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Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA) Records

Identifier: CN 352

Brief Description

Correspondence, form letters, financial and statistical reports, minutes, memos and promotional material related to IFMA administration and its service to its member missions. The files on IFMA members and numerous other Christian agencies predominate. Numerous mission-related subjects are documented, among them those related to the theoretical, theological, or practical aspects of the missionary enterprise, such as missionary aviation, the education of future missionaries, theological standards, missionary conferences, organizational mergers, and budget planning. Also includes series of maps of Latin American countries identifying nondenominational and denominational mission activity. Persons prominently featured include Jack Frizen, Billy Graham, and John Percy. Information is also available on the various countries in which IFMA members operate.


  • Created: 1934-1983, undated


Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

There are no restrictions on the use of the materials in this collection.

Organizational History

Association of Evangelical and Fundamentalist nondenominational mission agencies. On behalf of its members, IFMA coordinated annual conferences, provided a liasion in some governmental matters, offered endorsement on members' behalf to the Christian public, and assisted members to establish effective and responsible administrative practices. IFMA served the general Christian public by disseminating missions information and helping local congregations establish their own mission programs. IFMA declined an offer from the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association in 1946 to merge the two associations; they nevertheless worked cooperatively in scheduling concurrent annual conferences, developing joint committees, and providing training seminars. Until 1950, IFMA headquarters was located in facilities provided by the missions of IFMA's elected officers; permanent headquarters was located in: New York City, 1950-1960; Ridgefield, New Jersey, 1960-1973; and Wheaton/Carol Stream, Illinois, 1973-ca. 2014. IFMA's general secretaries included John Percy (1956-1963), Edwin L. Frizen (1963-1991), John Orme (1992-2006), Marv Newell (2007-2015 during which IFMA was renamed CrossGlobal Link and then merged with EFMA to become Missio Nexus), and Ted Esler (2015-).

The Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA) originated in a meeting of mission agency leaders in March 1917. The meeting occurred as the flowers of the Fundamentalist/ Modernist Controversy were ready to bloom, and theologically conservative mission agencies no longer felt compatible with or able to work within the growing ecumenical movement. The meeting was called by Paul Graef, a Christian businessman and board member of the South Africa General Mission; also participating in the meeting were representatives of Africa Inland Mission, Central American Mission, and China Inland Mission. The mission representatives met to discuss how they could encourage greater missions awareness among American conservative Christians, provide fellowship among fundamentalist agencies, and facilitate inter-mission cooperation among themselves. In a followup meeting in September 1917, mission leaders met to consider establishing an informal organization of interdenominational foreign mission societies. Representatives of China Inland Mission, Inland South America Missionary Union, South Africa General Mission, Sudan Interior Mission, and Woman's Union Missionary Society participated in the meeting where articles of agreement were drafted and provisionally adopted for ratification by individual missions. The ratification process proceeded during the following year, and annual meetings commenced from 1918 onward.

At its founding, IFMA's purpose was to gather mission executives for an annual conference featuring an agenda of business, reports, prayer, preaching, and fellowship. As an association, the IFMA had no administrative authority over its members, but was instead to provide:

  • a forum for exploration of issues
  • a means for similar organizations to meet together for encouragement, fellowship, and cooperation
  • and an endorsement on members' behalf to the fundamentalist public as agencies worthy of support.

  • The other aspect of IFMA's service to the Christian public was in being an information center on missionary societies and activities around the world, and helping congregations establish their own missionary programs. As IFMA developed, it also helped member missions establish effective and responsible administrative practices and provided a liaison in certain governmental matters.

    IFMA's administrators were drawn from the leadership of its members. The president, other officers, and board members rotated on a regular basis. In 1921, the membership created the position of executive secretary and authorized the establishment of a headquarters office to serve as a network center for the IFMA members. Only in 1956 did IFMA appoint its first fulltime general secretary (John O. Percy). Faced with Percy's resignation, IFMA appointed Edwin Leonard "Jack" Frizen to succeed Percy. Frizen continued to hold the post, later renamed executive director, until 1991. Overlapping this time period was Cora Goble's service as secretary from 1951-1973. For a more detailed list of IFMA's officers and administrators, please see the Biographical Sketches and IFMA Executives list associated as external documents of this descriptive guide.

    Having been born in the environment that produced the Fundamentalist/ Modernist Controversy, it was no surprise that the issues of separation and cooperation were constant points of reference is IFMA discussions. While the interaction focused on various specific issues, the IFMA addressed this general topic in its deliberations on the identifying qualifications for membership, association with and/or merger into the EFMA, evaluating the doctrinal positions of members and applicants, a proposed relationship between the EFMA, IFMA, and the International Council of Christian Churches (ICCC), the value of organizational independence, and IFMA's relationship with the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA).

    In particular, the emergence of the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association (EFMA) in 1945 promoted discussion of cooperation among evangelical mission agencies. The EFMA was in many ways an IFMA counterpart, servicing evangelical denominational missions. IFMA decided in 1946 not to accept an EFMA invitation to merge with it. While similar in most doctrinal areas and evangelical commitment, IFMA's reservations were over the areas of maintaining its distinctiveness and the Pentecostalism which was represented in the EFMA. Despite the decision not to accept the EFMA invitation, both associations developed an increasingly more cooperative working relationship, beginning in the 1960s. For example, the EFMA and IFMA merged several of their committees and began holding their annual meetings concurrently in the same location in order to facilitate discussion on topics and projects of mutual interest. While the question of cooperation vs. separation did not disappear from IFMA thinking, its focus was directed toward achieving the work of evangelism rather than maintaining proper separation.

    From its founding in 1917, the IFMA saw growth in its membership in each subsequent decade. Having been organized by seven missions, the IFMA saw its greatest period of membership growth in the 1940s and '50s, when it added ten new missions (1940s) and twenty-one more (1950s). The membership grew to consist of thirty-eight members in 1983, with eight associate members; eight missions which had formerly been full IFMA members had by that time merged into other IFMA missions.

    Membership: IFMA developed standards which members were required to adhere to. These standards were primarily focused on doctrinal convictions, but also included agreement about missionary principles, practices, and fundraising. In 1941, the IFMA expanded the requirements for membership to include that they send out a minimum of ten missionaries. The function of the standards was to avoid the theological liberalism which the IFMA and its members were avoiding, and provide a unified base from which to confer and cooperate. Other grounds for rejection for membership were denominational affiliation, failure to conform to financial and administrative standards, lack of a functioning North American council, too few missionaries, not being a sending agency, or lack of involvement in cross-cultural work.

    Headquarters location: In 1921 the IFMA membership authorized the establishment of a headquarters office. At the beginning of 1950, however, the office continued to be housed within facilities provided by the missions of the IFMA's elected officers and operated by a part-time executive secretary. In 1950, the office was located in Africa Inland Mission's headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. Later that year it opened its own office in Manhattan. IFMA purchased its first office building in New York City in 1956. In 1960, the IFMA relocated its headquarters in Ridgefield, New Jersey. Thirteen years later in 1973, it moved its headquarters from New Jersey to Wheaton, Illinois, in part to facilitate proximity with other evangelical agencies. After temporarily renting a facility while waiting for the completion of its permanent headquarters, it moved into its permanent Wheaton facility in 1976, where it remained until ca. 2015, when Missio Nexus opened an Atlanta office, which was then closed in 2018. Staff worked remotely afterward, with a Wheaton PO box serving as its mailing address as of 2024.

    Annual meetings: The IFMA held its annual business meetings, usually in October, to enable it to elect its officers, vote on resolutions, and address topics of concern, such as qualifications of missionaries, quality of missionaries, deputation, IFMA's assistance to pastors, IFMA as channel for students and volunteers, or training students for mission service.

