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Liberation theology.

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 23 Collections and/or Records:

Clayton L. Berg, Jr., Oral History Interviews

Identifier: CN 473
Scope and Contents Oral historyinterviews with Clayton L. Berg, known as  "Mike," former missionary, educator and president of Latin America Mission. Topics discussed include Berg's youth, family, conversion, education (including Wheaton Grad School), youth pastorate at Western Springs church, marriage and family, language training at Spanish Language Institute, Hogar Biblico, teaching and administration at the Latin America Biblical Seminary iin Costa Rica, administration of LAM's Education Division, training...
Dates: Created: 1993

Collection 104 Oral History Interview with Bruce F. Hunt

Identifier: CN 104
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews in which Bruce Finley Hunt (1903-1992) discusses his boyhood in Korea, college and seminary education at Wheaton College, Rutgers University and Princeton Seminary; a portion (1928-1942) of his missionary work in Korea and Manchuria; and his impressions of Korean culture. The time period covered by the interviews is roughly 1903-1976.Bruce Finley Hunt was interviewed by Robert Shuster on March 22 and May 21, 1980 and October 16, 2002 in Abington, PA and...
Dates: Created: 1980-1982

Collection 111 Papers of Charles H. Troutman, Jr.

Identifier: CN 111
Scope and Contents Correspondence, minutes, reports, manuals, and other records documenting Charles Troutman's career in Christian ministry among university students, first with Inter-Varsity in the United States and Australia and then with Latin America Mission. This collection also contains a great deal of information on evangelical Christianity in the United States, Australia and Latin America; Troutman's letters from his service in the Pacific in World War II; and reports and other information relative to...
Dates: Created: 1924-1992

Collection 201 Oral History Interview with Russell P. Shedd

Identifier: CN 201
Scope and Contents Three oral history interviews with Russell Philip Shedd, in which he describes his upbringing by missionary parents in Bolivia; education at Wheaton College, Faith Seminary (PA), and the University of Edinburgh; Billy Graham's evangelistic meetings at Harringay and Edinburgh in 1954/55; evangelism opportunities in Scotland, 1953-55; and work with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society in Portugal, 1959-62, and Brazil, 1962-82. The time period covered by the interviews is 1929 to...
Dates: Created: 1982

Collection 218 Records of the Evangelical Missions Information Service

Identifier: CN 218
Scope and Contents Correspondence, press releases, minutes, financial statements, reports, and photographs documenting the activities of the Evangelical Mission Information Service (EMIS), the publications arm of both the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association and the Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association. Activities documented include the publication of several mission periodicals, including Evangelical Missions Quarterly and Missionary News Service; organization of missionary conferences and...
Dates: Created: 1964-1981

Collection 247 Oral History Interview with Louis E. Knowlton

Identifier: CN 247
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Louis E. Knowlton in which he discusses his career in evangelistic work and radio technology in Brazil for the Brazilian Evangelistic Association, Inc. Topics discussed include Knowlton's early life, education, service as an Army chaplain's assistant, decision to go into technological ministry, work at WMBI and in Brazil, efforts as a street evangelist and beginnings of music studio, Brazilian churches, church-state relations, ethnic groups and cults, the use of...
Dates: Created: 1982

Collection 328 Papers of Eric and Lydia Maillefer

Identifier: CN 328
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, speech manuscripts and prayer letters relating to the careers and ministries of Eric and Lydia Maillefer as missionaries and Christian workers with the Evangelical Free Church in Zaire, Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar (AEAM), and the Africa Evangelical Office (AEO). Lydia worked as a teacher and school administrator; Eric worked first as a teacher, then on loan as a conference coordinator to the Africa Evangelical Office, and later as administrative secretary...
Dates: Created: 1971-1991

Collection 331 Papers of Reuben Archer Torrey, III

Identifier: CN 331
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with Reuben Archer Torrey III and a videotape of the Otterbein United Brethren Missionary Convention in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania on April 23, 1986.Audio TapesOral history interview with Reuben Archer Torrey in which he describes his childhood in China as the son of Presbyterian missionaries; his experiences at boarding schools in China and Korea; his grandfather, Dr. R. A. Torrey, Sr.; his work as an Episcopalian...
Dates: Created: 1986

Collection 358 Papers of Charles P. Wagner

Identifier: CN 358
Scope and Contents Correspondence, memos, minutes, reports, promotional materials, news releases, clippings, article and address manuscripts, photographs and negatives. The materials document Wagner's activities as a member of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and its Executive Committee; as chairperson of its Strategy Working Group; as co-editor of the annual books, UNREACHED PEOPLES '79, '80, and '81; as a missionary educator and theologian in South America; and his appointment to Fuller...
Dates: Created: 1965-1987

Collection 361 Oral History Interviews with C. René Padilla

Identifier: CN 361
Scope and Contents Oral history interview with René Padilla, in which he discusses his childhood, family, evangelism in Colombia and Ecuador, persecution by Catholics in Colombia, his education at Wheaton College, work among university students with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Latin America, evangelical theological education and liberation theology, the 1974 Lausanne Congress and covenant, the ministry of his church in Buenos Aires among drug addicts and slum dwellers, and the...
Dates: Created: 1987

