1930s, the significant individuals from the founding onward grew both in number and national diversity)
• John Bolten
• Nils Dahlberg
• Ole Hallesby
• Douglas Johnson
• D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
• Harold Ockenga
• John R.W. Stott
• Herbert J. Taylor
Founding Member Movements, 1947
• Australia (Inter-Varsity Fellowship, later Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
• Canada (Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship)
• China (Inter-Varsity Fellowship)
• France (Union des Groupes Bibliques Universitaires de France)
• Great Britain (Inter-Varsity Fellowship, later Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship)
• Netherlands (Calvinistische Studenten Beweging (later linked with other groups in the Commissie Nederland IFES)
• New Zealand (Inter-Varsity Fellowship (later Tertiary Students’ Christian Fellowship)
• Norway (Norges Kristelige Student-og Gymnasiastlag (later Norges Kristelige Student-og Skoleungdomslag)
• Switzerland (Groupes Bibliques des Ecoles et Universités (later the German-speaking Swiss groups became separate as the Vereinigte)
• United States (Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (later InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)
Primary IFES publications
• IFES (1954-1989)
• IFES Journal (1967-1973)
• IFES News (1949-1952)
• In Touch (1973-1983)
• Praise and Prayer Bulletin (1972-1987)
• Themelios (1963-1990)
Alternate names: Commonly referred to by its acronym, IFES
Key published resources about IFES and C. Stacey Woods:
• Johnson, Douglas, editor. A Brief history of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. (Lausanne: International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, 1964)
• Lowman, Peter. The Day of His Power (London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1983)
• MacLeod, Donald. C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University. (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2007)
113.7 Cubic Feet (218 Boxes; Oversize Materials; Photographs)
218 document cases
Language of Materials
Arrangement and Description
The materials in this collection, primarily correspondence (including email and faxes) and reports (individual staff, annual and monthly, financial, trip, statistics), document the origins and growth of the Evangelical organization, its organizational structure, its leaders and staff, its periodic global meetings, its focus on evangelistic and discipling ministry to university students throughout the world, it global organization and national member movements, its publications, its influence on global Christianity and national churches, its philosophy of ministry and relationships with other ministries, and the conditions of Christianity and other religious groups in countries around the world.
Other types of documents in the collection include IFES incorporation papers, General and Executive Committees materials, member movement by-laws and other documents, doctrinal statements, policies, position papers, conference and other global meeting materials, staff-related documents, histories, financial materials, ballots approving budgets and officers, promotional material, news and prayer letters, publications directories, job descriptions, background materials on countries, questionnaires, manuals, training materials, stationary, handwritten notes, photographs, posters, and maps, etc.
The overall organization of the collection is as the materials were received from the donor. (The initial accessions were given to Buswell Library Special Collections from 1993-2002.) Folder titles are almost entirely those assigned by the donor (except where there was no title) and many of the original folders were retained.
At the request of the donor, certain documents were removed and returned to IFES, including certain personnel records (applications and references), which will be retained by the organization in their personnel files, and address lists of donors. A sheet has been inserted into each these files indicating that these documents were removed.
Although founded in 1947, most of the collection’s documents span 1971-1998. Of particular interest are IFES efforts to introduce Christianity and student ministry into the Middle East and the former Soviet Union, relations with other student ministries (both Evangelical and non-Evangelical), collaboration with other Evangelical groups, appointment of its leaders, and maintaining its doctrinal distinctives.
The documents are subdivided into seven series:
I. Constitution and Organizational Structure
II. IFES Committees
A. General Committee
B. Executive Committee
C. Finance Committee
D. Literature Committee
E. Local Committees
F. Committee Members
III. General Secretaries
A. C. Stacey Woods
B. Chua Wee Hian
C. Lindsay Brown
D. Letters to Staff
IV. IFES Member Movements (by individual year)
A. Alphabetical By Year
B. South Africa
C. Member Movement Finances
V. IFES Staff (by individual year)
VI. Conferences
VII. Publications
B. Regional
C. By Country
Series I: Constitutions, Histories, and Founding Documents
Arrangement: IFES, IFES Inc., IFES Trust Ltd.
Date Range: 1935-1994, n.d.
Volume: .2 cubic feet
Boxes: 1 (8 folders)
Type of documents: Correspondence, constitutions, doctrinal statement, minutes, organization's legal history
Correspondents: Douglas Johnson, C. Stacey Woods, Peter Northrup
Notes: This small series contains the earliest documents of IFES’s global Evangelical movement. The constitutions span years from 1935-1963; an undated version may be one from the inception of the organization in 1947. Most of the files relate to the IFES Trust Ltd., covering its formation, ongoing business, and distribution of funds. Also included is Peter Northrup’s accumulated history of IFES Inc., the American entity.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 1-1 The constitution of the International Conference of Evangelical Students (1935), the first IFES constitution from 1947 followed, the subsequent 1963 version; also includes an undated doctrinal statement to be signed by individuals
• Folder 1-2 1972 minutes from the annual meeting of IFES Incorporated (US). The main issue addressed was the US fundraising for the IFES ministry facility, Schoss Mittersill, in Austria.
• Folder 1-5 Incorporation document for IFES Trust Limited
• Folder 1-8 Articles of incorporation and by-laws of Schloss Mittersill in the U.S.
Series II: IFES Committees
Arrangement: Files are in grouped together by the following committees, with each committee’s folders in chronological order:
General Committee
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Literature Committee
Local Committees
Committee members
Date Range: 1934-1990
Volume: 9.1 cubic feet
Boxes: 1-20
Notes: The files of the organization’s primary committees record the deliberations, decisions, strategy, and development over six decades.
Subseries II.A: IFES General Committee
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1934-
Volume: 2.8 cubic feet
Boxes: 1-6
Type of document: Agendas and minutes, schedules, reports, policies, budgets, arrangements, message texts and study papers, versions of constitution, committee and delegate lists (also delegates from movements applying for IFES membership and observers), conference schedule and speakers, lists of Evangelical bodies comprising IFES, promotional material, program books, scholarship applications, registration forms (“blue forms”), handwritten notes
Correspondents: Hans Bürki, Chua Wee Hian, Jennifer Johnston, C. Stacey Woods
Notes: These files contain the working documents of the IFES General Committee. According to the original constitution (1947), “Each National Evangelical Union shall be permitted to appoint not more than three delegates…to represent it in the International General Committee. In appointing delegates, the National Evangelical Unions should have in mind that it is desirable that there should be student participation in the management and director of the Fellowship; and that, accordingly, due provision should be made for students or recently graduated leaders to be included in the national delegations.” The constitution also required that the General Committee “should meet at least once in every three-year period.” Among its powers, the General Committee was authorized to elect the members of the Executive Committee.
Included among the business items were applications for membership, appointment of subcommittees, constitutional questions and proposals, finance, marketing, offices, policies, reports, elections and resignations, appointments of officers, staff, and associate staff, doctrinal basis, secondary school work, council of reference, IFES publications, membership fees, etc.
Reports to the General Committee include those from the general secretary, associate general secretaries and regional entities, subcommittees, and working groups. The minutes and reports for the committee meetings contain many examples of the theological (especially the authority of Scripture and the nature of the Gospel), intellectual, social, or organizational issues IFES was addressing as a whole and together for its individual member movements, including church and state issues in particular countries.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 1-9 The minute book with handwritten entries of the General Committee for the International Conference of Evangelical Students in 1934, 1935, 1937, and 1939. The book is indexed with reference to various entities, issues, and projects throughout the 77 pages of minutes. The book concludes with a final note by an unidentified author: “This Minute Book was, at this point, superseded by the Minute Book of the newly-founded International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, recording its first General Committee of the new Fellowship, meeting at Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in August 1947. This Minute Book was commenced by the new I.F.E.S. General Secretary, Mr. Stacey Woods, at that time also General Secretary of the Canadian I.V.C.F. & I.V.C.F of U.S.A.” See folder 1-10 for what appears to be the first contents of the subsequent minute book.
• Folder 1-10 Two of Ole Hallesby’s messages at the 1934 conference, “The Hour of God” and “The Secret of Soul Winning,” including French and German versions of “The Hour of God.”
• Folder 1-11 Program book and promotional material for the Fourth International Conference of Evangelical Students in 1939 in Cambridge, England
• Folder 1-12 The series consists predominantly of minutes and correspondence for the meetings in 1947 in Massachusetts (1st, folder 1-12), 1950 in England (2nd, folder 1-12), 1953 in Switzerland (3rd, folder 1-12), 1956 in Canada (4th, folder 1-13), 1959 in France (5th, folder 1-13), 1963 in New York (6th, folder 1 14), 1967 in West Germany (7th, folders 2-1,2), 1971 in Austria (8th, folders 2-4 to 2-8), 1975 in Austria (9th, folders 2-10 to 4-7), 1979 in Norway (10th, folder 4-8 to 6-4), 1983 in England (11th, folder 6-5), and 1987 in Colombia (12th, folder 6-6).
• Folder 1-13 Among the policy and vision strategy statements in the subseries are: “Policy Towards Other International Christian Movements” (folder 1-13); “IFES Missionary Vision” (folder 1-14); Isabelo Magalit’s “Pioneering Student Christian Fellowships” (folder 4-8); Bobby Sng’s “Graduate Work” (folder 4-8); James Berney’s “Commuter Christian Strategy” (folder 4-8); Marjorie Long’s “Ideas In Stimulating Financial and Prayer Support for Student Work” (folder 4-8); Branse Burbridge’s “Why Do High School Students Fall Out?” (folder 4-8).
• Folder 1-14 The 1963 General Committee minutes record a discussion and reporting on the characteristics and practices of Campus Crusade for Christ, and its relationship with IFES and they both minister among university students. Also position papers on various issues are abundant, including: “Memorandum of IFES Position on Evolution” (folder 1-13); Subcommittee findings on Roman Catholicism (folder 1 14); “Ecumenical Problems and Their Relationship to Evangelical Christianity (folder 1-14); “Suggestions For Our Behavior Towards Communism” (folder 1-14); “The Spiritual Use of Money” (folder 2-2); “Evangelicals and Social Action” (folder 2-2); “The Biblical Concept of Wisdom and The Christian’s Responsibility to Evaluate Current Trends of Thought” (folder 2-2); “The Christian in Society: His Attitude Towards Social Injustice and Racial Discrimination” (folder 2-2); “The Christian Attitude Towards Sexual and Family Life” (folder 2-2); “Student Evangelism Today” (folder 2-2); “The Life and Ministry of the Staff Worker in an Evangelical Student Movement” (folder 2 2); H. Ariga and Hans Bürki’s “Student Unrest: Its Causes, Characteristics and Cures” (folder 2-4); Samuel Escobar’s “The Salvation of the Individual and the Place of Social Work” (folder 2-4); Ian Burnard’s “Christian Morality in a Non-Christian Society” (folder 2-4); Hans Bürki’s “Family Life” (folder 4-8); Samuel Escobar’s “Marxism and Evangelical Student Work (folder 4-8); John White’s “The Sanctity and Control of Life” (folder 4-8).
• Folder 2-3 Material (promotional material, curriculum) on the IFES Training Course begun in 1965 to orient junior staff, potential staff, or graduates “who plan to work overseas with secular agencies and non-professional missionaries” to the “IFES philosophy of an indigenous self-supporting student work.”
• Folder 2-4 Documents and papers that touch on the Gospel and evangelism include: Chua Wee Hian’s “A Faith Unparalleled” (folder 2-4); Chua Wee Hian’s “The Gospel Today” (folder 2-11); Isabelo Magalit’s “The Gospel and Evangelism” (folder 3-8); Gottfried Osei-Mensah’s “The Gospel and the Church” (folder 3-9); Oliver Barclay’s “The Gospel and Christian Ethics” (folder 4-1); Samuel Escobar’s “The Gospel and Contemporary Ideologies” (folder 4-2); Hans Bürki’s “The Gospel and Human Culture” (folder 4-3); C. Rene Padilla’s “What is the Gospel?” (folder 4-4); Ned Hale’s “Effective Evangelism” (folder 4-8). Also Reflections on the authority and nature of Scripture are addressed in: Harold O.J. Brown’s “Authority: Permanent Truth and Changing Standards” (folder 2-4); “Authority of Scripture” (folder 2-8); Gottfried Osei-Mensah’s “The Authoritative Word” (folder 4-8); C. Rene Padilla’s “The Interpreted Word” (folder 4-8); Oliver Barclay’s “The Comprehensive Word” (folder 4-8); Hans Bürki’s “Jesus: The Word Incarnate” (folder 4-8); Anfin Skaahaim’s “The Living Word” (folder 4-8); Ada Lum’s “Creative Bible Studies” (folder 4-8).
• Folder 2-6 Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ message delivered at the 1971 General Committee meeting
• 2-10 to 4-7 The General Committee meeting in 1975 is the most extensively documented meeting in the collection; meeting documents include correspondence, planning for seminars and Bible studies, member movement reports, delegate correspondence, credentials, forms, and meeting program book
• Folder 4-5,6,7 Printed versions of messages at the 1975 General Committee are included in English, German, and French
• Folder 5-11 1979 General Committee member movement reports
• Folder 6-5 “His Stewards,” prepared for the 1983 General Committee focused on stewardship and fundraising; this volume, an appendix in the meeting minutes, is the only part of the minutes received by the Archives
Subseries II.B: IFES Executive Committee
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1948-1990
Volume: 2.1 cubic feet
Boxes: 6-10
Type of documents: Minutes and agendas, reports, correspondence
Correspondents: Chua Wee Hian, Katie Higham, C. Stacey Woods
Committee members and participants: David Adeney, John Alexander, Solomon Andria, Pedro Arana, Hishashi Ariga, Ramez Atallah, Takashi Baino, Oliver Barclay, Joe Bayly, Chris Bellenger, Jacques Beney, Jim Berney, Gerrit Blaauw, John Bolten, Dieter Brepohl, M. Daniel Bresch, Sue Brown, Siegfried Buchholz, Alberto Bull, Hans Bürki, Ian Burnard, Joe Caterson, Fred Catherwood, P.T. Chandapilla, Silvia Chaves, Chua Wee Hian, Braulio Craveiro, Theolphilus Dankwa, Jan Dengerink, Sarah Dudley-Smith, Kola Ejiwunmi, H. Enoch, Samuel Escobar, Fiona Fisher, Meg Foote, Barney Ford, Francis Foulkes, Samuel Gnanamanickam, Frank Goveia, Anna-Margretha Hanssen, Bjarne Hareide, Wolfgang Heide, Naomi Hersom, Katie Higham, Frank Horton, Charles Hummel, Douglas Johnson, Daniel Jonah, George Kinoti, Brede Kristensen, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Ada Lum, Isabelo Magalit, Sverre Magelssen, Raimo Makela, Rafael Marroquin, Tony McCarthy, John McInnes, Nelly Garcia de Mendoza, Leif Michelsen, Kaakon Murray, Moise Napon, Las Newman, Peter Northrup, Ephraim Orteza, Gottfried Osei-Mensah, Wildred Mlay, Koichi Ohtawa, Rene Pache, Rene Padilla, Jorge Palejko, Homer Payne, H.S. Ponnuraj, Vinoth Ramachandra, Niels Ove Rasmussen, Donald Robinson, Anfin Skaaheim, Sng Ewe Kong, Jim Stamoolis, Wilber Sutherland, Eugene Thomas, Charles Troutman, P.C. Verghese, Bodo Volkmann, Robin Wells, Ulrich Wever, John White, Paul White, Arthur With, Donald Wiseman, Carl Wisloff, C. Stacey Woods, Douwe Wouters
Notes: The Executive Committee is elected by and from members of the General Committee. Meeting annually, the minutes and their appendices (mainly reports) that make up most of the subseries provide a comprehensive record of the committee’s deliberations and decisions on budget, publicity, incorporation and amendments to the constitution, conferences, membership applications short-term projects, the General Committee meeting agenda, votes on various matters, signed copies of the IFES doctrinal basis, staff recruitment, appointments and arrangements, resignations, pre-incorporation history, Council of Reference, future meetings, headquarters, business flowing from the General Committee meetings, publications, translation rights to IVF (UK) books, previous ongoing and other business, relationships and/or cooperation with other organizations, and lists of officers and committee members. Reports are included from the general secretary and officers, other committees, and regional secretaries. Many of the minutes are initialed by at least one if not two officers, and in many instances there are several versions of minutes for the same meeting.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 7-9 Includes biographical sketches for the members of the Executive Committee for the 1979-1983 period
• Folder 9-9 "The Structures of IFES," a concise 1983 booklet addressing "IFES Objectives," "Local and National Expressions of IFES," "General Committee," "The Executive Committee," "General Secretary," "IFES Staff Team," "Central Support," "Finances," "Your Movement and the IFES," "Mutual Help," and "The Spirit of IFES"
• Folder 10-4 Along with minutes for the 1987 meeting, includes “Procedure for the Selection of a New IFES Gen Sec” and “The Inner Workings of the IFES Executive Committee”
• Folder 10-6 Compilation of follow-up items from meetings in 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981-1986
Subseries II.C: IFES Finance Committee
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1957-1985
Volume: .9 cubic feet
Boxes: 10-12
Type of documents: Minutes, financial statements, auditor’s reports, correspondence, ballots to approve the budget
Correspondents: Oliver Barclay, Jacques Beney, Stanley Block, Hans Joachim “John” Bolten, Hans Bürki, Ian Burnard, H. Fred R. Catherwood, Alejandro Clifford, Chua Wee Hian, H. Enoch, George Kinoti, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Jack Oliver, Willi Strub, C. Stacey Woods
Committee members and participants: John Alexander, Jean Andre, Jay Baldwin, Oliver Barclay, Dietrich Bauer, Jacques Beney, Jim Berney, Stanley Block, John Bolten, Sr., John Bolten, Jr., Siegfried Buchholz, H.F.R. Catherwood, Chua Wee Hian, George Clark, Barney Ford, Ralph Griffith, Noor van Haaften, Leif Haanes, William Horsey, John Irwin, Richard Karppinen, John Kessler, Howard Larsen, Heili Lee, James McLeish, Donald MacLeod, Bill McConnell, George McSapdden, Peter Northrup, James Nyquist, Jack Oliver, Ronald Smith, Willi Strub, Simon Webley, C. Stacey Woods, Douwe Wouters, Chester Youngberg
Notes: Called the Financial Advisory Committee until 1966, this subseries records the activity of the committee in addressing issues that include: Annual budget, administrative costs for IFES, staff expenses, salary structure and increases, costs of living, travel reimbursements, expenses for headquarters and regional offices, Schloss Mittersill, policies, audits, literature, loans, investments, property, reserve fund, incorporation costs, protecting IFES interests, authorizations, IFES financial position at the time of the meeting, relationships with IVCF in Canada and the U.S., insurance, the IFES trust, pension plan, Manpower program (started in 1964), committee membership, business flowing from previous meetings, travel arrangements, and scheduling future meetings. Correspondence from the early 1970s, subdivided by an individual on the committee, was usually to or from C. Stacey Woods or Chua Wee Hian, the General Secretaries during that period. Other correspondence sprinkled throughout the subseries came from committee members and IFES officers and staff.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 10-12 Minutes from 3/29/60 include a section of “The Province of the Committee” that outlines the original scope of the committee’s responsibility limited to IFES literature and the broadened scope to “the entire financial operation of IFES.”
• Folder 11-15 IFES “Priorities” booklet for 1980-1981
Subseries II.D: IFES Literature Committee
Arrangement: Alphabetical
Date Range: 1956-1970
Volume: .1 cubic feet (3 folders)
Boxes: 12
Type of documents: Minutes, correspondence, reports
Correspondents: Hans Bürki, C. Stacey Woods
Committee members and participants: David Adeney, Oliver Barclay, Joe Bayley, Colin Becroft, Hans Bürki, Alejandro Clifford, Andre Depeursinge, Samuel Escobar, Al Fairbanks, Meg Foote, Ronald Fung, Ralph Griffith, Frank Horton, Frank Houghton, Charles Hummel, Douglas Johnson, Rene Pache, Paul Sheetz, Wilber Sutherland, Ulrich Wever, Paul White, Carl Wislof, C. Stacey Woods, Douwe Wouters, Robert Young
Notes: Initially called the Publications Committee, the Literature Committee acted as a subcommittee of the Executive Committee to initiate literature projects, encourage member movements to develop publications, focus on productions in major language groups, facilitate circulation of new publications throughout IFES circles, and coordinate discussion of literature issues in global conferences. This subseries records deliberations of the committee on issues including composition of the committee and its officers, finances and budgets, goals, IFES publications, how to finance and assist member movements in their publishing, various publishing projects by countries, language groups and geographical regions, recommendations to the Executive Committee, magazine exchanges between member movements, business flowing from previous meetings and from the Executive Committee, and scheduling future meetings.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 12-16 Minutes for the committee spanning 1956-1968. The minutes for the August 1959 minutes includes Appendix A, “Recommendation Concerning the Character and Structure of the Literature Committee.” The August 1963 minutes include “Some Principles of the IFES Literature Committee and Conditions Governing Grants for Literature Production.” Several pages from the March 1965 minutes are extremely light and were photocopied in order to have readable versions.
Subseries II.E: IFES Local Committees
Arrangement: Alphabetical by geography
Date Range: 1970-1974
Volume: .1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Boxes: 12-13
Geographic coverage: Calgary, (Houston) Texas, Vancouver
Type of documents: Committee rosters, minutes, reports, budgets, and expense reports
Correspondents: Chua Wee Hian, Jack Oliver, Charles Taylor, Ralph Watts, C. Stacey Woods
Notes: Minimal documentation from three local committees, largely related to fundraising for IFES projects.
Notes: The few files in this small subseries document local activities in three Canadian and American cities to stimulate prayer for IFES student leaders, build awareness of strategic efforts and training, and cultivate financial support for scholarships and IFES projects.
Subseries II.F: IFES Committee Members
Arrangement: Chronologically by years, followed by alphabetically by person
Date Range: 1969-1985
Volume: 3.1 cubic feet
Boxes: 13-20
Type of documents: Correspondence, form letters, attached prayer letters and manuscripts
Correspondents: C. Stacey Woods, Chua Wee Hian, Katie Higham, Brede Kristensen and the following committee members, among others:
• David Adeney (1970-1973, 1975-1984)
• John Alexander (1973-1984)
• Oliver Barclay (1970-1984)
• Dietrich Bauer (1975-1981)
• Jacques Beney (1970-1978)
• James Berney (1984)
• Gerrit Blaauw (1970-1972, 1974-1975)
• Stanley Block (1976)
• John Bolten, Jr. (1976, 1979)
• John Bolten, Sr. (1975, 1980-1981)
• Dieter Brepohl (1979-1984)
• Daniel Bresch (1975-1979, 1981-1982, 1984-1985)
• Siegfried Buchholz (1970-1983)
• Alberto Bull (1985)
• Hans Bürki (1970-1975)
• Ian Burnard (1970-1975)
• Robert Burns (1975-1976)
• Joe Caterson (1979-1985)
• Frederick Catherwood (1973, 1975-1984)
• P.T. Chandapilla (1970-1972, 1975-1977, 1979)
• Chua Wee Hian, (1970-1972)
• Alexander Clifford (1973-1976, 1978-1980)
• Linda Doll (1973)
• Kola Ejiwunmi (1979-1985)
• H. Enoch (1975, 1979, 1983, 1985)
• Samuel Escobar (1974-1975, 1983-1984)
• Nellie Garcia Mendoza (1975-1976, 1978)
• Leif Haaness (1979-1980)
• Wolfgang Heide (1984)
• Naomi Hersom (1975-1983)
• John Irwin (1981)
• Richard Karpinnen (1973)
• George Kinoti (1973-1975)
• Fleming Kofod-Svendsen (1970-1972)
• Heili Lee (1973)
• Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1975, 1978-1981)
• Ada Lum (1984)
• Donald MacLeod (1977-1980)
• Isabelo Magalit (1970-1972)
• Raimo Makela (1975-1979)
• Tony McCarthy (1979-1985)
• John McInnes (1975-1978)
• James McLeish (1973)
• Wilfred Mlay (1983-1984)
• Leon Morris (1979-1980, 1983)
• Peter Northrup (1983-1985)
• James Nyquist (1973, 1979)
• Koichi Ohtawa (1979, 1983-1984)
• Gottfried Osei-Mensah (1975-1979, 1983-1984)
• Rene Pache (1970-1972, 1977-1978)
• Jorge Palejko (1970-1972)
• H.S. Ponnuraj (1979, 1981-1985)
• Niels Rasmussen (1970-1975)
• Alfred Sangster (1973)
• Anfin Skaaheim (1979-1984)
• Sng Ewe Kong (1973-1975, 1979-1983)
• John Stott (1979-1985)
• Willi Strub (1976-1979)
• Wilber Sutherland (1970-1972)
• P.C. Verghese (1970-1975)
• Bodo Volkman (1970-1972)
• Simon Webley (1976-1978, 1980)
• Robin Wells (1983-1984)
• John White (1981, 1983-1985)
• Carl Wisloff (1970-1972, 1974-1980)
• C. Stacey Woods (1974-1983)
Notes: This subseries consists of correspondence between committee members and the General Secretary, often mirroring issues addressed in the Executive and other committee meetings. Issues covered include IFES future plans and business, performance assessments of staff, positions on issues if the correspondent will not be attending an upcoming meeting, recommendations on or responses to issues, strategic planning, appointments as officers of IFES, administrative issues, budgets and finances, inner workings of IFES and its committees, scheduling and practical details of upcoming meetings, travel arrangements, staff appointments, contacts to follow up with, appointments to committees or positions, issues being considered by the General, Executive, and other IFES committees, observations about member movements or trends globally or regionally, management of Schloss Mittersill, issues related to the country or sphere of influence of the writer, plans for and reports on travel, and personal issues, conflict, and advice. Also during the earliest years of the subseries, a search was underway for a replacement as General Secretary for C. Stacey Woods; correspondence records this issue and consideration of Chua Wee Hian to fill the position.
The subseries documents begin near the end of C. Stacey Woods’ tenure as General Secretary (when Chua Wee Hian was a staffworker) and continues through much of Chua Wee Hian’s (when Woods was serving on IFES committees. The issued covered with a certain correspondent will likely relate to the committee the person serves on or their area of responsibility (such as Linda Doll of Inter-Varsity Press on literature distribution or James McLeish of IVCF USA about IFES fundraising in the U.S.). Some folders contain substantial correspondence that address issues, while others have only several letters that relate to administrative or meeting details. In most cases, both the original from the person named in the folder title and the response copy from the General Secretary are included. Occasionally, letters from other than the General Secretary and committee member are included. In some cases, letters are written in a non-English language, such as French or German. In some cases, a letter attached is referred to but not attached—it may appear elsewhere in the subseries.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 13-3 Prayer letters from David Adeney attached to his letters to C. Stacey Woods, with information about his ministry with IFES and the Discipleship Training Center in Singapore.
• Folder 13-5 12/03/70 letter from C. Stacey Woods to John Alexander (president of IVCF in the US) addressing the crowded field of organizations working with students and the feeling of competition for IVCF.
• Folder 13-8,9 Between these two folders for Oliver Barclay, correspondence transitions from C. Stacey Wilson and Chua Wee Hian as General Secretary. This similarly happens in other instances in this subseries.
• Folder 14-5 1/4/73 memo from C. Stacey Woods to Chua Wee Hian following Chua’s appointment as General Secretary, advising him on exercising leadership and maintaining boundaries of authority
• Folder 14-10 Jorge Palejko’s letter to Woods reporting that he is immigrating to Canada due to the deteriorating political situation in his home country Argentina.
• Folder 15-4 Sng Ewe Kong’s letter of 8/8/73 reports on charismatic renewal in Singapore and anticipates its impact appearing in student groups
• Folder 16-7 Stacey Woods’ letters include his feelings and considerations of the future of Schloss Mittersill
• Folder 16-47 Carl Wisloff’s 9/23/77 letter expresses his concern about growing accommodation with Roman Catholic students and influences
• Folder 18-23 David Adeney’s 1981 retrospective on IFES, his own ministry, appreciation for Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and growth of IFES work in Asia
• Folder 18-36 Last file for Martyn Lloyd-Jones following his death in March 1981, including his obituary from The Times and C. Stacey Woods’ tribute to Lloyd-Jones
• Folder 19-30,31 Unlike the spans for previous years, all the correspondence to individual members and general correspondence is consolidated in these two folders.