    Literature: Throughout its history, IFMA published or provided access to literature that broadened awareness of missions, including pamphlets, books, and newsletters. In 1930, the Association produced the booklet, Faith Missions. In the 1940s, IFMA utilized Good News Publishing Company and Harrington Press to print its pamphlets. The Association initiated the "IFMA Prayer Bulletin" (1950) and later the bimonthly "IFMA News." Other pieces IFMA provided were "IFMA Opportunities" on personnel needs; "IFMA Update: Government and Business" with its information on tax and government matters, business and financial management; and "IFMA Notes" which consisted of miscellaneous information. Between 1959 and 1962, IFMA also published its "Missions Annual," which contained articles and a compilation of statistics on members' activity worldwide. In terms of books, IFMA was involved in the publication of two books: Faith Mighty Faith on the history of "faith missions," written by J. Herbert Kane and published by IFMA in 1956; Kane later revised Robert Hall Glover's The Progress of World-Wide Missions in 1960.

    Committees: As IFMA was an association of active organizations, it accomplished much of its work through the committee structure which became a prominent characteristic of IFMA during the 1940s. The minimal dues required for membership provided a further impetus for the development of the committee structure: committee members rather than a fulltime staff had to accomplish the work of the Association. The following list alphabetically outlines the committees which functioned within IFMA (noting dates of origin when known).

  • Africa Committee (1950): formed around issues of evangelical relationships on the continent, particularly those between the recently formed World Evangelical Fellowship and Carl McIntyre's International Council of Christian Churches. Like its Latin American counterpart, the Africa Committee also merged into a joint IFMA/EFMA Committee.
  • Amalgamation Committee (1965): formed to explore the possibilities, interests, and problems surrounding organizational mergers by IFMA members. This committee was renamed the Cooperation and Comity Committee in 1967.
  • Business Administration Committee (1961): established to encourage the standardization of business and accounting practices, and offer guidance in relation to government matters.
  • Committee to Assist Ministry Education Overseas (CAMEO).
  • Conference Committee.
  • ECLA (Evangelical Committee on Latin America) (1949): offered official representation, and acted as a clearing house for investigation, information and mutual consultation by IFMA members. The committee was later merged into a joint IFMA/EFMA Committee on Latin America.
  • Educational Committee (1943).
  • Committee on Europe.
  • Committee on Evangelism and Church Development.
  • Islamic Committee.
  • Literature and Publicity Committee.
  • Missionary Journal Committee: joint with EFMA, from which Evangelical Missions Quarterly developed.
  • Personnel and Student Committee (1965): sought to deal with recruitment and student relations matters.
  • Policy Committee.
  • Program Committee: planned the annual meeting.
  • Public Relations Committee (1949).
  • Radio Committee (1943).
  • Relief Committee (needs later addressed by referring member missions to World Relief Commission).
  • Revision Committee (1943): revised the IFMA Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Summer Institute of Missions Committee.

  • "Conferences: IFMA coordinated a variety of conferences, both to address needs of its membership and the general Christian public. Among these were Bible and missionary conferences, which were targeted more at the laity; these were first held in 1924 and continued through the 1940s. These were replaced with meetings more for the member agencies themselves. A series of conferences began in 1957, addressing various issues of administration; subsequent meetings were held in 1967, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1977, and 1979. Subjects addressed in these meetings included: office management, salaries, pertinent legislation, tax matters, financial systems and planning, and computer applications. Out of these conferences grew two manuals to further assist members in their organizational administration: "Mission Administration Manual," and Accounting and Financial Reporting Guide for Missionary Organizations." In 1960, the Association held the Congress on World Missions (Chicago), aiming to influence pastors and leaders of Christian educational institutions. Followup plans from the congress included a conference to be held in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1964, although those plans did not materialize. However, plans for the IFMA/EFMA Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission were carried out in 1966. Another series of workshops was held between 1968 and 1970 to foster understanding of the merger process and appropriate merger procedures. IFMA sponsored other meetings, but these were done jointly with EFMA, and are therefore covered in the following section.

    Cooperation with EFMA: Although their distinctives prevented a merger, similar goals, theology, and mission principles and practice led to increased cooperation between the IFMA and EFMA, principally in joint committees and jointly sponsored conferences.

    In 1959 the two associations undertook their first committee merger by joining their committees on Latin America to form the Evangelical Committee on Latin America (ECLA); they followed with their Africa committees in 1962. The following year (1963) the two associations jointly established the Missionary Journal Committee, which evolved into the Evangelical Missions Information Service, the publisher of Evangelical Missions Quarterly. The Higher Education Committee joined with its EFMA counterpart to form the Committee to Assist Ministry Education Overseas (CAMEO). Other joint IFMA/EFMA committees were: the Committee on Bible Society Concerns, Evangelical Asia Committee, Personnel Committee, and the Mission Review Task Force.

    Jointly sponsored meetings took the forms of seminars, workshops, conferences, and congresses. The first of these was a 1963 study conference at Winona Lake, Indiana. The following are other meetings which the two associations sponsored together: the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission (1966, Wheaton); a second study conference (1968, Winona Lake); GL'71, "Missions in Tension" (1971, Green Lake, WI, sponsored by the IFMA/EFMA Evangelical Missions Information Service); study conferences that included the Association of Evangelical Professors of Missions (1973, 1976 and 1978, all in Overland Park, Kan.); and a medical consultation to address issues for mission administrators and medical personnel (1977, Farmington, Mich.).

    A series of workshops for human resources staff began with IFMA meetings between 1967 and 1970. In 1971, the EFMA committee on personnel merged with that of the IFMA, and together they continued these annual workshops. The meetings focused on personnel issues ranging from recruitment, candidate orientation, staff evaluation, continuing education, a missionary's first term, personnel record keeping, etc.

    The two associations cooperated in several other ventures. In 1955, the Summer Institute of Missions developed from an EFMA initiative which later gained the cooperation of IFMA and the Educational Commission of the NAE. Held at Wheaton College during the summer term, the purpose of the institute was to educate students, missionaries, and missions executives through courses on missions. The program was continuing in 1988.

    Another achievement was their joint establishment of the Africa Evangelical Office in Nairobi in 1962. By 1965, the leadership had set a goal to appoint an African leader of the office at its 1966 meeting. In addition to achieving that goal, the conference participants united to form the Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar (AEAM).

    Thirdly, the Mission Review Task Force, begun in 1979, sought to provide the members of the associations with a tool for self-evaluation.

    For an extended treatment of IFMA's history, please see Jack Frizen's dissertation, "An Historical Study of the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association in Relation to Evangelical Unity and Cooperation," 1981.

    In 2007, IFMA was renamed CrossGlobal Link, and in 2011 merged with The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA) to form Missio Nexus.


    76 document cases

    38.0 Linear Feet

    2 other formats (Oversize Materials, Photographs)

    Language of Materials


    Arrangement and Description


    This collection consists mainly of administrative correspondence and documents relating to the operation of IFMA, coordination of policy among Association members, the administration of its members, and interaction with other organizations. Also included are form letters to IFMA members, and financial statements and statistical reports from them. Other forms of documentation in the collection include minutes, reports, memos, financial records, and promotional material. Researchers should note that the collection's earliest records are from 1934, leaving a 17-year gap between IFMA's formation in 1917 and its first preserved records.

    Notes on Arrangement. The collection is broadly arranged as follows:

  • Member Missions Files (further subdivided to subseries for Correspondence, Financial Statements, Statistical Reports
  • General Files (folders 44-1 to 51-7, alphabetical); 1946-1983, undated
  • Other Organizations Files (folders 52-1 to 72-16, alphabetical); 1951-1983, undated
  • Reference Files (folders 73-1,2,3,4, OS26, alphabetical); 1959-1960
  • Miscellaneous Files (sampled, selected; folders 73-5 to 75-10, chronological, alphabetical); 1971-1976

  • The arrangement of the records has remained as it was received, although files which were found to be not integrated into the overall arrangement were interfiled. The folder titles have also remained as they were received, being modified only for uniformity and consequent ease of access.

