Found in 75 Collections and/or Records:
AD2000 Prayer Track records.
Anita and Peter Deyneka, Jr. Papers
Armin Gesswein principles of prayer handouts.
Collection 038 Ephemera of Paul Rader
Collection 041 Ephemera of Billy Sunday Campaign Music and the Old Time Religion
Collection 044 Papers of Helen M. Tenney
Correspondence, scrapbook, drafts, articles, and research notes which reflect Tenney's active participation in a number of evangelical ministries, but particularly her work with the Woman's Union Missionary Society (WUMS), especially the labor she put into writing a history of that organization. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts of that history.
Collection 46: Lausanne Movement Records
Collection 061 Papers of Billy and Helen Sunday
Collection 080 Papers of Miriam J. Dunn
Collection 085 Papers of William H. Wrighton
Sermons, clippings, articles, manuscripts, notebooks, personal records, correspondence and miscellaneous items relating to the William Wrighton's career as a pastor, professor, writer. Also in this collection are photographs of Wrighton and his family and friends.
Collection 087 Papers of Fredrik Franson
Collection 095 Ephemera of William B. Riley
Films, including a home movie, microfilm of scrapbooks, notebooks, clippings, and sermons of William Bell Riley, noted Fundamentalist, Baptist minister, theologian,and founder and president of of Northwestern Bible School in Minnesota.
Collection 103 Ephemera of Aimee Semple McPherson
Sermon transcripts, sermon notes, audio tape recordings of sermons, films, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, video tape, and evangelistic campaign literature related to Aimee Semple McPherson's ministry as an evangelist, radio speaker, public figure and founder of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Most of the materials in this collection are available from the BGC Archives only on microfilm.
Collection 117 Ephemera of Stuart Hamblen
Phonograph record and audio tape of popular songs, hymns and Gospel songs sung by Hamblen, several of which he also wrote. The two songs on the phonograph album, "Golden River" and "Dream Book of Memories," were also written by him. There are twenty-four selections on the audio tape. Songs both written and sung by Hamblen include "It Is No Secret," "His Hands," "This Ole House," and "The Lord is Counting on You."
Collection 118 Ephemera of Mordecai Ham
Collection 123 Ephemera of William M. Branham
Collection 130 Ephemera of Homer Rodeheaver
Collection 176 Records of the National Prayer Congress
Collection 181 Papers of Earl W. Schultz, Jr.
Collection 209 Papers of Eugene R. Bertermann
Collection 221 Ephemera of Campus Crusade for Christ
Collection 229 Oral History Interview with L. C. Robie
Collection 269 Papers of Samuel M. Shoemaker
Collection 277 Ephemera of Jim Elliot
Correspondence, tapes of sermons and audio letters, journals, notebooks, annotated Bibles, school records, poems, clippings, drawings, and other materials describing Elliot's courtship of his wife Elisabeth, his spiritual preparation for the mission field, early days of his work in Ecuador, and events leading up to his death and those of four other missionaries at the hands of the Waorani (called "Auca" by their enemies) people. Microfilm edition of materials available for researcher use.
Collection 280 Papers of Malla Moe
Diaries, notebooks, correspondence, clippings, financial records, tracts, photographs, and certificates belonging to Malla Moe, missionary to South Africa, 1892-1953, under Scandinavian Alliance Mission (later TEAM). Correspondence documents evangelistic work among South African tribes in Swaziland and Tongoland and includes descriptions of the Boer War, life in African communities, and church growth.
Collection 296 Oral History Interviews with Stanley Okoro
Collection 310 Oral History Interview with Eugene Grosman
Collection 314 Oral History Interview with Martha H. Philips
Collection 322 Papers of Oswald J. Smith
Collection 337 Papers of Roger H. Malstead
Collection 341 Papers of Victor G. Plymire
Collection 374 Oral History Interviews with Artis Fletcher
Oral history interview with Artis Edwards Fletcher in which he discusses his childhood, education, and work as pastor of the Mendenhall Bible Church. Also discussed are John Perkins, Voice of Calvary Ministries, the black church in the United States, and racial conditions in Mississippi. The time period covered by the interviews is 1944-1987.
Artis Fletcher was interviewed in by Paul Ericksen at office at the Mendenhall Bible Church, Mendenhall, MS on June 26, 1987.
Collection 431 Oral History Interviews with T. Michael Flowers
Collection 447 Oral History Interview with Scott J. Harbert
Collection 448 Oral History Interviews with Seung-Hun Yang
Collection 450 Oral History Interviews with Vasile Bunta
Collection 451 Papers of Bernard L. J. Litchman
Collection consists of diaries, negatives, photographs, and slides created by Bernard "Jack" Litchman about his work with Africa Inland Mission in the former Belgian Congo (now Zaire), mostly among the Balendu people, in and around the Linga mission station, as well as involvement in setting up Sunday Schools, churches, itinerant preaching, and other mission activities as well as working as a health officer for the Belgian government.