• Folder 19-42 Includes minutes and appendices for the 1985 Executive Committee meeting
• Folder 20-1 In addition to details about the event, the folder contains reports on sessions provided to the participants, including:
• "Relations with LCWE and Other Evangelical Bodies"
• "The Distinctive Contribution of IFES to the Church"
• "The Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Secretary"
• "The Care of Single Workers"
• "The Distinctive Contribution of IFES in Training Staffworkers"
• "Fundraising Philosophy of IFES"
• "Developing Student Ministry Where Christians are a Minority"
• "Plans for Regionalisation"
• "Financial Issues"
Series III: General Secretaries
Arrangement: Chronological
A. C. Stacey Woods (1947-1972)
B. Chua Wee Hian (1972-1991)
C. Lindsay Brown (1993-1994)
D. Staff Letters (1962-1975)
Date Range: 1947-1995
Volume: 4.8
Boxes: 20-29
Notes: The files in this subseries are not extensive files for each of the individual General Secretaries, and in some cases, the documents come from the era of one them rather than being sent to or written by them. Not unexpectedly, much of Chua’s correspondence appears in the Member Movement and Staff series.
Series III.A.: General Secretaries: C. Stacey Woods
Arrangement: Alphabetical
Date Range: 1947-1971, n.d.
Volume: .6 cubic feet
Boxes: 20-21
Type of documents: Correspondence, reports, publications, lists, articles
Correspondents: C. Stacey Woods, and David Adeney, John Alexander, Hans Bürki, Calvin Chao, John Chang, Paul Contento, Marie-Jeanne de Haller, Herbert Griffin, M.A. Hopkins, Frank Houghton, James McLeish, Rene Pache, Edward Pentecost, K.H. Price, Rosalind Rinker, Charles Roberts, Charles Troutman
Notes: The Woods subseries contains very little to represent his twenty-five years of service as the IFES General Secretary. Because Woods was so instrumental in the founding and leading IFES, even these few documents are significant. A key portion of the subseries consists of his files on China Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship during the period in post-World War II-China when the Communists were seizing power of the country and expelling missionaries. Recorded is the specific situation of Calvin Chao having evacuated to Hong Kong but feeling resentment toward David Adeney and China Inland Mission. The scenario documents ministries in China by national and expatriate Christians, but also their interaction and tensions between them. Most of the series is in English with the exception of some Spanish.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 20-2 Articles on topics including inspiration of the Bible, the ecumenical movement, an overview of India, and an early-1950s bibliography on Communism
• Folder 20-3 Compilation of “Major Policies of the IFES: 1949-1969"
• Folder 20-4,5,6 Correspondence (1949-1950) to and from Woods about China, many with representatives of China Inland Mission. Among the issues discussed were: the serious conditions in China for Christians and expatriate missionaries after the Communist takeover of the government; tensions with Calvin Chao over relationships with David Adeney and CIM; appeals for funds and distribution of money sent for him and China Inter-Varsity while he was in Hong Kong; whether Chao should return from Hong Kong to Shanghai; Chao’s role as Associate General Secretary of IFES; and reports on activities on campuses in China. The issues that flow from this situation include the growing difficulties in China in 1949 and how China IVCF and IFES could stay engaged in the country. Correspondents on these interrelated issues were primarily Woods, Frank Houghton, M.A. Hopkins, David Adeney, John Chang, Paul Contento, and Calvin Chao. Also included are several articles by Calvin Chao: “Introduction to the China Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,” “The Story of the China Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,” and “The Financial Needs of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in China.” Another article is also included: “The Reformation Translation Fellowship in Canton, China.” Folder 20-5 includes Chao's appeal for funds while they could still be received in China, and the possibility for Paul Contento to do deputation work for CIVCF. Folder 20 6 consists mostly of correspondence between Woods and David Adeney. Folder 20-7 consists of correspondence between Woods and Calvin Chao, including a small pamphlet, “A New Story in the History of a Nation: Introducing the China Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,” and a copy of “Report of Conferences of Christian leaders with Mr. Chou En-lai, Premier and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China.”
• Folder 20-8 Memo titled “Policy towards other Christian Movements” to highlight and affirm the IFES commitment to the authority of Scripture in the face of other ecumenical student movements that diminished this authority for the sake of unity. Included is the statement, “On these grounds an active cooperation of the World Student Christian Federation and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students as such is impossible.” A letter from Jan Dengerink accompanies the memo to Douglas Johnson commenting on and disagreeing with aspects of the memo from an IFES perspective. Also in the folder is a document of extracts from a 1949 letter by Howard Guinness about maintaining adherence to “uncompromising Evangelical lines.”
• Folder 20-9 Woods’ responses to a questionnaire “for all Overseas Workers and Ex-workers” on the Children’s Special Service Mission and the Scripture Union. Also included: a draft of Woods’ letter of resignation from the board of Inter-Varsity of Canada; and Woods’ report on a meeting Willem Visser ‘t Hooft in which they disagreed about accommodating those of non-Evangelical faith and the influence of the ecumenical movement, and his attitudes toward the organizing of an Evangelical movement and in particular relations with IFES.
• Folder 20-11 C.H. Roberts’ report on an East Asian Conference called the “Bangkok Report” that addressed the prospects for the Christian church in the region and particular countries, obstacles the church faces, and impressions of organizations represented at the meeting. Also Robert Finley’s 14-page “Report on Student Situation in the Philippines” in late-1948 and his assessment of different Christian groups (Baptists, Youth for Christ, Chinese churches, Protestant denominations, independent groups, YMCA, interdenominational student groups) working with students in the islands. Also included is an assessment of ministry on the country’s key campuses. Also “Report on the Philippines and Hong Kong” (!950) by Clyde Taylor and J. Elwin Wright. Other reports focus on Argentina, Switzerland, and India.
• Folder 20-12 Correspondence, proposals, and meeting minutes related to the IFES relationships with member movements, especially in the United States and Canada. Among the documents is “Suggested Guide Lines for Relationships Between the IFES and the IVCF of Canada,” C. Stacey Woods’ letter to Bodo Volkmann highlights the strain in communication and difficulties in transfer of funds from IVCF-US to IFES as IVCF assumed fund-raising responsibility for IFES in the United States. The documents also shed light on the two organizations’ structures and philosophies. John Alexander’s 5/13/70 letter to Woods reports briefly on the student violence on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.
• Folder 20-13 Booklet, “11 Organisations Working With Students,” published by The World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations, that includes an entry on IFES
• Folder 20-14 Pamphlets, booklets, and newsletters, almost all in Spanish, such as “Historia Del Comanerismo Evangelico Inter-Universitario” or “”El Evangelismo Estudiantil,” by Edward Pentecost. The correspondence in the folder is between Woods and Edward Pentecost, living in Mexico City, with his reports on student activities in Mexico.
• Folder 21-1 "A Proposal for Student Evangelism in 'Pioneer Areas'," and a memo on Special Projects
• Folder 21-2 Woods reports on trips throughout the world, covering Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America, South America, and the Caribbean
• Folder 21-3 Correspondence with Rene Pache, Hans Bürki, and Marie-Jeanne de Haller related to the IFES relationship with the World Student Christian Federation. The folder includes a number of documents that shed light on the Evangelical/ ecumenical continuum distinguishing the two entities: “Memorandum concerning the Early History of the relations of the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union and (later) of the I.V.F. with the Student Christian Movement,” the WSCF document “Relationships with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students,” SCM’s “What is the Difference Between the S.C.M. and the V.C.F.?” and copies of Federation News Sheet.
Series III.B.: General Secretaries: Chua Wee Hian
Arrangement: Chronological (1960-1990, 1989, 1990-1991)
Date Range: 1960-1991
Volume: 2.6 cubic feet
Boxes: 21-26
Type of documents: Correspondence, manual, brochures, book and article manuscripts, training materials, lists, stationary, newsletters, donor reports
Correspondents: Chua Wee Hian, and Katie Higham, James McLeish, James Nyquist, James Sire, Tonie Venes
Notes: The files in this series reflect Chua’s miscellaneous activities and interactions. The greater proportion of his communication in the collection are in the Member Movement and Staff series as he interacted with representatives of IFES movements and IFES staffworkers throughout the world. The subseries is divided into three sections that roughly follow chronological periods. (1) His correspondence is with an assortment of IFES colleagues (more of this is found in the Member Movement and Staff series), contacts from recent or upcoming travels, donors, invitations to speak (see folder 25-7), Chinese contacts, and his articles or books (see “Lovers for Life” in folder 25-2), etc. Also included are letters of which Chua received copies. (2) Chua’s conference files are for events where he either spoke of attended. His files include contacts he and IFES had with various organizations (such as All Nations Christian College and Arab World Ministries). (3) Finally, the files also document other roles he held (such as a contributing editor of Chinese Around the World published by the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism); organizations in the UK (such as Evangelical Missionary Alliance, Christian Impact and London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, and Tear Fund); his participation in Billy Graham ‘89 in London; international agencies he maintained contact with (Interserve, the Lausanne Committee, Operation Mobilisation, and Overseas Missionary Fellowship); schools he provided personnel references for (London Bible College); publishers (Lion Publishing, Scripture Union, and Send the Light Books); and IFES-related entities (Schloss Mittersill, Nurses Christian Fellowship, and Themelios.)
Exceptional items:
• Folder 21-5 “Prayer Group Manual” from E.S.M.A (European Student Missionary Association).
• Folder 21-6 1979 version of “IFES Guidelines,” including sections: “Principles and Practice of Student Work,” “The Staffworker,” “The Local Christian Fellowship,” “Evangelism and World Mission,” “Spiritual Growth and Leadership,” “Graduates’ Work,” “Cross-Cultural Communication,” and “IFES.”
• Folders 21-7,8 The Manpower Register folders relate to the IFES program to place graduates in countries around the world to provide an Evangelical witness, both in universities, ministry, and secular settings. Among the documents are correspondence, the publication Partners Together: The Role of the Foreign Staff Student Worker, and issues of Overseas Placement Information Service in English and French.
• Folders 22-1,2,3 Manuscripts and correspondence related to Chua’s book, Dear Mum and Dad, with the alternate title, Honour Your Father and Mother. Correspondence related to his book on leadership and miscellaneous articles he authored are in folders 22-4,5.
• Folder 22-6 The register of graduate teams and field partners is an extensive log of ministry needs in countries across the world. This volume may be related to the Manpower Register in folders 21-7,8.
• Folder 22-7 The entries in the “Staffbooks” folder, once kept in a binder, appear to be manuscripts from messages on various topics, including “Christian Conduct,” “What is a Missionary: A Comparative Study of Jesus and Paul,” “Missionary Survey of Europe, the Middle East, Latin America & Africa,” and much more. Authors of the messages include David Adeney, Dudley Foord, Michael Griffiths, and others.
• Folder 22-8 Full run of the “Staff Letter” (later “Staff Newsletter”) Chua launched in 1972 and ran throughout his tenure as general secretary until 1991. Written to his IFES colleagues across the world, each edition included administrative information all staff needed to hear, news from the headquarters in London, and updates from staff and member movements around the world. An issue of “Priorities” (also see folder 23-5 and 25-6) and two regional features on Belgium and Latin America are also included. “Praise and Prayer” originals are in folder 23-9—much of the glue used has deteriorated—earlier issues are in the Publications series.
• Folders 23-3,4 Chua's files on his participation in the second Lausanne Congress in Manila reflect his role as a member of the International Advisory Council and the International Participant Selection Committee, and as a track leader. In a 6/7/89 letter to Jack Dain, Chua complains about recommended participants not being forwarded to the selection committee for review, followed by Dain’s reply on 6/27/89. Also included is correspondence related to his Bible exposition for the parallel Philippine Congress on World Evangelization that was held at the same time in Manila.
• Folders 24-1 to 4 Files on Chua’s travels to Germany, the USA, Poland, and New Zealand and Australia in 1989 that document his preparation, meetings with IFES, IVCF-USA, and other Evangelical leaders, and conferences where he participated or spoke. Events included on these trips include the Stuttgart Consultation on Evangelism that brought together representatives of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the World Council of Churches’ Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, and World Evangelical Fellowship; the Conference of North America Chinese Christian Professionals and Business People in Houston; the National Student Conference in Poland; the Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship of New Zealand, and conferences sponsored by the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students.
• Folder 24-22 Especially in the last years of Chua’s term as General Secretary, his correspondence reflects the transition from his leadership to that of Lindsay Brown.
• Folder 25-4 “A Tentative Proposal for the Orientation of Mr. Lindsay Brown as General Secretary Elect of IFES.” While this document is helpful in understanding the IFES plan for transitioning to its next senior leader, it also consolidates various aspects, events, committees, and values of the movement.
• Folder 26-1 Correspondence, agenda and minutes related to the Christians in Science and its Research in Developing Countries Committee.
• Folder 26-11 File on the 1990 University Evangelists and Bible Expositors Conference.
Series III.C.: General Secretaries: Lindsay Brown
Arrangement: Chronological (1993, 1994, 1995)
Date Range: 1993-1995
Volume: 1.0 cubic feet
Boxes: 26-28
Type of documents: Correspondence, memos, faxes, reports
Correspondents: Lindsay Brown, William Armerding, Samuel Escobar, Koichi Ohtawa, John Stott, Kirsty Thorburn, George Verwer
Notes: This subseries presently reflects only the earliest period of Brown’s tenure as General Secretary—he began in 1991. Like those for his predecessor, his correspondence documents his interaction with IFES leaders and staff, Evangelical leaders in the UK and around the world, and donors. They also record his meetings, travels and conferences (1993: Latin America, USA, South Africa, Madagascar/Ivory Coast, Germany, Spain, Urbana ’93 where he was one of the speakers; 1994: Belarus and Kiev, Poland, Jordan, Kenya, Ivory Coast, East Asia, and Norway; 1995: Brazil, Australia, USA, Canada), and speaking engagements (including a folder for those not accepted—see folder 26-15). In many cases, only Brown’s side of the interaction is found in the files. A few of the letters are appreciations for donations or replies to invoices. The greater part of Brown’s correspondence with IFES member movement leaders and staff is found in the Member Movement and Staff series. Several General Correspondence files concern personnel issues, especially in a case relating to a training program, salaries, performance, filling open positions, and job descriptions, as well as positions on the Executive and General Committees and as Regional Director.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 26-12 Among Brown’s correspondence for 1993 is a letter from William Armerding of Canada to Jacques Beney, the IFES Finance Secretary, touching on some of the complexities of fundraising and donations that span countries’ borders. Also a letter from John Stott about his recent trip to Korea, a possible meeting, and an attempt to connect with Cliff Richard.
• Folder 27-3 Clive Calver’s letter of 9/8/94 expressing his position about the UCCF’s positive contribution to Evangelical life in the UK.
• Folder 27-14 Drafts of the 1995 version of the IFES long-range plan going through its various revisions. It is unclear if the September 1995 version is just the latest in the folder or the final version.
• Folder 27-15 Among Brown’s general correspondence is his 7/31/95 memo to several staff and Regional Secretary Daniel Bourdanné with his recommendations plus a diagram of “what I think a good structure for any national movement would be.
• Folder 27-6 Annotated manuscript of “Evangelical Belief” authored by Rev. Bob Horn, General Secretary of UCCF at the time, with an accompanying letter with comments and suggestions.
Series III.D.: General Secretaries: Letters to Staff
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1961-1975
Volume: .7 cubic feet
Boxes: 28-29
Type of documents: Letters and memos, some with attachments (in many cases, the attachments are not included), minutes, agenda, budgets, reports, ballots, questionnaires
Correspondents: C. Stacey Woods, Chua Wee Hian, Hans Bürki
Notes: These letters to staff, members of the Financial Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, General Committee, Literature Committee, member movements, and IFES friends, consisted of information that needed to be dispersed to the members of these various groups. Unlike the “Staff Letter” or “Staff Newsletter” that spanned almost all of Chua’s tenure, this series was not named but rather is a compilation of diverse communications kept in three-ring binders before being received by the Archives. However, when the series gets to Chua’s tenure in 1972, his numbered “Staff Letter” (begins in folder 29-7, overlaps with the full series, 1972-1991, in folder 22-8) is interspersed through the other documents. The generic title of the subseries may obscure the value of its contents, but it contains a great deal of information coming from the movement’s senior executive and documents decisions, conditions, and issues of interest to the entire IFES community and its committees. The notebooks were begun by Woods and continued by Chua until 1975. Chua’s addition of Staff Letters shows a transition from Woods’ style, covering various topics to be circulated among IFES staff, including staff news, administrative decisions and issues, and developments in member movements.
The letters in the subseries addressed various topics, including: the appointment or resignations of staff and committee members and officers, committee nominations, budgets and financial status, financial grants, policies, committee agendas and minutes, publications of books, appeals for contributions to the “Praise and Prayer Bulletin,” salaries (reductions and increases), headquarters news, communication with supporters, organizational restructuring, overhead for headquarters and administration, regional secretaries and offices, directories, the general secretaries’ trip reports, staff conferences, need for a comptroller, Council of Reference, proposals for new projects and centers, focused efforts in particular countries, public relations and promotion of IFES in the US, changes to the constitution, receipting donations across national borders, seconding of missionaries from their agencies, communicating with supporters, special travel arrangements for meetings, appeals for reports from field workers, IFES Trust, headquarters location, applications for membership, A Brief History of IFES by Douglas Johnson, annual ministry plan, pension plan, missionary vision of IFES, development of ministry in various regions of the world, resource people available during their travels, training program for prospective and new staff, “IFES Information Service,” vacation allotments, register of member movements, attendance at the 1966 World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin and the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland, purchase and/or use of Schloss Mittersill in Austria, tax issues, ministry openings to be communicated to staff and others in contact with students and graduates, literature ministry in IFES and its movements, doctrinal basis/statement of faith, pioneer situations that require volunteers, salary levels of staff, relationships between staffworkers and national workers, Urbana missionary conferences in the US, delivery of salaries to a worldwide staff, budget requests, insurance, special financial requests, effective communication across the globe and through the IFES bureaucracy, contribution copies of the Living Bible, travel itineraries, upcoming events, and more.
One issue surfacing in the subseries is the IFES relationship with Campus Crusade for Christ. The 6/7/63 memo (folder 28-9) addresses the growth of Campus Crusade for Christ, its potential impact on IFES work in various countries, and the need for IFES member movements to make their ministry and contribution more widely known. Another report on the encounter between Campus Crusade and the Canadian Inter-Varsity work on the campus of the University of British Columbia is recorded in a 12/22/65 memo (folder 28-11). Woods’ 12/9/66 memo in folder 28-12 proposes possible placement of IFES students in Campus Crusade’s European efforts, and includes an accounting of Woods’ meeting with Bill Bright and other Campus Crusade leaders at the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin outlines an understanding the two reached. Also in folder 28-12 is Warner Hutchinson’s three-page report on his two-day visit to the Campus Crusade headquarters for interaction and to mutually address tensions between the two organizations, including his assessment of Campus Crusade and the mutual relationship.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 28-8 The 4/26/62 letter contains a variety of information, touching on “personalized giving—individuals, chapters, churches—prayer letters, IFES newsletters, Praise and Prayer Bulletins.
• Folder 28-10 Memo on the Manpower Register, developed to connect graduates with ministry opportunities around the world. Also see 1/19/65 memos in folder 28-11 and from 3/13/68 and 5/14/68 in folder 29-2.
• Folder 28-12 Memo of 10/5/66 introducing “Policy Regarding Participating in Conferences with Other Organizations, Particularly WSCF (World Student Christian Federation).” Also memo of 4/14/66 with attached report by Art Glasser to IFMA on student work.
• Folder 29-1 Memo of 2/7/67 announcing that Michael Griffiths would not be joining IFES but remain with Overseas Missionary Fellowship. The significance of this is that Griffiths appears to have been envisioned as a possible candidate to replace Woods as general secretary, the search for which was already in motion at this time.
• Folder 29-3 Memo from 11/25/69 addressing future development of IFES, restructuring and possible decentralization.
• Folder 29-5 Memo from 12/6/71 that begins, “It would appear that there is the danger of our falling in to the unfortunate practice of some other Christian societies, namely of pirating workers from a society and encouraging them to join our staff.” This not only reflects Woods’ writing style but also his concern about “sheep-stealing.” Also memo of 3/5/71 references the creation of a position for an Associate General Secretary for Europe in anticipation of Woods retirement and relocation of headquarters from Lausanne, Switzerland, to London. Also memo of 2/9/71 about Woods’ upcoming retirement and the Executive Committee’s invitation to Chua Wee Hian to be the new General Secretary.
• Folder 29-6 Woods’ farewell letter in December 1972. Also Chua’s end-of-year letter stating, “I’m introducing this staff letter as a forum to exchange news and to give up to date comments on developments in the IFES family.” Also Chua’s late-1972 request for monthly reports from staff, including the standard form in English and French.
• Folder 29-7 Memo of 8/8/73 requests the completion of a questionnaire that gathered information on member movements; a blank copy of the questionnaire is included. Also includes one-page “Suggestions for Writing Your Prayer Letter” and a January 1973 edition of the list of member movements with addresses and names of their general secretaries or other officers.
• Folder 29-8 April 1974 edition of IFES staff list, identifying associate staff separately. Also “IFES in East Asia,” the slide commentary (possibly used on audio tape) by Chua, with narrative to accompany fifty-three slides with country sketches, overviews of the student world, and each member movement in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. Also, the 2/19/74 memo announces an informal IFES Leaders’ Consultation to be held following the International Congress on World Evangelization, which many IFES staff and leaders were planning to attend.
• Folder 29-9 Draft version from 1975 of “Further Together” laying out proposed IFES goals. Also memo of 5/2/75 about “Christian Students in Vietnam.” Also, the three-page “Financial Commitments of IFES for 1975” list regions, corresponding projects or areas, and amounts allocated in dollars.
Series IV: IFES Member Movements
A. IFES Member Movements—Alphabetical by Year
B. South Africa
C. Member Movement Finances
Date Range: 1961-1998
Volume: 42.7 cubic feet
Boxes: 29-105
Geographic coverage: Global
Subseries IV.A: IFES Member Movements—Alphabetical by Year
Arrangement: Chronological by individual year (1971-1997), alphabetical by country name within each year subseries (in some instances, like 1974, the folders for a region are clustered under the continent name, as for African countries appearing at the beginning of the order under Africa rather than spread throughout the alphabetical range by the country name.
Date Range: 1961-1998
Volume: 41.2 cubic feet
Boxes: 29-102
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Correspondence and email, minutes, monthly and annual reports, trip reports, newsletters (including photographs), handwritten notes, prayer and support letters, movement by-laws, movement newsletters and other publications (see Publications Series in this collection for more extensive grouping of publications arranged by country), conference brochures, financial reports and audits, ballots, directories, promotional material, questionnaires (especially country-specific), resource or background documents on a country
Correspondents: General Secretaries Lindsay Brown, Chua Wee Hian, C. Stacey Woods; J.O. Beney, David Bentley-Taylor, Sue Brown, Sarah Dudley-Smith, Samuel Escobar, Vanessa Flynn, Judy Hanson, Katie Higham, Jennifer Johnston (Woods’ secretary), Brede Kristensen, Pete Lowman, Allison Marsh, Barry McLeish, James McLeish, Terry Morrison, Sharon Mythen, Peter Northrup, James Nyquist, Tracy Sickelmore, John Rogers, Ruth Siemens
Notes: Files are those kept at IFES headquarters containing correspondence with and on IFES member movements throughout the world with key movement leaders in each country (for example Kola Ejiwunmi and John M. Ajayi in Nigeria), staffworkers, students and faculty, other Evangelical leaders, and other contacts. Much of the correspondence is between General Secretary Chua (or other IFES staff at the London office) and representatives in a country’s movement, students, or church leaders. In many countries, ministry is limited to university students, while in others, ministry is to both college and high school students. In many cases in this series, the correspondence was with individuals who were or became key Evangelical leaders in their countries and more broadly in their region or the Evangelical world. This series makes clear that IFES is not simply a global movement, but a movement made up of national movements. With the passage of time, movements in new countries joined the growing list of members.
Some information in the series is very routine: mailing addresses, acknowledging donations, invitations to speak at events, requests for permission to use publications, etc.), while many others are more substantive, focusing on the Evangelical student movement and its activities in a country, requests for prayer by Chua or for international circulation throughout the Fellowship, interchange between movements, evangelistic efforts, financial loans, assessment of ministry opportunities, staff needs and recruitment, training opportunities (both national and at Schloss Mittersill), potential leaders and staff development, turnover of staff, pioneer opportunities, a movement’s relationship with its national church or government, launching new movements or expanding work into new schools, camp ministry, the use of literature in student ministry, joining IFES, Evangelical contacts and potential supporters, making appeals for staff support for other countries, coordinating speaking opportunities for IFES leaders in various regions of the world, trends across national boundaries, filling staff vacancies, inquiries about IFES, anniversary commemorations, financial arrangements, contention in a member movement, the general secretary’s assessment of the movement from a distance, requests for prayer, and more. The general secretary regularly highlights newsworthy items from other countries, connects member movements from different countries, makes traveling staff available for speaking, publications, and other resources. The files within a given year sometimes overlap with the previous year, and are sometimes interlinked when one or more letters in one country file refers to names, events, etc., in another country file. Documents are primarily in English, with some in Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Dutch, and the other languages of the countries of the member movements. Translations of some documents are included, but since Chua is Chinese, Chinese translations were not needed and during his term were rare. Some folders consist almost entirely of movement newsletters or minutes, rather than correspondence.
The Member Movements Series and Staff Series intersect a great deal to shed light on the IFES world. The key distinctions between the two, however, are that the Member Movements files are principally correspondence with a country’s movement leaders, staff, and students that are not IFES staff. The Staff Series on the other hand documents the interaction with and activities of IFES staffworkers, some assigned to a country or region, others affiliated with a member movement, and still others to a particular function. Although the Member Movement Series is arranged by countries, some staff files, which might have appeared in the Staff Series of this collection, were received within the Member Movement series and remain there. The archivist made no effort to relocate all these to the Staff Series.
Among the themes that appear in numerous countries are: the impact of the charismatic movement, the relationship and tension with Campus Crusade (later named CRU), relationships with other Evangelical or non-Evangelical groups in a particular country, etc.
In many cases, files for a given year subseries contain documents that precede or extend beyond that year. It is unclear why these files appear in a given year, but the archivist made no attempt to rearrange these.
Some countries’ files (i.e, Great Britain, Switzerland, United States, and others) include separate folders for additional national entities (such as InterVarsity Press and Christian Unions), along with files for a country’s key contacts. Several year’s sets of files contain not only of member movement folders but also files of correspondence with C. Stacey Woods and documents related to the IFES Trust, Ltd.
Most folders are dedicated to a single country, although the reader will find incoming or outgoing correspondence beyond its borders. There are also several regional clusters of country movements that are often gathered together in the files. The most consistent is that for French-speaking Africa, called collectively Groupes Bibliques Universitares Afrique Francophone. The countries included in this are: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire (or Ivory Coast), Madagascar, and Senegal. PAFES or Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students, formed in 1959, gathers English-speaking movements across the African continent. FOCUS or Fellowship of Christian Unions, established in 1969, is the regional aggregation of student ministry in east, central, and southern Africa, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia (earlier Rhodesia). Beginning in 1988, South American countries are clustered together in several folders.
In some cases, newsletters or other publications were filed in the Member Movement series by the IFES staff—these might overlap with those in the Publications Series for a given country. There might also be copies in the Member Movement series that do not appear in the Publication Series. No effort was made by the archivist to completely eliminate this overlap or duplication.
In the latter part of the series (late 1980s), the content of the folders becomes more sparse, with fewer letters and other documents, even for those where there was more substantial documentation during the earlier years of the series. Printed copies of email messages or threads begin appearing in the folders in 1996.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 29-10 Minutes of the North Atlantic Zone Committee between 1956-1961; originally called the Atlantic Zone Committee in 1956 (changed to include “North” in 1957), this was an IFES designation for what appears to be comprised of member movements in North America and Northern Europe, including representatives from Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, United States.