    Series: Member Missions Files

  • Arrangement: by subseries (Correspondence, Financial Statements, Statistical Reports)
  • Date Range: 1934-1981
  • Volume: 21.5 linear feet
  • Boxes: 1-43

  • Subseries: Member Missions Files | Correspondence
  • Arrangement: Chronological, alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1934-1981
  • Volume: 18.1 linear feet
  • Boxes: 1-37

  • The Member Missions Correspondence subseries is made up of general components: mixed correspondence (folders 1-1 to 5-30; correspondence (folders 5-4 to 37-1); and form letters, "Information Bulletins," and minutes (interspersed between folders 5-4 and 37-1. The more specific types of documents in the subseries include correspondence, minutes, form letters, financial statements, statistical reports, invoices, receipts, etc., documenting the following service functions of the Association:
  • Gathering nondenominational mission agencies to achieve common goals and facilitate mutual support
  • Promoting mission interest and action throughout the evangelical community, particularly through general missionary literature
  • Developing high standards of business and missionary practice
  • Presenting member missions as worthy of support and protecting them "from being associated in the mind of the Christian public with other so called "faith missions" which are not dependable and commendable"
  • Forwarding financial support from donors to designated individuals
  • Serving as advocates on behalf of members (one example of this would be its endorsement of members' missionaries before the U.S. State Department as they sought passports and visas for their personnel)

  • The primary component of this subseries is IFMA's administrative correspondence with its members. The following topics covered in the correspondence highlight the role IFMA played, both with its members and the general Christian community:
  • IFMA's role as a mission sending agency
  • Arrangements for conferences and meetings
  • Inquiries about and applications for membership in IFMA
  • Financial obligations of IFMA members to the Association
  • Reference requests to knowledgeable parties about applicants for membership
  • IFMA literature
  • Mission meetings at college campuses, Bible schools, and churches
  • Voting on IFMA issues, i.e., membership applications, constitutional modifications
  • Missions conference speakers
  • General questions about missionary activity, statistics, personnel, trends, etc.
  • Reviews of charges against members
  • Contributions to the IFMA
  • Nature of IFMA and its services
  • Members' tax exempt status
  • Reliability and spiritual soundness of member missions
  • Purchasing equipment/goods for missionaries for use on the field or furlough
  • Obtaining equipment for the IFMA office
  • IFMA's relationship with EFMA
  • Printing IFMA literature
  • Social Security status of missionaries
  • Missiological and theological trends in various regions around the world

  • As the early administrators of IFMA were executives of member missions, these leaders' correspondence is not only bulkier but often provides insight into their own mission's activity and philosophy of ministry. The files of a number of the founding or earliest members also tend to be more extensive, reflecting their more extensive use of IFMA services (therefore more receipts for literature, prayer letters, etc.) and interaction with and/or influence on IFMA policy-making. The researcher should therefore consult the appended list of IFMA's executives to note their corresponding organizational affiliation and the list of organizations and their years of membership in IFMA. Finally, throughout the subseries, the correspondence is predominated by that of the individuals who held with the posts of president and secretary. Researchers should also consult the appended full list of IFMA's administrators and board members in order to determine the time period in which an individual's correspondence is most likely to appear. The nature of this correspondence is often routine but illustrates both the IFMA's responsibilities to its members as well as the ongoing developments as they relate to IFMA of the member missions.

    Researchers should be prepared to encounter one frustration: letters may refer to attached documents, when in many cases they are no longer filed with the cover letter referring to them.

    A comment in a memo attached to an 11/19/59 letter (folder 14-2, contained in stapled packet of correspondence covered by a 1/20/60 letter) from Arthur Glasser to J.O. Percy highlights a broad characteristic of the records which may also frustrate the researcher: the records, rather than documenting overseas work by member missions, deal much more with issues related to their United States-based administration. "...the purpose of IFMA appears to be largely to stimulate fellowship between the missions and missionaries of its membership and to share information on matters pertaining to the home end of the work. The field with its many problems, etc. is not part of the central interest of IFMA. ... The thrust of IFMA is in the direction of the home end of things, not the field." The response to this from IFMA was "We feel, therefore, that our basic activity is not on the field, but rather in the homeland where we seek to arouse the Christian public to the opportunities of the hour, and where we seek to cement the fellowship of our fundamental societies and to do all we can to further missions in the homeland."

    The folders forming the earliest portion of this subseries are arranged alphabetically by letter, rather than by name of member mission, as is the case for the majority of the subseries. In some cases, documents were filed by name of individual, in others by name of organization, i.e., a letter from Walter C. Allen on behalf of the Soldiers and Gospel Mission might be located in the "A" file (folder 1-1) or the "S" file (folder 4-13). For this reason the researcher may need to review a number of files to construct a full series of correspondence on a topic. In most cases, the documents are arranged with the earliest document at the back of the file, the most recent at the front. Researchers should note that the 1934-1943 component of the subseries lacks the "T" through "Z" files, while the 1943-1945 portion does not begin until the "G" file.

    Although this earliest portion is included under the "Member Missions" subseries, it contains a wider spectrum of material, some of it unrelated to member missions, such as that from individuals. The materials fall into two general categories: 1) correspondence with member missions and 2) orders for literature (both by members and individuals and churches); in some files, the later predominates, and these files may therefore appear to document only the most routine matters for the time period. However, this routine invoicing information about literature orders provides a glimpse into IFMA's role as a source of information about missionary work, not only to mission agencies but to individuals considering a missionary career; churches considering supporting a missionary with a particular agency; and Christian schools seeking to encourage missions involvement. These files also illustrate IFMA achieving its own goal to promote missions interest among the general Christian public. Through these records the researcher can get a glimpse of the extensive public IFMA was serving through its modest literature program.

    However, as the following examples illustrate, this mixed portion of the files also contains material revealing the administrative developments in IFMA and its members.

    Highlighted items:

  • Folder 1-3: Disagreement between the North East India General Mission (NEIGM), an IFMA member, and a dismissed worker. IFMA acted as an intermediary due to the possibility of having to review the case of one of its members. Charges against the worker included failure to comply with the theological beliefs of the mission; among the charges against NEIGM were misrepresentation of facts, lying, and withholding financial assistance. Further information about controversy regarding NEIGM arises in folders 1-6 and 12. Folder 5-9 contains documentation on a similar conflict in the Ceylon and India General Mission.
  • Folder 1-14: Correspondence about the pending review of allegations against Sudan Interior Mis-sion for using "high pressure salesman" techniques in fundraising.
  • Folder 1-23: Sudan Interior Mission's response to New Tribes Mission's inquiry about launching into work in Africa, asking, "Must the unnecessary loss in South America be repeated in Africa by persisting to put forth inexperienced men into places where they could otherwise profit by the experience of those already in new areas?"
  • Folder 2-7: Discussion and votes regarding the membership applications of Gospel Missionary Union, Russian Gospel Association, Unevangelized Tribes Mission, World Missionary Radio Fellowship, Congo Gospel Mission, Bible House of Los Angeles, South China Boat Mission, and the West Indies Mission; (see folder 2-8 for similar or related material with iscussion of the financial practices and theological viewpoint of the Missionary Digest.
  • Folder 2-7: Correspondence with IFMA's initial printer of missionary literature, Good News Publishing Company. Folders 2-9 and 10 contain correspondence and receipts from Harrington Press, the publishing company which became IFMA's printer in 1944. A copy of an advertisement for IFMA literature is included in folder 1-15.
  • Folder 2-8: Copy of early edition of "Faith Missions," IFMA's promotional brochure; West Indies Mission's 1945 annual report along with additional information and correspondence about the mission relating to its application to join IFMA. The file also contains data on Russian Gospel Association's application to join IFMA.
  • Folder 3-1: Belgian Gospel Mission's 1944 annual report.
  • Folder 3-2: Letter from J. Christy Wilson of Student Foreign Mission Fellowship outlining questions North American students were asking about missions in 1946. Letter from Jim Elliot ordering literature for Wheaton College's Foreign Missions Fellowship.
  • Folder 3-2: Letter from Oswald Smith on the need to channel young people volunteering to serve as missionaries into IFMA missions.
  • Folder 3-6: Materials on a proposed program which arranged for furloughing missionaries to teach courses in missions history and biography on a rotating basis at cooperating schools, one after another. The file includes the proposal letter sent to potential participant schools and to mission boards which would feed their missionaries into the program. Materials are limited to the pre-implementation phase. Folder 5-4 also contains additional information on the "Rotary Method" of teaching.
  • Folder 4-2: Letter containing the text of the resolution at the 1946 IFMA annual meeting at which the IFMA declined the EFMA's offer to become affiliated with it.
  • Folder 4-6: Report from IVCF's General Secretary, C. Stacey Woods, on its first student missionary convention in Toronto in 1946.
  • Folder 4-15: File is predominated by the correspondence of Frank Torrey, pastor of Calvary Independent Church in Lancaster, Penn. Torrey was an influential leader in IFMA at that time.
  • The major portion of the Member Mission Correspondence commences with folder 5-4, each file documenting exchanges with a single mission. Unlike the previous portion, the correspondence in these files is limited to that with representatives of IFMA's membership. The general types of items located in these files are annual reports, special reports, press releases, completed questionnaires with general organizational information, and correspondence documenting the application process. However, the contents of these files is similar to that of the previous portion in that they contain documents discussing policy; invoices for literature, supplies or equipment to be sent to the mission field or used at the administrative headquarters; and notices for overdue membership dues. Although the time coverage of each file spans two calendar years, they are actually limited to a one year period from September through the following August.

    Even though IFMA members united by common theological beliefs and agreed-upon standards, the Association was nonetheless a gathering of independent agencies with varying philosophies and methodologies. Understandably, therefore, various issues were debated throughout the membership. For example, in 1946 there was discussion of the EFMA's offer to affiliate with it, touching on the specific issues of the denominational and sometimes Pentecostal character of EFMA's membership, as well as the more general issue of cooperation among evangelicals and fundamentalists. The relationship with EFMA continued to be a topic of debate into the 1960s, when the two associations formed a joint committee, the Evangelical Committee on Latin America (ECLA). Aside from the relationship with EFMA, the whole topic of cooperation in general was a source of ongoing discussion. Attitudes to fundraising was another topic discussed, in 1942 in regard to Sudan Interior Mission's alleged deviation from the "faith principle" of fundraising practices (folder 1-14) and in the early 1950's over the issue of the "faith promise" form of soliciting financial support. The use of the term "faith missions" was also a topic of debate.

    Other issues dealt with were conferences, coordinating resources, IFMA representatives’ involvement in lobbying the U.S. Congress, implications of changes in the tax laws on charitable giving, and the review of applications for membership, etc. Some files contain the letters of acceptance when a mission initially joined the Association, along with a statement of responsibilities and rights. Various files document the intricacies of church state relationships in the issue of tax laws, and agencies' relationships with foreign governments. As might be expected, the files also document issues which were of importance within the life of a particular organization.

    Up to the 1968-1969 portion of the subseries, minutes from committee and executive council meetings are filed in the form letter folders for each time period. Beginning with the 1968-1969 portion, they are filed in member mission folders.

    The scope of the material available is vast and exceeds the possibility of detailed description. The examples which follow therefore underscore the wealth of material by illustration. Researchers should note that issues referred to in one folder may or may not be covered in the correspondence of other members during the particular time covered.

    Highlighted items:

  • Folder 5-4: Correspondence on the development of an IFMA certificate to be used by member's missionaries when applying for a passport or visa; sample certificate used by Africa Inland Mission; discussion of appointing a fulltime executive secretary; a 5/21/47 letter suggesting a high level of worldliness and tepidness of missionary spirit of many participants in the 1946 Toronto Student Missionary Convention.
  • Folder 5-14: Manuscript, "A Basis for the Consideration of Practical Missionary Aviation."
  • Folder 5-21: Material on some pending legislation in the U.S. Senate which affected IFMA members.
  • Folder 5-25: Correspondence documenting the strained relationship between Sudan Interior Mission and the IFMA.
  • Folder 6-6: A 4/24/57 letter regarding New Tribes Mission and feelings about their unconventional methods. A report in folder 63-4 outlines the comments from various other mission agencies about NTM, with a summary of the various feelings included.
  • Folder 8-4: Correspondence between J.O. Percy, IFMA'S executive secretary and Wycliffe Bible Translators Director W. Cameron Townsend on Billy Graham's open platform policy during crusades, as well as the perceived trend of some IFMA member missions toward cooperating with non-evangelical organizations.
  • Folder 10-1: The 1958 survey of home office administrative salaries of IFMA and EFMA missions.
  • Folder 10-11: Draft of a letter to be sent to member missions making material available which addressed the problem of communism.
  • Folder 11-2: Correspondence addressing the problem of establishing appropriate medical insurance for missionaries.
  • Folder 11-9: Correspondence regarding the members' policies for educating the children of their missionaries.
  • Folder 13-9: Report from Africa Inland Mission Director Ralph T. Davis on the Belgian Congo's 1960 revolution and the mission's status there.
  • Folder 13-17: "Comparative Study of Support Plans of Some (24) IFMA Missions," detailing fiscal components by the following categories: allowance, housing, medical, retirement, furlough, administration and promotion, field service expense, and children (attached to a 12/23/59 letter). Correspondence evaluating shortcomings in the IFMA structure and recommending greater cooperation with EFMA and its members.
  • Folder 15-9: Letter evaluating the unconventional methods of International Students, Inc.
  • Folder 17-7: Minutes of an informal meeting at which Jack Frizen was interviewed for the post of Executive Secretary of IFMA.
  • Folder 17-28: News release announcing the change of the name of South Africa General Mission, Inc. to Africa Evangelical Fellowship, along with the rationale for the name change.
  • Folder 19-2: Letter requesting special funding for a project in Iran.
  • Folder 19-5: Handwritten minutes (5/19/64) of the IFMA Committee on Latin America.
  • Folder 24-5: Minutes of IFMA's Program Committee, 4/16/69.
  • Folder 25-7: Documents on the 1969 incorporation of American office of the Sudan United Mission (SUM) into The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM).
  • Folder 26-2: Relationship of IFMA Missions to National Churches in the Emerging Countries, ca.1970. Also included is a 6/26/70 document, "Resolutions Agreed to by the Africa Inland Mission, Kenya Field Council at It's Meeting 26th June 1970 For Presentation to the African Inland Church."
  • Folder 26-3: "Relationships in IFMA Missions with Non-Evangelical Churches or Tension Points Which Arise in Latin America With the Catholic Church and Particular Problems Which We Face in Latin America With the Emerging Pentecostal Churches."
  • Folder 27-4: IFMA Missions and Church Planting in Areas Where Old Churches Are Established.
  • Folder 27-17: News release on the agreed-upon cooperation in "joint ventures" between Overseas Missionary Fellowship and Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship, as well as a copy of the resolutions agreed upon.
  • Folder 29-9 Criteria for Selection of Campus Ministry Men Representing Missions (promotion).
  • Folder 34-15: Report prepared by the Communications Research Division of the Wheaton Graduate School, examining and evaluating the demographic profile of Latin America Mission's constituency, and its awareness of LAM and the Community of Latin American Evangelical Ministries in particular.
  • Sprinkled throughout the members correspondence subseries are files containing form letters, minutes, and information bulletins. All of these were duplicated items for general circulation among IFMA members. The form letters were duplicated letters sent to members from the IFMA office regarding matters of business, annual meetings, and the applications of organizations to join IFMA; interfiled among these are press releases. The minutes were those of the Association's Executive Committee, Trustees, Board, and committees, and in some cases contained financial statements of IFMA and the lists of the membership of all the Association's committees. Some correspondence relating to the meetings documented in the minutes is also intermingled in the files. Information bulletins were notices of services available to members' and their missionaries about equipment, postal rates, housing, speaking engagements, automobiles, travel fares, and other resources. A full set of these bulletins is located in folder 13-8. In 1963, these bulletins were retitled and modified as "IFMA Notes," containing a wider variety of pertinent information (tax laws, technical information on equipment, foreign laws affecting missionaries, etc.), as well as news items of general interest to the membership ("Books of Interest" and "Books Critical to Missions"). Together these files provide thorough coverage of administrative developments in IFMA and the decision process carried out by its members. Periodic reference is made to the relationship between IFMA and EFMA, and the minutes, form letters, etc., document the transition of the relationship between the two associations. Commencing with the 1968 form letter files, minutes from various committee meetings are no longer filed there, although the files do contain some meeting agendas; the minutes are instead found sprinkled throughout the member mission correspondence. Minutes for meetings are again included in the form letter files beginning with the 1976 file (folder 36-7) and continue through the 1980 file (folder 36-11).