Collection 388 Oral History Interviews with Catherine Saavedra Velasco

Identifier: CN 388
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Catherine Saavedra Velasco in which she discusses her life and ministry in the Philippines, including her childhood, education, and work as a Bible school teacher. Other topics covered include theological education and evangelism in the Philippines; work with "Here's Life Philippines," sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ; the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church; Filipino culture; Muslim and Catholic communities in the Philippines; Ebenezer Bible College;...
Dates: Created: 1988

Collection 414 Papers of Wade T. Coggins

Identifier: CN 414
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews, papers and speech manuscripts relating to the ministry of Wade T. Coggins, Christian worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the Evangelical Foreign Mission Association.

Dates: Created: 1964-1990

Collection 415 Papers of Bonnie Stuckless

Identifier: CN 415
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews, prayer letters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and articles relating to the ministry of Bonnie G. Stuckless and her husband Donald Stuckless, missionaries in Colombia, Panama, and Spain with the Assemblies of God from 1970 to 1992.[NOTE: In the Scope and Content description, the notation "folder 2-5" means box 2, folder 5.]Series: Audio TapesTwo oral history...
Dates: Created: 1969-1992

Collection 423 Oral History Interviews with Rodrigo Chavarria

Identifier: CN 423
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Rodrigo Chavarria (1956-2015) in which he discusses his childhood in Costa Rica, his conversion to Christianity; spiritual development; his theological education in Costa Rica and the United States; relations between Protestants and Catholics in Costa Rica; relations between the church and the state; Pentecostalism in Costa Rica; liberation theology; and evangelical institutions in Costa Rica. Other topics include a discussion of Escuela des Estudios Pastorales...
Dates: Created: 1989

Collection 429 Oral History Interview with Milton Alfonso Acosta

Identifier: CN 429
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Milton Alfonso Acosta in which he describes his family background, youth, conversion to Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church in Colombia, charismatic movement in the Catholic Church, the state of the Evangelical church in Colombia; involvement in the student movement in Colombia, ministry as a staff worker with Unidad Christiana Universitaria (UCU), and UCU's relationship with local congregations. In a second interview, Acosta continues his description of work...
Dates: Created: 1990

Collection 521 Oral History Interview with Nancy Duarte-Gomez

Identifier: CN 521
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Nancy Duarte-Gomez, a Chilean staffworker with Grupo Biblico Universitario de Chile (GBU, InterVarsity sister movement). Duarte describes her childhood and youth, education, religious background, conversion and spiritual development, the church in Chile, training with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), ministry among students, GBU and its connection to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), the country's political climate and its impact on the church,...
Dates: Created: 1995

Collection 598 Records of Wheaton '83 Conference

Identifier: CN 598
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, papers, case studies, minutes, participant evaluations, and other documents relating to the planning, holding and follow-up of Wheaton '83, an international, evangelical conference exploring the nature and mission of the global church. The meeting was sponsored by the World Evangelical Fellowship and other organizations. It consisted of three simultaneous consultations which dealt with the local church, evangelism across frontiers, and Christian response to human need.

Dates: Created: 1975-1984, undated

Collection 646 Records of the Evangelical Committee on Latin America (ECLA)

Identifier: CN 646
Scope and Contents

Financial records, correspondence, reports, committee memos, minutes, articles and newsletters related to the work of the Evangelical Committee on Latin America especially pertaining to its visits to and consultations with Latin and South American organizations. Also contains many advisory reports given to the Board of ECLA.

Dates: Created: 1966-1976

Collection 654 Ephemera of Byang Kato

Identifier: CN 654
Scope and Contents Photocopies of essays, theses, articles, tributes, tracts and sermons written by or about Byang Kato, a Nigerian theologian and the first General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar (AEAM).Series: Paper RecordsArrangement: Alphabetical by folder title; arranged by Archives staffDate Range: 1962-1996, n.d....
Dates: Created: 1962-1996

Collection 707 Oral History Interviews with Douglas W. Stewart

Identifier: CN 707
Scope and Contents Oral history interviews with Douglas W. Stewart in which he describes his ministry with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in South and Central America and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 1963-1991. Topics discussed include Stewart’s family background, spiritual growth, education at Colombia Bible College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, leadership, roles, and structure of IFES, political, social, and religious context in South and Central America,...
Dates: 2018

Latin America Mission Records

Identifier: CN 236
Brief Description Records of the mission, including correspondence, minutes, reports, memos, financial reports, policy statements, planning documents, promotional material, photographs, etc. Documents describe the origins of LAM (particularly the contribution of the Strachan family); evangelistic, church planting, educational, medical, and literature activities (primarily in Colombia and Costa Rica, but also many other Latin American countries and the United States); the restructuring of the mission in the...
Dates: Created: 1903-1994

Samuel Escobar Papers

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-2023
Dates: ca. 1960-2023

World Evangelical Fellowship records.

 Unprocessed Material — Box 2
Identifier: 2008-054
Dates: 1973-1980