• Folder 29-11 Southern Pacific. Survey conducted by the Australian IVF from 1970 for potential IFES growth in the South Pacific.
• Folder 29-12 Mexico. Samuel Escobar’s trip report on his visits to Mexico, Peru, and Chile, commenting briefly on the political and social context in each country, student populations and opportunities for witness, interaction with national staff, and training conferences. Also, see Escobar’s report on the Student Christian Movement conference he was a presenter at in Nicaragua in 1966.
• Folder 29-14 Nepal. Report by Geoff Richards about pioneering opportunities among students in Nepal; also Richards’ and Viju Abraham’s reports on their trips to Nepal in 1970.
• Folder 30-1 Nigeria. Stacey Woods asks Kola Ejuwunmi of Nigeria to respond to John Alexander’s request to send two to three recommendations of African staff who might serve in the United States on a short-term basis in order build the African American staff population in IVCF-USA.
• Folder 30-2 Norway. Elnar Solli’s letter to Woods on 8/17/71 includes an attached, handwritten manuscript, “IFES and Apartheid,” written from a WSCF viewpoint about the Students’ Christian Association that left the WSCF and later joined IFES. Some of the documents in this file illustrate the concerns that a movement in one country has for that in another.
• Folder 30-3 Pakistan. Includes David Penman’s “Punjab and NWFP Tour Report for July 1971, “Structures Within the Pakistan Fellowship of Evangelical Students and Some Indications of Developments in the Future,” and “Pakistan Fellowship of Evangelical Students: A Brief History.” Folders 30-4 and 32-16, also for Pakistan, includes correspondence with the Roman Catholic bishop of Karachi, Rt. Rev. Selby N. Spence, and word of David Penman’s early departure from Karachi.
• Folder 30-5 Peru. Minutes of the IFES Staff Conference in Lima, 1967. Woods, Rene Padilla, Pedro Arana, Doug Stewart, Rodolfo Sabo, Wayne Bragg, and Ruth Siemens were participating.
• Folder 30-6 Philippines. Bel Magalit’s letter of 9/26/72 reporting on the martial law decree President Ferdinand Marcos declared the previous Friday; also 3/28/68 letter about Richard Harbour’s decision to move to Campus Crusade, along with Harbour’s subsequent letter to David Adeney describing his visit to Crusade headquarters and explaining issues in his decision.
• Folder 30-7 Portugal. Ruth Siemens’ report on her 1971 visit to Portugal.
• Folder 30-10 Turkey. C. Stacey Woods’ 1962 letter to the Chamber of Commerce in Ankara inquiring about the church’s in the city and the country’s openness to Christian travelers and their ability to share their faith.
• Folder 30-12 Vietnam. Ada Lum’s report on her 1972 visit to Vietnam assessing the condition of the country’s IVCF, grad student and high school ministries, the country’s churches, Campus Crusade’s efforts, capable student leaders, and the need for a full-time staffworker to expand the work. She also recounts Paul Contento’s assessment of the ministry and political situation country.
• Folder 30-15 Algeria. David Bentley-Taylor’s report on his visit to Algeria.
• Folder 30-19 Bangladesh. P.T. Chandapilla’s report on student ministry in Bangladesh.
• Folder 30-20 Belgium. Account of discussion between Woods and Claude Vilain about his taking on responsibility for the training program at Schloss Mittersill, a castle in the Austrian Alps that functioned as the IFES international training center.
• Folder 30-24 Canada. IVCF-Canada’s 1971-1972 annual report.
• Folder 31-2 Canada. The 1967 version of “The Objectives and Philosophy of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.
• Folder 31-4 Ceylon. Geoff Richards’ and David Adeney’s reports on their visits to Ceylon.
• Folder 31-8 Congo. Exchange between Woods and Dr. Francis White about her recommendation of a Congolese student for the training program at Schloss Mittersill.
• Folders 31-12,13 Eastern Europe. “Extracts from letters from students who were at Mittersill for the course in July, 1971,” providing the experiences and impact of the training program at Schloss Mittersill. Also Richard Wurmbrand’s testimony in 1967 before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on un-American Activities—Wurmbrand was the founder of Voice of the Martyrs and a prominent advocate for persecuted Christians in Communist countries; Alex Williams’ report on his visit to the Communist countries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary in late-1971.
• Folder 31-15 Egypt. David Bentley-Taylor’s report on his 1972 visit to Egypt.
• Folder 31-16 El Salvador. “Report of the Work Among University Students in Certain Central American Countries.”
• Folder 32-15 Malawi. William Adodoadji’s 1972 “Report on Visit to Malawi.”
• Folder 35-9 United States. Letters from Dick Crespo to Chua, Doug Stewart of the Mexico movement and Harvey T. Co Chien in the Philippines Inter-Varsity, requesting their movement’s participation in the two-year old Student Training in Missions program.
• Folder 35-15 C. Stacey Woods (CSW). Woods’ letters to Chua, mostly from Schloss Mittersill, where Woods located following his retirement as general secretary; his role included being the chairperson of the Operations Committee of the castle. The letters cover a variety of issues, many related to the Schloss and its training program, including welcoming Chua to the committee as an elected member. Woods is candid in his opinions and requests, and are a glimpse into the relationship between and transition to the current and previous general secretaries. Also, Woods’ letter of 11/29/73 to Chua addresses his assessment of the problem of staffworkers baptizing students, especially noting instances in Texas, Austria, and Germany.
• Folder 35-16 C.S.W. A 1964 version of IFES biographical information on C. Stacey Woods.
• Folder 35-18 IFES Trust Ltd. File on the Trust of which Chua was secretary, including minutes, financial reports, and correspondence about financial matters.
• Folder 37-14 Folder of member movement summaries, arranged alphabetically, identifying the needs of the movement, number of universities, key leaders, current goals or projects, and staffing status. Probably a resource for Chua to give him a quick overview of a movement, it is also invaluable to the researcher.
• Folder 38-17 Spain. Three manuscripts from presentations: “¡No estoy de acuerdo con Dios!” by Samuel Escobar, “Temas sobre la Evangelizacion” by David Burt, and “La Evangelizacion” by Ruth Siemens.
• Folder 39-2 United States. Correspondence with Barry McLeish, who was the IFES representative in the US, based at the Madison headquarters of IVCF-USA.
• Folder 39-9 Ethiopia. Exchange between Tekeste Teclu of Ethiopia and Philip Armstrong of Far Eastern Gospel Crusade, arranging for the extension of Mildred Young’s loan for ministry among students.
• Folder 39-16 Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly. “A Presentation from the Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly (PACLA), Nairobi, Kenya.”
• Folder 39-24 Canada. Task force products from 1976, including: “Financing in a God-Honoring Way,” “What It Means to be an Evangelical Student Movement Today,” “Community Colleges,” “The Place of Camping Within an Evangelical Student Movement,” “The Federal Character of Our Movement and How It Relates to the Varying Needs of Canadians Today,” “The High School Worker,” “Our Ministry to Teachers and Other Graduates within the Evangelical Student Movement,” “The Place of a Nursing Program in the Evangelical Student Movement Today,” “An Overview of Inter-Varsity as an Evangelical Student Movement: Philosophy,” “Anticipating Our Fiftieth Anniversary,” “The Ministry of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and Canadian IVCF Involvement in It,” and “What Is IFES?”
• Folder 42-8 Africa. Emmy Matiti’s “My Observation of PACLA.”
• Folder 43-5 France. Correspondence about the death of staffworker Daniel Kuen.
• Folder 43-11 Great Britain. T.B. Dankwa’s correspondence in the Great Britain files rather than Ghana where his file typically is located, reflecting his relocation to London.
• Folder 44-10 Singapore. Folder of documents related to the 1977 East Asia Regional Conference.
• Folder 46-15 Lebanon. Flyer announcing John Stott’s meetings in Beirut.
• Folder 47-18 United States. Correspondence and issues of TSF News and Reviews, marking the launch of Theological Students Fellowship.
• Folder 49-22 Nigeria. Form to request financial help from the IFES Literature Secretary.
• Folder 50-11 United States. Letters about the Student Training in Missions (STIM) program.
• Folder 50-12 United States. Documents about the 1979 Urbana missionary conference.
• Folder 50-13 United States. Prospectus for the projected Herbert J. Taylor Center at IVCF’s Cedar Campus on Lake Huron.
• Folder 51-6 Central America. Copy of “We Condemn the Assassination of Monseigneur Romero” (El Salvadoran Catholic archbishop who was killed in 1980 for his speaking out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations, and torture) from the Christian Student Circle in Ecuador.
• Folder 52-27 Philippines. IFES: East Asia Directory, 1980.
• Folders 53-14 through 54-17 Consists of IFES European Secretary Brede Kristensen’s correspondence with representatives in various countries that were kept in a notebook. Correspondents and subjects of discussion appear to be similar to those with Chua, but a common topic in Kristensen’s is student training, both generally and at Schloss Mittersill. While he was serving as the IFES European Secretary at the time, based in the Netherlands, and was participating on the board of IFES, Inc., the US fundraising entity, it is unclear from the documents what role he was occupying that extended his scope of correspondence to worldwide. Also among the correspondence are those of Janet Brown, perhaps Kristensen’s assistant. All of the documents from Kristensen were copies, while most incoming letters were originals except when the primary copy was sent to someone else and Kristensen was copied. All but folder 54-17 are tied to one country movement or IFES entity; folder 54-17 was arranged alphabetically by the correspondent.
• Folder 54-11 Switzerland. C. Van den Heuvel’s “IFES and the churches: Remarks.”
• Folder 56-11 Lebanon. Includes 1981 version of “IFES Member Movements,” including country name, address, and primary officer, usually general secretary.
• Folder 59-13 Great Britain. All labeled generally “UK Christian Unions Correspondence,” the contents are exchanges between various parties and Judy Hanson, editorial assistant.
• Folder 60-26 New Zealand. Copy of Studies on World Mission.
• Folder 61-1 Nigeria. Includes copy of a computer printout of the tally of “World Survey of Tertiary (and High School) Education,” including data on number of colleges/universities, student enrollment, Christian tertiary groups, Bible study groups, and full-time and part-time staff. Regions covered include Africa, Middle East, Asia and East Asia, Europe and Eastern Europe, the Americas, Latin and Central America, Oceania, and South Pacific.
• Folder 61-20 United States. 1982 version of the US IVCF’s “Staff Directory.”
• Folder 64-26 Philippines. “A Call to Repentance” from Diliman Bible Church to Filipino Christians and citizens, mourning the death of Ninoy Aquino and the state of the nation’s political life and ways.
• Folder 68-11 Netherlands. Correspondence about Sir Fred Catherwood’s (IFES Treasurer) visit to the Netherlands to share the IFES vision with Dutch businessmen.
• Folder 68-13 Nigeria. Exchange between Chua and Kola Ejiwunmi, General Secretary of the Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) about Ejiwunmi’s reluctance to move to Benin and his offer to resign as General Secretary of NIFES in order to remain a staffworker in Lagos. Also includes correspondence from and to Jane Nelson of the Billy Graham Center Scholarship Program about Femi Adeleye’s application and acceptance into the Wheaton College Graduate School and receiving the scholarship; also see folder 71-27. Folder 72-15 contains similar material for the application of David Zac Niringiye of Uganda.
• Folder 70-4 Colombia. Letters and other documents related to the Colombian staffworker Hernando Hernandez, killed in a mountain-road accident after the IFES Continental Training Seminar in Quito, Ecuador. Among the documents is a tribute to Hernandez from hymn writer Margaret Clarkson, who was a fellow student with him at Ontario Theological Seminary. Folder 70-8 includes a letter from John Stott that refers to Hernandez’s death—Stott had also been at the training course in Quito.
• Folder 71-8 Hong Kong. “The Affirmation of Faith of Hong Kong Evangelical Christians in the Midst of Contemporary Social and Political Change,” written in anticipation of the 1997 transfer of Hong Kong from British to Chinese control.
• Folder 73-17 Great Britain. Correspondence with Christian unions throughout the UK countries. This correspondence illuminates the interaction between the IFES staff in London—mostly editorial staff for the IFES publication IN TOUCH—and student leaders from many campuses coordinating distribution of literature on IFES and visits from IFES representatives to campus groups and conferences.
• Folder 77-4 United States. File on Chua’s participation as a special guest and speaker at the 1987 Urbana, which also commemorated the 40th anniversary of IFES. Chua also attended IVCF’s National Staff Conference (NSC). Also included are copies of Urbana TODAY, the daily newspaper for convention attendees.
• Folder 77-6 Barbados. “The Cave Hill Commitment” that “arises out of consultations of the men who were delegates at the 1987 IS/ISCF Regional Conference. At these consultations a unanimous concern was expressed for the lack of male leadership in our movements and general the need for ‘good’ men in the Church – the body of Christ – in the Caribbean.”
• Folder 77-17 Cuba. Correspondence and proposal from the nation’s Koinonia movement, requesting funds to develop a camp for conferences.
• Folder 82-1 United States. Annual plan and purposes statement for IVCF’s Multi-Ethnic Ministries, along with the development plan for its Black Campus Ministries.
• Folder 83-18 Latin America. Report, “Significant Trends in Student Work in the Latin American Region.”
• Folder 85-35 Liberia. “A Brief Comprehensive Report: The Liberian Civil War Affects LIFES Ministry,” handwritten.
• Folder 87-26 Great Britain. Copy of “Partnership in Student Ministry—UCCF & IFES."
• Folder 88-1 Korea. Photo of an artist’s rendering “for new IVF training centre.”
• Folder 88-37 Former USSR. “IFES Ministry in the Baltic States and USSR.”
• Folder 89-23 Germany. “IFES Evaluation of the SMD Contribution to Work in Central Europe and the Former USSR.” (SMD or Studentenmission in Deutschland was the German student movement.)
• Folder 93-9 Australia. Report, “Women in AFES Ministry,” on the role of women staff in the Australian movement, assessing history, weaknesses.
• Folder 95-14 United States. Deliberations about returning the magazine Certeza from oversight by the U.S. IVP to control by a Latin American entity.
• Folder 99-38 Regional Reports. Includes reports from Europe and CIS, Latin America, Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students, South Pacific, Francophone Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East/North Africa, and Caribbean.
• Folder 101-9 UK-IVP. Includes manuscripts for two Bible study publications, Our Ultimate Questions and Ada Lum’s Who Really Is Jesus?
• Folder 101-26 Latin America Regional Office—Cochabamba ’98. Reports and newsletters from the conference in Bolivia celebrating the 40th anniversary of student ministry in Latin America.
Subseries IV.B: South Africa
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1963-1995
Volume: .8 cubic feet
Boxes: 103-104
Geographic coverage: South Africa. (These South Africa files were received from IFES segregated from the preceding member movement files that were arranged by individual years. No explanation was provided for this alternate arrangement, although it possibly was due to the coexistence of two national movements and the apartheid conditions of the country that led to their separate existence)
Type of documents: Correspondence, incorporation documents, meeting agenda and minutes, reports, policy statements, position papers, manuscripts
Correspondents: Stacey C. Woods, R.J. Wells, Chua Wee Hian, Graham McIntosh, Jim Johnston
Notes: The correspondence in this subseries relates to the two South African movements—the Student Christian Association of South Africa (SCA) and the Students Christian Movement (SCM)—that were separate throughout the period covered by the files. The application processes for membership in IFES are also documented. The two were distinct in apartheid South Africa, with their ministries broadly defined along racial lines—for many of the years represented in this subseries, there are separate folders for the two although the files are intermingled in the chronological arrangement. The SCM worked in historically Black institutions, while SCA worked among White and predominantly English-speaking students. The subseries records the separate ministries of the two, their individual efforts to join IFES—SCA affiliated in 1967 and SCM in 1987—the turmoil between them during the apartheid era, and conversations about merging, complications, and conflict that prevented it. After the healing of and forgiveness for rifts, misunderstandings, and conflicts, the two were eventually reconciled and in 1997 merged to form Students’ Christian Organisation (SCO), three years after apartheid ended in the country. Another organization, formed in 1964 as the South African Fellowship of Evangelical Students was merged into SCA in 1967 (see folder 103-2). A subsequent entity of the same name was established in 1973 to bring together different Evangelical ministries in the country. For as much as the contents document these significant issues, the series also records the everyday reporting and business of the movements
Exceptional items:
• Folder 103-1 Correspondence and documents for the process of the Evangelical Christian Union of Rhodes University, Grahamstown, to be accepted as an IFES affiliated member.
• Folder 103-2 Correspondence with the South African Fellowship of Evangelical Students (SAFES), including regarding merging with Students Christian Association (SCA).
• Folder 103-3 An appeal in 1968 to the General Secretary of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod for the “South African Report on Church and Race Relations” to be discussed; the article, “IFES and Apartheid” and a response by J. Johnston to the errors and accusations it contained; 1982 position paper from the Third Consultation of SCA; other documents touch on possible merger with SCM, especially the minutes from a 2/1-2/1985 meeting; letter to Chua Wee Hian regarding the “Proposed Merger SCA and YMCA South Africa”; 1982 “Summary of the History of SCA of South Africa.”
• Folder 103-5 Correspondence related to the South African Fellowship of Christian Unions (SAFES), including of copy of the constitution of the continent’s Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS), from which the doctrinal basis was considered an essential part.
• Folder 103-9 The Cyara Declaration that addressed the place of Black Christians in a segregated society, incorporating on the authority of Scripture, uniqueness of Christ, evangelism, social responsibility, Black culture, and church unity; at the request of SCM, it was to be referred to as the SCM Students Declaration rather than by the conference center where it was held.
• Folder 103-12 Plastic-bound booklet, “What the Students’ Christian Movement of Southern Africa is All About.”
• Folder 103-13 Correspondence that touches on a desire to develop a South African version of IVCF-USA’s Student Training in Missions (STIM) program, called SCaMP or Students’ Cross-Cultural Missions Programme (also see following folders for more on the development and program of SCaMP).
• Folder 103-15 Correspondence with another Christian organization in the country, Afrikaanse Christen-Studentevereniging van Suid-Afrika (ACSV)—also see folders 104-9,12; also see folder 104-3 for the Association for Christian Students of Southern Africa.
• Folder 103-16 Copy of the “SCA Students’ Declaration 1980” to “make our position clear with regard to some of the issues facing us in South Africa today.”
• Folder 104-1 Copy of the 1982 “Consultation’s Position Paper on Social Issues.”
• Folder 104-13 Copy of the National Initiative for Reconciliation’s “Statement of Affirmation.”
• Folder 104-14 Copy of SCA’s “The State of Emergency in South Africa Today—Our Response.”
• Folder 104-15 Includes many reports from various levels of the SCA.
• Folder 104-18 Letter from Lindsay Brown to David Zac Niringiye about the disturbing news of the possible emergence of an additional student movement in South Africa as SCA and SCM struggled to unite.
Subseries IV.C: Member Movement Finances
Arrangement: Alphabetical by country name from Algeria to Norway. (IFES did not include the files for country names from P to Z in their donation and these files are therefore missing from the collection.)
Date Range: 1972-1978
Volume: .7 cubic feet
Boxes: 104-105
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Correspondence, receipts and acknowledgments for financial gifts, donor lists, questionnaires, autobiographical statements and testimonies, email messages and faxes
Correspondents: Ron Smith and Maria Grazia Megazzini (IFES accountants), Chua Wee Hian, other IFES staff, representatives of member movements
Notes: This subseries specifically tracks transactions, many relatively small amounts, between IFES headquarters and member movements, for staff salaries, grants to individual movements, scholarships, gifts between movements, author royalties, fees for publications, or channeling gifts from individuals. In some instances, such as the Canada or Great Britain files (folders 104 25 and 105-6), the contents are substantive and reflect the gifting and accounting of funds rather than just receiving them. These everyday business communications nonetheless show the interaction about finances with member movements and reveal how support was allocated.
Series V: IFES Staff
1. Staff to 1982
2. Staff by Year
Date Range: 1952-1998
Volume: 38.7 cubic feet
Boxes: 106-183
Series V: IFES Staff
Arrangement: The first several boxes of files in the series are accumulations for the following time periods, alphabetical within each span, after which files appear year by year in the rest of the series. The titles given to each subsection were provided by IFES with no explanation for the organization or distinctions that separated each grouping.
1. Staff to 1982
a. Ex-Staff at 1973 (documents range 1952-1973)
b. IFES Staff to 1977 (documents range 1952-1979)
c. IFES Staff to 1979 (documents range 1952-1979)
d. IFES Staff to 1982 (documents range 1966-1981)
2. Staff by Year—Chronologically, subdivided by year; within each year, files are arranged alphabetically by name of field and associate staff followed by staff working with graduate students, also alphabetically. Despite the coverage of the “Staff to 1982” subseries, the remaining files begin in 1971 rather than 1982, although there was no explanation for this overlap or the distinctions that separated these two sections.
Since multiple files appear for individuals in these subsections and the dates of documents are intermingled, it is unclear what the office’s filing system was.
Date Range: 1952-1998
Volume: 39.0 cubic feet
Boxes: 106-183
Geographic coverage: International
Type of documents: Correspondence, reports, signed doctrinal statements and essays, applications to join as IFES staff, statistical records of finances, biographical details sheets, prayer letters, references, postcard votes on staff appointments, trip and survey reports, job descriptions, charts, loose or attached photographs of applicants and staff, address lists for contacts, travel itineraries, donation reports, directories, calendars and itineraries, printed email messages, many completed copies of the “Information Report for IFES Fund Raising Purposes”
Correspondents: General Secretaries Lindsay Brown, Chua Wee Hian, and C. Stacey Woods; J.O. Beney, David Bentley-Taylor, Briony Butcher, Deborah Chapman as Trilingual Secretary, Tania Crauwels, Sarah Dudley-Smith, An Eeraerts, Fiona Fisher, Jill Goddard, Deborah Herath as Trilingual Secretary, Katie Higham, Brede Kristensen, Patricia Lewis, Pete Lowman, Alison Marsh, John Rogers, Tracy Sickelmore, Kirsty Thorburn, Cathryn Winter, and individual IFES staff and associate staff, grad team staff, and field partners
Notes: The staff files in this extensive series contain a great depth of information related to and observed by each of the IFES personnel and the organization’s leaders. The early files in the series comingle those for staff, field staff, and associate staff, those working with graduate students, and field partners—Associate Staff were those supported by other mission agencies and seconded to IFES assignments; Grad Teams consisted of “young graduates [who] are encouraged to spend a year or two years working alongside our regular staff members in pioneer areas” (from Chua letter of 8/14/1973 to Denton Conrad); “IFES ‘Field Partners’ are ‘tentmakers’, professionals in secular posts” (from The Day of His Power, p. 366); there are several staff lists in each category throughout the series, but the most clear assignment of a category for a person will be found in the General Secretary’s letter of invitation or renewal of their status. For the later individual year subseries, associate staff and graduate team files are filed separately after the staff section, but in some cases staff of one category for some reason are filed in another. Files may consist of only a signed doctrinal basis. Not all the individuals for whom there are files were actually appointed, at least as reflected in the available folders—the absence of ongoing files over time suggests that they applied but for various reasons were not appointed. Documents are primarily in English, but also include those in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, or other languages of the countries of the member movements. The arrangement of this subseries remains as it was received from IFES.
The archivist retained the arrangement of this series as it was received from IFES in year-by-year subseries. The disadvantage of this arrangement to the researcher is that those wishing to follow a particular staff worker do not get all their files clustered together but instead must request files across the span of many of the year subseries. The benefit of this arrangement, however, is that the researcher gets a year-by-year snapshot of activities and developments across various staff and in relationship to the headquarters, other staff, and regional or global events in a given year. (See APPENDIX III: STAFFWORKERS for an extensive alphabetical listing of staff with corresponding folders.)
Among the staff files are those for regional secretaries, which also include correspondence to and from IFES staff in a region, assessments of their work, and financial issues in their domain of responsibility.
These files may include some documents found in a personnel file, but extend beyond that to provide a year-by-year overview of their details, performance, self-assessment, evaluations by leaders, evaluations of conferences and training programs, financial arrangements, personal developments and movement of staff, etc. In some cases, two or three folders appear together for a staff worker in a given year, one for correspondence, another for monthly reports, and a third for newsletters; in other cases within the same year, those documents are all interfiled in one folder.
The matters discussed in the correspondence and other documents range from the everyday to job performance (with assessments from supervisors or colleagues) to other personnel matters. The topics covered include applying to and resigning from IFES, terms of ministry, status of association with IFES, placement of potential staff, furlough calculations and plans, finances and financial support, relationships (with colleagues, national workers, other student movements, and local churches), details of ministry and daily life, education of children, theological or other advanced education, publication or distribution of literature, personal news, being seconded from another agency, transitioning into or out of an IFES role, travel arrangements, housing, attendance at the General Committee or World Assembly meetings, delineation of areas of responsibility or geographical regions, facilities and property, insurance and pension, doctrinal issues in the organization and member movements, misunderstandings or conflict between IFES staff or movements, coordinating the mailing of staff prayer letters, arranging for the transfer of presentation slides, etc.
Among the some of the specific themes that emerge are: ministry by an international staff with workers from various countries working in others; transition from expatriate to national staff; the complicated and difficult relationship IFES had with Campus Crusade in various countries and at the highest organizational levels; the complicate relationship with Latin America Mission’s Minamundo in countries where it was working; living and ministry in sensitive areas such as Eastern Europe and Islamic countries.
Annual reports completed by staff addressed a variety of topics, including sense of fulfillment, greatest frustration, greatest opportunity, “distinctive contribution to the ministry of IFES,” and “practical, specific recommendations to make to the Executive Committee.”
A number of folders throughout the series were titled “Daniel” or “Daniel II,” providing a pseudonym for individuals to maintain anonymity while working in sensitive areas. No attempt was made in the contents of the folders to obscure the identity of either men. In some cases, however, the files appeared under their given names in the alphabetical order, whether for Alex Williams or Jon Neall. The details of this arrangement with Williams are outlined in Woods’ letter of 10/01/1969 in folder 109-9.
The folders through 1972 reflect not only Chua Wee Hian’s transition from being Associate General Secretary of East Asia to his new role as IFES General Secretary, but also C. Stacey Woods transition from being the IFES General Secretary to retiring with some ongoing responsibilities. In both cases, these men were preparing their successors for their new duties. Along with everything else, these earliest files in the series when Woods was still General Secretary give insight into his personality and leadership style.
In addition to the repeating staff files for each sequential year, folders 136-11 through 137-5 consist of Brede Kristensen’s files for staff—most based in Europe—reporting to or interacting with him as Special Assistant to the General Secretary. These files include graduate team reports and more detailed accounting of activities by the staff reporting to him. There may be some duplication between Kristensen’s files and those of Chua Wee Hian.
During Chua Wee Hian’s term as General Secretary (1972-1991), his files in the series include folders that reflect his ongoing interest in ministry among the Chinese, including Chinese Church in London, IFES work in Hong Kong and Singapore, supporting churches, and his global travels, including to the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, and Latin America.
The final eleven folders (folders 183-1 through 11), labeled “Miscellaneous” for most letters between L through Z (files for A through K were not transferred to the Archives), consist of Lindsay Brown’s or other administrative staff’s correspondence with various individuals and organizations about general requests, response forms, or website inquiries for contact information for or background about IFES or a member movement, arranging accommodations, ministry opportunities and offers to serve, literature requests (especially for P.T. Chandapilla’s Master Trainer, Praise & Prayer, Highlights, and an IFES poster), address changes and requests to be added to a mailing list, serving as a referee on a dissertation thesis, financial gifts and how to give, contributing to IFES, collaborating with other agencies, some aspect of the upcoming 1999 General Assembly in Korea, etc. The inquiries came from throughout the world, although the majority were from Great Britain and Europe. Also included are outgoing blue-copy letters from Daniel Fletcher, the IFES Promotion & Development Officer, who was gathering details in a survey of the Christian press in Great Britain. Some of the replies refer to a “twinning link” with a student group in another country—see 3/31/1998 letter in folder 183-11 that provides some context and detail for these opportunities. These folders were filed with the 1998 staff files but bear no other correlation with the staff files.