    Highlighted items - Several files from the concluding portion of the Member Mission Correspondence contain information of particular interest.

  • Folder 10-8: Letter advertising the services of an architect and his family who were interested in serving as missionaries with an IFMA mission.
  • Folder 10-9: Two reports for consideration by IFMA members about two of its members. Charges had been made against Wycliffe Bible Translators by Bob Jones about its relationship to Catholics and government contracts; European Evangelistic Crusade was troubled by administrative upheaval regarding leadership of the mission.
  • Folder 20-1: News release on the growing cooperation between IFMA and EFMA and a full agenda of a joint associations executives' retreat. This file also includes the press release announcing Jack Frizen's appointment as IFMA's new executive secretary, replacing J.O. Percy.
  • Folder 20-2: Minutes of the Evangelical Committee on Latin America, a joint committee between the IFMA and EFMA.
  • Folder 22-17: "Suggested Instructions for Missionaries in the Filing of U.S. Income Tax Returns for 1963."
  • Folder 23-1: Prospectus for the first issue of Evangelical Missions Quarterly, under a cover letter (5/1/64) soliciting subscriptions from member missions. This, along with other projects, reflected a growing cooperation between the IFMA and EFMA. Amended IFMA constitution, including its purpose statement, statement of faith, requirements for full and associate membership, and procedure for accepting new members. Attached to this document is a 1964 report, "Information About the Religious Situation in Cuba." Report on Theological Education Associations, under a 6/10/64 cover letter.
  • Folder 23-3: Minutes of CAMEO (Committee to Assist Missionary Education Overseas) meetings.
  • Folder 23-5 Minutes of Committee on Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission. Folder 23-6 contains subsequent minutes from this committee, including a budget proposal and full schedule.
  • Folder 23-6: Minutes from the Committee on Amalgamations, which was reviewing a proposal to develop guidelines for advising members contemplating a merger with another mission. The resulting questionnaire to be completed by member missions is attached to a 6/17/65 letter in folder 23-7.
  • Folder 36-6: 1975 survey results of member missions with available summer mission programs. Also includes the 1974-1975 Student Foreign Missions Fellowship directory.
  • Folder 36-7: EFMA documents, "Recommendations Regarding Evacuation Plans and Recommendation Regarding Kidnapping" and revised 1975 IFMA Constitution and By-laws. Statement on IFMA's policy for members' relationships with other organizations and its relationship with EFMA.
  • Folder 36-8: Background report from the IFMA Business Administration Committee and IFMA Accounting Task Force, "Standards of Accounting and Financial Reporting for Missionary Organization." A revised edition of this document is located in folder 36-10.
  • Folder 36-9: Sample mailing sent out under a cover letter 6/23/78 regarding questions about the Social Security status of missionaries in light of tax code revisions. Members were encouraged to not only communicate to appropriate congressmen but encourage their constituencies to do the same.
  • Folder 36-10: "The IFMA in the 1980s."
  • Folder 36-11: "A Review of the Indonesia Visa Situation: EFMA IFMA Briefing, May 20 21, 1980." "Mission Self-Evaluation," outlining a self-study for members. Also incuded is completed report, "IFMA Standards," roughly following the proposed format accompanies it.
  • Subseries: Member Missions Files | Financial Statements

  • Arrangement: Alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1953-1975
  • Volume: 1.6 linear feet
  • Boxes: 37-40

  • The folders in this subseries contain in various formats the financial reports sent to the IFMA office by its member missions. These reports range from abbreviated one-page summaries to more extensive accountants' audits; in most cases these consistently note receipts and disbursements. A full list of the member missions whose financial reports are available is found in the Box List of this guide. The researcher should be alert to the fact that the time coverage of these reports is varied.

    In some cases, such as the Evangelical Union of South America, reports have been included for both the Canadian and United States divisions of the mission. Some of these files also contain duplicated statements of philosophy of fundraising and use of income. Researchers should also note that these files occasionally contain annual reports which include a financial report but also include reports on the work of the mission.

    One item bears mentioning as it would otherwise remain hidden: the file on Far Eastern Gospel Crusade (folder 38-1) also contains an audit on Missionary Internship, an agency providing pre-field orientation in cross-cultural training, which was started by FEGC.

    Additional financial statements can be found among the statistical reports for the years 1952 through 1956 in the subseries which follows (Member Missions: Statistics).

    Subseries: Member Missions Files | Statistical Reports

  • Arrangement: Chronological
  • Date Range: 1950-1981
  • Volume: 1.8 linear feet
  • Boxes: 40-43

  • The folders in this subseries contain the forms annually completed by IFMA members, detailing personnel figures and in some cases areas of ministry. While the forms evolved over the time period documented, they consistently record:
  • Countries in which the missions was active
  • Total number of missionaries according to country of service
  • Nationality of the personnel (North American/non-North American)
  • Personnel on the mission field and those on furlough, the permanent home staff, and newly accepted candidates
  • Total annual receipts

  • The data on these forms is limited to numbers and does not include the names of individual workers. Later reports also record the following for personnel: career vs. short term classification, gender and marital status. There is a five-year break in this subseries, with the statistical reports from 1970 through 1974 files missing.

    For the reporting years 1957 and 1958, member missions completed an additional form, detailing station activity, identifying such items as print shops, hospitals, leper settlements, Bible schools or seminaries and national workers, radio ministry, and magazines. All but the first file (1950) in the series contain summary documents totaling the data from the individual reports, with a cross-tabulation listing each of the missions working in a particular country. In all but the first several files, this summary is in the form of a duplicated statistical report. Many of the earlier files (1952 through 1956) also include financial statements for IFMA's members (described in the previous section).

    Highlighted items: For several of the years, other documents appear in the statistics files which researchers should be aware of:
  • Folder 41-2: Recommendations of the Resolutions Committee, and report on the Summer Institute of Missions.
  • Folder 41-3: Report of IFMA Literature and; Publicity Committee, receipts and disbursements summary, the general secretary's report, and a report of Congress on World Missions Committee.
  • Folder 42-3: The apparent manuscript for IFMA News, a quarterly periodical which included notes from various missions grouped by geographical region, the statistical report, and the directory of members.

