Missions -- China.
Found in 162 Collections and/or Records:
A. Bertram Lewis Letter
This collection contains one letter from A. Bertram Lewis, describing his work as missionary in Kiangsi Province, China, with China Inland Mission, the progress of evangelistic work, involvement of Chinese Christians in evangelism, and a Bible conference.
A. J. Elliot letters.
Acc. 2024-029: papers of Louise Mary Marqueling, 1927-2004
Accession 2025-001: Documents and books relating to Christianity in China, 1903-1960
Albert and Gertrude Grant papers.
Alex M. MacLeod manuscript.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Records Microfilm
American Sunday School Union Records Microfilm
Anna and Carl Gowman papers.
Arthur F. Glasser Oral History Interviews
Assorted missionary materials.
Baptist Missionary Society Archives Microfilm
Berea St. John Feiner Papers
Boston Recorder newspaper issues.
C. Edwin Carlson photographs.
Charles Blanchett Booklet
This collection contains a booklet of nine watercolor sketches illustrating a three-verse limerick written in English but lettered in a verticle stylistic Chinese script; was presented to Charles Isaac Blanchett (1875-1933) upon his arrival in Pakhoi, China (near Hong Kong), to work with the Church Missionary Society. The booklet depicts an imaginary world in which Blanchett and his colleague, Bishop Rt. Rev. G.H. Landers (bishop of Hong Kong) are ambushed by cannibals.
Charles Fairclough Letter
Charles Thomson Prayer Letter
This collection contains one prayer letter from Charles Thomson, describing progress made in evangelistic work in China, excerpts from missionaries' letters appealing for prayer, and an appeal for new missionaries.
China Outreach Ministries materials.
China Youth for Christ letters.
China Youth for Christ (YFC) letters.
Chinese Christianity Documents; 1920-1947
Christians Supporting Community Organizing
Claremont College: China Missionary Oral History Project Records Microfilm
Collection 562 Papers of Roger and Mary Howes
Collection 593 Papers of Lillian R. Dickson
Collection 603 Papers of Wayne W. and Ruth K. Courtney
Correspondence, oral history interviews, and photographs which document the Courtneys' courtship and marriage, Ruth Courtney's ministry in China as a single missionary with China Inland Mission, their brief work together in China after their marriage (1949-1951), and later work for the mission in the Philippines and in the United States.
Collection 606 Papers of Winifred Rand
Collection 632 Papers of William H. Nowack
Prayer letters, publications, sermons notes of Nowack documenting William H. Nowack’s work as an independent Christian missionary in the United States (Tennessee) and China (Honan) over a period of four decades.
Records of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Records
Collection 653 Ephemera of Ruth Paxson
Collection 677 Papers of Beatrice Sutherland
Materials in this collection include correspondence, newsletters, memoranda, photographs, and a church directory relating to the ministry of Beatrice Sutherland, a missionary to China with the China Inland Mission beginning in 1938 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The materials also span her later activities as a Christian worker living in California after her retirement from full-time missionary service in 1976.
Collection 678 Oral History Interview with Helen Grace Madeira Cox
Collection 680 Papers of the Almond Family
Diaries and oral history interviews documenting the work of Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) workers Louis Almond, his first wife Stella and his second wife Helen in China (1949-1951), Thailand and the United States. Helen’s interview also describes the activities of the United States office of OMF, where she worked for many years.
Collection 681 Oral History Interview with Mertis Byram Heimbach
Collection 720 Papers of Louise H. Pierson
Photographs, mission newsletters, newspaper clippings, letters, drawings, and pressed flowers arranged in a scrapbook mainly documenting the work of several early Woman’s Union Missionary Society (WUMS) workers in China, Japan, and India. Most of the scrapbook appears to be focused on the work of Mrs. Louise Henrietta Pierson in Yokohama, Japan through the American Mission Home (now known as Yokohama Kyoritsu Kritsu Gakuen or Doremus School) from 1871-1899.
Council for World Mission Records Microfiche
David H. Adeney Papers.
Dick Springer Papers
Doris Embery Oral History Interview
Doris Trefren papers.
Edwin W. Fisch Prayer Letter
This collection contains a prayer letter from Edwin William Fisch, a missionary with China Inland Mission, detailing his first days in China including descriptions of his arrival in Shanghai, the China Inland Mission compound and hospital, Shanghai street life, visits to training institutes, medical facilities, leading a worship service, travel on the Yangtze River, and the working classes.
Eileen J. Kuhn Oral History Interviews
Eleanor Edwards Elliot birthday book.
Eleanor R. Elliott Papers
Elizabeth Small Oral History Interview
Oral history interview with Elizabeth Stair Small in which she describes her missionary experiences in China between the earliest communist revolutions; includes customs, evangelizing methods, assistance of Chinese Christians in areas of central China; post-war pastoring in the U.S. The time period covered by the interviews is 1904-1980.
Elizabeth Small was interviewed by Robert Shuster on October 28, 1980 at the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College.