Included are files for not only individuals, but regional offices, advisory committees, conferences, publishing houses, and rented facilities, including alphabetically:
• Asian Centre for Theological Studies (folder 127-23)
• All Nations Christian College (folder 127-22)
• Buenos Aires Office (folder 117-20)
• Chinese Church in London (folders 133-2, 137-15, 141-10, 145-15, 149-21, 153-10, 156 12)
• Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (folders 125-6, 133-1)
• Council of Reference (folder 108-1)
• David C. Cook Foundation (folder 128-6)
• Discipleship Training Centre, Singapore (folder 128-1)
• East Asia (folders 133-13, 138-13)
• East Asia Office (folders 116-4, 123-18)
• East Asia Regional Conference (folders 133-22, 147-2)
• Eastern Europe (folder 112-5,6)
• ECCE Committee (folder 128-2)
• Ediciones Certeza (folders 117-19, 126-13, 130-9, 134-7)
• Emmaus Institute (folder 128-3)
• Ethnic Chinese Congress on World Evangelization, Hawaii (folder 149-19)
• Europe (folder 111-10)
• European Advisory Committee (folders 133-15, 141-5, 145-7, 153-5)
• Evangelical Literature Trust (folder 128-4)
• Evangelical Missionary Alliance (folder 128-5)
• FES Literature Agency (folders 137-14, 141-9, 145-14, 153-12, 156-13)
• In Touch (folder 128-10)
• Islamic Lands (folders 127-3, 131-5, 135-1, 140-1, 148-8)
• Latin America
• Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (folder 128-9)
• Leaders Conference, Mittersill (folder 119-19)
• London Bible College (folder 128-11)
• London City Mission (folder 128-12)
• Middle East and North Africa (folder 143-25)
• URCO Foundation (folder 128-16)
• The Way Press (folder 109-8)
• 58A Cunningham Park in Great Britain (folder 147-6)
Exceptional items:
• Folder 106-2 David Adeney. Letters in 1956 from Adeney to J. Oswald Sanders of China Inland Mission and from C. Stacey Woods to Adeney, addressing Adeney’s concerns about the conditions of his affiliating with IFES and wishing to maintain a relationship with CIM for which he had worked in China since 1934. Adeney also touches on his philosophy of ministry, organizational structure, and relationships with other student movements.
• Folders 106-29,30 Gwen Wong. Handwritten letters from 1952 on her early work to establish student ministry in the Philippines. Folder 106-29 contains extensive 1954 correspondence to and from Woods with details about the work, cooperating with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society to continue student ministry during her absence to care for her ailing father, support status by Park Street Church in Boston
• Folder 107-31 Nick Silver. Reference provided by theologian and chaplain N.T.
Wright prior to Silver’s joining IFES. Also includes chart outlining “The Recruitment, Processing, and Appointment of IFES Staff/Grad Team Members”
• Folder 108-1 Council of Reference. Letters spanning 1963-1976 that invite Evangelical leaders around the world to join this IFES advisory council.
• Folder 109-4 Chua Wee Hian, 1970. Extensive and very candid communication between Chua and C. Stacey Woods—most generated by Woods but often including Chua’s replies—while Chua still held his role as Associate General Secretary for the Far East. All manner of topics are covered, including IFES developments at the organizational and member movement levels, finances, travel, and personnel. Wood’s letters throughout refer to attachments, but in most cases, these are not filed with the letter; whether they appear elsewhere in the collection is uncertain. Of particular note are:
• Chua’s consideration of and planning for the Executive Committee’s invitation to him to become the successor General Secretary to Woods during the last third of the year, including his letter of acceptance (which was only realized in December 1972)
• Consideration of decentralizing IFES by the Executive Committee. Woods outlines steps that were agreed to in his 10/09/1970 letter.
• Chua’s 7/13/1970 letter reports on difficulties with the Navigators and Campus Crusade in Malaysia
• Wood’s letter about whether to support the Vietnamese student movement with loans in light of the country’s instability as a result of the Vietnam War and possible outcome
• Several February 1970 letters referring to planning underway for a European Congress on Evangelism in 1971 and subsequent World Congress to follow at the initiative of Billy Graham. Also see 2/19/1970 letter from Woods to Graham in folder 112-5 about this same issue.
• Folder 109-5,6 Chua Wee Hian, 1971. Additional highlights include:
• Letter of 12/15/1971 where Woods compares American and European values on appropriate dress and impact on perception of IFES ministry
• Woods’ 11/23/1971 letter outlining plans to relocate the IFES headquarters from Lausanne, Switzerland, to London when Chua becomes General Secretary
• Letters exchanged about Francis Schaeffer’s critique of Fuller Theological Seminary and Chua’s own assessment in his letter of 10/26/1971 (Chua was studying at Fuller in latter 1971 and 1972 before becoming General Secretary)
• Job description for IFES director (General Secretary)
• Chua’s brief observations from 9/19/1971 about the European Congress on Evangelism and Campus Crusade’s presence and impact there
• Folders 109-9,10 Daniel. Letters about arrangements for training of Eastern European students at Schloss Mittersill. Several letters also refer to the defection of a Christian student who had previously attended training at the Austrian castle.
• Folder 110-7 C. Stacey Woods. Selection of articles written by Woods, including “Reflections on a Visit to Scandinavia and Some Thoughts Concerning a Current Biblical Problem” and “The Student and the Family”
• Folder 110-8 Paul Contento. Letters with Woods and Chua make steady reference to the political and war situation in Vietnam
• Folder 111-4 Rene Padilla. Woods expressing himself in 1/28/1972 letter on Latin America Mission’s student ministry, MINAMUNDO; also see Tom Hanks’ 10/11/1973 letter in folder 112-1 to Woods and Padilla about MINAMUNDO
• Folder 112-1 Chua Wee Hian. The unsigned letters and memos to Chua are from the IFES headquarters in London, probably from his assistant Katie Higham, detailing progress on administrative tasks and assignments, his meetings and travel, and pending matters requiring their attention
• Folder 112-3 Chua Wee Hian. Includes manuscript of his “Second Thoughts on a Christian Perspective to Ancestral Worship.” Also includes his 3/29/1973 letter to his parents.
• Folder 112-5,6 General Secretaries: Woods and Chua. Correspondence in reverse alphabetical order to and from both Woods or Chua in relation to ministry in Eastern Europe and training of students at Schloss Mittersill.
• Folder 112-8 Chua Wee Hian: Projects, 1970s. Proposals for “IFES Literature Projects” and “Development of IFES Media Ministry,” including proposed grants for India and Pakistan, Taiwan, Singapore, assorted East Asian countries, Latin America, France and Switzerland, and IFES as a whole. These financial pushes from the headquarters may have been instrumental in the flurry of publishing that occurred in member movements following this initiative as evidenced in the Publications Series that follows.
• Folder 112-9 Chua Wee Hian: Reports received. Collection of reports, some in correspondence, on visits to various countries submitted to C. Stacey Woods and Chua. Reports from Harold O.J. Brown, William Adodoadji, George Kinoti, John Stott, David Burt, Robert Young, C. Stacey Woods, Dennis Clark, and Oliver Barclay—see Brown’s reports on visit to Saigon and with Vietnamese IVCF in 1969. Also included is an unsigned overview and assessments of Campus Crusade for Christ; agenda and materials for the World Evangelical Fellowship’s General Council and Executive Committee in May 1968, and several items related to the inerrancy of Scripture.
• Folder 112-10 Paul Contento. Several letters that touch on the disagreement about reprinting of David Adeney’s book on China’s Inter-Varsity.
• Folder 113-12 Jean-Claude Schwab. Includes references to a trial his wife Thérèse was subject to in Zaire following an accident.
• Folder 115-3 David Bentley-Taylor. Report of his two-month visit across Canada with his assessment of campus groups, leaders, and overall movement
• Folder 115-19 Bruce Demerest. As the Themelios editor, Demerest’s correspondences refer to editorial and practical issues of managing the publication; his travels throughout the world to member movements are recorded in his role as IFES Theological Secretary. Also see folders 106-38, 113 4,5,6, 115-19,20,21, 117-2,3,4.
• Folder 116-2 Bel Magalit. Letters refer to conflict with Paul Contento and other staff of the Vietnamese IVF
• Folder 117-19 Ediciones Certeza. Correspondence spanning 1975-1981 about the management of the IFES publishing house for Latin American students; also see folders 126-13, 134-7
• Folder 117-20 Buenos Aires Office. Correspondence, mostly between Linda Sellevaag and Chua or Allison Marsh in the IFES London office
• Folder 118-9 Doug Stewart. Includes newsletter from Ruth Stewart working in
Algeria—no relation to Doug with no corresponding folder for her in the 1975 subseries
• Folder 119-18 Robert Young. Typed, apparently unpublished manuscript for “The Sojourn,” “intended for the encouragement of believers who are currently sojourning in lands other than their own or who are planning to do so.”
• Folder 119-19 Leaders Conference, Schloss Mittersill. Draft manuscript from Ada Lum of “Evangelistic Bible Study Compendium”
• Folder 121-4 Isabelo Magalit. Manuscript, “Qualifications for Declaring God’s Glory” for his forthcoming message at the 1977 Urbana Student Missionary Conference
• Folder 121-7 René Padilla. Summary of content across various categories (“Contemporary Issue in Biblical Perspective,” “Bible Exposition and Doctrine,” etc.) in Certeza issues, 50-61
• Folder 123-18 East Asia Office. “Staff Directory 1977” for the East Asia member movements, including addresses, departments, board chairman; also see folder 133-20 for the 1980 directory, folder 138-13 for the 1981 directory, folder 147-1 for the 1983-1984 directory, folder 159-12 for the 1986-1987 directory, folder 175-23 for the 1994-1995 directory, folder 180-21 for the 1996-1997 directory
• Folder 124-1 René Padilla. Memo to Chua outlining the complicated relationship with Latin America Mission’s MINAMUNDO program working with university students, competing claims of establishing indigenous ministry among students on the continent, and assessment of claims from Charles Troutman
• Folder 124-24 Pedro Arana. Two-page list of IFES staff in Latin America, including photos and contact information
• Folder 125-6 Chinese Overseas Christian Mission. It is unclear why this is filed in the Staff series
• Folder 126-13 Ediciones Certeza. Letter from René Padilla to Harold Lindsell answering the latter’s questions about whether Padilla is a Marxist and his positions on “socialism, capitalism, free enterprise, property, revolution, class struggle, etc.”
• Folder 127-6 James Nyquist. Correspondence with Chua covers wide range of issues related to literature ministry of IFES and member movements as Nyquist carried out his duties as Honorary IFES Literature Secretary. Includes: survey responses to Nyquist’s questions about movements’ literature programs and special literature projects; addressing management and financial issues of Ediciones Certeza, the Latin American publishing house. In addition, Nyquist’s other files (folders 127 6, 131-8, 135 7, 140-7, 144-5, 148-18, 152 6, 155 19,20, 158-6, 160-19, 162-8, 164-12, 166-17, 169-32) touch further on IFES’s efforts to cultivate literature ministry in member movements. Beginning in the 1978, staff were also exchanging correspondence with Nyquist—see example in Brede Kristensen’s correspondence in folder 130 2.
• Folder 127-22 to 128-16 Organizations and Publications. It is unclear why this small accumulation of files appears in the midst of the Staff series unlike other year subseries, other than that they may be Chua’s or headquarters’ working files. Among the organizations represented are:
• All Nations Christian College where Chua was to visit and lecture (folder 127-22)
• Asian Centre for Theological Studies, Singapore, also references Discipleship Training Centre in Singapore (folder 127-23)
• Discipleship Training Centre, Singapore; also references to Asian Centre for Theological Studies (folder 128-1)
• Encouraging Contemporary Communications Enterprises, Hong Kong, on which Chua was a member of its Council of Reference (folder 128-2)
• Evangelical Literature Trust, Great Britain (folder 128-4)
• Evangelical Missionary Alliance, Great Britain (folder 128-5)
• David C. Cook Foundation, United States (folder 128-6)
• Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (folder 128-10)
• London Bible College (folder 128-11)
• London City Mission (folder 128-12)
• London Lectures in Contemporary Christianity, for which Chua Wee Hian was one of the speakers (folder 128-13)
• Operation Mobilisation, including Chua Wee Hian’s exchanges with George Verwer (folder 128-14)
• URCO Foundation (folder 128-16)
• Publications-related files include a brochure to be updated, Information Sheets on country movements, IFES Review, In Touch, and Praise and Prayer Bulletins
• Folder 130-12 John Ray. Correspondence from Tehran at the time of the Iranian Revolution (also see folders 126-20,21)
• Folder 132-9 Solomon Andria. Includes 1978 versions of staff lists, including new appointments and departures
• Folder 133-13 Brede Kristensen. Includes “The History of EO”—Evangelische Omroep or Evangelical Broadcasting Foundation
• Folder 135-1 Islamic Lands. Along with Chua Wee Hian’s files for Colin Chapman, he added an “Islamic Lands” folder that includes the prayer letter for ministry in the region
• Folder 136-2 P.A. Thomas. Includes Nepal Bible Institute booklet
• Folder 138-6 Brede Kristensen. Touches on Kristensen’s replacement to oversee IFES ministry in Europe in September 1981
• Folder 141-3 Ann Bennighof. Copy of her “The Usefulness and Proper Use of the Old Testament in African Student Fellowships”
• Folder 141-5 European Advisory Committee. Minutes from 1982 meeting; also see folder 145 7 for 1983 meetings
• Folder 141-15 Pete Lowman. Includes information about Lowman’s travels in miller,1982 as he worked on writing The Day of His Power—also see the series on the publishing of this volume below
• Folder 143-18 Terrell Smith. Copy of his “International Student Work” for the 1982 IFES conference at Schloss Mittersill
• Folder 143-19 Jim Stamoolis. His reports on Mittersill, VBG Conference, Feet Conference, and visits to Great Britain
• Folder 145-3 Lindsay Brown. Brown’s report to Chua Wee Hian on a meeting with a Campus Crusade executive about relations between the two organizations and their staffs in the European context Brown oversaw
• Folder 145-12 Chua Wee Hian. “Guidelines Regarding Relations Between IFES and Its Member Movements and the Conduct of the IFES Ministry,” ca. 1983
• Folder 145-16 Chua Wee Hian. Relates particularly to Chua’s trip to the United States and Canada for speaking engagements and contacts
• Folder 146-4 Samuel Escobar. His “Report on Visit to Cuba May 31 to June 1983”
• Folder 146-5 1983 Stewardship Conference. It is unclear why this folder follows that for Samuel Escobar, unless it was because he was one of the presenters or possibly had other administrative responsibility for the event
• Folder 149-4 Ramez Attalah. His report “IFES Middle East Regional Report” to the 1984 Executive Committee
• Folder 149-15 Lindsay Brown. Draft of “The Role of Staff Wives in IFES” and “Pastoral Care of Staff, Especially Single Workers” papers for European Staff Consultation
• Folder 151-15 Jim Stamoolis. Includes his alerting IFES staff of the availability of the Billy Graham Center Scholarships for advanced education at the Wheaton College Graduate School
• Folder 152-6 James Nyquist. Includes both his own report as IFES Literature Secretary to the 1984 Executive Committee and Christine Schmidt’s report on Ediciones Certeza
• Folder 155-39 Staff Orientation Letters. Includes lists of participants for Formacion for Senior Staff and Orientation for New Staff
• Folder 156-6 Sue Brown. Curriculum materials for staff self-study, including Unit 1 (“What IFES Is”) and Unit 2 (“A Movement That Builds God’s Church”) of the “Foundation Course: IFES in Action—Principles and Practice of Student Work”
• Folder 158-24 Lindsay Brown. “Some Proposed Priorities Regarding Evangelism in IFES Movements,” May 1987
• Folder 160-29 Ramez Atallah. Correspondence that touches on travel restrictions for IFES staff due to financial shortfall
• Folder 161-12 Chua Wee Hian. Documents related to his attendance at Wurzburg ’88, the IFES Easter Conference on Student Evangelism
• Folder 163-7 Eric Miller. Several draft versions of an overview and chronology of IFES. Other Miller folders (e.g., see 174-6) document his role overseeing IFES Media and promoting use of media across the movement.
• Folder 166-5 Lindsay Brown. Announcement and other documents reporting the appointment of Brown as General Secretary to follow Chua Wee Hian in 1991
• Folder 173-16 T.B. Dankwa. Dankwa’s “Handing Over Notes” as he passed his duties as Anglophone Africa Regional Secretary to David Zac Niringiye
• Folder 174-20 Jill Spink. A copy of “Introducing…CADSADAS: A Christian Training, Social Action and Excursion Centre in the mountains of Central Spain”; also in folder 176-8
• Folder 174-23 Ricky Waters. Report on the 1992 IFES South Pacific Conference, “From Many Cultures One People in Christ,” in Fiji
• Folder 180-5 Neal Eldrenkamp. Documents related to his death during while being robbed in Ecuador
• Folder 182-6 Eric Miller. “IFES Media Plans Briefly By Regions”
Series VI: Conferences
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Range: 1936-1990
Volume: .9 cubic feet
Boxes: 183-185
Geographic coverage: Conferences in Asia and Europe, participants from around the world
Type of documents: Conference programs, reports, minutes, message manuscripts and seminar handouts, participant lists, and other materials, pre-conference letters, minimal correspondence, blank and completed registration forms, planning committee minutes, event schedules
Correspondents: Chua Wee Hian, Brede Kristensen, Tricia Lewis, others involved in conference planning
Notes: Documents from selected IFES international conferences, some overlapping with those in other series. Many of the later events were held at Schloss Mittersill in Austria. Events include:
• International Conference, Beatenberg, Switzerland, 1936 (folder 183-12)
• International Conference of Evangelical Students, Budapest, 1937 (folder 183-12)
• IFES Staff Conference, Cambridge, ca. 1960 (folder 183-13)
• Second IFES Asian Leadership Conference, Singapore, 1961 (folder 183-14)
• Asia Evangelical Theological Consultation, Singapore, 1970 (folder 183-15)
• Graduates Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1980 (folder 183-16)
• Theological Students Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1982 (folder 183-17)
• Theological Students Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1983 (folder 183-17)
• Graduates’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1984 (folder 183-18)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1984 (folder 184-1,2)
• Graduates’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1985 (folder 184-3)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1985 (folder 184-4)
• European Theological Students’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1985 (folder 184-5)
• Graduates’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1986 (folder 184-6)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1986 (folder 184-7)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1987 (folder 184-8)
• European Theological Students’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1987 (folder 185-1)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1988 (folder 185-2)
• European Theological Students’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1988 (folder 185-3)
• International Student Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1989 (folder 185-4)
• European Theological Students’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1989 (folder 185-5)
• European Theological Students’ Conference, Schloss Mittersill, 1990 (folder 185-6)
Exceptional items:
• Folder 183-13 IFES Staff Conference, Cambridge, ca. 1960. Consists of undated, hand-written notes (likely General Secretary C. Stacey Woods) from the conference. Internal clues suggest the possible date of the conference as the notes refer to John Stott’s Canadian mission in Toronto (1956) and launching of movement in South Korea (1959); the British student movement was referred to as I.V.F., which did not change to UCCF or Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship until 1974. However, there is no explicit confirming account of a staff conference within the collection, but the IFES Executive Committee did meet at Cambridge in 1960. The notes record messages from these speakers: Alan Marshall Stibbs, John R.W. Stott, Norman Anderson, E.M. Blaiklock, Wilber Sutherland, Oliver Barclay, Meg Foote, David Adeney, and Frank Horton.
Series VII: Publications
Arrangement: As received in the following subseries:
A. IFES Publications
B. IFES Regional Publications
C. Member Movement Publications (alphabetical by country name)
D. Day of His Power (book)
Date Range: 1936-2000
Volume: 17.2 cubic feet
Boxes: 185-219
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Newsletters, journals, magazines, booklets, pamphlets, promotional material, annual reports and other reports, proposals, book manuscripts, correspondence
Notes: The bulk of the series is the publications at global, regional, and country movement levels of the IFES galaxy. These publications provide extensive detail on the outgoing communication to students in member movements, supporters, other movements, and the international headquarters, executive team, and General Committee. In some cases, prayer letters or other documents that might predominantly be filed in the Member Movement series appear in this series—these might actually overlap with those in the Member Movement series for a given country. There might also be prayer letters or other documents in the Publications series that do not appear in the Member Movement series. No effort was made by the archivist to completely eliminate this overlap or duplication.
For some member movements, only a single file contains the corresponding publications. In other cases, there are multiple file for several publication, while a general folder, appearing at the beginning of the series, gathers miscellaneous documents that do not fall into the other files for that country.
While the publications spanning the globe are primarily in English, they also appear in Spanish, French, and the other languages of the countries of the member movements.
Two appendices provide further access to the series:
Series VII: Publications
Subseries VII.A. IFES Publications
Arrangement: Alphabetical by title
Date Range: 1949-1991
Volume: 2.3 cubic feet
Boxes: 185-190
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Newsletters, journals, magazines, booklets, pamphlets, promotional material, annual reports and other reports, proposals
Notes: Includes the organization’s publications at its broadest levels:
• I.F.E.S. Journal (folders 185-8,9), 1953-1973
• IFES News (folder 186-1), 1949 1952
• IFES Review (folders 186 2 to 6), 1976-1991; also see folder 128-9 for Chua Wee Hian’s file for the 1978 editions
• In Touch (folders 186-7, 187-1,2), 1973-1990
• IFES Prayer and Praise Bulletin (folders 187-3 to 9, 188-1 to 14), 1962-1987
• Themelios, “journal for theological students” (folders 189-1 to 5, 190-1,2), 1963-1990
Series VII: Publications
Subseries VII.B. IFES Regional Publications
Arrangement: Alphabetical by region
Date Range: 1965-1997
Volume: .6 cubic feet
Boxes: 190-191
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Newsletters, journals, magazines, booklets, pamphlets, promotional material, annual reports and other reports, proposals, conference materials
Notes: These items correspond to the regional structure established by IFES, including: Africa (Francophone), Asia (East, South), Europe, and Latin America. Latin America’s Certeza is the most referred to elsewhere in the IFES records. Among the titled publications are:
• decouvertes from Francophone Africa, 1979-1983 (folder 190-4)
• Echos from Francophone Africa, 1986-1988 (folder 190-5)
• The Way from East Asia, 1965-1971 (folder 190-7)
• The New Way from East Asia, 1985-1990 (folder 190-8)
• Praise and Prayer from East Asia, 1985-1998 (folder 190-9)
• Certeza from Latin America, 1966-1978 (folders 191-5,6,7)
• Comunidad from Latin America, 1985-1989 (folder 191-8)
• Praise and Prayer from Latin America, 1986-1987 (folder 191-9)
• Tiempo from Latin America, 1986-1988 (folder 191-10)
Series VII: Publications
Subseries VII.C. Member Movement Publications
Arrangement: Alphabetical by country name
Date Range: 1948-2000
Volume: 12.8 cubic feet
Boxes: 191-215
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Newsletters, journals, magazines, booklets, pamphlets, prayer letters, promotional material, annual and other reports, proposals
Notes: This is the most extensive of the subseries, spanning the individual member movements across the world, including their earliest publications. For many of the countries, there is first a folder with a collection of miscellaneous products, followed by folders for the country movements’ titled products (see APPENDIX V: PUBLICATIONS BY COUNTRIES).
For some countries (i.e., Great Britain, United States), there are publication files that represent divisions of the movement, such as Great Britain’s International Office or IVP and
Great Britain’s UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship) had a number of associate groups for which the following include publications:
• Associates, 1983-1993 (folder 199-7)
• Agricultural Christian Fellowship, 1982-1985 (folder 199-8)
• Association of Christians in Planning and Architecture, 1982-1997 (folder 200-1)
• Business Study Group, 1984-1985 (folder 200-2)
• Career Officers Christian Fellowship, 1984-1985 (folder 200-3)
• Christian Students in Science, 1995-1999 (folder 200-4)
• Engineers Group, 1986-1986 (folder 200-5)
• Research Scientists Christian Fellowship, 1985 (folder 200-6)
• University Staffs’ Christian Fellowship, 1984-1987 (folder 200-7)
Annual reports are included for several countries:
• Canada, 1985-1996 (folders 193-14, 194-1)
• Great Britain, 1976-1998 (folders 199-6)
Exceptional items:
• Folder 192-6 Austria. Schloss Mittersill. Various products for the IFES international training center
• Folder 194-11,12 China. Publications (1947-1950), both Christian literature (folder 194 11) entirely in Chinese and in folder 194-12 a publication and newsletters from the China Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in English from 1947-1950 when the Communists had already taken power and were preparing to expel expatriate missionaries. Articles in the English publication or prayer letters were written by Calvin Chao, David Adeney, and others.
• Folder 199-5 Great Britain. Includes booklet, “Publicity (incorporating ‘Screen Printing for Saints’) Ideas for methods and materials in CU advertising”
Series VII: Publications
Subseries VII.D.: Day of His Power
A. Chronological Resource Files
B. Geographical Resource Files
C. Member Movement Questionnaires
D. Geographic Responses to Draft Versions
E. Draft Versions
Date Range: 1936-1993
Volume: 1.5 cubic feet
Boxes: 216-218
Geographic coverage: Global
Type of documents: Draft versions of sections or The Day of His Power, the authorized history of IFES published by Inter-Varsity Press in Great Britain; source materials including correspondence, reports, conference programs, IFES constitution, minutes, financial reports, conference registration forms, brochures, and publications; questionnaires from member movements with responses to the drafts
Correspondents: Douglas Johnson, Peter Lowman
Notes: The Day of His Power files are primarily the source material author Peter Lowman and others assisting him brought together to produce the authorized history that was published in 1983 by IVP in Great Britain; also included is some correspondence related to the writing and publication of the book. The files includes drafts or partial drafts for the book; not all copies of these were retained. Among the files are responses from various continents to draft versions. No effort was made to determine whether these resource documents duplicate what appears elsewhere or were pulled from the other series and leave gaps there. The Geographic Resource Files (folders 216-11 to 217-7) are subdivided by regions into: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Pacific (includes Australia and New Zealand) and North America, and Islamic World.
The Geographic Responses to Draft Versions are also subdivided by regions into: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America. These provide both feedback and further details to ensure that the book accurately reflects the member movements and their viewpoints.
Exceptional items:
• Folder 216-2,3,4,5 1937 Budapest Conference. Includes registration forms for participants, including Woods’ future wife, Yvonne Ritchie
• Folder 216-7 Program and hymnbook from the 1939 Cambridge conference
• Folder 216-10 Includes Chua’s articles on IFES work in world’s regions; also a two page flyer (ca. 1963), “Presenting…Part of…The Staff: IFES” that includes photos of Woods and twenty-one other staff and group photos of the Executive Committee and delegates to the 1963 General Committee
• Folder 216-11 Africa. Includes “IFES in Francophone Africa,” 8-page piece providing history, staff (some with photos), and country details. A similar product for Latin America appears in folder 217-5
• Folder 217-5 Pacific and North America. Includes typed version of “Howard Guinness’ Diary of His Canadian Trip, 1928-9”
• Folder 218-1,2 Questionnaires (1973, 1976-1977) completed by member movements with details about their founding, statistics, publications; also includes IFES staff profiles with photographs
• Folder 218-7,8 Includes several annotated draft manuscripts for General Secretary Woods’ IFES history, a letter from Woods to Chua and Oliver Barclay, and a letter, with some assessment of its strengths and weaknesses from Barclay who was General Secretary for Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship in Great Britain. Also includes annotated portions of a manuscript that drew on Woods’ Growth of a Work of God, published by InterVarsity Press in the U.S. Folder 218-8 contains an unattributed manuscript (ca. 1977) of IFES history.
The materials in this collection were given to the Billy Graham Center Archives by the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in June 2008 and June 2017.
Accession: 08-34, 17-31
April 16, 2019
Paul Ericksen, processing archivist
Grace Gardziella
Nathan Palladino
Lydia Stucki
(The primary emphasis of this appendix is to identify files that correspond with particular countries or regions. Staff or key contacts are also listed where they predominate for a given country. Some countries did not have a specific member movement, and some countries also had no identified individuals or staff. Personal names were selected on the basis of repeated instances in boxes 30-102, appearing in the order in which they were added to list.)