  • The following list, arranged alphabetically by member mission, identifies the folder numbers for each:
  • Africa Evangelical Fellowship: folders 5-23, 7-16, 9-19, 12-15, 15-6, 17-17, 17-28, 20-4, 23-8, 26-1, 28-14, 30-23, 33-5, 37-2
  • Africa Inland Mission: folders 5-4, 6-6, 8-5, 10-10,11, 13-9,10, 16-5, 18-1, 20-5,6, 23-9, 26-2, 28-15, 31-1, 33-6, 37-3
  • American European Fellowship for Christian Oneness and Evangelization: folders 5-5, 6-7, 8-6, 11-1, 13-11
  • Andes Evangelical Mission: folders 23-10, 26-3, 28-16, 31-2, 33-7, 37-4
  • Arctic Missions Inc.: folders 11-2, 13-12, 16-6, 18-2, 20-7, 23-11, 26-4, 28-17, 31-3, 33-8, 37-5
  • Belgian Gospel Mission: folders 6-8, 8-7, 11-3, 13-13, 16-7, 18-3, 20-8, 23-12, 26-5, 28-18, 37-6
  • Berean Mission Inc.: folders 6-9, 8-8, 11-4, 13-14, 16-8, 18-4, 20-9, 23-13, 26-6, 29-1, 31-4, 33-9, 37-7
  • Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship: folders 23-14, 26-7, 29-2, 31-5, 33-10, 37-8
  • Bible Christian Union: folders 8-9, 11-5, 13-15, 16-9, 18-5, 20-10, 23-15, 26-8, 29-3, 31-6, 33-11, 37-9
  • Bible Club Movement: folders 16-10, 18-6, 20-11, 23-16, 26-9, 29-4, 31-7, 33-12, 37-10
  • Bible House of Los Angeles: folder 5-6
  • Bolivian Indian Mission, Inc.: folders 5-7, 6-10, 8-10, 11-6, 13-16, 16-11, 18-7, 20-12, 37-11
  • Central Alaskan Missions Inc.: folders 16-12, 18-8, 20-13, 23-17, 26-10
  • Central American Mission: folders 5-8, 6-11, 8-11, 11-7, 13-17, 16-13, 18-9, 20-14, 24-1, 26-11, 29-5, 31-8, 33-13, 37-12
  • Central Japan Pioneer Mission: folders 6-12, 8-12, 13-18
  • Ceylon and India General Mission: folders 5-9, 6-13, 8-13, 11-8, 14-1, 16-14, 18-10, 20-15, 37-13
  • China Inland Mission (see Overseas Missionary Fellowship)
  • Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission: folder 37-14
  • Egypt General Mission: folders 6-15, 8-15, 11-10, 14-3, 16-16, 18-12, 37-15
  • European Evangelistic Crusade: folders 6-16, 8-16, 11-11, 37-16
  • Evangelical Literature Overseas: folders 18-13, 21-1, 24-2, 26-12, 29-6, 31-9, 34-1, 37-17
  • Evangelical Union of South America: folders 5-11, 6-17, 8-17, 11-12, 14-4, 16-17, 18-14, 21-2, 24-3, 26-13, 29-7, 31-10, 34-2, 37-18
  • Far East Broadcasting Company: 16-18, 18-15, 21-3, 24-4, 26-14, 29-8, 31-11, 34-3, 37-19
  • Far Eastern Gospel Crusade: folders 5-12, 6-18, 9-1, 11-13, 14-5, 16-19, 18-16, 21-4, 24-5, 26-15, 29-9, 31-12, 34-4, 38-1
  • Global Gospel Broadcasts: folders 16-20, 18-17, 21-5, 38-2
  • Global Outreach Inc.: folders 29-10, 31-13, 34-5, 38-3
  • Gospel Furthering Fellowship: folders 16-21, 18-18, 21-6, 24-6, 26-16, 29-11, 31-14, 34-6, 38-4
  • Gospel Missionary Union: folders 5-13, 6-19, 9-2, 11-14, 14-6, 16-22, 18-19, 21-7, 24-7, 27-1, 29-12, 31-15, 34-7, 38-5
  • Gospel Mission of South America: folders 16-23, 18-20, 21-8, 24-8, 27-2, 29-13, 31-16, 38-6
  • Gospel Recordings Inc.: folders 7-1, 9-3, 11-15, 14-7, 17-1, 18-21, 21-9, 24-9, 27-3, 29-14, 31-17, 34-8, 38-7
  • Greater Europe Mission: folders 7-2, 9-4, 11-16, 14-8, 17-2, 18-22, 21-10, 24-10, 27-4, 29-15, 31-18, 34-9, 38-8
  • Home of Onesiphorus: folders 14-9, 17-3, 19-1, 21-11, 24-11, 27-5, 29-16, 31-19, 34-10, 38-9
  • India Mission: folder 5-14
  • Inter-Cristo: folder 38-10
  • International Christian Fellowship: folders 24-12, 27-6, 29-17, 31-20, 34-11, 38-11
  • International Missions Inc.: folders 7-3, 9-5, 12-1, 14-10, 17-4, 19-2, 21-12, 24-13, 27-7, 29-18, 31-21, 34-12, 38-12
  • Iran Interior Mission: folder 5-15
  • Japan Evangelical Mission: folders 7-4, 9-6, 12-2, 14-11, 17-5, 19-3, 21-13, 24-14, 27-8, 29-19, 31-22, 34-13, 38-13
  • Japan Evangelistic Band: folders 7-5, 9-7, 12-3, 14-12, 17-6, 19-4, 21-14
  • Language Institute for Evangelism: folder 38-14
  • Latin America Mission Inc.: folders 5-16, 7-6, 9-8, 12-4, 14-13, 17-7, 19-5, 21-15, 24-15, 27-9, 29-20, 31-23, 34-14,15, 38-15
  • Liebenzell Mission of U.S.A. Inc.: folders 29-21, 31-24, 34-16
  • Mexican Indian Mission Inc.: folders 5-17, 7-7, 9-9, 12-5, 14-14, 17-8, 19-6, 21-16, 24-16, 27-10, 39-1
  • Missionary Aviation Fellowship: folders 5-18, 7-8, 9-10, 12-6, 14-15, 17-9, 19-7, 21-17, 24-17, 27-11, 30-1, 32-1, 35-1, 39-2
  • Missionary Services Inc.: folders 24-18, 27-12, 30-2, 32-2, 35-2, 39-3
  • Mission to Orphans: folder 14-16
  • North Africa Mission: folders 7-9, 9-11, 12-7, 14-17, 17-10, 19-8, 21-18, 24-19, 27-13, 30-3, 32-3, 35-3, 39-4
  • North America Indian Mission Inc.: folders 32-4, 35-4, 39-5
  • Northern Canada Evangelical Mission: folders 27-14, 30-4, 32-5, 35-5, 39-6
  • Oriental Boat Mission: folders 9-12, 12-8, 14-18, 17-11, 19-9, 21-19, 39-7
  • Orinoco River Mission Inc.: folders 5-19, 7-10, 9-13, 12-9, 14-9, 17-12, 19-10, 21-20, 24-20, 27-15, 30-5, 32-6, 35-6, 39-8
  • Overseas Christian Servicemen's Center: folders 27-16, 30-6, 32-7, 35-7
  • Overseas Missionary Fellowship: folders 5-10, 6-14, 8-14, 11-9, 14-2, 16-15, 18-11, 22-1, 24-21, 27-17, 30-7, 32-8, 35-8, 39-9
  • Pocket Testament League: folders 7-11, 9-14, 12-10, 15-1, 17-13, 19-11, 22-2, 24-22, 27-18, 30-8, 32-9, 35-9, 39-10
  • Ramabai Mukti Mission: folders 7-12, 9-15, 12-11, 15-2, 17-14, 19-12, 22-3, 25-1, 27-19, 30-9, 32-10, 35-10, 39-11
  • Regions Beyond Missionary Union: folders 7-13, 9-16, 12-12, 15-3, 17-15, 19-13, 22-4, 25-2, 27-20, 30-10, 32-11, 35-11, 39-12
  • Russian Gospel Association, Inc. (see Slavic Gospel Association)
  • Scandinavian Alliance Mission of N.A. (see The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
  • SEND International (see Far Eastern Gospel Crusade)
  • Slavic Gospel Association: folders 5-20, 7-14, 9-17, 12-13, 15-4, 17-16, 19-14, 22-5, 25-3, 28-1, 30-11, 32-12, 35-12, 39-13
  • Soldiers and Gospel Mission of S.A.: folders 5-22, 7-15, 9-18, 12-14, 15-5
  • South Africa General Mission (see Africa Evangelical Fellowship)
  • South America Indian Mission, Inc.: folders 5-24, 7-17, 9-20, 12-16, 15-7, 17-18, 19-15, 22-6, 25-4, 39-14
  • South America Mission: folders 28-2, 30-12, 32-13, 35-13, 39-15
  • South American Crusades: folder 39-16
  • Sudan Interior Mission: folders 5-25, 7-18, 9-21, 12-17, 15-8,9, 17-19, 19-16, 22-7, 25-5, 28-3, 30-13, 32-14, 35-14, 39-17
  • Sudan United Mission: folders 6-1, 7-19, 9-22, 12-18, 15-10, 17-20, 19-17, 22-8, 25-6, 39-18
  • The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM): folders 5-21, 7-20, 10-1,2, 13-1, 15-11, 17-21, 19-18, 22-9, 25-7, 28-4, 30-14, 32-15, 35-15, 39-19
  • Trans World Radio: folders 15-12, 17-22, 19-19, 22-10, 25-8, 28-5, 30-15, 32-16, 35-16, 39-20
  • Unevangelized Fields Mission: folders 6-2, 8-1, 10-3, 13-2, 15-13, 17-23, 19-20, 22-11, 25-9, 28-6, 30-16, 32-17, 36-1, 40-1
  • United Faith Mission: folders 19-21, 22-12
  • United Fellowship for Christian Service: folders 30-17, 32-18, 36-2
  • Voice of Tangiers: 13-3
  • West Indies Mission: folders 6-3, 8-2, 10-4, 13-4, 15-14, 17-24, 19-22, 22-13, 25-10, 28-7, 30-18, 32-19, 36-3, 40-2
  • Woman's Union Missionary Society: folders 6-4, 8-3, 10-5, 13-5, 16-1, 17-25, 19-23, 22-14, 25-11, 28-8, 40-3
  • World Missions to Children: folders 25-12, 28-9, 30-19, 32-20, 36-4, 40-4
  • World Radio Missionary Fellowship: folders 10-6, 13-6, 16-2, 17-26, 19-24, 22-15, 25-13, 28-10, 30-20, 32-21, 36-5, 40-5
  • Worldwide European Fellowship: folders 16-3, 17-27, 19-25, 22-16, 25-14, 28-11, 30-21, 32-22, 40-6
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.: folders 6-5, 8-4, 10-7, 13-7, 16-4
  • Series: General Files (folders 44-1 to 51-7, 76-1

  • Arrangement: Alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1946-1983, undated
  • Volume: 4.0 linear feet
  • Boxes: 44-51, 76

  • The files in boxes 44 through 51 document various IFMA projects and associations. They relate to such diverse topics as: conferences hosted by or in which IFMA participated; coordination of medical services for missionaries of member missions; financial reports; and publications. The files are arranged in alphabetical order by folder title, and the titles are sufficiently specific indicate their contents to the researcher. However, some items bear more extended highlighting or explanation.

    Highlighted items:
  • Folder 44-1: File of various correspondence on mission work in the Congo (Zaire). These materials document the Western missionaries' adjustment to the elevated role of national Christians, particularly in the Congo Protestant Council (CPC), following independence and the civil war in the 1960s. Included in this is discussion of: evangelical representation in the CPC and difficulties evangelical missions were experiencing with it; a CPC-sponsored evangelistic campaign (initially overseen by a missionary with a Congolese pastor serving as the evangelist whose support was covered by IFMA and EFMA members); relationships between the national church and foreign missionaries; the CPC's control of missionaries through their authorization of visas; and the confiscation of Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA) properties. Much of the correspondence is with EFMA assistant executive secretary, Wade Coggins and C&MA missionary Willys Braun.
  • Folders 44-2, 76-1: The Africa Evangelical Office emerged from a jointly-sponsored conference in Kenya in 1966. The file documents a 1969 conference with the texts of papers on issues relevant to the African church. One issue debated during the preparation for the conference was the imbalance of participation between national and missionary leadership.
  • Folder 44-3: Manuscript and program guide for Bamboo Curtain, "a missionary drama in five acts." The play, written by Herbert Kane, deals with events the Kanes and China Inland Mission were involved in 1948 in Fowyang, Anhwei, when the communists overran the area where the Kanes lived.
  • Folder 44-6: Map of Africa (ca. 1955) from Leopold Walford Shipping Ltd., showing points to which the shipper would deliver passengers and freight, as well as showing transportation lines into the interior of the continent.
  • Folder 44-7: Responses to survey of members on their awareness of background to atrocities being committed against Indians in Brazil.
  • Folders 44-9, 45-1: Calvary Independent Church was a strong supporter of IFMA. These files document both the church's financial support of the Association, and the church's missions conferences, which occasionally utilized IFMA representatives.
  • Folders 46-1,2: Material documenting the preparation of the EMIS Study Conference, "Missions in Creative Tension."
  • Folder 46-3: "Hamilton Congress" refers to the Congress on World Missions to be held in Hamilton, Ontario. Also includes a letter which gives a sample of concern about fundamentalism and the influence of liberal theology and neo-evangelicalism.
  • Folders 47-6,7: Documents on the preparation of a book by Herbert Kane outlining the history of faith missions, including a galley proof of the book, Faith, Mighty Faith.
  • Folder 48-2: Documents regarding the search process for IFMA executive secretary, which ended with appointment of Jack Frizen.
  • Folder 48-4: Transcripts of addresses presented at the 1960 Islam Conference. Also see folders 48-5,6.
  • Folder 49-1: Concerns the evangelistic ministry of Rev. C.P. Klaassen, who was seeking to establish an itinerary in Latin America.
  • Folders 49-5,6,7,8: Outlines a proposal to establish a medical clinic to service missionaries in New York City.
  • Folders 49-16, 50-1: "Missions Annual" was IFMA's annual report to supporters, including reports from member missions and compiled statistics. These files appear to be the production files for two volumes of this report.
  • Folders 50-2,3: Vernon Mortenson was a mission executive with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), as well as serving as IFMA's president.
  • Folders 50-4,5: Describes consideration of plan to promote IFMA through a booth at the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair.
  • Folders 50-7,8: Questionnaires completed by students in 1961, distributed "to discover the reason why so few students in Christian training institutes indicate an interest in foreign mission service..."
  • Folders 51-5,6: Relates to Trinity Evangelical Theological School's missions education program, and specifically the Consultation on the Theology of Missions and Evangelism. The file includes papers from the consultation.
  • Series: Other Organizations Files (folders 44-1 to 51-7, 76-1

  • Arrangement: Alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1951-1983, undated
  • Volume: 10.5 linear feet
  • Boxes: 52-72, 76

  • The files in this subseries document the communication IFMA had with numerous other Christian parachurch agencies which were not IFMA members, including those it was instrumental in establishing, such as the Association of Church Missions Committees (ACMC) and those applying to join IFMA. Many of these files contain not only correspondence between the IFMA and the respective office but promotional literature and financial reports as well. Several of these, like the Navigators file (folder 63 3) contain statistical reports like those filled out by IFMA member missions on the geographical distribution of its staff. While the files may not contain extensive series of correspondence, they usually do include background information on the particular or-ganization, such as "Your Questions Answered Concerning Operation Mobilization" or "The Financial Policy of 'Send the Light' and 'Operation Mobilization'" (folder 63 6). They also may include a copies of a statement of faith, operational procedures, prayer letters, news releases, financial reports, etc. The issues dealt with in these interchanges are as varied as are the organizations. However, there is a great deal of intersection between the topics discussed in the files and they also break out into several general subject areas: application for membership, financial accountability, and fundraising (folders 58-3,4).

    This material does not tend to be in-depth administrative correspondence. Far more of it is the routine communication provided by organizations to keep other institutions aware of their current status.

    Highlighted items - The following highlight a few items which might not be evident from the folder titles. These are examples, although not representative, of the wealth of data available in this subseries:
  • Folder 53-3: There is substantial material on the Association of Church Missions Committees, of which Frizen was a member of its Executive Committee, including minutes from the organizational meeting at which ACMC was born. ACMC emerged from the National Institute of Church Committee Chairmen (NICCC). These and subsequent files document ACMC's growth, transfer of its headquarters to Wheaton, Illinois, its conferences, and its broadening services to local congregations. Folder 53 4 contains the results from a survey asking the question, "How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the missionary and mission organization you support?" Similar surveys were taken whose results appear in this series of files.
  • Folder 54-4: Transcript of a 1981 consultation intended to form the base from which to develop tools to assist local congregations in choosing the missionaries they will support. This aspect of assisting local congregations was ACMC's most substantial task. Folder 55-1 contains the results of a call for mission agencies to submit various personnel evaluation tools they use. Included in the file is the published Evaluation. Folder 55-2 contains similar material. The files include not only the raw data which was gathered, but also the discussion on the format and text of the published report.
  • Folder 58-1: Document discussing joint planning by evangelical and non-evangelical Christians of a world convocation.
  • Folders 58-5 to 59-3: These files are of particular interest because of the parallel roles the IFMA and EFMA played. In view of early discussion and avoidance of some form of merger, these files document the growing cooperation between the the two associations. Several of these files contain detailed statistical reports of the work carried out by EFMA member missions.
  • Folder 59-4: The Evangelical Missionary Alliance was a British voluntary association similar to the IFMA or EFMA, comprised of mission societies, Bible colleges, and individuals.
  • Folder 60-3: InterLink was "a self-sustaining, not-for-profit association of Christian business and professional people" (lay persons) aiming to "determine what can be done to develop independent, profitable Christian business and Christian leadership in the marketplaces of the developing areas of the world."
  • Folders 61-1,2: Link Care Foundation was an organization which provides psychological pre-mission field training and care for prospective missionaries and rehabilitation for non-hospitalized returnees whose experience on the field made their return impossible.
  • Folder 62-1: Missionary Information Bureau was a Brazilian agency created to serve evangelical mission agencies and their staff by disseminating information pertinent to them in Brazil.
  • Folders 64-6 to 65-1: Extensive files which track Short Terms Abroad, for which Frizen was a board member, ranging from its creation in 1965 to its dissolution in 1977, accompanied by the transfer of its work into Inter-Cristo.
  • Folder 65-2: Seminar Seventy was a conference aimed at leaders working with young people.
  • Folders 65-3,4,5,6: Summer Institute of International Studies was a program developed by an ad hoc committee of missions’ administrators and professors in response to Urbana '73 to further educate university level students about the requirements of being missionaries. Similar to Short Terms Abroad files, they cover the Summer Institute's history from beginning to end.
  • Folder 66-3: Documents related to the charges and countercharges between Underground Evangelism and a Christianity Today writer, as well as conflict between UE and several other organizations carrying out evangelistic ministry in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
  • Folder 70-2: Ethnic profiles on people from Ethiopia and Afghanistan, written to provide background to those providing sponsorship and care to refugees from these countries.
  • Folder 70-5ff: The Worldwide Christian Education Ministries had its beginning as the World Evangelical Fellowship's Department of Christian Education. In 1967, the department discontinued its relationship with WEF due to financial considerations. The files available here consist of records, both while a part of WEF and on its own. In both cases, it was led by Clate Risley.
  • Series: Reference Files

  • Arrangement: Alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1959-1960
  • Volume: .2 linear feet
  • Boxes: 73, plus maps, etc. in OS26

  • This subseries consists of a series of booklets produced by the Assemblies of God Foreign Missions Department. Each booklet includes general background information on the country as well as an overview, in both statistical and narrative form, of the AOG's mission work in the country. The booklets are arranged alphabetically by the following titles:
  • Argentina
  • Belgian Congo (Zaire)
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • British Guiana (Guyana)
  • British Honduras (Belize)
  • Burma
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Fiji
  • Formosa (Taiwan)
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Liberia
  • Malaya (Malaysia)/Singapore
  • Mexico
  • New Hope Leprosy Mission (in Liberia)
  • Nicaragua
  • Nigeria
  • Nyasaland (Malawi)
  • Pakistan (Pakistan and Bangladesh)
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Samoa
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Spanish literature
  • Tankanyika (Tanzania)
  • Togo/Dahomey (Togo/Benin)
  • Upper Volta
  • Venezuela

  • IFMA's reference files also include a series of maps of South American, Central American, and Caribbean countries. These maps note in extensive detail various sites of ministry in numerous countries. Each map includes: provincial boundaries and populations; urban populations; a list of missions active in the country; and identification of organized churches, unorganized churches and other ministries. The researcher should consult the Box List of this guide for a complete list of those countries covered in this survey.

    Series: Miscellaneous Correspondence Files

  • Arrangement: Chronological, alphabetical
  • Date Range: 1971-1976
  • Volume: 1.8 linear feet
  • Boxes: 73-75

  • This concluding subseries consists of assorted correspondence, related to inquiries IFMA received for information, literature, subscription information for IFMA News, inquiries about employment openings overseas, IFMA orders of literature or publications for its resource library, inquiries about member and non-member missions, etc. This material is similar to the interspersed contents of the folders in the initial portion of Missions Members | Correspondence subseries. Divided into three sections (1971-1972, 1972-1973, and 1973-1976), a representative sample has been retained in the collection, with its majority being discarded at the request of the donor. The IFMA Executive Director also identified a few significant documents not retrieved in the sample, which are gathered in folder 75-10.

    Highlighted items:In the midst of the documentation of IFMA's routine administrative process, a few highlights stand out:
  • Folder 73-6: Brochure on Philadelphia '72 Evangelism Convention, coordinated by Afro-American Christians.
  • Folder 73-7: "Proposal, A Concept for the Development of Lay Leadership and Local Resources for the Evangelical Church Worldwide."
  • Folder 73-8: Letter to David Howard of IVCF (under coverletter, 3/1/72) regarding missions' failure to utilize trained psychologists and possible oversight of other developing areas of study.
  • Folder 75-5: Recommendations from Nurses Christian Fellowship on communicating legislation requiring continuing education for nurses to those working as missionaries.
  • Folder 75-10: Correspondence dealing with the possibilities for divorced persons being accepted by mission agencies (5/12 and 5/20/75).
  • Custodial History

    Accessions: 84-32, 84-106

  • May 25, 1988
  • Paul Ericksen
  • Katherine Elwell
  • Janyce Nasgowtiz
  • Judy Watson

  • December 11, 1989, revised
  • Paul Ericksen
  • Provenance

    Created and maintained by officers and staff of IFMA until the transfer of the documents to the Billy Graham Center Archives in February and August 1984.

    Collection 352 Records of the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA)
    Description rules
    Describing Archives: A Content Standard
    Language of description
    Script of description
    Code for undetermined script
    Language of description note

    Repository Details

    Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository

    501 College Avenue
    Wheaton IL 60187 US