Africa—Fellowship of Christian Unions, FOCUS, Eastern Africa (folders 33-1, 36-1,2,3,4, 39 10, 42 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 47-21, 53-14, 75-9, 95-19): William Adodoadji, John Guchinga
Africa—Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students, PAFES (folder 36-5): David Gitari
Albania (folders 86-38, 95-20, 97-19, 99 39): Tom and Nancy Balma, Krish and Miriam Kandiah
Algeria (folders 30-14,15): Ruth Stewart
Anglophone Africa (folders 77-11, 80-5, 84-27, 86-40, 91-1, 97-20)
Angola (folders 37-20, 39-8, 50-22, 54-19, 58-11, 62-16, 65-24, 69-22, 72-24, 84-28, 86-39, 89 1, 91-2, 95-21, 97-21, 100-1): Hank Pott, Lukunga Diavita, Filipe Matuba, Tonica van der Meer, Agostinho Guerra, José Luacute
Antigua (folders 84-21, 86-34)
Argentina, including Ediciones Certeza (folders 30-16, 33-2, 36-11,12,13, 37-21,22,23, 39 17,18,19, 42-17,18, 45-13, 47-30, 50-27, 54-20,21, 58-12,13, 62-17, 65-25, 69-23, 72 25, 75-10, 79-10, 80-6, 82-7, 84-29, 86-41, 87-1, 89 2, 91-3, 93-8, 95-22, 97-22, 100 2): David Evans, Linda Sellevaag, Anibal Moreira, Rene Padilla, Silvia Svendsen, Judy Hanson, Stella Maria Mariano
Armenia (folders 97-23): Nairy?
Asia (folders folder 53-15)
Australia (folders 30-17, 33-3, 36-14, 37-24, 39-20, 42-19, 45-14, 48-1, 51-1, 54-22, 58 14, 62 18, 66-1, 69-24, 72-26, 75-11, 77-13, 80-7, 82-8, 84-30, 87-2, 89 3, 91-4, 93-9, 95-23, 97-24, 100-3): Ian Burnard, Bryan Cowling, Elisabeth Warner, Eileen Diesendorf, Tony McCarthy, Silvia Buxó, Andrew Reid, Elisabeth Arnett, Kerry Nagel, Barbara Allison, Chris Bellenger, Michael Durrant, Luke Prentice
Austria (folders 30-18, 33-4, 37-25, 39-21, 42-20, 45-15, 48-2, 51-2, 53-16, 54-23, 58-15, 62 19, 66-2, 69-25, 72-27, 75-12, 77-14, 80-8, 84-31, 87-3, 89 4, 91-5, 93-10, 95-24, 97-25, 100 4): Robert Janscha, Arthur Domig, Wolfgang Widmann, Christoph Ritter, Linda Gailley, Fred Bailey
Baltic States, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (folders 91-6, 93-11, 95-25, 97-26)
Bangladesh (folders 30-19, 36-15, 58-16, 62-20, 72-28, 75-13, 77-15, 80-9, 82-9, 84-32, 87-4, 89 5, 91-7, 93-12, 95-26, 97-27, 100 5): Bob Cutler, Peter Mazumder, Shyamal Dhar
Barbados (folders 77-6, 82-4, 84-21, 86-34, 88-39, 90-39, 93-3, 97-17, 99 33): Graham Clark
Belgium (folders 30-20, 33-5, 36-16, 37-26, 39-22, 42-21, 45-16, 53-17, 58-17, 62-21, 66-3, 69 26, 72-29, 75-14, 77-16, 80-10, 82-10,11, 84-33,34, 87-5,6, 89 6, 91-8, 93-13,14, 95 27, 97-28, 100 6,7): Claude Vilain, Kees Rosies, Dirk Lemmens, Marc Van Den Bogaerde, Jacques Lemaire, Alain Bastin, David and Fiona Valdez
Belize (folders 95-28): Lyndon Sutherland
Benin (folders 91-25, 94 4, 98-10, 100-8)
Bolivia (folders 33-6, 36-17, 55-1, 58-18, 69-27, 75-15, 79-10, 80-11, 82-12, 84-35, 87-7, 89 7, 95-29, 97-29, 100 9, 101-26): Douglas Smith, Marcelo Vargas, Lourdes Cordero, Emilio Gonzalez, Carlos Vargas, Igor Améztegui, Daniel Salinas
Botswana (folders 77-11): T.B. Dankwa
Brazil (folders 30-21, 33-7,8, 36-18,19, 37-27, 39-23, 42-22, 45-17, 48-3, 51-3, 55-2, 58-19, 62 22, 66-4, 69-28, 72-30, 75-16, 79-10, 80-12, 82-13, 84-36, 87-8, 89 8, 91-9, 93-15, 95 30, 97-30, 100 10): Manfredo Loitzenbauer, Ross Douglas, Dieter Brepohl, Neuza Itioka, Antonio Carlos de Morges Cirelli, Bill Asbury, Werner Haeuser, Bill McConnell, Tonica van der Meer, Ziel Machado, John Griffin, Robson Ramos, Ricardo Borges
Bulgaria (folders 87-9, 97-31, 100 11)
Bürkina Faso (folders 91-25, 94 4, 98-10, 100 12): Omar P. Sawadogo
Burma (see Myanmar)
Burundi (folders 91-25, 94 4, 98-10, 100 13): Emmanuel Nkikumana
Cambodia (folders 33-9, 84-37, 95-31, 97-32)
Cameroun (folders 30-23, 36-30, 42-23, 45-19, 48-13, 62-24, 69-30, 75-18, 87-10, 91-26, 94 5, 97-35, 100 14): Jules Kamgue Simo, Jean Libom, Jean Li Likeng
Canada, including Ambassadors for Christ (folders 30-24, 31-1, 33-10, 36-21, 38-1, 39-24, 42 24, 45-20, 48-4, 51-5, 55-3, 58-20, 62-25, 66-6,7, 70-1,2, 73-1,2, 75-19, 77-18, 80-14, 82-15,16, 84-38,39, 87-11,12,13, 89 9,10, 91-11,12,13, 93-16,17, 95-32, 97-33,34, 100 15,16): Robert Burns, Tony Tyndale, Samuel Escobar, Ramez Atallah, Donald MacLeod, Richard Vosburgh, Audrey Walker, Jean Plumbridge, John Irwin, Mel Donald, Jim Berney, Neil Graham, Marj Long, Don Posterski, Gavin Brown, Jessie Neila, Chadwin Mak, David Chow, Ross Bailey, Stephen Knight, Barbara Boyt, Wilbur Sutherland, Victor Wong, Jean-Pierre Adoul, Hélène Provost-Audet, Gerry Anderson, Marty Bell, Marc Debanné
Caucasus Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia): (folder 100-17,18): Barrett Horne, Nairy
Central African Republic (folders 31-2,3, 36-32, 63-1, 85-15): Alastair Kennedy, Michel Gnoka, Jacques Mekpe
Central Asian Republics (Tajikistan, Turkmenistan): (folders 100-18)
Central America (folders 45-22, 48-5, 51-6, 55-4, 58-21): Mardoqueo Carranza
Ceylon (see Sri Lanka)
Chad (folders 31-5, 91-26, 94 4, 97-35, 100 19): Bernard Huck, Jairus Bekoutou Djeboudoum, Prosper Gadnodji
Chile (folders 31-6, 33-11, 36-20, 38-2, 40-1, 42-25, 45-21, 48-6, 51-7, 55-5, 59-1, 63-2, 66-8, 70-3, 73-3, 79-10, 80-15, 82-17, 85-1, 95-33, 100 20): Benigna Cortes, Felicity Houghton, Josué Fonseca, Alberto Bull, Daniel Varela, Siegfried Sander, Jorge Antileo
China (folders 93-18, 95-34, 97-36; these all reflect communication between 1995-1997 with Chinese contacts about efforts to provide literature and other resources for students in China and its seminaries)
Colombia (folders 31-7, 48-7, 51-8, 55-6, 59-2, 63-3, 66-9, 70-4, 73-4, 75-20, 79-10, 80-16, 82 18, 85-2, 87-14, 89 12, 91-15, 93-20, 95-36, 97-38, 100 21): Jorge Atiencia, Pedro Arana Quiroz, Jack Voelkel, J. Wilson Herrera, Alvin Gongora
Commonwealth of Independent States (folders 89-11, 91-14, 93-19, 95-35, 97-37): Alison Giblett, Pavel Jackson, Barrett Horne
Congo (see Democratic Republic of Congo)
Costa Rica (folders 31-9, 40-2, 42-26, 89 13, 91-16, 93-21, 95-37): Rodolfo Sabrorio, Rafael Mesén Vega, Javier Angulo
Cote d’Ivoire (folders 34-1, 49-10, 60-13, 64-6, 92-9, 94 17, 98 23, 100-25)): Alastair Kennedy, Jérémie Gnalega, Pierre Ezoua, Oumar Sawadogo
Croatia (folders 97-39, 100-26): Fionna Fisher, Drazen Glavas
Cuba (folder 66-10, 70-5, 78-1, 80-17, 82-19, 85-3, 87-15, 89 14, 91-17, 93-22, 95-38, 98-1, 100-27): Obed Gorrin, Abel Borroto Carrillo, Jorge Fernandez Garcia
Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) (folders 82-20, 85-4, 87-16, 89 15, 91-18, 98-2, 100 28): Marek Kraus, Jonathan Lamb, Fred Prudek
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Congo, Zaire): (folders 31-8, 35-13, 58-1, 62-8, 69-14, 72-21, 77-9, 80-2, 82-5, 84-24, 86-36, 88-41, 90-41, 91-26, 93 5, 94 5, 95-17, 97-18,35, 99 35): Pierre Marini, Muyila Ikie-Ikie, Kamutenga Banza, Mwansa Kabaso Chibale, Ndibu Muamba, Mandiangu Mazingu, Dibudi Way-Way, Chantal Téhé, Miyimi Muwana Hubert, Mafuta Diasonama, Fidel Mushidi Mayoyo, Damien Ndonga Muhenge, Valentin Mayunga, Landry Enzonga Mangoyo
Denmark (folders 31-10, 33-12, 36-22, 38-3, 40-3, 43-1, 45-23, 48-8, 51-9, 53-18, 55-7, 59-4, 66-11, 70-6, 73-5, 75-21, 78-2, 80-18, 82-21, 85-5, 87-17, 89 16, 91-19, 93-23, 95-39, 98 3, 100-29): Flemming Kofed-Svendsen, Ingeborg Pedersen, Finn Kappelgaard, Axel Rye Clausen, Kristine Kristensen, Kirsten Jacobsen, Ingolf Pedersen, Birthe Munck, Leif Andersen
Dominican Republic (folders 31-11, 33-13, 36-23, 38-4, 43-2, 51-10, 55-8, 59-4, 63-5, 66-12, 70-7, 79-10, 80-19, 82-22, 85-6, 87-18, 95-40, 100 30): Elias Santana, Bienvenido Alvarez-Vega, Wilfredo Mañón Rossi, Casiano Amparo García, Daniel Julian King
East Asia Regional Office (folders 100-31): Han Chul-Ho
Eastern Europe (spanning Bratislava, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, U.S.S.R.[what about Russia and the other former Soviet republics, including those in central Asia? Does this also include material after 1989, when the Soviet Union dissolved?], Yugoslavia, folders 31-12,13, 73-6, 82-24, 85-7, 88-37): Vassil Angeloff, Milan Hrdina, Timotei Marza, Giorgio Grij
Ecuador (folders 31-14, 36-24, 36-26, 45-24, 59-5, 63-6, 66-13, 70-8, 73-7, 79-10, 80-20, 82 25, 85-8, 89 17, 91-20, 93-24, 95-41, 98-4, 100 32): Jose Young, Bertha Gil Rico, Dieter Brepohl, Edwin Chamorro Erazo, Juan Mayorga, Janeth Cedeno
Ediciones Certeza (folders 37-23, 43-3, 87-1, 95-14)
Egypt (folders 31-15, 33-14, 36-25, 38-5, 45-25, 48-9, 51-11, 55-9, 70-9, 73-8, 75-22, 82-26, 85 9, 87-19, 89 18, 100 33): Mary Massoud, Colin Chapman, Ramez Atallah, Atef Sami Barnaba
El Salvador (folders 31-16, 33-15, 38-6,7, 66-14, 70-10, 73-9, 75-23, 82-27, 85-10, 95-42): Mardoqueo Carranza, Doug Stewart
English and Portuguese-speaking Africa (folders 93-25): David Zac Niringiye
Estonia (folders 91-6, 98-5, 100 34)
Ethiopia (folders 33-16, 36-5, 37-16, 39-9, 42-9, 45-4, 47-24, 51-12, 55-10, 59-6, 63-7, 66-15, 70-11, 80-21, 82-28, 85-11, 87-20, 89 19, 91-21, 93-26, 95-43, 98-6, 100 35): Tilahun Adera, Knut Sig Aasebø, Kebede Degu, Tekeste Teclu, Tewolde Yohannes, Truwork Mesfin, Sisay Desalegn, Fekede Tefera, Assefa Gugsa, David Pollard
Europe and CIS Regional Office (folder 96 1, 98-7,8, 100 36): Jonathan Lamb, Jon Salkeld, David Pollard
Fellowship of Christian Unions, FOCUS, East Africa) (folders 35-14, 36-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 37-15, 37 15,16,17,18,19, 39-11,12,13,14,15, 45-1, 47-22, 49-12): Emmy Matiti, John Gichinga, Gerald Wagana, George Kinoti, Rufus Miugua
Fiji (folder 45-26, 78-12, 84-7, 90-26, 95-5, 97-6, 99 16, 100 37): Maika Vuki, Apenisa Lewatoro, Veikila Vuki
Finland (folders 31-17, 33-17, 36-27, 38-8, 39-15, 40-4, 43-4, 45-27, 48-10, 51-13, 53-19, 55-11, 59-7, 63-8, 66-16, 70-12, 73-10, 75-24, 78-3, 80-22, 82-29, 85-12, 87-21, 89 20, 91-22, 94 1, 96 2, 101-1): Raimo Makela, Tuulikki Taavetti, Pekka Jokiranta, Eila Helander, Salli Hakala, Carina Wallin, Timo Junkaala, Rolf Stephaffansson, Martti Ylinen, Tapani Innanen, Timo Kiskitalo
France (folders 31-18,19, 33-18, 36-28, 38-9, 40-5,7, 43-5, 45-28, 48-11, 51-14, 53-20, 55-12, 59-8, 63 9, 66-17, 70-13, 73-11, 75-25, 78-4, 80-23, 82-30, 85-13, 87-22, 89 21, 91-23, 94 2, 96 3, 98-9, 101-2): Daniel Bresch, Daniel Kuen, Roger Van Dyk, Anne Peterschmitt, Gérard Kuntz, David Pollard, Jacques Taurisson, Yves Darrigrand, William Sallé, Philippe Lengronne, Magguy Garabédian, Billy Kitwa, Owen and Catherine Chadwick, Jamil Chabouh
Francophone or French-speaking Africa or Francophone Africa Regional Office (folders 33-19, 20, 36-29, 38-10, 40-6, 43-6, 45-29, 48 12, 13,14, 51-15, 55-13, 59-9, 63-10, 66-18, 70-14, 73-12, 75-26, 77-12, 80-24, 82-31, 85-14, 87-23, 89 22, 91-24,25,26,27, 94 3, 96 4, 98 10, 101-3): Stan LeQuire, Nancy Felix, Jules Simo, Isaac Louka, Djikoloum Magourna, Blaise Vini Bivando, Solomon Andria, Daniel Bourdanne
Gabon (folder 101-4)
Gambia (folder 98-11, 101-5): Steven Musea-Kormayea
Germany, including East Germany (folders 32-1, 33-21, 36-33, 38-12, 40-8, 43-7, 45-30, 48-15, 51-16, 53-21, 55-14, 59 10,11, 63-11,12, 66-20,21, 70-15,16, 73-14,15, 75-27, 78-5, 80-25, 82-23,32, 85-17, 87-24, 89 23, 91-28, 94 6, 96 5, 98-12, 101-6): Hartwig Lücke, Wolfgang Heide, Horst Fuchs, Alexa Länge, Rolf Hille, Hartmut Zopf, Peter Kudella, Ulrich Schlappa, Martin Haizmann, Jürgen Spiess, Marlies Blöcher, Annette Gerling, Ines Weber, Sven Grosse
Ghana (folders 32-2,3, 33-22,23, 36-34,35, 38-13, 40-9,10, 43-8, 46-1,2, 48-16,17, 51-17, 55-15, 59-12, 63-13, 66-22, 70-17, 73-16, 75-28, 77-11, 80-26, 82-33, 85-18, 87-25, 89 24, 91-29, 94 7, 96 6, 98-13, 101-7): Gottfried Osei-Mensah, Theophilus B. Dankwa, Akwete Adjei, John Micah, Kofi Owusu, Charles Duedo, Jude Hama, Yaw Boamah
Great Britain (this was the place name used by the IFES administrative staff, located in London, rather than United Kingdom, although none of the countries including England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and smaller entities that comprise the UK are listed separately in this appendix), including Christian Unions, IVP, Missionary and International Committee, Overseas Student Centre, Christian Arena Editorial Advisory Committee, Christian Medical Fellowship: (folders 32-4,5, 33-24, 34 1, 37-1,2,3,4, 40-11,12,13,14, 43 9,10,11,12, 46-3,4,5, 48-18,19, 49-1, 51-18, 52-1,2,3, 53-22,23, 55-16,17,18,19,20,21, 59-13,14, 60-1,2,3,4,5, 63-14,15,16,17,18, 67-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 70-18,19, 71-1,2,3,4, 73 17,18,19,20,21,22, 76-1,2, 78-6, 80-27,28, 81-1, 83-1,2,3,4, 85-19,20,21, 87-26,27,28, 89 25,26,27, 91-30,31,32, 94 8,9, 96 7, 99 28,29, 101-8,9): David Elledge, Brian Hoare, Ronald Inchley, A.G. Povey, Oliver Barclay, David Jackman, David Wenham, Derek Williams, Fred Hughes, Vera Sinton, Bryan Knell, Allison Marsh, Frank Entwistle, Pete Lowman, Graham Keith, Ken Wycherley, Robin Wells, Lindsay Brown, Sue Mills, Peter Hopkins, Sue Brown, Keith Sanders, Peter Read, Jonathan Lamb, Judy Hanson, Mike Smithson, Kay Sisson, John Chapman, David Leng, David Radford, Paul Woodbridge, Tracy Sicklemore, Julia Cameron, Stanley Davies, Nigel Lee, Bob Horn, Helen Gale, Colin Duriez
Greece (folders 32-6, 40-15, 46-6, 49-2, 52-4, 54-1, 60-6, 63-19, 67-9, 71-5, 74-1, 78-7, 81-2, 83-5, 85-22, 87-29, 89 28, 91-33, 94 10, 96 8, 98-14, 101-10): Nicholas Tsironis, Emmanouel Smpraos, Dionysais Botseat, Bill Baldwin, Antonios Koulouris, Thanos Karbonis, Michael Kantartjis, Christos Frangoulidis, Agni Mariakaki, Adonis Perialis, Costas Macris, Spyridon Filos, Vassilis Tsirbas
Guatemala (folders 33-25, 43-13, 67-10, 71-6, 74-2, 76-3, 79-10, 85-23, 87-30, 89 29, 91-34, 98 15, 101-11): Israel Ortiz, Rodolfo Rodas
Guinea (folders 97-35, 101-12): Barka Kamnadj
Guyana (folders 77-7, 82-4, 84-22, 86-35, 88-39, 90-39, 93-3, 97-17, 99 33, 101-13): Desmond Rogers, Rickford Archer
Haiti (folders 32-7,8, 34-5, 40-16, 43-14, 46-7, 49-3, 52-5, 56-1, 60-7, 63-20, 76-4, 83-6, 85-24, 89 30, 92-1, 94 11, 96 9, 98-16, 101-14): Garno Péan, Edwin Walker, Espérance Julsaint, Hans and Alecia Spurijt, Lovinson A. Saint-Sauveur, Gérard Aldemar
Honduras (folder 34-4, 67-11, 71-7, 74-3, 96 10, 101-15): Guillermo Jimenez, Elias Sánchez
Hong Kong (folders 32-9, 34-5, 40-17, 43-15, 46-8, 49-4, 52-6, 56-2, 60-8, 64-1, 67-12, 71-8, 74-4, 76-5, 78-8, 81-3, 83-7, 85-25, 87-31, 87-32, 89 31, 92-2, 94 12, 96 11, 98-17, 101 16): Chan Hay Him, Yu Wai Kan, Evon Chong, Philemon Choi, Ellie Lau, Benny Chin, Gideon Yung, Hung Hing Ming “Jack”
Hungary (folders 81-4, 83-8, 85-26, 87-33, 89 32, 92-3, 94 13, 96 12, 98-18): Dora Bernhardt
Iceland (folders 32-10, 34-6, 40-18, 43-16, 46-9, 49-5, 52-7, 54-2, 67-13, 71-9, 74-5, 76-6, 78-9, 81-5, 83-9, 87-34, 92-4): Jon Hrobjartsson, Gisli Jónasson, Olafur Johnannsson, Ragnheidur Harpa Arnardottir, Gudni Gunnarsson
India (folders 32-11,12, 33-26,27, 37-6,7, 40-19, 43-17, 46-10, 49-6, 52-8, 56-3, 60-9, 64-2, 67 14, 71-10, 74-6, 76-7, 78-10, 81-6, 83-10, 85-27, 87-35, 89 33, 92-5, 94 14, 96 13, 98 19, 101 18): I. Ben Wati, P.C. Verghase, P.T. Chandapilla, Arthur Hope, Prema Fenn, Aloysius Phillips, James Ratnaraj, Surendra Parmar, Santosh Kumar, Viju Abraham, L. Malsawma, A.K. Lama
Indonesia (folders 32-13, 33-28, 37-8, 40-20, 43-18, 46-11, 49-7, 52-9, 56-4, 60-10, 64-3, 67 15, 71-11, 74-7, 76-8, 78-11, 81-7, 83-11, 85-28, 87-36, 89 34, 92-6, 98 20, 101 19): Jimmy Kuswadi, Jonathan Parapak, Paul Hidayat, Irman Santoso, Tadius Gunadi
Islamic Countries (folders 54-3): Colin Chapman
Israel (folders 32-14, 49-8, 52-10, 56-5, 60-11, 64-4, 67-16, 71-12, 74-8, 76-9, 78-12, 81-8, 83 12, 85-29, 87-37, 89 35, 92-7, 94 15, 96 14, 98 21, 101 20): John Woodhead, Victor Smadja, Bevan Woodhead, Riyad Haddad, Makram Misherky, Andrew Burrows, Azar Ajaj
Italy (folders 33-29, 37-9, 40-21, 43-19, 46-12, 49-9, 52-11, 54-4, 56-6, 60-12, 64-5, 67-17, 71 13, 74-9, 76-10, 78-13, 83-13, 85-30, 87-38, 89 36, 92-8, 94 16, 96 15, 98 22, 101 21): Alessandro Porcellini, Roberto Frache, Jean Elliott, Marcella Fanelli, Mitzi Megazzini, Emilio Grosso, Gian Carlo Ferrari, Thomas Balma, Rhoda Morrison, Paolo and Julie Brancè
Ivory Coast (see Cote d’Ivoire)
Jamaica (folders 67-18, 71-14, 74-10, 76-11, 78-14, 81-9, 83-14, 85-31, 87-39, 92-10, 94 18, 96 16, 98 24): Las Newman, Gene Denham, Frank Goveia
Japan (folders 34-8, 37-11, 40-22, 43-20, 46-13, 49-11, 52-12, 56-7, 60-14, 64-7, 68-1, 71-15, 74-11, 76-12, 78-15, 81-10, 83-15, 85-32, 87-40, 89 37, 92-11, 94 19, 96 17, 98 25): Koichi Ohtawa, Hiromu Shimizu, Motohito Kobayashi, Nobumitsu Kataoka, Graham and Cathy Smith, Atsuyoshi Saito
Kenya (folders 32-15, 34-9,10,11, 36-7, 37-17, 39-12,13,14, 42-7,8,10, 45-10, 47-21, 49-12, 52 13, 56 8, 60-15, 64-8, 68-2, 71-16, 74-12, 76-13, 77-11, 81-11, 83-16, 85-33, 87-41, 89 38, 92-12, 94 20, 96 18, 98 26, 101 22): William Adodoandji, David Gitari, Gerald Wagana, George Kinoti, Rufus Muigua, Janet Muchiri, Joshuah Wathanga, David Kariuki, David Oginde, Timothy Muthui, Timothy Wachira
Korea, IVCF and SBF (folders 34-12, 40-23,24, 43-21, 46-14, 49-13,14, 52-14, 56-9,10, 60 16,17, 64-9,10, 68-3, 71-17,18, 74-13, 76-14, 78-16, 81-12, 83-17, 85-34, 88-1, 90-1, 92-13, 94 21, 96 19, 98 27, 101 23): Young Chui Kim, Sung Soo Whang, Soon In Kyu, Young J. Son, Ok Bae Chung, Jik Han Koh, Andrew Narm, Tae-Jung Kim, Inho Kim, Park Young Duk, Shin Ung-Seop
Laos (folder 101-24)
Latin America (folder 54-5, 83-18, 101 25): Ziel Machado
Latvia (folders 91-6)
Lebanon (folders 34-13, 40-25, 43-22, 46-15, 49-15, 52-15, 56-11, 60-18, 64-11, 68-4, 74-14, 92-14, 98 28): Joe Clumpner, Samuel Abdel-Shahid, Colin Chapman
Lesotho (folders 47-25, 58-5, 62-12, 69-18, 74-15): Patrick Whittle
Liberia (folders 42-11, 45-7, 56-12, 64-12, 68-5, 71-19, 74-16, 78-18, 83-19, 85-35, 88-2, 90-2, 92-15, 94 22, 96 20, 98 29, 101 27): Mlen-Too Wesley, James Sundaye, John Buseh
Lithuania (folders 90-36, 101 28)
Madagascar (folders 36-31, 38-11, 40-7, 42-12, 46-16, 48-14, 52-16, 56-13, 60-19, 64-13, 66 19, 71-20, 73-13, 75-26, 85-16, 88-3, 91-27, 94 5, 98 30, 101 29): Solomon Andria (or Andriatsimialomananarivo), Pascual Ratovona, Mamy Rasoarandrasnana, John Williams
Malawi (folders 42-13, 45-5, 47-26, 56-14, 60-20, 64-14, 68-6, 71-21, 74-17, 76-15, 78-18, 81 13, 86-1, 88-4, 90-4, 92-16, 94 23, 98 31): Samu Samu, Terry McMullan, Conrad Chimkoka, Maxwell Phiri, Sandress Msiska
Malaysia (folders 34-14, 41-1, 43-23, 46-17, 49-16, 52-17, 56-15, 60-21, 64-15, 68-7, 71-22, 74 18, 76-16, 78-19, 81-14, 86-2, 88-5, 92-17, 94 24, 96 21, 98 32, 101 30): Thomas Heng, May Ng, Goh Keat Feng, Peter Young, Chan Kin Ming, Paul Chan, Ellie Lau, M. Selvendran, Haw Kuen Hin, David Tan, Christopher Choo, Christopher Cheah
Mali (folders 91-27, 98 30)
Malta (folders 81-15)
Martinique (folders 98:33): Marc Pulvar
Mauritius (folders 46-18, 49-17, 52-18, 56-16, 60-22, 68-8, 83-20, 98 30, 101 31): Alice Wong, Marilyn Chung Loong Chong, Patricia Hee Song
Mexico (folders 29-12, 34-15, 43-24, 46-19, 49-18, 52-19, 56-17, 60-23, 64-16, 68-9, 71-23, 74 19, 78-20, 81-16, 83-21, 86-3, 90-5, 92-18, 98 34, 101 32): Doug Stewart, Carmen Perez, Sergio Sanchez, Samuel Escobar, Lindy Scott, Leni Sison de Juarez, Ramiro Valdez Zamudio, Esteban Cortés Solís, Carlos Martinez Garcia, Vincente Roldon-Assad, Adriana Plata Marroquin
Moldova (folder 101-33): James Ganpatsingh
Mongolia (folders 90-6, 94 25, 98 35, 101 34): John and Altaa Gibbens
Morocco (folder 101-35
Mozambique (folders 58-6, 62-11, 83-22, 86-4, 88-6, 90-7, 94 26, 98 36, 101 36): Bernie Simacio, Edouard Kitoko Nsiku, Felix Rogice
Myanmar (folders 30-22, 45-18, 51-4, 58-20, 62-23, 66-5, 69-29, 72-31, 75-17, 77-17, 80-13, 82 14, 91-10, 94-27): Robin Seia, Roanie Tin, Maung Tun, Joseph Yaw Thatt
Namibia (folders 78-21, 101 37): J. Strydom
Nepal (folders 29-14, 49-19, 56-18, 60-24, 64-17, 68-10, 71-24, 74-20, 78-21, 81-17, 83-23, 86 5, 88-7, 90-8, 94-28, 96 22, 98 37, 101 38): Geoff Richards, P.A. Thomas, K.P. Devkota
Netherlands (folders 29-13, 34-16, 41-2, 43-25, 46-20, 49-20, 52-20, 54-6, 56-19, 60-25, 64-18, 68-11, 71-25, 74-21, 76-17, 78-22, 81-18, 83-24, 86-6, 88-8, 90-9, 92-19, 94-29, 96 23, 99 1, 101 39): Pieter Boosma, Jan Vos, Edjan Westerman, A. van de Vegt, Willem Ferguson, Jan van Bruggen, Niek Tramper, Susan van der Ree, Brede Kristensen, Lydia Verloo, Johan Ruitenburg, Age Romkes, Harrieneke van Stiphout, Rene van de Kieft, René Van Loon, Cornelie Pijanacker-Hordijk, Sjack Visser, Johan Hammink
New Zealand (folders 29-15, 34-17, 41-34, 44-1, 46-21, 49-21, 52-21, 56-20, 60-26, 64-19, 68 12, 71-26, 74-22, 76-18, 78-23, 81-25, 86-7, 88-9, 90-10, 92-20, 94-30, 96 24, 99 2, 101 40): John McInnes, Robert Withycombe, Chris Grantham, Edith Collings, Geoff Keith, Gavin McIntosh, Norman Hopkins, Peter Russell, Anne Segedin, Craig Bennett, Andrew Saunders
Nicaragua (folder 29-16, 76-19, 81-20, 83-26, 88-10, 90-11, 92-21, 94-31, 96 25, 99 3, 102-1): Doug Stewart, Rómulo Gallegos
Nigeria (folders 30-1, 34-18, 41-4, 44-2, 46-22, 49-22, 52-22, 56-21, 61-1, 64-20, 68-13, 71-27, 74-23, 76-20, 78-24, 81-21, 83-27, 86-8, 88-11, 90-12, 92-22, 94-32, 96 26, 99 4, 102-2): Kola Ejiwunmi, Bayo Famonure, Femi Adeleye, Prince Echem, Charles Achonwa, Augustine Aifuobhokhan, Gideon Para-Mallam, Frank Olarewaji, Richard Nuwamanya, Francis Friend, Mike Adegbile
Norway (folders 30-2, 34-19, 41-5, 44-3, 46-23, 49-23, 52-23, 54-7, 56-22, 61-2, 64-21, 68-14, 71-28, 74-24, 76-21, 79-1, 81-22, 83-28, 86-9, 88-12, 90-13, 92-23, 94-33, 96 27, 99 5, 102-3): Elnar Solli, Anfin Skaaheim, Katharina Tonstad, Jens-Petter Johnsen, Reidun Ask, Leif Gordon Kvelland, Gerd Aasvang, Odd Kristoffersen, Anne Lise Holmsen, Hans Jurgen Wennesland, Kristen Haugen
Pakistan (folders 30-3,4, 32-16, 34-20, 41-6, 44-4, 47-1, 49-24, 52-24, 56-23, 61-3, 64-22, 68 15, 71-29, 74-25, 79-2, 81-23, 83-29, 86-10, 88-13, 90-14, 92-24, 94-34, 96 28, 99 6, 102-4): David Penman, John Ray, Dan Bavington, Tara James, Peter Moala, Irfan Jamil, Silas Samuel
Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students, PAFES, English-speaking Africa (folders 35 11, 36-5, 39-10,16, 45-2, 47-23, 50-21, 54-18, 58-4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 65-20, 69-17): Emmy Matiti, Rufus Muigua
Panama (folders 68-16, 81-24, 83-30, 90-15, 96 29, 102-5): Ediana Patricia Marin, Erik Vasquez Cirventes
Papua New Guinea (folders 37-12, 41-7, 44-5, 47-2, 49-25, 52-25, 56-24, 64-23, 68-17, 71-30, 74-26, 76-22, 79-3, 81-25, 83-31, 86-11, 88-14, 90-26, 95-5, 97-6, 99 16, 102-6): Kali Sete, Sergei Bang, Jinghan Tumun, Sam Andrew, John Chapman, Mathias Anton, Yando Nimbo
Paraguay (folder 61-4, 64-24, 68-18, 72-1, 79-10, 81-26, 83-32, 88-15, 90-16, 96 30): Aristarco Arevalo, Konrad Polnau
Peru (folders 30-5, 34-21, 38-14, 41-8, 44-6, 47-3, 49-26, 52-26, 56-25, 61-5, 64-25, 68-19, 72 2, 74-27, 76-23, 79-11, 81-27, 83-33, 86-12, 88-16, 90-17, 92-25, 96 31, 99 7, 102-7): John MacPherson, Pedro Arana Quiroz, Nelson Ayllón, Samuel Escobar, Humberto Bullón, Caleb Meza, Maxine Jones, Dario Lopez, Ian Darke, Alejandro Silva
Philippines (folders 30-6, 34-22, 41-9, 44-7, 47-4, 49-27, 52-27, 57-1, 61-6, 64-26, 68-20, 72-3, 74-28, 76-24, 79-4, 81-28, 83-34, 86-13, 88-17, 90-18, 92-26, 94-35, 96 32, 99 8, 102-8): Isabelo Magalit, Harvey T. Co Chien, William Girao, Esdras Martinez, Herman Moldez, Reomida Dalipe, George Capaque, Melba Maggay, Elvin Mijares
Poland (folders 81-29, 84-1, 86-14, 88-18, 90-19, 92-27, 94-36, 96 33, 99 9v9): Mirek Pieszka
Portugal (folders 30-7, 34-23, 41-10, 44-8, 47-5, 50-1, 52-28, 54-8, 57-2, 61-7, 64-27, 68-21, 72 4, 74-29, 76-25, 79-5, 81-30, 84-2, 86-15, 88-19, 90-20, 92-28, 96 34, 99 10, 102-10): Helena Pais Martins, Alan Pallister, Alfredo Abreu
Puerto Rico (folders 32-17, 34-24, 41-11, 61-8, 64-28, 72-5, 79-6, 81-31, 92-29, 95-1, 97-1, 99 11, 102-11): Edwin Ayala, Guillermo Ramirez, Alan and Norma Bernier, Gaylen “Gib” Botten
Rhodesia (folder see Zimbabwe)
Romania (folder 32-18, 88-20, 90-21, 99 12, 102-12): Glenn Torrey, Mike and Kris York
Russia and Russian Federation (folder 32-19, 102-13): Helen McEvansoneya, Jenny Brown
Rwanda (folder 102-14): Phocas Ngendahayo
Schloss Mittersill (folder 54-16, 75-12): John Tyrell, Barbara Mair, Rudie Matheussik
Senegal (folder 102-15): Gordon Woolard
Serbia (folders 90-40, 93-4)
Sierra Leone (folders 45-7, 47-27, 50-23, 58-7, 64-29, 68-22, 72-6, 74-30, 79-7, 81-32, 84-3, 86 16, 88-21, 90-22, 92-30, 97-2, 99 13, 102-16): Jonathan Wilson, David Musa, Donald Manley, Davidson Scott
Singapore (folders 34-25, 38-16, 41-12, 44-9,10, 47-6, 50-2, 52-29, 57-3, 61-9, 64-30, 68-23, 72 7, 74-31, 76-26, 79-8, 81-33, 84-4, 86-17, 88-22, 90-23, 92-31, 95-2, 97-3, 99 14, 102 17): Sng Ewe Kong, Chua Tor Chair, John Chew, Seah Jlak Choo, Soon Cuat Eng, Maggie Choo, Julie Koh, Joseph John, Philip Chang, Yeow Kok Liang, Wong Soong Kuan, Chong Yun Mei, Kwa Kiem Kiok, Ong Siew Choo, Loo Yeow Hwa
Slovakia (folder 102-18): Laura and Kurt Thiel, Peter Synak
Slovenia (folder 102-19): Lee and Leon Hribar
South Africa (folders 68-24, 79-9, 81-34, 84-5,6, 86-18,19, 88-23,24, 90-24,25, 92-32,33, 95-3,4, 97 4,5, 99 15, 102-20, 103-1 through 17, 104-1 through 18): Derek Fivaz, VanRooi Mokwape, Vasco Seleoane, Margie Durrheim, Jeanine McGill, Moshe Rajuili, Emmanuel Oladipo, René Potgieter, Sammy Njenga, Rory Prest, Tandi Memani, W.J. Houston, R.J. Wells, Graham McIntosh, Gordan Battaliou, Trevor Gow, Sydney Selonyane, Tsietsi Thandekiso, George Mnisi, Alan Purser, Gary Lamont, Jeff Mphahlele, Jacqui Couper, Lodewijk Bouwer
South Pacific (folders 29-11, 50-3, 52-30, 57-4, 61-10, 65-1, 68-25, 72-8, 74-32, 76-27, 79-12, 81-35, 84-7, 86-20, 88-25, 90-26, 92-34, 95-5, 97-6, 99 16): Rig Reddy, Gina Wah, Maika and Veikila Vuki, Ricky Waters, Chris Bellenger
Spain (folders 30-8, 35-1, 38-17, 41-13, 44-11, 47-7,8, 50-4, 52-31, 54-9, 61-11, 65-2, 68-26, 72 9, 74-33, 76-28, 79-13, 81-36, 84-8, 86-21, 88-26, 90-27, 92-35, 97-7, 99 17, 102-21): Tom Triplett, Arturo Ortega, Francisco Mira, Ellen Coble, Elena Flores, Loida Paz, Ken Barrett, Rodolfo Rodas
Sri Lanka (folders 31-4, 47-8, 61-12, 68-27, 74-34, 86-22, 88-27, 90-28, 99 18, 102-22): Priyan Dias, David and Audrey Hum, Vinoth Ramachandra
St. Lucia (folders 93-3, 97-17, 99 33, 102-23)
Sudan (folders 45-6, 47-28, 50-24, 57-5, 58-8, 62-13, 65-21, 69-19, 79-14, 90-29, 99 19, 102 24): Erisa Owino, Piers Crocker, Nagi Zarif Malati, Amir Loof Gillini, Elisama Wani Daniel
Suriname (folders 76-29, 79-15, 81-37, 84-9, 90-30, 97-8, 99 20, 102 25): Niek Tramper, Gilion Cambridge, Carl Breeveld
Swaziland (folders 45-9, 50-25, 57-6, 58-9, 62-14, 65-22, 69-20, 81-38, 86-23): Jeremiah Gule, Reyer Jochemsen, Honor Ward, Philemon Mnisi
Sweden (folders 35-2, 38-18, 41-14, 44-12, 47-9, 50-5, 53-1, 54-10, 57-7, 61-13, 65-3, 68-28, 72-10, 74-35, 76-30, 79-16, 81-39, 84-10,11,12, 86-24, 88-28, 92-36, 95-6, 99 21, 102 26): Torsten Josephsson, Göran Vikström, Hans Lindholm, Ulla Johansson, Stefan Holmstöm, Stefan Gustavsson
Switzerland, GBU, Presses Bibliques Universitaires, VBG (folders 35-3,4, 38-19,20, 41-15,16, 44 13,14, 47-10,11,12, 50-6,7, 53-2,3, 54 11,12, 57-8, 61-14,15,16, 65-4,5,6, 69-1,2,3, 72 11,12, 74-36,37, 76-31,32, 79-17, 81-40, 86-25,26, 88-29,30, 90-31,32, 92-37,38, 95-7, 97-9,10, 99 22,23, 102 27,28): Raymond Gallay, Ewald Rieser, Maurice Gardiol, Clairelise Duruz Desponda, Christian van den Heuvel, Janine Soguel, Hans Peter Jaeger, Shafique Keshavjee, Hansjörg Baldinger, Marc Gallopin, Jean Biondina, Hans-Peter Schmutz, Hanspeter Hausammann, Rolf Lindenmann, Fredo Siegenthaler
Syria (folder 86-27)
Taiwan (folders 35-5, 37-13, 38-21, 41-17, 44-15, 47-13, 50-8, 53-4, 57-9, 61-17, 65-7, 69-4, 72 13, 74-38, 76-33, 79-18, 81-41, 84-13, 86-28, 88-31, 92-39, 95-8, 97-11, 99 24): Edwin Su, Rao Shao Ji, Andrew Lin, Samuel Peng, Daniel Rao, Ezra Chen
Tanzania (folders 36-8, 50-26, 57-10, 58-10, 62-15, 65-23, 69-21, 74-39, 76-34, 79-19, 81-42, 84-14, 86-29, 88-32, 90-33, 92-40, 99 25, 102 29): Joseph Mwampishi, Charles Philemon, Chuwa Eliapenda, Blackson Mwampiki Mwaisoloka, Ezekiel Mwakajwanga
Thailand (folders 32-20, 35-6,7, 38-22, 41-18, 44-16, 47-14, 50-9, 53-5, 57-11, 61-18, 65-8, 69 5, 72-14, 74-40, 79-20, 81-43, 84-15, 86-30, 88-33, 90-34, 95-9, 97-12, 99 26): Ada Lum, Andrew Way, Tonglaw Wongkumchai, Apichart Poonsakvorasan, Sopon Yariyasuwan, Chris Maddox
Togo (folders 91-27, 98 30, 102 30): Basse Macklann, Prosper Folly
Trinidad and Tobago (folders 77-8, 82-4, 84-23, 88-39, 90-39, 93-3, 97-17, 99 33)
Tunisia (folders 30-9)
Turkey (folder 30-10, 65-9, 69-6, 74-41): Julian Richardson, Turadj ?, Meneduh Uysol
Uganda (folders 36-9, 42-15, 45-11, 50-10, 53-6, 57-12, 61-19, 65-10, 69-7, 72-15, 75-1, 76-35, 79-21, 84-16, 86-31, 88-34, 90-35, 92-41, 95-10, 99 27, 102 31): Michael Senyimba, David Sekabira, David Zac Niringiye, Aggrey Mugisha, Stella Kasirye, Richard Nuwamanya, Abraham Owino
Ukraine (folder 102-32): Misha and Irena Gusev
United Kingdom (see Great Britain, although this term technically belongs only to the largest island of the United Kingdom and therefore does not include Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, or its smaller entities; none of these individual countries appear separately in this appendix)
United States, folders including Student Training in Missions (STIM) program, InterVarsity Press (IVP), Theological Students Fellowship (TSF), IFES-Link, IFES Media (folders 35 8,9, 37-9, 38 23, 39 1,2,3,4, 41-19, 42-1,2,3,4, 44-17,18,19,20, 47-15,16,17,18, 50 11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 53-7,8,9, 54-13,14,15, 57 13,14,15,16,17,18, 61 20, 62 1,2,3,4, 65-11,12,13,14,15, 69 8,9,10,11, 72-16,17,18,19, 75-2,3,4, 76-36, 77-1,2,3,4, 79-22, 82 1,2, 84-18,19, 86-32,33, 88-35,36, 90-37, 93-1,2, 95-11,12,13,14, 97-14,15, 99 31,32, 102 34,35): John Alexander, Peter Northrup, Yvonne Vinkemulder, Richard Karppinen, James Nyquist, James McLeish, Barry McLeish, James Sire, Linda Doll, Brian Rust, John Kyle, Kay Barton, Eric Miller, Andy LePeau, Betsy Rossen, Terry Morrison, Chet Youngberg, James Berney, David Bryant, Barbara Holzhuter, Marilyn Brown, Christine Swanson, Pete Hammond, Ned Hale, Elward Ellis, Bill Tiffin, Gordon MacDonald, Bob Fryling, Bill Chickering, Ellen Church, Dan Harrison, Tom Dunkerton, Steve Hayner, Barney Ford, Jay Baldwin, Virginia Desjarlais, Bill McConnell, Jill McKinley, Chuck Ellis, David Jones, Scott Bessenecker, Melody Hanson, Ralph Thomas
Uruguay (folders 65-16, 69-12, 81-44, 84-17, 90-36, 97-13, 99 30, 102 33): Daniel Salinas, Steve and Veronica Pym
U.S.S.R., former (see Eastern Europe)
Venezuela (folders 30-11, 35-10, 39-5, 42-5, 44-21, 47-19, 53-10, 57-19, 62-5, 82-3, 88-38, 95 15, 97-16): Ramón Rojas Leon, José Bonilla, Blanca Duque
Vietnam (folders 30-12, 39-6, 62-6, 75-5, 77-5, 84-20, 90-38): La Vinh Thach, Nguyen Huu Cuong
West Africa (folders 35-11, 47-29, 62-7, 75-6): Barry Wade, Claire Henry
West Indies: Antigua, Barbados, Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis, Anguilla, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominica (folders 30-13, 35-12, 39-7, 42-6, 44-1, 47-20, 50-18, 53-11, 57-20, 65-17, 69-13, 72-20, 77-6,7,8, 80-1, 82-4, 84-21,22,23, 86 34,35, 88-39, 90-39, 93-3, 97-17, 99 33): Alfred W. Sangster (folders Jamaica), Winsome Levy, Barry Wade, John C. Fung, Frank Goveia, Las Newman, Toni Burrowes
Yugoslavia (folder 32-21, 88-40, 90-40, 93-4, 95-16, 99 34, 102 36): Kosta Radisazljavic, Andonov, Giorgio Grlj, Dane and Melita Vidovic, Drazen Glavas, Fiona Fisher
Zaire (see Democratic Republic of Congo)
Zambia (folders 35-14, 36-10, 37-18, 42-16, 45-12, 50-19, 53-12, 58-2, 62-9, 65-18, 69-15, 72 22, 75-7, 77-10, 80-3, 82-6, 84-25, 86-37, 88-42, 90-42, 93-6, 95-18, 99 36): Derek Mutungu, Maxwell Phiri, Everest Kabwe, Ajit Hazrta, Jonathan Mwalimu, Lutangu Lubasi
Zimbabwe (folders 42-14, 45-8, 50-20, 53-12, 58-3, 62-10, 65-19, 69-16, 72-23, 75-8, 80-4, 84 26, 88-43, 90-43, 93-7, 99 37): Coenraad Brand, Roy Musasiwa, Bekitemba Dube, Paul Makanyanga
(Movement names are selected based on instances in the collection. Names do not reflect the evolution of name changes but those identified by IFES at the time the collection was processed.)
Albania: BSKSH
Algeria: Rassemblement des Étudiants Chrétiens (REC)
Angola: Grupos Bíblicos de Estudantes Cristãos Angola (GBECA)
Antigua and Barbuda: Inter-School and Colleges Christian Fellowship (ISCCF)
Argentina: Asociación Bíblica Universitaria Argentina (ABUA)
Australia: Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES)
Austria: Österreichische Studentenmission (ÖSM)
Bangladesh: Bible Students Fellowship of Bangladesh (BSFB)
Barbados: Inter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IS/IVCF)
Belgium: Ichtus (Flemish speaking) and GBU (French speaking)
Belize: IS/IVCF Belize
Benin: Groupe Biblique des Elèves et Etudiants du Bénin (GBEEB)
Bolivia: Comunidad Cristiana Universitaria Bolivia (CCU Bolivia)
Botswana: Intercollege Christian Movement of Botswana (ICMB)
Brazil: Aliança Bíblica Universitária do Brasil (ABUB)
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Christian Student Union (BCSU)
Burkina Faso: Union des Groupes Bibliques du Burkina Faso (UGBB)
Burundi: Union des Groupes Bibliques du Burundi (UGBB)
Cambodia: Cambodia Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES Cambodia)/Somphoan Metreipheap Niset Krisborisath (S.N.K/Sonoko) Kampuchea
Cameroon: Groupes Bibliques des Elèves et Etudiants du Cameroun (GBEEC)
Canada: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires et Collégiaux du Canada (GBUC), Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (Inter-Varsity)
Caribbean: Caribbean International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (CARIFES)
Central African Republic: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU)
Chad: Union des Jeunes Chretiens du Tchad (UJC)
Chile: Grupo Bíblico Universitario de Chile (GBUCh)
Colombia: Unidad Cristiana Universitaria
Congo: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires et Scolaires du Congo (GBUSC)
Costa Rica: Estudiantes Cristianos Unidos (ECU)
Côte d'Ivoire: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires du Cote D'Ivoire (GBUCI)
Croatia: Studentski Evandeoski Pokret (STEP)
Cuba: Comunidad de Profesionales y Estudiantes Cristianos de Cuba (Koinonía)
Cypress: IFES Cyprus
Czech Republic: Univerzitni Krestanske Hnuti (UKH)
Democratic Republic of Congo: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU)
Denmark: Kristeligt Forbund for Studerende (KFS)
Dominica: Inter-School & Colleges Christian Fellowship (ISCCF)
Dominican Republic: Asociación Dominicana de Estudiantes Evangélicos (ADEE)
Ecuador: Comunidad de Estudiantes Cristianos del Ecuador (CECE)
El Salvador: Movimiento Universitario Cristiano (MUC)
Estonia: Eesti Evangeelsete Üliõpilaste Ühendus (EEÜÜ)
Ethiopia: Evangelical Students’ and Graduates’ Union of Ethiopia (EvaSUE)
Eurasia: IFES Eurasia
Fiji: Pacific Students for Christ (PSFC)
Finland: Opiskelija ja Koululaislähetys – Finlands Student-och Skolungdomsmission (OPKO-FSSM)
France: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU)
Gabon: Groupes Bibliques du Gabon (GBG)
Gambia: Fellowship of Evangelical Students
Germany: Studentenmission in Deutschland (SMD)
Ghana: Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students (GHAFES)
Great Britain: Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF: The Christian Unions)
Guatemala: Grupo Evangélico Universitario de Guatemala (GEU)
Guadeloupe: Cristal Impact Archipel Guadeloupe (CIA)
Guinea: Groupes Bibliques des Elèves et Etudiants de Guinée (GBEEG)
Guyana: Inter-School & Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IS/IVCF)
Haiti: Groupe Biblique des Ecoles et Universités d’Haïti (GBEUH)
Honduras: Comunidad Cristiana de Universitarios de Honduras (CCUH)
Hong Kong: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES)
Hungary: Magyar Evangéliumi Keresztyén Diákszövetség (MEKDSZ)
Iceland: Kristilega Skolahreyfingin (KSH)
India: Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI)
Indonesia: Perkantas Indonesia
Ireland: Christian Unions Ireland
Israel: Fellowship of Christian Students in Israel (FCSI)
Italy: Gruppi Biblici Universitari (GBU)
Jamaica: Inter-Schools Christian Fellowship (ISCF) / University and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF)
Japan: Kirisutosha Gakusei Kai (KGK)
Kenya; Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS)
Latvia: Latvijas Kristīgā Studentu Brālība (LKSB)
Lebanon: Lebanon Inter Varsity Fellowship (LIVF)
Lesotho: Scripture Union Lesotho Tertiary Ministry (SULTAM)
Liberia: Liberia Fellowship of Evangelical Students (LIFES)
Lithuania: Lietuvos krikščionių studentų bendrija (LKSB)
Madagascar: Union des Groupes Bibliques de Madagascar (UGBM)
Malawi: Student Christian Organisation of Malawi (SCOM)
Malaysia: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) Malaysia
Mali: Groupes Bibliques des Elèves et Etudiants du Mali (GBEEM)
Martinique: Groupe Biblique Universitaire de Martinique (GBU)
Mauritius: Student Christian Fellowship (SCF)
Mexico: Compañerismo Estudiantil, A.C. (Compa)
Moldova: Comunitatea Studentilor Crestini (CSC)
Mongolia: Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS)
Mozambique: Aliança Biblica Estudantil de Moçambique (ABEMO)
Namibia: Christian Students Fellowship (CSF)
Nepal: Nepal Biswabidyalaya Christia BidyartiSangati (NBCBS)
Netherlands: IFES-Nederland
New Zealand: Tertiary Students' Christian Fellowship (TSCF)
Nicaragua: Comunidad de Estudiantes Cristianos de Nicaragua (CECNIC)
Nigeria: Nigeria Fellowship of International Students (NIFES)
Norway: Norges Kristelige Student - og Skoleungdomslag (NKSS)
Pakistan: Pakistan Fellowship of Evangelical Students (PFES)
Panama: Comunidad de Estudiantes Cristianos (CEC Panama)
Paraguay: Grupo Biblico Universitario del Paraguay (GBUP)
Peru: Asociación de Grupos Evangélicos Universitarios del Perú (AGEUP)
Philippines: Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Philippines (IVCF)
Poland: Chrześcijańskie Stowarzyszenie Akademickie (ChSA)
Portugal: Grupo Bíblico Universitário (GBU)
Puerto Rico: Asociación Bíblica Universitaria de Puerto Rico (ABU)
Romania: Organizația Studenților Creștini Evanghelici din România (OSCER)
Russia: CCX - Russia
Rwanda: Groupe Biblique Universitaire du Rwanda (GBUR)
Senegal: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires et Scolaires du Sénégal (GBUSS)
Serbia: Evandeosko Udruzenje Studenata (EUS)
Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Fellowship of Evangelical Students (SLEFES)
Singapore: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES)
Slovakia: Vysokoškolské Biblické Hnutie (VBH)
South Africa: Students' Christian Organisation (SCO)
South Korea: InterVarsity Fellowship (IVF)
South Sudan: Fellowship of Christian University Students – South Sudan / FOCUS (SS)
Spain: Federación de Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios de España (GBU)
Sri Lanka: Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS)
St. Lucia: Inter-School and Colleges Christian Fellowship (ISCCF)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Inter-School and Colleges Christian Fellowship (ISCCF)
Sudan: Union of Bible Societies in Universities and Higher Institution of Sudan
Suriname: Jesus' Students Suriname Movement (JSSM)
Sweden: Sveriges evangeliska student- och gymnasiströrelse (Credo)
Switzerland: Groupes Bibliques des Ecoles et Universités (GBEU), Vereinigte Bibelgruppen in Schule, Universität und Beruf (VBG)
Syria: Syrian Intervarsity Ministry (SIM)
Tanzania: Tanzania Fellowship of Evangelical Students (TAFES)
Thailand: Thai Christian Students
Togo: Groupes Bibliques Universitaires Scolaires du Togo (GBUST)
Trinidad & Tobago: Inter School and Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship (IS/IVCF)
Uganda: Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS)
Ukraine: CCX – Ukraine
United Kingdom (see Great Britain)
United States: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
Uruguay: Comunidad Bíblica Universitaria (CBU)
Venezuela: Movimiento Universitario Evangélico Venezolano (MUEVE)
Zambia: Zambia Fellowship of Evangelical Students (ZAFES)
Zimbabwe: Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS)
(Folders for the individuals listed appear in the Staff Series, although correspondence and other documents by or about these persons may appear in other folders not listed. The date span in parentheses reflects the years covered in the correspondence for a person. The absence of a country for an individual may indicate the person applied but was not appointed to IFES, or that no documentation was available to conclusively determine where they served.)
Abate, Daniel (1995-1997) in Morocco (folders 176-12, 179-17)
Abraham, Viju (1975-1979) India, Regional Secretary for Central Asia (folders 108-4, 116-18, 120-1,2, 122-12, 124-22,23, 129-1)
Adeleye, Femi (1993-1998) in Nigeria (folders 173-5, 174-25, 176-13,14, 178-10, 179-19, 181 8)
Adeney, David (1956-1966) in Hong Kong (folders 106-2,32)
Ahlberg, Adele (1971-1973) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand (folder 111-11)
Anderson, Maggie (1983-1986) in Bolivia as associate staff seconded from Evangelical Union of South America, Peru (folders 148-1, 151-27, 155-1, 157-20)
Andria, Solomon (1980-1994) in Ivory Coast (folders 132-9, 137-6, 140-25, 144-18,19, 149 1,2,3, 152-24,25, 155-40, 158-17, 160-28, 163-18, 165-23, 168-21,22, 171-1,2, 173-6, 174-26, 176-15,16)
Apter, Elaine (1983-1984) in Israel as a field partner (folders 148-32, 151-28,29)
Arana, Pedro (1973-1989) in Peru, as associate staff, as Associate General Secretary for Latin America (folders 111-12,13,14, 114-32,33,34, 116-19,20, 120-3,4, 122 13, 124-24,25,26, 129-2, 132 10,11,12, 139-12, 148-2,3, 151-30, 157-21, 160-9, 165 1)
Araujo, Alexandre (1970-1975) in Portugal (folders 106-33, 111-15,16,17, 114-35,36, 115-1, 116-21,22,23)
Are, Samuel (1990-1991) in Tanzania (folders 165-24,25, 168-23,24,25)
Arroyo, Victor (1976-1980) in Peru and as Social Services Secretary (folders 107-15, 122-14, 124-27,28, 129-3, 132-13)
Assohoto, Barnabé (1995-1997) in France as part of IFES ministry in French-speaking Africa (folders 176-17, 178-11, 179-18)
Atallah, Ramez (1980-1990) in Egypt as associate staff (folders 134-26, 137-7, 140-26, 144 20,21,22, 149-4,5,6, 152-26,27,28, 155-41, 158-18, 160-29, 163-19, 165-26)
Atallah, Victor (1974-1976) in Lebanon (folders 107-16, 118-16, 121-19)
Atiencia, Jorge (1989-1998) in Ecuador, Colombia (folders 165-2, 167-12, 170-17, 171-3, 173-7, 174-27, 176-18, 178-12, 179-20, 181-9)
Atkinson, William (1963) in Italy (folder 106-3)
Awasu, Wilson (1989-1990) in United Kingdom to serve African Christian Fellowships and international students primarily in Eastern Europe (folders 163-20, 165-27)
Awi, Kunle (1985-1990) in Nigeria (folders 152-29,30, 155-42, 158-19, 161-1, 163-21, 165-28)
Baderschneider, Werner (1996-1997) in Georgia (folders 178-13, 179-21)
Bailey, Fred (1985-1995) in Austria (folders 152-31,32, 156-1, 158-20, 161-2, 163-22, 166-1, 169-1,2,3, 171-4,5,6, 173-8, 175-1, 176-19,20,21)
Ballard, Marjorie (1967-1968) in Algeria, North Africa (folder 106-1)
Balma, Tom (1981-1993) in Italy (folders 137-8, 141-1, 144-23,24,25, 149-7,8,9, 152-33,34,35, 156-2, 159-21, 161-3, 163-23, 166-2, 169-4,5,6, 171-7,8,9, 173-9)
Beaton, Mary (1955-1960) in Philippines (folder 106-4)
Bech-Sørensen, Håkon and Sissel (1977-1982) in Portugal (folders 108-5, 124-29, 129-4, 132 15,16, 136-11, 137-10, 141-2)
Bediako, Kwame (1975-1976) (folder 108-2)
Bell, Marty (1998) in Kyrgyzstan for ministry in Central Asia (folder 181-10)
Benestad, Øivind and Tone (1983-1992) in Portugal (folders 144-26, 149-13,14, 152-36,37, 156 3, 158-22, 161-4, 163-24, 166-3, 169-7, 171-10,11)
Bennighof, Ann (see Maouyo, Ann)
Bentley-Taylor, David (1966-1974) in United Kingdom, itinerating (folders 106-1,34, 111-18, 115-2,3)
Berg, John (1977-1983) in Egypt as a field partner and associate staff (folders 108-12, 127-19, 132-4, 134-27, 139 14, 143-22, 148 33)
Blair, David (1987-1995) in United Kingdom (folders 160-10, 163-1, 165-3, 167-13, 170-18, 171-12, 173-10, 175-2, 176-22,23)
Bourdanne, Daniel (1994-1998) in Ivory Coast (folders 175-3, 176-24, 178-14, 179-22, 181-11)
Bradley, Ed (1973-1976) in Indonesia, Pakistan (folders 106-35, 115-4,5, 116-24,25, 120-5,6,7)
Bragg, Wayne (1971) in Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Brazil (folder 106-5)
Brepohl, Dieter (1985-1998) in Ecuador, Brazil, IFES Associate General Secretary (folders 153 1,2, 156-4, 158-23, 161-5, 163-25, 166-4, 169-8,9, 171-13, 173-11, 175-4, 176-25, 178-15, 179-23, 181-12)
Brijs, Corine (1993-1996) in Russia (folders 173-12, 175-5, 176-26,27, 178-16)
Brougham, David and Eva (1960) in Korea (folder 106-1)
Brown, Harold O.J. (1964-1971), editor of IFES Journal and Themelios (folder 106-6)
Brown, Janet (1977-1980) in Netherlands on a grad team and secretary to Brede Kristensen (folders 107-6, 108-13, 127-11, 131-13, 135-13,14)
Brown, Lindsay (1981-1991) in French-speaking Africa, France, European Regional Secretary (folders 137-9, 141-4, 145-3,4,5,6,7, 149-15,16,17, 153-3,4, 156 5, 158-24, 161-6, 163-26, 166-5, 169 10,11)
Brown, Sue (1985-1993) in England (folders 153-6,7, 156-6, 158-25, 161-7, 163-27, 166-6, 169 12,13, 171-14,15, 173-13)
Buckler, Andy (1992-1993) in Russia (folders 171-16, 173-14)
Burbridge, Branse (1976-1986) in Great Britain on a grad team and associate staff (folders 121 20, 122-15, 127-1, 131-3, 134 28,29, 136-12, 139-15, 143-23, 148-4,5, 151-31,32,33, 155-2,3, 157-22)
Bürki, Dr. Hans (1973-1979) in Switzerland as Associate General Secretary-at-Large (folders 107-17, 120-8, 122-16, 124-30, 129-5)
Burt, David (1973-1980) in Spain (folders 107-18, 111-19,20,21, 115-6,7,8, 116-26,27,28, 120 9,10,11, 122-17, 125-1,2,3)
Calhoun, Doug (1981-1983) in Trinidad (folders 137-11, 141-6, 145-8,9,10)
Carranza, Mardoqueo (1975-1984) in Guatemala, El Salvador (folders 120-12, 122-18, 125-4,5, 129-6, 132 17,18,19, 137-12, 141-7, 145-11)
Chabouh, Jamil (1992-1995) in France (folders 171-17,18, 173-15, 175-6, 176-28)
Chamberlin, Gary (1989-1990) in Italy (folders 165-4, 167-14)
Chapman, Colin (1973-1986) in Lebanon, Cyprus, as Regional Secretary for Islamic Lands, associate staff seconded from Church Mission Society (folders 118-17,18, 121-21, 122 19, 127-2,3, 131-4,5, 134 30,31, 135-1, 139-16, 140-1, 143-24,25, 148-6,7,8)
Chapman, John and Debbie (1980-1989) in Peru on a grad team, Papua New Guinea (folders 135-15,16,17, 140 11, 144-9, 156-7, 159-1, 161-8, 164-1)
Chua Wee Hian (1970-1988) in Singapore, as Regional Assistant General Secretary of East Asia, as General Secretary in London (folders 109-4,5,6, 112-1,2,3,4, 115-9,10,11,12,13,14, 116 29,30,31, 120-13,14,15, 122-20, 125 7,8,9, 129-7, 132-20,21,22, 133-1,2, 136-13, 137 13,14,15, 141 8,9,10 145-12,13,14,15,16, 149-18,19,20,21,22,23,24, 153 8,9,10,11,12, 13,14, 158-8,9,10,11,12,13, 159-2, 161-9,10,11,12,13)
Clark, Benjamin (1960) in Ireland (folder 106-7)
Collins, Chris (1997-1998) in New Zealand for South Pacific (folders 180-1, 181-13)
Contento, Paul (1959-1973) in Vietnam (folders 106-1,8, 107-7, 110-8, 112-10,11)
Craston, Andrew (1973-1974) in Austria (folders 106-36, 114-5,6,7, 116-9)
Crooks, Peter (1983-1989) in Lebanon as associate staff, Syria, Israel (folders 148-9,10,11, 151 34,35,36, 155-4,5, 157 23, 160-11, 163-2, 165-5)
Cutler, Bob (1974-1988) in Bangladesh as associate staff seconded from BMMF (folders 118-19, 121-22, 123-1, 127-4, 131-6, 135-2, 140-2, 141-11, 148-12,13, 151-37,38, 155-6,7, 157-24, 160-12, 163-3)
Dain, Richard (1983-1985) in Chile as a field partner (folders 148-34, 152-21, 155-34)
Dale, Sheila (1977-1988) in Spain, Argentina as a field partner (folders 132-5, 136-7, 140-3, 143-26, 148-14,15, 151-39,40, 155-8,9, 158-1, 160-13, 163-4)
Daniel I (see Alexander Williams)
Daniel II (see Jon Neall)
Dankwa, Theophilus B. (1980-1993) in Ghana, Kenya, Anglophone Africa Regional Secretary, and with Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students or PAFES (folders 133-4, 138-2, 141-13, 146-1,2,3, 150-2,3,4, 153 16,17,18, 156-14, 159-3, 161-14, 164-2, 166-7, 169-14,15,16, 171-19,20,21, 173-16)
Davies, Christine (1977-1985) in Sierra Leone as a field partner, Great Britain as associate staff in assistance to ministry in Eastern Europe (folders 123-3, 125-11,12, 129-9,10, 136-14, 140 12, 144-1, 148-35,36, 152-1,2, 155-10,11)
Dawson, Bob (1996-1998) in Austria (folders 178-17, 180-2, 181-14)
Décrevel, Claude (1969-1979) in Cameroon, United Kingdom (folders 106-37, 109 11, 110-10, 113-2,3, 115-16,17,18, 116-32,33, 117-1, 120-17,18,19, 123-4,5)
Demerest, Bruce (1972-1975) as Theological Secretary and editor of Themelios (folders 106-38, 113-4,5,6, 115-19,20,21, 117-2,3,4)
Denk, Dan (1996-1998) in United States, United Kingdom as Coordinator for Southeastern Europe (folders 178-18, 180-3, 181-15)
de Smidt, Gauthier (1966) in Senegal and other African French-speaking countries (folder 106 23)
Di Pasquale, John (1977, 1993-1998) in Jordan, Cyprus as the Middle East and North Africa Regional Secretary (folders 108-14, 173-17, 175-7, 176 29,30, 178-19, 180-4, 181-16)
Dong, Donna (1977-1978) in Jamaica (folders 107-19, 125-13)
Eldrenkamp, Neal and Ruth Padilla (1992-1998) in Ecuador (folders 171-22, 173-18, 175-8, 176 31, 178-20, 180-5, 181-17)
Elliott, Jean (1961, 1971-1973) in Italy (folders 106-1, 111-1, 113-7,8)
Escobar, Samuel (1971-1985) in Peru, Argentina, Canada (folders 107-8, 110-11, 120-20, 123-6, 125-14, 129-11, 133-5, 138-3, 141-14, 146-4, 150-5, 153-19)
Etezadi, Turadj (1981-1983) in Great Britain on a grad team (folders 140-13, 144-10, 148 23,24)
Fairbanks, Alonzo and Dawn (1960-1973) in Lebanon (folders 106-9, 111-2)
Fanelli, Marcella (1961, 1971-1973) in Italy (folders 106-1, 111-2, 113-7,8)
Félix, Nancy (1978-1982) in Ivory Coast, Francophone Africa on a grad team (folders 108-15, 127-12, 131-14, 135-18,19,20, 140-14, 144-11)
Fillingham, Rick (1992-1996) in Bulgaria (folders 171-23, 173-19, 175-9, 177-1,2, 178-21)
Finch, Paul (1971-1981) in Italy as associate staff (folders 106-1, 108-16, 109-12, 114-8,9, 119 1, 121-23, 123-7, 125-15,16, 131-7, 135-3,4, 136-15, 140-4)
Fisher, Andrew (1979) in Eastern Europe (folder 107-9)
Francis, Lesley (1984-1987) in Hong Kong as associate staff seconded from OMF (folders 152 3, 155-12, 158-2, 160-14)
Frey, Elaine (1985) in Israel as associate staff (folder 155-13)
Friesen, Melvin (1962) in United States (folder 106-10)
Fung, Ronald (1967) in Hong Kong (folder 106-11)
Garrison, John (1974-1975) in Bangladesh seconded from BMMF (folder 119-2)
Gasque, Ward (1976) (folder 108-3)
Gichinga, John (1979-1983) in Kenya (folders 129-12, 133-6, 138-4, 142-1, 146-6)
Gil, Bertha (1988-1990) in Ecuador (folders 163-14, 165-19, 168-16)
Gill, David (1985-1986) in Italy as a field partner (folders 155-35, 158-15)
Giraldo, Enrique (1958-1959) in Chile (folder 106-12)
Goddard, Hugh (1975-1977) in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Middle East as associate staff (folders 107-20, 119-3, 122-1, 123 8)
Goh, Keat Peng (1995-1998) in Malaysia (folders 177-3, 178-22, 180-6, 181-18)
Goodwin, Ruth (1980-1982) in India on a grad team (folders 108-18, 140-15, 144-14)
Goveia, Frank (1981-1995) in Trinidad, Barbados (folders 138-5, 142-2, 146-7,8,9, 150-6,7,8, 153-20,21, 156-15, 159-4, 16133-15, 164-3, 166-8, 169-17,18, 171-24,25, 173-20, 175-10, 177-4,5)
Grabert, Birgit (1995) in Russia (folder 177-6)
Graham, Katherine (1973) in IFES Editorial Dept. (folder 106-39)
Grahmann, Robert (1990) in Austria (folder 168-1)
Grant, Brian (1989-1990) in Switzerland (folders 165-6, 168-2)
Grey, Elizabeth (1974-1976) in Belgium on a grad team and as associate staff (folders 107-21, 119-4, 122-2,3)
Griffith, Ralph (1963) as IFES Comptroller (folder 106-40)
Gutierrez, Francisco (1958-1961) in Bolivia (folder 106-13)
Hamilton, Andrew (1984-1986) in Colombia on a grad team (folders 152-11,12,130, 155 24,25,26, 158-9)
Han, Chul Ho (1997-1998) in Korea, East Asia Graduate Secretary (folders 180-7, 181-19 Hanks, Thomas (1967) in Costa Rica (folder 106-1)
Hanson, Judy (1983-1990) in Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico on a grad team (folders 146-10,11, 152-14,15,16, 155 27,28,29, 158-10, 160-15, 168-4)
Harris, Pamela (1973) in Lebanon (folder 114-10)
Harris, Scott and Michelle (1989-1998) in France (folders 165-7, 168-3, 177-7, 178-23, 180-8, 181-20)
Hazra, Ajit and Kim Hong (1989-1997) in Zambia (folders 164-4, 166-9, 169-19, 171-26, 173 21, 175-11, 177-8, 178-24, 180-9)
Heise, Daniel (1988-1996) in Lebanon and Cyprus (folders 162-1, 165-8, 168-5, 170-20,21, 171 27, 173-22, 175-12, 177-9,10, 178-25)
Helander, Eila (1973-1979) in Kenya and East Africa seconded to Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS), Trinidad (folders 107-23, 115-25,26,27, 117-8,9,10, 120-23, 123-10, 125-19,20,21, 130-1)
Hoare, Keith (1990-1993) in France (folders 168-6, 170-22, 171-29, 173-24)
Hogue, Cora (see Krispÿn, Cora Hogue)
Holmes, John (1961) in Ghana (folder 106-14)
Hopkins, Mark (1977-1985) in Belgium on a grad team (folders 108-20, 127-13, 131-15, 135 21,22,23, 136-16, 140-17)
Horne, Barrett (1993-1998) in Canada as Coordinator for Ukraine (folders 173-25, 175-13, 177 11, 178-26, 180-10, 181-21)
Horton, Frank (1951-1962) in France (folder 106-15)
Houghton, Felicity (1967-1994) in Chile, Bolivia, associate staff seconded from South American Missionary Society (folders 106-1, 114-12,13, 116-10, 119-5, 140 5, 144-2, 148-16,17, 152-4,5, 155 14,15, 158-3, 160-16, 163-5, 165-9, 168-7, 170 23,24, 171-30, 173-26, 175 14)
Hum, David (1985-1988) in Papua New Guinea as a field partner (folders 155-36, 158-16, 160 26, 163-17)
Iounnou, John (1979) (folder 107-10)
Ivaska, David (1983-1986) in Kenya (folders 146-12, 150-9,10,11, 153-22,23,24, 156-16)
Jochemsen, Henk (1979-1986) in Netherlands, Paraguay (folders 129-13, 133-7,8,9, 136-17, 138-6, 142-3,4,5, 146-13,14,15, 150-12,13,14, 153-25,26,27, 156-17)
Johnson, Corinne (1995) in Mozambique (folder 177-12)
Johnson, James (1966-1967) in South Africa (folder 106-16)
Johnson, R. Samuel (1991-1994) in Mozambique (folders 170-25,26,27, 171-31, 173-27, 175 15)
Johnston, Anna (1980-1982) in Austria on a grad team (folders 108-17, 135 24,25,26, 136-18, 140-18, 144-12)
Kalal, Rick (1976) in Greece (folder 107-24)
Kalkman, Pim (1996-1998) in Russia (folders 178-27, 181-22)
Kamnadj, Barka (1998) in Guinea (folder 181-23)
Kappelgaard, Arne (1980-1983) in Denmark as a field partner (folders 136-9,19, 140-19, 144-15, 148-37)
Karlsen, Anne-Johanne (1973-1974) in Austria (folders 107-25, 114-11,14, 116-11,12)
Kennedy, Alastair (1967-1975) associate staff in Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal (folders 106-1, 110-1,2, 114-15, 116-13)
Kinoti, George (1972) in Kenya (folder 106-41)
Kitoko, Eduardo (1996-1998) in Mozambique (folders 178-28, 181-24)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1991) in Hungary (folder 170-28)
Krispÿn, Cora Hogue (1979-1981) in Italy as a field partner (folders 108-19, 132-6, 136-8, 137 5, 140-16)
Kristensen, Brede (1974-1981) Special Assistant to IFES General Secretary, Netherlands, Brazil (folders 108-6, 117 11,12,13, 121-1, 123-11, 125-22, 130-2, 133-13,14,15, 136-20, 137 1,2,3,4,5 138-7)
Kristensen, Kristine (1985-1990) in Brazil (folders 153-28, 156-18, 159-5, 162-2, 164-5, 166-10)
Lamb, Jonathan (1988-1998) in United Kingdom to serve Eastern Europe, Regional Secretary for Europe and the former USSR or CIS (folders 163-6, 165-10, 166-11, 169-21, 171-33, 173 28, 175 16, 177-13, 178-29, 180-11, 181-25)
Lanchantin, Eve (1979-1980) in Lebanon on a grad team (folders 108-21, 131-16, 135-27)
Larrahondo, Lucy (1986-1994) in Uruguay (folders 158-11, 160-24, 163-15, 165-20, 168-17,18, 170-29,30,31, 171-32, 173-29, 175-17)
Larsen, Howard (1960) in France (folder 106-1)
Lau, Ellie (1974-1991) in Hong Kong as associate staff seconded to FES Hong Kong, Canada (folders 119-7, 122 4, 123-12,13, 126-1,2, 130-3, 133 16,7, 138-8, 142-6,7,8, 146 16,17,18, 150-15,16, 153-29,30,31, 156-19, 159-6, 162-3, 164-6, 166-12, 169-22)
Lee, Jean (1992-1993) in Dominican Republic, Jamaica (folders 171-34, 173-30)
Lemaire, Jacques (1981-1985) in Belgium (folders 138-9, 142-9,10,11, 146-19,20, 150-17, 153 32)
Lemmens, Dirk (1981-1986) in Belgium (folders 138-10, 142-12,13,14, 146-21,22, 150-18,19, 154-1, 156-20)
LeQuire, Stan (1976-1978) in Ivory Coast and Francophone Africa on a grad team and as associate staff (folders 107-26, 122-5, 123 14, 127-5)
Lewthwaite, Malcolm (1984-1986) in France (folders 150-20,21,22, 154-2,3,4, 156-21, 159-7)
Lick, Ray (1976) in Greece (folder 107-27)
Liew, Tong Ngan and Yoshie (1997-1998) in Japan (folders 180-12, 182-1)
Little, Paul (1967-1972) in United States (folder 110-3)
Lowman, Pete (1981-1998) in London as IFES editorial secretary, Netherlands (folders 138-11, 142-15, 146 23, 150-23, 154-5, 157-1, 159-8, 162-4, 164-7, 166-13, 169-23,24, 172-1,2, 173-31, 175-18, 177-14, 178-30, 180-13, 182-2)
Lum, Ada (1971-1983) East Asia and traveling to movements throughout the world (folders 111 3, 116-1, 117-14, 119-19, 121-2,3, 123-15, 126-3,4, 130-4, 133 18,19, 136-21, 138-12, 142 16,17, 146-24,25)
Machado, Ziel (1997-1998) in in Brazil as Regional Secretary for Latin America (folders 180-14, 182-3)
Magalit, Isabelo (1971-1982) in Philippines, as Associate General Secretary for East Asia (folders 108-7, 110-4, 116-2,3,4, 117-15, 121-4, 123-16,17, 126-5, 130-5, 133-20,21,22, 138 13, 142-18)
Maouyo, Ann (1977-1993) in Cameroon as a field partner, Togo, Canada (folders 124-19, 127 18, 132-3, 136 5,6, 139 13, 141-3, 144-27, 145-1,2, 149-10,11,12, 152-38,39,40, 157 2, 159-9162-5, 164-8, 166-14, 169-25,26, 172-3, 174-1)
Mapalo, Kedrick (1997-1998) in Namibia (folders 180-15, 182-4)
Marin, Ediana (1989-1994) in Panama (folders 165-21, 168-19, 170-32, 172-4, 174-2, 175-19)
Marsh, Alison (see Alison Walley)
Martinez, Pablo (1980-1982) in Spain as associate staff for Southern Europe (folders 135-5,6, 136-22, 140-6, 144-3)
McConnell, William (Bill) (1974-1987) in Brazil (folders 116-5,6, 117-16,17, 121-5,6, 123 19,20, 126-9,10,11, 130-7, 133-26,27, 134-1, 138-14, 142-19,20,21, 146-26,27,28, 150-24,25,26, 154-6,7,8, 157-3, 159-10)
McMaster, Sandra (1975-1977) in Lebanon and Middle East on a grad team, Belgium on a grad team and associate staff (folders 106-42, 119-8, 122-6, 123-21,22)
Melbourne, Benton (1961) in Costa Rica (folder 106-43)
Meza, Angelit (1998) in Peru (folder 182-5)
Meza, Caleb (1989-1995) in Peru (folders 165-11, 168-8, 174-4, 175-20, 177-15)
Miller, Eric (1986-1998) in United States and Kenya as IFES Media Secretary (folders 158-4, 160-17, 163 7, 165-12, 168-9, 170-33, 172-7, 174 5,6, 175-21, 177-16, 179-1, 180-16, 182 6)
Mitchell, Roger (1979-1982) in Fiji (folders 108-8, 134-2,3,4, 139-1, 142-22,23,24)
Morrison, Rhoda (1985-1989) in Italy as associate staff (folders 155-16,17,18, 158-5, 160-18, 163-8, 165-13)
Moucarry, Georges Chawcat (1979-1992) in France among Muslim students as part-time traveling secretary (folders 131 17, 144-4, 146-29,30, 150-27, 154 11, 162-7, 164-9, 166 15, 169-27, 172-8)
Mugisha, Aggrey (1997-1998) in Uganda (folders 180-17, 182-7)
Neall, Jon (1979-1985) in Germany (folder 133-3, 136-23, 138-1, 141-12, 145-17, 150-1, 153 15)
Newman, Las (1995-1998) in Jamaica (folders 177-17, 179-2, 180-19, 182-8)
Niño, Jairo and Doris (1989-1993) in Portugal (folders 164-11, 166-16, 169-31, 172-9,10, 174-7)
Niringiye, David Zac (1993-1998) in Uganda as English & Portuguese Speaking Africa Regional Secretary (folders 174-8, 175-22, 177-18, 179-3, 180-20, 182-9)
Njenga, Sammy (1996-1997) in South Africa (folders 179-4, 180-18)
Nordlie, Randi and Øyvind (1982-1986) in Yugoslavia (folders 142-25, 150-28, 154-12,13, 157 6)
Norris, Robert (1979-1980) as Theological Secretary that was declined, and as Honorary Theological Students Secretary (folders 108-22, 135-8)
Nyquist, James (1977-1991) in United States as associate staff and Honorary IFES Literature Secretary (folders 127-6, 131-8, 135-7, 140-7, 144-5, 148-18, 152-6, 155 19,20, 158-6, 160-19, 162-8, 164 12, 166-17, 169-32)
Odonga, Beatrice (1982-1983) in Zambia (folders 143-1,2,3, 146-31,32,33)
Ohtawa, Koichi (1982-1998) in Japan, Singapore, Associate General Secretary for East Asia (folders 143-4, 147-1, 150-29,30, 154-14, 157 5, 159-12, 162-9, 164-13, 167-1, 170-1, 172-11, 174-9, 175-23, 177-19, 179-5, 180-21, 182-10)
Olson, Gordon (1961-1962) in Pakistan (folder 1063-17)
Ortiz, Israel (1989-1998) in Guatemala as Associate Regional Secretary for Mexico and Central America (folders 164-14, 167-2, 170-2, 172-12, 174-10, 175-24, 177-20, 179-6, 180-22, 182-11)
Osei-Mensah, Gottfried (1967) in Ghana, as Secretary for West Africa, as Secretary of Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students (folders 106-1,44)
Padilla, René (1972-1986) in Argentina (folders 111-4,5, 117-18,19, 121-7, 124-1, 126-12, 130 8,9, 134-5,6,7. 140-8, 144-6, 148-19, 152-7, 158-7)
Page, Andrew (1986-1992) in Austria (folders 157-7, 159-13, 162-10, 164-15, 167-3, 170-3,4,5, 172-13,14,15)
Palacios, Martha (1978-1979) in Ecuador as associate staff (folders 107-28, 131-10)
Pallister, Alan (1973-1984) in Portugal (folders 114-16, 119-9,10,11, 124-2, 126 14,15,16, 130 10, 134-8,9,10, 136-24, 139-2, 143-5,6,7, 147-3,4,5, 150-31,32,33, 154 15,16,17)
Parker, Steve (1992-1995) in Belarus (folders 172-16, 174-11, 175-25, 177-21)
Parkinson, Patrick (1981-1982) in Czechoslovakia (folders 140-20, 144-16)
Pearman, Paul (1973-1974) in Austria (folders 106-45, 114-5,7,17,18, 116-9,14,15)
Penman, David (1969-1975) in Pakistan, Lebanon, Regional Secretary for Islamic Lands, on loan from the New Zealand Church Missionary Society (folders 106-1, 107-29, 114-19,20, 119 12)
Pentecost, Edward (1955-1964) in Mexico (folder 106-18)
Perfetti, Luis (1958-1959) in Argentina (folder 106-19)
Perret, Louis (1964-1966) in French-speaking Africa (folder 106-20)
Phillips, David (1960) in Bolivia (folder 106-21)
Pinto, Tacito (1977-1980) in Italy on a grad team (folders 109-1, 127-14, 131-9, 135-28,29,30, 137-1)
Pollen, Halldis (1985-1987) in Antigua, West Indies (folders 154-18, 157-8, 159-14)
Pott, Hank (1975-1983) in Zambia, Zimbabwe (folders 117-21,22,23, 121-8,9,10, 124-3,4, 126 17,18,19, 130-11, 134-11,12,13, 139-3, 143-8,9,10, 147-7)
Pulvar, Marc (1998) in Guadeloupe (folder 182-12)
Puplampu, Albert (1984-1988) in Italy (folders 150-34,35,36, 154-19,20, 157-9, 159-15, 162-11)
Pym, Steve (1989-1997) in Uruguay (folders 165-14, 168-10, 170-34, 172-17, 174-12, 175-26, 177-22, 179-7)
Ramachandra, Vinoth (1979-1998) in Philippines, Sri Lanka (folders 131-18, 134-14,15,16, 139 4, 143-11,12, 147-8,9, 151-1,2, 154-21,22, 157-10, 159-16, 162-12, 164-16, 167-4, 170-6,7, 172-18,19, 174-13, 175-27, 177-23, 179-8, 181-1, 182-13)
Ratovona, Pascal (1992-1998) in Madagascar (folders 172-20, 174-14, 176-1, 177-24,25, 179-9, 181-2, 182-14)
Ray, John (1972-1987) in Pakistan, Iran, as Regional General Secretary for Central Asia (folders 113-9, 121-11, 124-5, 126-20,21, 130-12, 134 17,18, 139-5, 143-13,14,15, 147-10,11, 151 3,4,5, 154-23, 157-11, 159-17)
Richards, Joan (1968) in Thailand (folder 106-1)
Rodriguez, Lucy (1995-1996) in Uruguay (folders 178-1, 179-10)
Romain, Josephine (1989-1994) in Saint Lucia (folders 168-11, 170-35, 172-21, 174-15, 176-2)
Roncesvalles, Bing (1993-1997) in Saint Lucia (folders 174-16, 176-3, 178-2, 179-11, 181-3)
Rutter, John (1977-1979) in Italy as a field partner (folders 124-20, 127-20, 132-7)
Saborio, Rodolfo (1966-1979) in Costa Rica (folders 108-9, 110-5, 113-10,11, 118-1,2, 121-12, 124-6, 126-22, 130-13)
Sales, David (1977-1979) in Tunisia on a grad team and associate staff (folders 107-13,30, 124 8, 127-15, 131-19)
Salinas, Daniel (1987-1995) in Uruguay, Bolivia (folders 160-25, 163-16, 165-22, 168-20, 170 36, 172-22,23, 174-17, 176-4,5, 178-3)
Salkeld, Jon (1996-1998) in United Kingdom to Eastern Europe and former USSR (folders 179 12, 182-15)
Savage, Peter (1975-1981) in Argentina on a grad team and associate staff, Mexico, (folders 109 2, 122-7, 124-7, 127-7, 131-11, 135-9,140-9)
Schanely, Dale and Ruth (1960) in Venezuela (folder 106-1)
Schlappa, Ulrich (1986-1998) in Chile (folders 157-12, 160-1, 162-13, 164-17, 167-5, 170-8,9, 172-24,25, 174-18, 176-6, 178-4,5, 179-13, 181-4, 182-16)
Schwab, Jean-Claude (1969-1975) in Zaire/Congo (folders 106-46, 110-6, 111-6,7, 113 12,13,14, 116 7, 118-3,4)
Scott, Janys and Kevin (1976-1977) in Iraq (folder 124-21)
Sheetz, Paul (1961) in Argentina (folder 106-22)
Showell-Rogers, Gordon and Jane (1983-1988) in Austria (folders 147-12,13,14, 151-6,7,8, 154 24,25,26, 157-13, 160-2, 162-14)
Siemens, Ruth (1961-1976) in Spain, Portugal, and global itinerating (folders 106-47, 111-8,9, 113-15,16, 118-5,6)
Silver, Nick (1979) in Japan as a field partner (folders 107-31, 132-8)
Sison-Juarez, Leni (1975-1981) in Mexico (folders 108-10, 121-13, 124-9, 126-23, 130-14, 133 10,11,12, 139-6)
Smith, Donna (1979-1998) in Tunisia as a field partner, France, England (folders 131-20, 136 10, 140-21, 144-17, 148-38, 152-22, 155-37, 158-12, 160-21, 163-9, 165-15, 168 12,13, 170-37,38, 172-26, 174-19, 176-7, 178-6, 179-14, 181-5, 182-17)
Smith, Edward (1966-1967) (folder 106-24)
Smith, Terrell (1978-1989) in West Germany (folders 126-24,25, 130-15, 134-19,20,21, 137-2, 139-7, 143-16,17,18, 147-15,16,17, 151-9,10,11, 154-27,28, 157-14, 160-3, 162-15, 164 18)
Smith, W. Douglas (1967) in Bolivia (folder 106-1)
Sng, Ewe Kong “Bobby” (1973) in Singapore (folder 106-48)
Snodgrass, Teresa (1975-1977) in Belgium on a grad team and associate staff (folders 107-1, 119-13, 122-8,9, 124-10,11)
Snoek, Peter (1977) in Belgium (folder 107-32)
Sommerville, David (1967) in Peru (folders 106-1,25)
Spink, Jill (1983-1994) in Spain (folders 146-18,19,20, 151-12,13,14, 154-29,30,31, 157-15, 160-4, 162-16, 164-19, 167-6, 170-10,11, 172-27, 174-20, 176-8)
Stacey, Vivienne (1975-1993) in Pakistan as associate staff seconded from BMMF, Cyprus (folders 119-14, 122 10, 124-12, 127-8,9, 131-12, 135-10,11, 140-10, 144-7, 148-20,21,22, 152-8,9,10, 155-21,22, 158-8, 160-20, 163-10, 165-16, 168-14, 170-39,40, 172-28, 174-21)
Stam, Jeff (1987-1991) in Costa Rica (folders 160-22, 163-11, 165-17, 170-41)
Stamoolis, Jim (1981-1988) in United States as Theological Students’ Secretary (folders 139-8, 143-19, 147 21,22, 151-15,16,17, 154-32,33, 157-16, 160-5, 162-17)
Stark, Christine (1983-1985) in Tunisia as a field partner, Morocco (folders 148-39, 152-23, 155 38)
Starr, Warren (1976) (folder 107-33)
Sterk, Andrea (1982-1986) in Yugoslavia (folders 143-20, 147-23,24,25, 151-21,22, 154-34,35, 157-17)
Sterrett, T. Norton (1952-1975) in India as associate staff (folders 107-2, 113-17,18, 118-7,8)
Stewart, Douglas W. (1973-1991) in Mexico (folders 113-19,20, 118-9,10, 121-14,15,16, 124 13, 126-26,27, 130-16, 134-22,23, 139-9, 143-21, 147-26,27, 151-18,19,20, 154-36,37, 157-17, 160-6, 163-12, 164-20, 167-7, 170-12)
Stewart, Ruth (1967-1978) in Algeria as associate staff (folders 106-1, 114-21,22, 124-14, 127 10)
Streefkerk, Conrnelius “Kees” and Kathinka (1978-1981) in Belgium on a grad team (folders 109 3, 132-1, 135-31, 136-1, 137-3, 140-22)
Tehe, Chantal (1995) in Congo (folder 178-7)
Thomas, P.A. (1977-1983) in Nepal on a grad team (folders 124-15, 127-17, 131 2, 136-2,3,4, 140-23, 144-13, 147-27,28)
Thomas, Richard (1975) in Lebanon (folder 107-34)
Thomas, William (1971-1974) in Belgium (folders 107-35, 114-23,24, 116-16)
Thomson, Ian (1974-1985) in London as associate staff and Honorary Extension Secretary in Britain (folders 118-11, 121-17, 124-16, 126-28, 131-1, 135-12, 140-24, 144-8, 148-26, 155-23)
Tjomsland, Reidun de Vargas (1987-1993) in Ecuador (folders 160-23, 163-13, 165-18, 168-15, 170-42, 173-1, 174-22)
Triplett, Thomas (1970-1071) in Spain (folder 106-26)
van der Hiele, Mart and Heleen (1990-1993) in Surinam (folders 167-8, 169-20, 171-28, 173 23)
van der Meer, Tonica (1985-1996) in Angola (folders 154-9,10, 157-4, 159-11, 162-6, 164-10, 167-9, 169-28,29,30, 172-5,6, 174-3, 176-9, 178-8)
van Haaften, Noor (1973-1979) in Austria (folders 107-22, 115-22,23,24, 117-5,6,7, 120-21,22, 123-9)
Vargas, Marcelo (1983-1987) in Bolivia on a grad team (folders 148-25, 152-17, 155-30, 158-13, 160-27)
Vasquez, Ediana and Erik (1996-1998) in Panama (folders 179-15, 181-6, 182-18)
Vasquez, James (1967) in Colombia (folder 106-1)
Vilain, Claude (1970-1977) in Belgium as associate staff in French literature ministry in Europe, Regional Secretary for Latin Europe (folders 107-3, 111 10, 113-21, 114-1, 116-8, 118-12, 122-11)
Walley, Alison (1975-1981) in Lebanon (folders 108-11, 139-10,11, 126-6,7,8, 130-6, 133 23,24,25)
Waters, Ricky (1990-1998) in Fiji, New Zealand (folders 167-10, 170-13, 173-2,3, 174-23, 176 10, 178-9, 179-16, 181-7, 182-19)
Watson, David (1952-1960) in India (folder 106-27)
Way, Andrew (1969-1973) in Thailand (folders 106-1, 107-36, 114-25,26)
Weber, Edmond (1977-1978) in Belgium as a field partner (folders 107-37, 124-17, 127-21)
Wennesland, Hans-Jorgen (1993-1994) in Norway European Teams Coordinator (folders 174 24, 176-11)
Wheeler, Janice (1971-1975) at Schloss Mittersill in Austria (folders 107-4, 114-27,28,29, 119 15,16,17)
White, John (1959-1961) Peru as Regional Secretary for Latin America (folder 106-28)
Williams, Alex (1969-1984) in Eastern Europe from London (folders 107-38, 109-9,10, 110-9, 112-12, 113-1, 115-15, 118 13,14, 120-16, 123 2, 125-10, 129-8, 137-4, 147-28, 151-23)
Wilson, Tom (1970-1974) in Portugal (folders 106-1, 114-30,31, 116-17)
Wong, Gwen (1952-1960) in Philippines (folders 106-29,30)
Woodhead, John (1983-1986) in Israel on a grad team (folders 148-29,30,31, 152-18,19,20, 155 31,32,33, 158 14)
Woods, C. Stacey (1967-1971) in Switzerland (folders 107-5, 110-7)
Woolard, Gordon (1984-1992) in Belgium (folders 151-24,25, 154-38,39,40, 157-18, 160-7, 162-18, 164-21, 167-11, 170-14,15,16, 173-4)
Young, José (1971-1974) in Argentina (folders 106-1, 114-2,3)
Young, Mildred (1960) in Hong Kong (folder 106-1)
Young, Robert (1953-1975) in Argentina, Brazil, South America (folders 106-31, 119-18)
Zokoué, Isaac (1975-1987) in Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, as Regional Secretary for Francophone Africa (folders 118-15, 121-18, 124-18, 126-29, 131-2, 134 24,25, 147-29, 151-26, 154-41, 157-19, 160-8)
Located in boxes 190-215 (also see APPENDIX V: TITLED PUBLICATIONS BY COUNTRIES)
Africa, Francophone, 1975-1988 (folders 190-3,4,5)
Asia, East, 1965-1998 (folders 190-6 to 9)
Asia, South, 1997 (folder 191-1)
Europe, 1994-1996 (folder 191-2)
Latin America, 1966-1989 (folder 191-3 to 10)
Argentina, 1966-1989 (folder 191-11 to 15)
Australia, 1960-2000 (folder 192-1 to 5)
Austria, 1986-1999 (folder 192-6,7)
Barbados, 1986-1989 (folder 193-1)
Belarus, 1995 (folder 193-2)
Belgium, 1950-1998 (folders 193-3 to 8)
Brazil, 1974-1987 (folder 193-9)
Bulgaria, 1995 (folder 193-10)
Cambodia, 1996 (folder 193-11)
Canada, 1949-1997 (folders 193-12,13,14, 194-1 to 8)
Central African Republic, 1986 (folder 194-9)
Chile, 1987 (folder 194-10)
China, 1947-1950 (folders 194-11,12)
Colombia, 1985-1989 (folder 195-1)
Croatia, 1993-1997 (folder 195-2)
Cuba, 1987 (folder 195-3)
Denmark, 1976-1988 (folder 195-4,5)
Dominican Republic, 1989 (folder 195-6)
Ecuador, 1985-1986 (folder 195-7)
El Salvador, 1986-1988 (folder 195-8)
Finland, 1961-1997 (folders 195-9 to 13, 196-1 to 4)
France, 1956-1998 (folders 196-5, 197-1 to 6, 198-1,2,3)
Germany, 1960-1998 (folders 198-4,5,6, 199-1,2,3)
Ghana, 1972-1990 (folder 199-4)
Great Britain, 1971-1999 (folders 199-5 to 8, 200-1 to 11, 201-1 to 8)
Greece, 1964-1972 (folder 201-9)
Guatemala, 1977 (folder 201-10)
Guyana, 1988-1989 (folder 201-11)
Hong Kong, 1979-1998 (folders 201-12,13, 202-1)
Hungary, 1991-1996 (folder 202-2)
Iceland, 1975 (folder 202-3)
India, 1960-1990 (folders 202-4 to 8, 203-1,2)
Indonesia, 1986-1990 (folders 203-3,4,5)
Italy, 1958-1998 (folders 203-6 to 9, 204-1)
Ivory Coast, 1969-1975 (folder 204-2)
Jamaica, 1966-1989 (folders 204-3,4)
Japan, 1987-1997 (folder 204-5)
Kenya, 1986-1989 (folders 204-6,7)
Korea, 1982-1998 (folder 204-8)
Lebanon, 1969 (folder 204-9)
Liberia, 1988 (folder 204-10)
Madagascar, 1986-1989 (folder 204-11)
Malawi, 1987-1989 (folder 204-12)
Malaysia, 1961-1998 (folders 204-13,14,15, 205-1 to 5)
Mexico, 1985-1989 (folder 205-6)
Nepal, 1986-1989 (folder 205-7)
Netherlands, 1960-1998 (folders 205-8 to 11)
New Zealand, 1958-1989 (folders 206-1 to 5)
Nigeria, 1974-1989 (folders 206-6,7)
Norway, 1951-1986 (folders 206-8,9,10, 207-1 to 6)
Pacific Islands, 1970-1981 (folder 208-1)
Pakistan, 1986-1989 (folder 208-2)
Papua New Guinea, 1985-1987 (folder 208-3)
Paraguay, 1988-1989 (folder 208-4)
Peru, 1977-1989 (folders 208-5,6)
Philippines, 1967-1998 (folders 208-7,8,9)
Poland, 1994-1995 (folder 208-10)
Portugal, 1987-1989 (folder 208-11)
Senegal, 1988 (folder 208-12)
Serbia, 1989 (folder 208-13)
Sierra Leone, 1985-1987 (folder 208-14)
Singapore, 1970-1998 (folders 208-15, 209-1 to 4)
South Africa, 1969-1988 (folders 209-5,6)
Spain, 1985-1998 (folders 209-7 to 10)
Sri Lanka, 1979 (folder 210-1)
Sudan, 1979 (folder 210-2)
Surinam, 1989 (folder 210-3)
Sweden, 1948-1986 (folders 210-4,5,6)
Switzerland, 1957-1998 (folders 210-7 to 13, 211-1 to 10)
Taiwan, 1962-1997 (folders 212-1 to 6, 213-1 to 5)
Tanzania, 1987-1990 (folder 213-6)
Thailand, 1985-1989 (folder 213-7)
Uganda, 1985-1989 (folder 213-8)
Ukraine, n.d. (folder 213-9)
United States, 1940s-1998 (folders 213-10,11,12, 214-1 to 14, 215-1 to 10)
Uruguay, 1988 (folder 215-11)
Venezuela, 1981-1988 (folder 215-12)
West Indies, 1986-1989 (folder 215-13)
Yugoslavia, 1991-1997 (folder 215-14)
Zambia, 1977-1987 (folder 215-15)
Zimbabwe, 1985 (folder 215-16)
• Comunidad, 1974-1982 (folder 191-12)
• Contacto, 1978-1989 (folder 191-13)
• Retorno, 1981-1983 (folder 191-14)
• Testimonium, 1966-1968 (folder 191-15)
• Interchange, 1974-2000 (folder 192-2)
• Journal of Christian Education, 1961-1971 (folder 192-3)
• On Campus, 1988-1989 (folder 192-4)
• SALT, 1986-1989 (folder 192-5)
• OSM, 1986-1998 (folder 192-7)
• De Betweter, 1996-1998 (folder 193-4)
• GBU Magazine, 1987-1998 (folders 193-5,6,7)
• Ichtus, 1996-1998 (folder 193-8)
• Action, 1974-1978 (folder 193-13)
• Crux, 1968-1970 (folder 194-2)
• The Intercessor, 1985-1997 (folder 194-4)
• Nouvelles des GBUC, 1993-1997 (folder 194-5)
• Spectrum, 1986-1989 (folder 194-7)
• Venture, 1986-1989 (folder 194-8)
• Pro Fide, 1986 (folder 195-5)
• ETSIJÄ, 1961-1962 (folders 195-10)
• Pro Fide, 1964-1990 (folders 195-11 to 196-4)
• Chantiers, 1956-1971 (folder 197-1)
• Bulletin d’information, 1985-1989 (folder 197-1)
• La Gazette, 1969-1996 (folders 197-3 to 198-3)
• SMD Contact, 1980-1990 (folder 198-5)
• Dynamis, 1960-1962 (folder 198-6)
• Studium und Zeugnis, 1963-1966 (folder 199-1)
• SMD Ora et Labora, 1984-1990 (folder 199-2)
• Transparent, 1993-1998 (folder 199-3)
Great Britain:
• Christian Arena, 1988-1994 (folder 200-8)
• Cubit, 1989 (folder 200-9)
• The Exile, 1995 (folder 200-10)
• FOCUS, 1982-1998 (folder 200-11)
• NB, 1996-1998 (folder 201-4)
• Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, 1995-1997 (folder 201-5)
• Share, 1985-1990 (folder 201-7)
• ΙΔΟΥ, 1964-1972 (folder 201-9)
Hong Kong:
• FES, 1979-1998 (folders 201-13, 202-1)
• Salt, 1975 (folder 202-3)
• The Evangelical Student, 1960-1976 (folders 202-5 to 8)
• Our Link, 1977-1990 (folder 203-2)
• DIA, 1987-1990 (folder 203-5)
• Perkantas, 1987-1989 (folder 203-4)
• Certezze, 1958-1981 folders 203-7,8,9, 204-1)
• Focus on Youth; 1968-1968 (folder 204-4)
• KGK, 1987-1997 (folder 204-5)
• Life in Focus, 1987-1989 (folder 204-7)
• Berita Su, 1980-1997 (folder 204-14)
• Communique, 1996-1998 (folder 204-15)
• The Evangelical Student, 1961-1964 (folder 205-1)
• Pengertian, 1977-1978 (folder 205-2)
• SU/FES Praise and Prayer Letter, 1985-1998 (folders 205-3,4)
• Scene, 1996-1998 (folder 205-5)
• Canon Gestorum Scriptura, 1961-1963 (folder 205-9)
• Sola Fide, 1960-1962 (folder 205-10)
• Trefpunt, 1993-1998 (folder 205-11)
New Zealand:
• Broadsheet, 1962-1989 (folder 206-2)
• Commentary, 1966-1969 (folder 206-3)
• Intercessor, 1969, 1987-1989 (folder 206-4)
• Pronto, 1986-1989 (folder 206-5)
• The Campus Link, 1974-1981 (folder 206-7)
• Credo, 1960-1980 (folders 206-9,10, 207-1 to 6)
• Kairos, 1977-1979, (folder 208-6)
• Campus Impact, 1967-1998 (folders 208-8,9)
• Epistole, 1975-1986 (folder 209-1)
• Bulletin, 1975-1998 (folder 209-2)
• Impetus, 1974-1983 (folder 209-3)
• Perspective, 1985-1998 (folder 209-4)
South Africa:
• SCANews, 1971-1988 (folder 209-6)
• Andamio, 1989-1995 (folder 209-8)
• En Contacto, 1987-1988 (folder 209-9)
• Punto Seguido, 1993-1998 (folder 209-10)
• VITRO, 1959-1972 (folders 210-5,6)
• Bausteine VBG, 1983-1988 (folder 210-8)
• Chantiers, 1972-1979 (folder 210-9)
• Contra Punkt, 1968-1995 (folders 210-10 to 13, 211-1 to 4)
• GBEU Bulletin de Nouvelles, 191987-1998 (folders 211-6,7)
• GBEU Informations et Priere, 1985-1989 (folder 211-5)
• Ichthus, 1970-1995 (folder 211-8)
• Moscia Zytig, 1992-1996 (folder 211-9)
• Studium und Zeugnis, 1959-1962 (folder 211-10)
• 1962-1997 (folders 212-2 to 6, 213-1 to 5)—there may be other titles in the Taiwan folders, but the one listed here, in different forms, predominates. Later versions of the logo include:
United States:
• The Branch, 1973-1977 Ifolder 214-11)
• Campus Ministries Memo, 1994-1995 (folder 214-12)
• Chronicle, 1980-1986 (folder 214-13)
• for Staff, 1986-1988 (folder 215-5)
• Inside, 1993-1997 (folder 214-14)
• Internationals, 1987 (folder 215-1)
• Inter-Varsity, 1985-1994 (folder 214-2)
• Marketplace, 1986-1994 (folder 214-6)
• NISET, 1986-1998 (folder 214-7)
• Schloss Mittersill, 1985-1986 (folder 215-3)
• Spiritual Care Workbook, 1979 (folder 215-4)
• Staff Report, 1987-1989 (folder 215-6)
• Student & World Connection, n.d. (folder 215-8)
• Student Leadership, 1988-1990 (folder 215-9)
• To Stir the Church by H. Wilbert Norton, 1986 (folder 215-10)
- Adeney, David H. (David Howard)
- Alexander, John W. (John Wesley), 1918-2002.
- Apartheid.
- Armstrong, Philip E. (Philip Edward), 1919-1981.
- Bediako, Kwame.
- Bragg, Ann Kay.
- Bragg, Wayne G., 1931-
- Bright, Bill.
- Bürki, Hans Ferdinand, 1925-
- Campus Crusade for Christ.
- Chandapilla, P. T.
- Chien, Harvey T. Co.
- Chinese diaspora.
- Chinese students.
- Chua, Wee Hian, 1939-
- City missions -- Costa Rica.
- Clarkson, E. Margaret (Edith Margaret), 1915-2008.
- Dain, Arthur John, 1912-
- Escobar, Samuel E., 1934-
- Evangelistic work -- Albania.
- Evangelistic work -- El Salvador.
- Evangelistic work -- Fiji.
- Evangelistic work -- Latvia.
- Evangelistic work -- Rwanda.
- Fuller Theological Seminary.
- Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students.
- Glasser, Arthur F. (Arthur Frederick), 1914-
- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018.
- Hale, Ned.
- Houghton, Frank, 1894-1972.
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.
- Interserve.
- Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.
- Lindsell, Harold, 1913-1998.
- Missions -- Albania.
- Missions -- Algeria.
- Missions -- Angola.
- Missions -- Anguila.
- Missions -- Antigua.
- Missions -- Argentina.
- Missions -- Armenia.
- Missions -- Australia.
- Missions -- Austria.
- Missions -- Azerbaijan.
- Missions -- Bangladesh.
- Missions -- Barbados.
- Missions -- Belarus.
- Missions -- Belgium.
- Missions -- Belize.
- Missions -- Benin.
- Missions -- Biblical teaching.
- Missions -- Bolivia.
- Missions -- Botswana.
- Missions -- Brazil.
- Missions -- Bulgaria.
- Missions -- Burkina Faso.
- Missions -- Burma.
- Missions -- Burundi.
- Missions -- Cambodia.
- Missions -- Cameroon.
- Missions -- Canada.
- Missions -- Caribbean Area.
- Missions -- Central African Republic.
- Missions -- Chad.
- Missions -- Chile.
- Missions -- China.
- Missions -- Colombia.
- Missions -- Congo (Democratic Republic).
- Missions -- Congresses.
- Missions -- Croatia.
- Missions -- Cuba.
- Missions -- Cyprus.
- Missions -- Czech Republic.
- Missions -- Denmark.
- Missions -- Dominican Republic.
- Missions -- Ecuador.
- Missions -- Egypt.
- Missions -- El Salvador.
- Missions -- Eswatini.
- Missions -- Ethiopia.
- Missions -- Europe, Eastern.
- Missions -- Europe.
- Missions -- Fiji.
- Missions -- Finance.
- Missions -- Finland.
- Missions -- France.
- Missions -- Gabon.
- Missions -- Gambia.
- Missions -- Georgia.
- Missions -- Germany.
- Missions -- Ghana.
- Missions -- Great Britain.
- Missions -- Greece.
- Missions -- Guadeloupe.
- Missions -- Guatemala.
- Missions -- Guyana.
- Missions -- Haiti.
- Missions -- Honduras.
- Missions -- Hong Kong (China)
- Missions -- Hungary.
- Missions -- Iceland.
- Missions -- India.
- Missions -- Indonesia.
- Missions -- Iran.
- Missions -- Iraq.
- Missions -- Ireland.
- Missions -- Israel.
- Missions -- Italy.
- Missions -- Ivory Coast.
- Missions -- Jamaica.
- Missions -- Japan.
- Missions -- Jordan.
- Missions -- Kenya.
- Missions -- Korea.
- Missions -- Kyrgyzstan.
- Missions -- Laos.
- Missions -- Latvia.
- Missions -- Lebanon.
- Missions -- Lesotho.
- Missions -- Liberia.
- Missions -- Lithuania.
- Missions -- Madagascar.
- Missions -- Malawi.
- Missions -- Malaysia.
- Missions -- Mali.
- Missions -- Malta.
- Missions -- Martinique.
- Missions -- Mauritius.
- Missions -- Mexico.
- Missions -- Middle East.
- Missions -- Moldova.
- Missions -- Mongolia.
- Missions -- Morocco.
- Missions -- Mozambique.
- Missions -- Namibia.
- Missions -- Nepal.
- Missions -- Netherlands.
- Missions -- New Zealand.
- Missions -- Nicaragua.
- Missions -- Nigeria.
- Missions -- North Africa.
- Missions -- Norway.
- Missions -- Oceania.
- Missions -- Pakistan.
- Missions -- Panama.
- Missions -- Papua New Guinea.
- Missions -- Paraguay.
- Missions -- Peru.
- Missions -- Philippines.
- Missions -- Poland.
- Missions -- Portugal.
- Missions -- Puerto Rico.
- Missions -- Romania.
- Missions -- Russia.
- Missions -- Rwanda.
- Missions -- Senegal.
- Missions -- Serbia.
- Missions -- Sierra Leone.
- Missions -- Singapore.
- Missions -- Slovakia.
- Missions -- Slovenia.
- Missions -- South Africa.
- Missions -- South America.
- Missions -- Spain.
- Missions -- Sri Lanka.
- Missions -- Study and teaching.
- Missions -- Sudan.
- Missions -- Suriname.
- Missions -- Sweden.
- Missions -- Switzerland.
- Missions -- Syria.
- Missions -- Taiwan.
- Missions -- Tanzania.
- Missions -- Thailand.
- Missions -- Tobago.
- Missions -- Togo.
- Missions -- Tunisia.
- Missions -- Turkey.
- Missions -- Turkmenistan.
- Missions -- Uganda.
- Missions -- United States.
- Missions -- Uruguay.
- Missions -- Venezuela.
- Missions -- Vietnam.
- Missions -- Yugoslavia.
- Missions -- Zambia.
- Missions -- Zimbabwe.
- Missions to Jews.
- Missions to Muslims.
- Ockenga, Harold John, 1905-1985.
- Padilla DeBorst, Ruth.
- Padilla, C. René.
- Papua New Guinea.
- Stewart, Douglas W., 1937-
- Stewart, Ruth E.
- Stott, John R. W.
- Taylor, Clyde W. (Clyde Willis), 1904-1988.
- Taylor, Herbert John, 1893-1978.
- Tearfund.
- Troutman, Charles Henry, 1914-
- Visser 't Hooft, Willem Adolph, 1900-1985.
- Wheaton College (Ill.) -- Graduate school.
- Woods, C. Stacey, 1909-1983.
- World Congress on Evangelism (1966 : Berlin, Germany)
- World Evangelical Alliance.
- World Student Christian Federation.
- Youth for Christ International.
- International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) (Organization)
- Author
- Paul Ericksen
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Roman Script
Repository Details
Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository